[GUIDE] Arm wrestling Champion

[GUIDE] Arm wrestling Champion

How To Play?

Timely press the left mouse button

How To Win?

In order to win you need to press the buttons on time!

How To Become A Champion?

[GUIDE] Arm wrestling Champion image 5

1. Have a good reaction or develop it!

2. Click only on WHITE and RED!

3. Never skip the first WHITE button!

An Example Of Victory!

[GUIDE] Arm wrestling Champion image 10


[GUIDE] Arm wrestling Champion image 12

There are several options for the location of the buttons, which depend on the table / server (maybe the player)

There are players, playing against whom, the buttons appear with a delay

Due to the reasons above, the buttons may appear at the last millisecond and it may not be possible to press it

What to do in this case? Change table/player/server


Now You Are Ready To Become A God In This Arm Wrestling Simulator! Good Luck!

P.S. I hope the developers will add some rewards for arm wrestling

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2981710259					

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