The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you.

The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you.


The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 1

Good morning, fellow sleeper agents.

My name is Fgyjt Ingeniero Europeo, and like you, i am also taking Murkoff's therapy to become a cool secret agent like many of you!

If you are a veteran of the trials just like me, you will surely be familiar with the Pouncers. You know, the women that hides in places, cries and then jumps at you when you get to close.

Now, you may be thinking: "Why would i want to grab one of the experiments from the trials and bring it with me into the Sleeper Room????? Would Murkoff even allowe that??"

Oh, trust me, THEY WILL allowe that. As for why you should do that... i explain later.

Now, let us begin.

Why You Should Do It?

There is actually a HUGE tons of reasons why you should "rescure" a Pouncer girl and bring it with you to the Sleeper Room.

Because it feels good to rescure a damsel in distress.

Because they are wacky and silly.

They bodies are cold and refreshing to hug after a hot and infernal trial.


If you do the guide right, she will absolutly love and devote to you forever and ever, even after been reborn.

They will protect your cell from unwanted intrusions by other reagents.

I will not lie, the real core reason why people like you and me would do this is purely for sexual pleasure and having a power dynamic. However, that is NOT an excuse to do it with abuse and evil in your hearts. Rebember, consent makes everything more sexier.

Still, i recommend you to this as soon as possible. Since it will be harder to bond with your Pouncer if you rescure her as you are finishing Program X.

1: Where To Find And How To Rescure A Pouncer.

The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 19
The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 20
The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 21

The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 22
The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 23
The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 24
The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 25
The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 26
The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 27
The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 28
The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 29
The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 30

Pouncers can be found over all the entire wild fauna of the trials, in every single trial you can perfectly find at least 3 or 4 of then. You should lisen to his squeaky and rusty voice and the voicelines they scream:

"You cruel... PERVERTED!"

"Mother of God..."

"Mother of God!"

"I feel on my keys..."

"Please let me die..."


"So bad... It huuurts!"

"Bad baby!"

"Ugh, MOTHER!"

"Why would you do that?!"

Besides that, you must also pay attention for their hiding spots, here are some pictures for reference:

Wild Pouncers hiding in their naturals spots: In barrels, containers and desks.

Wild Pouncers outside their hiding spot, usually after defending thelselfs from a intruding reagent.

Wild Pouncers more up close, keep in mind that is harder to get a good screenshot to their faces do to their aggresive and enegertic movements, shaking the entire camera.

Good! Know that we know there are they, that they sound like, and how they look, is time to learn how to dominate and "rescure" one for you.

First, is it essential and obligatory to have the prescription that lets you fend of Pouncers with a bottle or a brick.

Second, you must have quick reflexes and be at least somewhat physically strong to subdue her.

How to do it:

1: Locate the hiding spot of a Pouncer.

2: Trick her into attacking you.

3: Use a bottle or brick to shut her down.

4: BEFORE she can get up, grab her and pin her into the floor. Then grab her arms and be prepared for her freakout. Check this imagen for visual aid:

Of course, is way easier if you are somewhere where there are no ex-pops to annoy and interrup you.

5: Resist and restring her until she eventually calms down due to her running out of breath and energy to try to break free.

6: After a while, she should start crying and stopping trying to break free. Meaning she has surrended upon you.

7: If you are already finishing the trial, carry her with you into the exit pots. If not, you can make her hide somewhere safe and close to the exit.

Congratulations! Now when you appear back in the cleaning hall post-trial, you will see your reagent carrying the Pouncer like a princess. But when you leave the hallway, she will suddently disapear!

2: Living And Caring For Your Pouncer:

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The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 61

The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 62

This is where the real hard work begins:

First, do not panic, your Pouncer is now safe inside your cell. She will be hiding either in your bed or in the self of the window:

Marvelous! She is now living with you, but do not think this is over now, know you have to fix and rescure her using the psychologicals tricks you have learned with Murkoff!

Now, i will do a quick and brief resume in how to treat your Pouncer:

First, you must undestand the Pouncer lore:

They suffer from very heavy paranoia and sadomasoquism.

In their "unhealty" phase, they will be covered in various pieces of spiky metals, cables and even their own nails into their body.

They suffer from a paradogical complex that makes then aliviated when their biggest fears come true.

They tend to fantasie with even more horrible traumas and pains been inflicted upon then.

As you can see, Pouncers are highly disturbed women, who both fear and desire to be abused. Of course, since we are not evil psychopaths like Easterman, we will not abuse them.

Please, keep in mind that victims of hardcore abuse tends to unintencionally seek out people similar to their previous abusers. We will use this trick to slowy heal then back to normality.

For this, i will compare been in a relationship with a pouncer similar to been in a BDSM power relationship with a broken and hyperactive bratty girl, as we will aproach this situation like that. Just rebember she is human like you, and you will be able to slowy change her back to normality by this guide:

As you begin to care for your Pouncer, the first very important step is to feed her, but who?

Well... is simple.


At the beggining of your relationship, start by feeding your Pouncer a donut everytime you come back from a trial. Follow this steps to do it propely:

During the first 5 Donuts, stay as far away from the Pouncer to give her time and prove her you are not a danger to her.

During the next 5 Donuts, you can get a bit closer to her, as she will get used to you and your smell.

During the next other 5 Donuts, this is where you must make physical contact with her. Gently pet her head and caresse her back as she eats the donuts.

You will know you did it right if she begins smiling at you and laughing (still in a crazy way). After that, Phase 2 can begin.

You must rebember that Pouncers, like any other psychologically broken and submissive women, they need a strong partner to guide then and care for then, take for example, this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ disgusting zlut:

(Ame-chan from Needy Girl Overdose, if you know, you know.)

What you must do not is "re-traumatize" her into stop been a lunatic and turning her into a cute little servant wife addicted to you. Yes i know it sounds weird and creppy, but at least is better that her ending as a hobo like you previously.

Easiest way to develop your relationship with your Pouncer is by just spending time with her. If she is hiding beneath the self, just crouch and get close to her. If she is under your bed, you will see a prop that says "Hide together". Press "E" and you will be able to hide with your Pouncer under your bed. You can hug and cuddle with her a bit, as long as you are carefull not to get hurt by her metals.

After that, Phase 3 Will begin, i like to call this phase the "Purification Ritual".

3: Purification Ritual.

The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 89
The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 90
The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 91

You must now carefully remove the pieces of metal of her body.

To begin with: Sit your Pouncer on your bed, and prepare a Donut, desinfecter, and clean bandages.

You will start by removing her "helmet". First, unscrew the two points marked with blue in the imagen, you can perfectly use your fingers or even a wooden pen. Then, disconect her metalic collar by pressing the buttom BEHIND her, on her collar. With that, you can safely remove the helmet and the collar from her body. Letting her move his head better and less painfully.


You must use a flat, slim and durable tool to pull of her metal piece of her back (something similar to a screwdriver with a flat head or a credit card.) You can also re-use the spiky helmet to do it.

Basically, put the flap surface of the tool above her back, then SLOWY and CAREFULLY pass it inside the metal piece, as if you were peeling it off her. I highly recomend to command your Pouncer to hug and hold you so she can hold herself while you are removing that big piece of metal out of her.

Be ready to inmidietly pull in the desinfecter and the bandages, as she is garanted to BLEED a lot after removing the back metal.

To finish the purification, you will cut the wired streched into her torso. You can easily tear then out with your hands or with any other sharp tool, just make sure not to stab your Pouncer with it.

After that, the ritual is complete. Reward your Pouncer with a Donut and let her rest while hugging you. This will reafirm to her that you are a kind and gentle Master.

4: Salvation.

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The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 103
The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 104

If you have done everything right, you will notice your Pouncer behaving a bit more "normal", also behaving more submissive and needy towards you.

The ultimate hint to see if she as absolutly fallen in love with you, is that her locations in your cells will change:

When you enter the game from the main menu, she will not be sleeping with you on your bed. After opening your eyes, you can stay with her until you decide to get up the bed.

After returning from a Trial, she will be waiting for you in your cell by looking at your from the window of your cell, like this:

She may be also waiting for you by laying on your bed or sitting on your chair desk.

She will now also have new voicelines:

"PLEEEASE, don't leave me again!"

"I need you more that myself..."

"Just ♥♥♥♥ me already... i beg you..."


"I... i have been good, i promise..."

"G-God? Is that you?"

"I don't know what to do without you..."

"This is our hidding spot now... but i have no keys."

"We're hidden in here... right, master?"

And with that, you are practically DONE. She is now absolutly yours to heal and love. While you keep been with her, you will also notice her skin "healing" back to normality. Refer to this imagen as visual aid, (this is only a for psysical health, she is still mentally ill):

When you now interact with the mirror, you are now able to propely dress your Pouncer. You can give her any clothes you want, as long as you have already unlocked them. You can even give her Reborn suits!

There is one last thing you can do with your Pouncer, but his highly risky and i highly discourage you from doing it. And that is making your Pouncer follow you to the trials with you as a helping companion.

Who your Pouncer works in the Trials:

If you take her hand before starting a trial and enter inside the pot with her, this will start her follower routine.

She will by default follow behind you, crouching or running depending of the situation.

To make it easier to move her around, you can command her to let her piggyback carry her on your back. Do not worry, she will not slow you down as if you where carrying a heavy object.

She can grab and storage items for you, she will have the same inventory capacity as you.

She CANNOT use brinks or bottles for distractions or self defense.

She can accidentally trigger mines, but she does not have any sanity meter since tecnically she is already insane, so she is fine.

She can kick any enemy that grabs you before they hurt you (Including Lelant, Fhilys, and the pusher before he can drug you!)

You can command her to interact with various items: Like buttoms, doors, key corpses, valves, medicinal cabinets and toolboxes.

You can bring her with other reagents who also has their individual tamed Pouncers.

After completing the trial, she will happear next to you, been cute.

Why i actually HIGHLY discourage everybody for making your Pouncer follow you to the Trials.

The moment she defends you from any ex-pop. SHE BECOMES PUBLIC ENEMY Nº 1, all the other ex-pops will magically know she is with you and will target her and try to KILL HER.

Only way to revive her if you gave her a respawn pill or using a syringe on her corpse. If you gaved her a pill previously of her getting killed, she will ressurect after half a minute.

However, if you do none of this and she gets killed. YOU ♥♥♥♥♥♥ UP. She is GONE forever, you must either accept you failed as a Master or Alt+F4 the game inmidietly.

While you are piggyback carrying her, if you get DOWNED she will inmidietly star running away and try to find a hiding spot, meaning you will either bleed out, executed, or miracously saved if the Ex-Pop are dumb enough to give her a small window of opportunity to come back and revive you.

Her IA is very random and unrealiable, she will either perfectly hide and rescure you like a pro, or get instantly caught and executed.

To be fair, the game is kind of forgiving when you or your Pouncer messes up. If you get killed, the trial will continue as you will be expectating your Pouncer as she runs around the trial trying to hide and find a syringe or pills to ressurect you, and if she gets her health completly out. She will not die, and instead count as a down and will inmidietly end and fail the Trial. But at least she will still be alive!

However, if you are an incompetent coward idiot, and fail to protect your Pouncer, making her get electrified by Coyle or drilled the heck out by Gooseberry, AND you do not ressurect her and leave the trial without her. She is GONE forever. You are an absolute failure and shame to all the Masters everywhere and you must try again with a new Pouncer.

5: The Endgame.

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The Hug of Love: A 101 guide on how to tame a cute little Pouncer for you. image 144

After completing Program X, either alone or with the help of other reagents and your Pouncer. Is time for the Farewell Trial and to get the good ending.

The Farewell Trial is the only trial you are absolutly REQUIRED AND OBLIGATED to bring your Pouncer with you. As this is how you trigger the "good" ending of Outlast Trials.

Make sure to piggyback your Pouncer constantly, and make sure that she is alive as you enter the final door (the one where you enter the weird hallucination of been in a ocean with a flashing light.)

If she is DOWNED or KILLED before reaching the door, you screw it up.

A trick you can do is to make her wait for you at the beggining of the trial, since you only need her alive, not to follow you constantly to make her escape with you.

You know it will work because she will not be with you in either Cuba or Vietnam, after you two succefully become a sleeper agents.

In Cuba, she will be sleeping with you on the bed of the hotel, wearing the same formal dress female sleeper agents wear during the epiloge. And you two will go together to kill Fidel Castro in epic style.

In Vietnam, she will heroically remove the strapped bomb at your chest and toss it into the building before it can explode. Killing the ambassadors inside the building as you drive away safery with her.


I will dedicate this last part of the guide for anybody who still has doubs about how to tame a Pouncer. Fell free to ask anything on the comments and i will reply!

Starting with this common questions:

"What the heck is wrong with you?

My Awnser: I have a SoftMaledom kink, with me been the dominant male.

"Can i have multiple Pouncers?"

NO! Pouncers are very needy and dependant on you! If you break the Monogamy, they will fight and kill eachother.. and they will get jealous and KILL YOU FOR IT!

"Can i feed my Pouncer with human meat?"

NO! You are running the risk of her eating you out literally when you two eventually have sex!


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