How to play alone

How to play alone

Playing Alone

How to play alone image 1

You asked all of your friends to buy the game but noone bought it so here you are playing alone because who wants to play with randoms am i rite. Even the game wants you to play with others because i got A- and it said "group effort" even tho i played alone

Playing Alone

I have not played enough to know what happens if you die but these things i do know:

Game does not pause when you press esc even if you are alone even if you started the game alone.

Gameplay does not change at all expect there is no one to save you if you get grabbed

I don't know is there revive in co-op and or self revive in solo

Now playing alone might not be easy for you but for me i'm used to play alone. If you have played outlast 1 or 2 this should be easy task for you like myself.

Game does not bombard you with jumpscares maybe box might fall down and guy who is already hiding somewhere but you can spot them before you try to enter the hiding place. you should fear the enemies more than expecting jumpscare to happen.

thx for reading sorry for bad english (i'm finnish)


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