Sleep room lamp jump [Patched on 13 June 2023]

Sleep room lamp jump [Patched on 13 June 2023]


Red Barrels is a spoiled sport and patched the railing. Let me know if you find any other way to get up

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on how to successfully jump onto the lamp in the sleep room.

I've received numerous inquiries on how to accomplish this feat, so I've decided to provide a detailed explanation along with helpful lineups to ensure consistent success.

Here is a slow video demonstration to visually illustrate how the jump is performed.

Part 1 - Getting On The Railing

Sleep room lamp jump [Patched on 13 June 2023] image 7

Go up the stairs on the side with the red pipe

(I tried doing the jump on the other side of the sleep room without the pipe. But the walk jump lands too near, and the run jump lands too far)

Lineup on the right side of the red pipe

Aim at the top of the lower railing

Do a W + Space jump

Part 2 - Going Up The Railing

Sleep room lamp jump [Patched on 13 June 2023] image 14

Stay near the center of the railing or you will fall off

Press W to move forward


Move your mouse left/right while moving forward to adjust your position instead of pressing A/D to have a lower chance of falling

Part 3 - Going Across The Long Railing

Sleep room lamp jump [Patched on 13 June 2023] image 20

Start on the right side of the long railing and aim slightly towards the left

Press W


If you move towards the right of this railing, you will fall off. So only move towards the left.

Part 4 - Jumping On The Lamp

Sleep room lamp jump [Patched on 13 June 2023] image 26
Sleep room lamp jump [Patched on 13 June 2023] image 27
Sleep room lamp jump [Patched on 13 June 2023] image 28

Face towards the wall

Ensure you are near the center of the railing or you will fall off

Lineup to the position on the railing shown in the screenshot (I am using the chair and the metal socket behind it to do the lineup)

Turn around and aim at the center of the lamp

Run for a short while and jump


Move slightly towards the left of the railing to give space for yourself to run for the jump.

Move your mouse left/right while moving forward to adjust your position instead of pressing A/D to have a lower chance of falling

Part 5 - Bonus

Sleep room lamp jump [Patched on 13 June 2023] image 38
Sleep room lamp jump [Patched on 13 June 2023] image 39

If you jumped too early land slightly in front of the lamp, you may be stuck in a falling animation.

Other people in the lobby will see you glitching out. (I don't have a clip of this as people are too lazy to clip it and send it to me)

When stuck in the falling animation, you will not be able to move (WASD). To fall off the lamp, move your view around and you will fall off.

You can land on the arm wrestling table if you stand further back for the jump

Arm wrestlers will have a nice view and have their arms inside you


Red Barrels please do not remove this. It's not a bug, its a feature. It gives us more things to do in the sleep room. Thanks


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