Growth Chart


1: 125

2: 375 (500)'

3: 750 (1250)'

4: 1250 (2500)'

5: 1875 (4375)'


example calculation:

Zorn Uzkul Growth level is 3 and has 860 growth stored and growth income 235.

When is Zorn Uzkul at Growth level 5?

((5)' - ((3)' + 860)) / 235 = (4375 - 2110) / 235 = 2265 / 235 = 9,6 = 10 turns.

(Always round up. the decimal can help indicate wether you are close to a breakpoint.)

should i upgrade or downgrade growth?

how much growth is needed for next breakpoint in either direction?

assuming 1 turn upgrade/downgrade (edict or level 1 building or delete building)

current perfect amount of growth income:

(2265 - 235) / (10 - 1) = 225,5 = 226

This means you can safely remove 9 growth.

one turn faster:

(2265 - 235) / (10 - 2) = 253,75 = 254

This means you need an extra 19 growth from next turn to get one turn faster.

two turns faster:

(2265 - 235) / (10 - 3) = 290

This means you need an extra 55 growth from next turn to get two turns faster.

Assuming 3 turns to upgrade:

one turn faster:

(2265 - 235*3) / (10 - 4) = 260

This means in three turns you need an extra 25 growth to get one turn faster.

Derrived Formula:

(GrowthRemaining - CurrentGrowth*TurnsToComplete) / (TurnsRemaining - TurnsToComplete - BreakpointToSubtract) = GrowthIncomeToAchieve


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