The Adventure Of The Blossoming Attorney
Trial, Part 1
- ACHIEVEMENT: Switch on all three of the alternate costumes for Ryunosuke, Susato and Sholmes and start the game. These can be switched off later once the achievement has been obtained if you don't want to use them.
- ACHIEVEMENT: Select "Taketsuchi Auchi" when answering the first question.
- ACHIEVEMENT: Select "Yujin Mikotoba" when answering the first question.
- Select: "Jezaille Brett'".
- Select: "A killer".
- When prompted, select all three options.
("Crime Scene Photograph" added to the Court Record)
("Soseki Natsume Article" added to the Court Record)
Hosonaga and Soseki's Testimony: The Witnessed Scene
1. Hosonaga "On the day of the incident, I was ordered on a special surveillance assignment in this disguise." 2. Soseki "I'd just managed to catch that crab when I suddenly heard a caterwaul from behind me." 3. Hosonaga "I ran into the beach hut at once, where I found the pair in question." 4. Soseki "YES YES YES! That young girl was astride the Englishwoman, dagger in hand, as she stabbed wildly!" 5. Hosonaga " I saw blood on the blade. It proved to me that she'd stabbed the victim multiple times."
("Fountain Pen" added to the Court Record)
Cross Examination: The Witnessed Scene:
- Present the "Post-Mortem Report" on the 5th statement.
- Select: "Save her life'".
Hosonaga's Testimony: Forensic Medicine Primer
1. Hosonaga "Pulling a blade from a wound without thinking could cause heavy bleeding." 2. Soseki "That's basic knowledge that any medical research assistant with an ounce of sense ought to know." 3. Hosonaga "In other words, there's no good reason why the defendant would have tried to pull the knife from the victim." 4. Soseki "Let's not forget that the young student did have a motive for killing the victim." 5. Hosonaga " The man the victim murdered, nine months ago, Dr Wilson, was the defendant's highly respected mentor."
(If you would like a refresher on examining evidence, skip to the end of the testimony.)
- Examine the back of the "Soseki Natsume Article".
("Poison Article" added to the Court Record)
- Present the "Poison Article" on Statement 3.
- Select "Deadly in Tiny Quantities!"
- Present the "Post-Mortem Report".
("Incriminating Photograph" added to the Court Record)
Select "I have the answer".
- Present the "Soseki Natsume Article".
Select "A camera defect".
To be continued. . .
Trial, Part 2
("Chemical Reagent" added to the Court Record)
("Murder Weapon" added to the Court Record)
Testimony: "The Camera Never Lies":
1. Menimemo "The beach hut was made of shoddy old reed screens, so there were plenty of gaps I could see inside through." 2. Menimemo "The Englishwoman was sitting on a stool when the student girl came in and started arguing with her." 3. Menimemo "Second later, the girl pulled out a knife, throwing the Englishwoman to the floor as she stabbed her in the back!" 4. Menimemo "My smouldering journo spirit burst into flames! Quick as a flash, I whipped out my camera ready to click!" 5. Menimemo "I pulled apart the rough weave of one of the screens and poked the lens through for the perfect shot."
Cross Examination: "The Camera Never Lies":
- Press Statement 3.
("Beach Hut Plan" added to the Court Record)
(Statement added: "I never once set foot in the hut, nor spoke with the Englishwoman. I was there only as a observer.")
- Before proceeding, open the "Fountain Pen" in the Court Record and examine the cap.
- Next, examine the barrel of the pen to unscrew it.
- Then examine the little reservoir inside.
- Finally, examine the Emblem/Logo on the bottom.
("Fountain Pen" updated in the Court Record)
- Present the updated "Fountain Pen" on Statement 6.
- Point to the Emblem/Logo on the bottom of the pen.
Testimony: "The Witnesses' Secrets":
1. Menimemo "I asked the Englishwoman for a interview, but she declined. So I left the hut without making a fuss." 2. Menimemo "Then, watching secretly from outside, I saw the woman being stabbed and the other witnesses come running." 3. Menimemo "The detective realised that the victim still had a pulse, so he ran off to fetch help." 4. Menimemo "That's when this writer man here asked the woman a very significant question." 5. Menimemo "But he didn't say anything about that in his testimony! Which is why Menimemoism demands I reveal it now!"
Cross Examination: "The Witnesses' Secrets":
- Press Statement 4 and Statement 5.
- When prompted, select "I know how!".
- Point to anywhere on the left of the hut.
- Present the "Crime Scene Photograph".
- Point to the small slit in the back wall, just above the stool and to the right of the dress.
Testimony: "Complete Innocence":
1. Menimemo "Oh yes, I stabbed the Englishwoman. And it's that very fact that proves I'm innocent!" 2. Menimemo "Because why would I have bothered to stab the woman if I'd already poisoned her?" 3. Menimemo "When I heard the student girl and that pompous English murderer got my goat." 4. Menimemo "If the courts weren't going to punish Brett for what she did, someone else would have to see justice done!"
Cross Examination: "Complete Innocence":
- Press Statement 3.
- Press Statement 4.
("Poison Article" updated in the Court Record)
(Statement added: "The point is...if you'd poisoned someone, there'd be no reason to then go and stab the person as well!")
- Present the "Poison Article" on Statement 5.
- Present the "Fountain Pen".
- Present the "Chemical Reagent".
The Memoirs Of The Clouded Kokoro
Investigation, Part 1
- ACHIEVEMENT (5/7): Examine the blackboard on the right before talking to Sholmes.
- ACHIEVEMENT (3/8): Move to "Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy".
- ACHIEVEMENT (3/8): Examine the shovel on the left near the window.
- ACHIEVEMENT (3/8) Move back to "Sholmes's Suite".
- Talk to Herlock Sholmes about all topics.
(Game will move you after you do, so be sure to get the achievement stuff first!)
- Automatically moved to "Miss Green's Hospital Bed".
- ACHIEVEMENT (6/7): Move to "Sholmes's Suite".
- Examine the blackboard on the right.
- Move back to "Miss Green's Hospital Bed".
- Examine Olive Green on the hospital bed to start a conversation with her.
- Talk to Olive Green about all topics.
- Examine the green frame on the dresser, next to the brown easel.
- Automatically moved to "Mr Natsume's Lodgings".
- Examine Tobias Gregson to talk to him.
- Examine Soseki Natsume to talk to him.
- Pan left and examine Herlock Sholmes once he appears.
"The Great Deduction: Cause of Death / Suicide or Murder?"
- Let's rock out with our socks out! . . or. . something like that? It's time for another. .
"Course Correct:"
- Rotate the camera slightly to the left and Present the other piece of soap on the floor.
- Rotate the camera to the right and Present the knocked over teacup on the table.
- Rotate the camera to the right and Present the teacup in the victim's hand.
- Rotate the camera to the left, Examine the small pile of books.
(You will need to select the books and then hit Space)
- Present the pile of familiar books.
Deduction Complete: Elementary!
- Examine the envelope piece, found in front of the mannequin on the right.
("Torn-Off End of Envelope" added to the Court Record)
- Examine the tipped over teacup on the table.
("Pair of Teacups" added to the Court Record)
- Examine the costumes on the right next to the bricked-up window.
- Examine the shelves on the right next to the costumes.
- Examine the body, slumped out on the table.
- Examine the brown locked machine on the wall, connected to the pipes.
- Examine the bricked-up window, and then, examine the hole in the window.
("Bar of Soap" added to the Court Record)
- Automatically moved to "Briar Road".
- ACHIEVEMENT (4/8): Move to "Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy".
- ACHIEVEMENT(4/8): Examine the shovel on the left near the window.
- Move to "The Garridebs' Room".
- Talk to John Garrideb about all topics.
- Move to "Prison".
- Talk to Soseki Natsume about all topics.
To be continued. . .
Trial, Part 2
("Crime Scene Photograph" added to the Court Record)
Testimony: "The Catastrophic Night":
1. Soseki " It was around nine o'clock that evening when I visited my neighbour, and I took some tea with me as a gift." 2. Soseki "We had a heated literary debate over a nice, hot drink. After which I went back to my room, at around eleven." 3. Soseki "Argh! My tea was completely harmless! He couldn't have locked the door behind me otherwise, could he?" 4. Gregson "Strychnine takes some time to have an effect on the body. People don't keel over immediately after takin' it." 5. Gregson "The victim would have been perfectly able to lock the door after his guest left. The argument still stands."
Cross Examination: "The Catastrophic Night":
- Press Statement 4.
("Victim's Medical Report" added to the Court Record)
- Present "Victim's Medical Report" on Statement 2.
Testimony: "The Wintry Night of My Discontent":
1. Shamspeare "The snow lay about. My neighbour did cometh in the evening, bearing a gift of tea." 2. Shamspeare "But marry! Bitter was his drink! And when he left, I did fall prostrate on my table!." 3. Shamspeare " 'Twas the tea alone did pass my lips that late hour. Nought else." 4. Metermann "I was outside this bloke's window in the freezin' cold all night, keepin' an eye on his room." 5. Metermann "No one else visited his room but that short little round-backed Eastern fella."
Cross Examination: "The Wintry Night of My Discontent":
- Press every statement.
Summation Examination: The Jurors' Contentions.
1. Juror No. 1 "The victim may not be well off, but he's a noble man and straight up! There's no reason to doubt the man." 2. Juror No. 2 "Well, I do declare the good gentleman has no reason to lie. In fact...I think he's rather splendid." 3. Juror No. 3 "Just look at the accused by comparison! He's Japanese, stoops all the while, and has a moustache! Very fishy..." 4. Juror No. 4 "There's no evidence to suggest the gangling actor is a fraudsman. ...For now, at least." 5. Juror No. 5 "Agh! I really don't care, like! I just need this trial to end quickly!" 6. Juror No. 6 "Three hours of 'missing time' is nothing when you reach my age, you know. Nothing at all."
The Defense's Rebuttal:
(Optional: You can ask Susato if you need a refresher on how to do a defense rebuttal.)
- Press on Juror No. 1's Statement.
- Press on Juror No. 4's Statement.
- Pit Juror No. 1 and Juror No. 4 against each other.
Testimony: "The Altamont Gas Company's Investigation":
1. Metermann "I'm proud to be the company's East End branch investigator and meter money collection agent." 2. Metermann "Altamont gas meters accept thruppenny bits, each coin givin' customers about two hours of gorgeous gas!" 3. Altamont "'And yet, the meter in Mr Shamspeare's room didn't have a single coin in it!" 4. Altamont "The meter doesn't appear to have been tampered with, though, and the collection agent has the only key." 5. Metermann "Somehow, he's usin' all the flamin' gas he wants without payin' a penny! If that's not thievin', what is?!"
Cross Examination: "The Wintry Night of My Discontent":
- Press on Statement 3.
("Gas Meter" added to the Court Record)
- Examine the "Gas Meter" and take a look at the bottom, where you can see a small hole.
("Gas Meter" updated in the Court Record)
- Present the updated "Gas Meter" on Statement 4.
- When prompted, select "How it differentiates between coins".
(Statement 4 revised: "The meter is designed for coins the exact diameter and thickness of a thrupenny bit. Nothing else will fit.")
- Examine the "Bar of Soap" and take a look at the bottom, where you can see a small circular depression.
- Present the updated "Bar Of Soap" on the revived Statement 4.
- When prompted, point at the circular depression on the bottom of the soap.
- When the "Gas Meter" appears, present the small hole on the bottom.
- Present the "Crime Scene Photograph".
- When given the chance, "raise a Objection".
- Select "Was the poison in the tea?"
- Present the "Bar Of Soap".
To be continued. . .
Investigation, Part 3
- Talk to Susato about all topics.
- Move to "Sholmes's Suite".
- Talk to Sholmes about all topics.
- Move to "Shamspeare's Room".
- Examine Sholmes over on the right checking out the outfit to start using his forensics.
- Spray the room. You can spray pretty much everywhere you want, but the two main areas that you'll want to spray if you want to continue the investigation is the floor to the right of the table, and then the picture frame to the left of the gas meter.
("Handprints on the Wall" picture added to the Court Record.)
- Examine Tobias over on the right checking out the floor to find out what's under it.
- Tobias will tell you what the three pieces of evidence under the floor were. Select all three options.
("Capital Offender Article" added to the Court Record.)
("Hidden Photograph" added to the Court Record.)
Optional: Examine Wagahai for some cute animations and some funny dialogue.
- Move to the "Prison".
- Talk to Soseki about all avaliable topics.
- Present the "Capital Offender Article".
- Talk to Sosek about both new topics.
- Move to "The Garridebs' Room".
- Talk to Mr. Garrideb about all avaliable topics.
- Present the "Hidden Photograph".
- Talk to Mr. Garrideb about the new topic.
- Move to "Miss Green's Hospital Bed".
- ACHIEVEMENT: Examine the blue bottle on the stool when you're able to.
- Talk to Miss Green about the only avaliable topic.
- Present the "Hidden Photograph".
(At this point, Green will fall over and knock the blue bottle off the stool. You will not be able to examine it again for the achievement, so make sure to do it before you present the photo.)
- Examine the dead mouse lying next to the spilled medicine.
- Examine the card on the stool.
- Talk to Miss Green about the two new avaliable topics.
To be continued. . .
Trial, Part 4
Testimony: "The Tea Inconsistency":
1. Shamspeare "The Japanese man did come to my chamber with tea brew'd in a pot." 2. Shamspeare "'Twas in my cup alone that the wicked miscreant secretly pour'd his wicked poison." 3. Shamspeare "Whilst feigning distraction in our debate, ne'er did a drop of his own drink pass his lips.'" 4. Shamspeare "When he departed by and by, I did use the tea that remain'd in his cup to make my coins of ice." 5. Shamspeare "Thus 'tis no surprise that poison be not found in the tea I did pour into the moulds of soap."
Cross Examination: "The Tea Inconsistency":
- Examine the "Pair of Teacups".
- Examine the green-ringed teacup.
("Pair of Teacups" updated in the Court Record.)
- Present the updated "Pair of Teacups" on Statement 3.
Summation Examination: The Jurors' Contentions.
1. Juror No. 1 "I'm a man of logic, me. And having considered all the evidence, the defendant must logically be guilty." 2. Juror No. 2 "I do agree that gas is far too expensive. I can quite understand why the man would want to avoid paying." 3. Juror No. 3 "The stuff explodes and it can poison you! It's absolutely lethal, gas is!" 4. Juror No. 4 "Gas doesn't come for free! It costs a fortune to deliver it around the city and maintain the pipes!" 5. Juror No. 5 "Truth be told, the tea my wife serves up for me is a little...sketchy at times." 6. Juror No. 6 "If nothing else passed the victim's lips that night, there's no other explanation, is there?"
The Defense's Rebuttal:
- Press Juror No. 4's statement, then when he reacts, pursue Juror No. 3.
(Statement amended: "Blow too hard into a gas pipe and you'll extinguish everything in the house. And then you're in real trouble!")
- Pit Juror No. 3 and Juror No. 6 against each other.
- When asked, present the "Handprints on the Wall".
- Press Juror No. 1's statement.
- When given the choice, select "I have supporting testimony".
- Present "Soseki Natsume".
- When asked, present "Soseki Natsume" again.
- When asked, present "Olive Green".
To be continued. . .
Trial, Part 5
("Bottle of Poison" added to the Court Record)
("Capital Offender's File" added to the Court Record)
Testimony: "The Evening of 17th February":
1. Green "It was six days ago, at about 5 p.m. I was walking along in the snow when I was suddenly stabbed in the back." 2. Green "Coincidentally, it happened to be just outside the house where the men in this case have their lodgings." 3. Shamspeare "'I was at the tavern on the eve of which thou speak'st, for I had bespoke my supper." 4. Green "It was the first time I'd been in the area. I had a little matter to attend to, that's all." 5. Green "Anyway, I was admitted straight to hospital, so I knew nothing about all of this business."
Cross Examination: "The Evening of 17th February":
- Press on Statement 4, and when he reacts, pursue Shamspeare.
("Miss Green's Card" added to the Court Record)
- Examine "Miss Green's Card".
("Miss Green's Card" updated in the Court Record)
("Torn-off End of Envelope" updated in the Court Record)
- Press on Statement 3.
- When asked, select "Present evidence".
Present either the updated "Torn-Off End Of Envelope" or "Miss Green's Card".
(Statement amended: "This note was delivered to me at my address. It's nothing to do with the odd man next to me here.")
Present either the "Torn-Off End Of Envelope" or "Miss Green's Card" on Statement 5.
Testimony: "The Anomaly of the Note":
1. Shamspeare "I do remember now. 'Twas a week ago, peradventure, that note was deliver'd unto me." 2. Shamspeare "On the day writ therein, I did tarry a long hour at The Slug and Salad, yet nobody came." 3. Shamspeare "Thereafter, on the evening I shared the company of the Japanese fellow, I did see the note had vanish'd." 4. Green "I don't know what you mean. You think I snuck into this man's room, do you? Why would I?" 5. Green "I can point out the villain here! And as for that torn-off piece of the envelope, I don't know anything about it."
Cross Examination: "The Anomaly of the Note":
- Present the "Bottle of Poison" on Statement 4.
- When asked, present the profile of "Duncan Ross".
- Present the "Capital Offender's File".
- Present the "Handprints on the Wall" photograph.
- When given the option, select "Present a person".
- ACHIEVEMENT: - When asked who to present, select anyone's profile except "Olive Green."
WARNING: This WILL earn you a penalty, so make sure to have at least two or more health.
- When asked who to present, select the profile of "Olive Green."
The Return Of The Great Departed Soul
Investigation, Part 1
- Talk to Herlock Sholmes about all topics.
("Great Exhibition Newspaper" added to the Court Record)
- Examine the back of the "Great Exhibition Newspaper.
- Talk to Herlock Sholmes about new topic.
- ACHIEVEMENT (5/8): Move to "Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy".
- ACHIEVEMENT (5/8): Examine the shovel on the left near the window.
- ACHIEVEMENT (5/8) Move back to "Sholmes's Suite".
- Move to Lord Chief Justice's Office.
- Talk to Lord Stronghart about all topics.
- Present the "Great Exhibition Newspaper".
- Talk to Lord Stronghart about new topic.
- Move to Prosecutor's Office.
- ACHIEVEMENT: Present your armband to Van Zieks before speaking to him.
- Talk to Van Zieks about all topics.
- Present the "Great Exhibition Newspaper".
- Talk to Van Zieks about new topic.
- Move to Prison.
- Talk to Harebrayne about all topics.
- Move to the Experimentation Stage.
- Talk to Gina about all topics.
("Experiment Sketch" added to the Court Record)
- Examine the small golden contraption to the right, leaning against a shrub.
("Mysterious Contraption" added to the Court Record)
- Examine the green piece of cloth on the ground in front of you.
- Pan up and examine the glass wreckage in the Crystal Tower, behind the two policemen.
- Examine the gold yellow stairs to your left.
- Examine the giant sparking machine in front of you, but Gregson will stop you.
- Examine the machine again, finding a mysterious screwdriver in the process.
- Talk to Gregson about all avaliable topics.
- Move to Madame Tusspells.
- ACHIEVEMENT: (1/2) Pan right and examine the ladder. It'll be on the "Jack the Ripper" display, right below a window in the brick wall and to the left of Jack the Ripper's victim.
- Examine Sholmes on the "Jack the Ripper" display. He'll stick out like a sore thumb.
- Talk to Sholmes about all avaliable topics.
- Talk to Tusspells about all avaliable topics.
"The Great Deduction: Waxwork's Fate."
- Another day, another doubtful deduction! Oh well. Time to correct Mr Sholmes with another. .
"Course Correct:"
- Rotate the camera to get a view of the wall behind the curtain and examine the note on the wall.
- Present the note on the wall.
- Rotate the camera around Madame Tusspells, then down to the hand behind her back.
- Examine said hand.
- Present the waxwork hand.
- Rotate the camera around the man's body and present his shoulder stub.
- Rotate the camera around the old man and present his twitch(ing leg).
Deduction Complete: Elementary!
- Talk to Madam Tusspell about all new topics.
To be continued. . .
Trial, Part 2
("Photograph of the Victim" added to the Court Record)
Testimony: "A Front for Murder":
1. Gregson "The corpse that went crashin' through the Crystal Tower had a broken neck." 2. Harebrayne "I, I made a minor miscalculation in the angle of the beam projection, that's all! That was my mistake!" 3. Gregson "But the post-mortem examination revealed another injury. A fatal wound.'" 4. Gregson "There was a lesion in his chest where he'd clearly been stabbed by somethin' sharp right in the heart!" 4. Gregson "So the victim was killed before he went anywhere. And this fella's the only one who could have done it!"
("Autopsy Report" added to the Court Record)
Cross Examination: "A Front for Murder":
- Press Statement 4.
("Screwdriver" added to the Court Record)
- Press Statement 5, and when he reacts, pursue Harebrayne.
(Statement amended: "The weapon the victim was stabbed with must have been left in his body whilst he was beamed through the air!")
- Examine the handle of the "Screwdriver".
("Screwdriver" updated in the Court Record)
- Present the updated "Screwdriver" on the new Statement 5.
Testimony: "The Inconsistency Explained":
1. Harebrayne "To be clear, I'm still at the stage of gathering data in my research." 2. Harebrayne "My hypothesis states the kinesis cannot transport metal, though. Hence the metal weapon would have stayed put." 3. Harebrayne "In other words, the point just raised by Mr Naruhodo isn't an inconsistency at all.'" 4. Harebrayne "Mr Asman was the patron of my research. Without him, my work wouldn't have been possible." 4. Harebrayne "Now I have a duty to protect the incredible machine that we built together!" 4. Harebrayne "So the victim was killed before he went anywhere. And this fella's the only one who could have done it!"
Cross Examination: "The Inconsistency Explained":
- Present the "Photograph of the Victim" on Statement 2.
- When prompted, select "Raise an objection".
To be continued. . .
Trial, Part 3
Testimony: "The View From Sixty Feet Up":
1. Lune "It was an incidente terribile. I am only grateful that my balloons were not damaged." 2. Gina "There's this huge bang from the stage, and then the next second, another bang in the sky beside us." 3. Gotts "And from amid ze smoke...a cage appeared out of nowhere!'" 4. Lune "The cage, it fell from the sky like a stone. And crashed into the Crystal Tower!" 5. Gina "I didn't get a good look inside the cage, but no one went near it after it crashed into the tower."
Cross Examination: "The View From Sixty Feet Up":
- Press on Statement 2, and when he reacts, pursue Gotts.
(Statement amended: "It voz not ze sky zat exploded. It voz a green balloon zat woz next to ours at ze time.")
- Present the "Piece of Green Cloth" on Statement 1.
Testimony: "Mr Lune's Balloons":
1. Lune "As I said, Balthazar Lune is no liar! Every balloon I had in the sky landed safely!" 2. Lune "All three of my balloons were carrying passengers. If they fell to the ground in an esplosione, what a catastrofe!" 3. Gina "'But ya can't get away from the fact that a burnt-up bit o' cloth was found at the scene, can ya?" 4. Gina "The coppers at the Yard reckoned it was prob'ly some debris thrown from the explosion on the stage." 5. Lune "This stupido ragazzo is mistaken! My balloons have the red and blue zigzag stripes anyway!"
Cross Examination: "Mr Lune's Balloons":
- Press on Statement 5, and when he reacts, pursue Gotts.
("Photograph of the Balloon" added to the Court Record)
- Present the "Photograph of the Balloon" on Statement 2.
- When prompted, select "There's more!"
- Select "The cause of the explosion".
- Point at the white line that appears to be heading toward the empty balloon.
- Examine the "Mysterious Contraption", and examine the lever at the end.
("Mysterious Contraption" updated and renamed "Crossbow" in the Court Record)
- When prompted, select either "a conjuring trick" or "a scientific success". Choice does not matter.
To be continued. . .
Investigation, Part 4
- ACHIEVEMENT (6/8): Examine the shovel on the left near the window.
- Talk to Susato about all available topics.
- Pan right and examine Iris to talk to her.
- ACHIEVEMENT (8/8): Move to Sholmes's Suite.
- ACHIEVEMENT (8/8): Examine the blackboard on the right one last time.
- ACHIEVEMENT (8/8): Move to Sholmes's Suite.
- Move to the Prison.
- Talk to Harebrayne about "Drebber the engineer".
- Talk to Harebrayne about "Drebber's workshop".
("Drebber's card" added to the Court Record)
- Talk to Harebrayne about the other topics. (Optional)
(Make sure to do the following parts or you will not be able to progress later.)
- Move to Lord Chief Justice's Office.
- Talk to Stronghart about all available topics.
(Once you have permission to investigate the crime scene, you can now. .)
- Move to the Forensics Laboratory.
- Examine the book on the desk at the back of the room, next to the blue lamp.
- Talk to Dr Sithe about the one avaliable talk topic.
- Move to the Experimentation Stage.
- Talk to Gina about all avaliable topics.
- Examine the back of "Drebber's Card".
("Drebber's Card" updated in the Court Record)
- Present the updated "Drebber's Card" to Gina.
("Drebber's Card" removed from the Court Record)
- Examine the gold yellow stairs to your left.
- Examine the birdcage in front of you on the right.
("Wooden 'Birdcage'" added to the Court Record)
- Examine the machine in front of you.
- Examine Baron Van Zieks to talk to him.
- Talk to Van Zieks about all avaliable topics.
("Photograph of Drebber" added to the Court Record)
- Move to Madame Tusspells.
- ACHIEVEMENT: (2/2) Pan right and examine the stepladder. It'll be on the "Jack the Ripper" display, right below a window in the brick wall and to the left of Jack the Ripper's victim.
- Examine Herlock Sholmes to talk to him.
- Talk to Sholmes about all avaliable topics.
- Present the "Photograph of Drebber".
- Examine the curtains in the back of the room to move to the Special Exhibit.
- Examine the man with the lantern.
- ACHIEVEMENT (7/8): Examine the shovel in his hand.
- Examine the camera hanging from his neck.
("Camera" added to the Court Record)
- Examine his face. (You'll have to pan the camera really far down to see it.)
(At this point, Sholmes will appear and you'll be able to talk to him, but first. .)
- Examine the body coming out of the grave waxwork to get a closer look at it.
- Examine its neck.
("Piece of Broken Glass" added to the Court Record)
- Talk to Sholmes about all avaliable topics.
(Automatically moved to "Enoch Drebber's Workshop" afterwards.)
Examine the machine.
Examine the trophy, sitting on the table to the left of the machine.
("Science Trophy" added to the Court Record)
- Examine the door at the back of the room.
- Examine the arrows, lying on the floor in a bright red quiver to the bottom right.
(Game will automatically move you into the "Back Room".)
- Examine the red time-bomb on the floor that Sholmes is looking at to get started on. .
"The Great Deduction: Flipped Furniture / Missing Engineer"
- Reversing gravity, Sholmes?! Where do you think we are, Gravity Man's stage? Time to. .
"Course Correct:"
- Rotate the camera to get a view of the upright vase beside the bed, then present it.
- Rotate the camera to the left to see a chair with writing on its underside.
- Present the safe combination.
- Rotate the camera so the right side of the balloon, with the visible footprints.
- Present the shoe, sitting on top of the balloon.
- When prompted, present the "Crossbow".
("Waxwork Head" added to the Court Record)
- Rotate the camera to the right and present the large safe.
Deduction Complete: Elementary!
- Talk to Enoch Drebber about both topics.
To be continued. . .
Trial, Part 5
("Killer's Autopsy Report" added to the Court Record)
("Post-Explosion Photograph" added to the Court Record)
Testimony: "The Kinesis Machine":
1. Drebber "I met the young professor approximately one year ago, through Mr Asman's introduction." 2. Drebber "He provided me with the blueprints and I constructed the machine to his precise specifications. It was no trick." 3. Drebber "If the whole show was a fraud, it would have required a body double. Tell me...did the victim have a twin?'" 4. Drebber "All the spectators saw the birdcage appear above their heads and then crash headfirst into the Crystal Tower." 5. Drebber "A terrible accident, I grant you. Perhaps the science on which the machine was built was flawed somehow?"
Cross Examination: "The Kinesis Machine":
- Examine the bottom of the "Wooden 'Birdcage'".
("Wooden 'Birdcage'" updated in the Court Record)
- Present the updated "Wooden 'Birdcage'" on Statement 4.
(Statement amended: "The kinesis clearly took place, because there's nowhere else thirty feet high for the birdcage to have fallen from.")
- On Statement 4, present the "Experiment Sketch".
- When prompted, point to the little half-oval shape inside the machine itself.
("Drebber's Contract'" added to the Court Record)
- When given the choice, select to "Name the accomplice".
- Present the profile of "Courtney Sithe".
- When given the choice, select to "Present evidence".
- Present the "Waxwork Head".
Summation Examination: The Jurors' Contentions.
1. Juror No. 6 "I've known that woman for years! She'd never be an accomplice to anything!" 2. Juror No. 1 "It's utter nonsense to think those two would ever be conniving with one another." 3. Juror No. 2 "Oh dear, this is most troubling... But surely the waxwork the man stole is nothing to do with the coroner, is it?" 4. Juror No. 3 "I have had my own problems with members of the police. I do not trust them much..." 5. Juror No. 4 "I've seen no rigorous proof that this waxwork was ever inside the birdcage. It's conjecture!" 6. Juror No. 5 "Accusin' someone without right evidences? Ee's not a proper job, is ee? I won't 'ave it!"
The Defense's Rebuttal:
- Press Juror No. 3, and when he reacts, pursue Juror No. 6.
(Statement amended: "She was Courtney Stevens back when I knew her, of course. A legendary coroner, even then.")
- Pit Juror No. 2 against Juror No. 6.
- Present the "Killer's Autopsy Report".
- Press Juror No 4.
- When asked, select "I have evidence".
- Present the "Piece of Broken Glass".
(Statement amended: "The presence of that piece of glass leaves me in little doubt that the waxwork was indeed inside that birdcage.")
- Pit Juror No. 4 against Juror No. 5.
To be continued. . .
Trial, Part 6
Testimony: "The Professor Waxwork":
1. Tusspells "The special exhibit in the House of Horrors is based on a rumour that shocked society in London." 2. Tusspells "An impression of the visage was taken directly from the corpse.. in accordance with Tusspells family principles." 3. Tusspells "I enlisted the aid of the gravedigger, and created a mould for the head in the cemetery just before the interment.'" 4. Tusspells "I hid myself until he gave me a signal. ...I was there for a very long time that night." 5. Tusspells "As dawn approached, I was very worried that I could be discovered."
("Ten-Year Old Article" added to the Court Record)
Cross Examination: "The Professor Waxwork":
- Press on Statement 4.
- When prompted, select "It's significant".
(Statement amended: "It took me a very long time because it was before the onset of rigor mortis.")
- Present the "Killer's Autopsy Report" on Statement 4.
- When prompted, present the "Ten-Year-Old Article".
- When prompted, present the profile of "Enoch Drebber".
Testimony: "In The Cemetery Ten Years Earlier":
1. Drebber "The reason I was in Lowgate Cemetery at all ten years ago was for...a spot of moonlighting, shall we say?" 2. Drebber "Yes, the illustration in that newspaper article was based on what I witnessed that night." 3. Drebber "But thinking back now, I realise that I never actually saw the Professor.'" 4. Drebber "Soon afterwards, I was visited by a young woman who sculpted a model of me from wax." 5. Drebber "Then I gave up on my dream of becoming a scientist. And it was all because of that newspaper article."
Cross Examination: "In The Cemetery Ten Years Earlier":
- On Statement 3, present the "Ten-Year-Old Article".
(Statement amended: "What I in fact witnessed, was a fellow graverobber at work.")
- Press the new Statement 3, and when she reacts, pursue Tusspells.
(Statement amended: "There was no gunshot from behind me at all. Nor any splattering blood.")
- Press on Statement 5.
("Camera" updated in the Court Record)
- Examine the front of the "Camera".
- Examine the bloodstain.
("Camera" updated in the Court Record)
- Present the updated "Camera" on the new Statement 4.
- When prompted, present the profile of "Courtney Sithe".
- When prompted, present the "Ten-Year-Old Article" and then "Drebber's Contract".
(Note, you can also present "Drebber's Contract" first and then the "Ten-Year-Old Article instead.)
- When asked to provide the link, point to the signature in the bottom right corner of the illustration.
- When prompted, present the "Science Trophy".
- When prompted, choose to ask for "Further testimony".
Testimony: "The Waxwork Plot":
1. Sithe "It all began at the scene when I saw the waxwork and the note tucked inside its jacket." 2. Sithe "The actual body of the victim, as indicated in the note's instructions, was beneath the experimentation stage." 3. Sithe "The body had to be 'arranged' in certain ways to implicate the defendant...which was my job.'" 4. Sithe "I enlisted the help of the entire Forensic Investigation Team to dress the scene appropriately." 5. Sithe "The truth about the execution ten years ago is a state secret of the highest level. I had to protect it."
Cross Examination: "The Waxwork Plot":
- Press on Statement 3.
- When prompted, select "what she did to the victim".
(Statement amended: "I stood over the victim's corpse where it lay in the toppled cage and plunged the screwdriver into the chest.")
- Present the "Photograph of the Victim" on Statement 4.
- When prompted, point to the stab wound.
- When prompted, select "The stabbing of the victim."
- When prompted, select "Scalpels".
Twisted Karma And His Last Bow
Investigation, Part 1
- Talk to Mikotoba and Jigoku about all available topics.
- ACHIEVEMENT (8/8): Move to "Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy".
- ACHIEVEMENT (8/8): Examine the shovel on the left near the window one last time.
- Move to the Lord Chief Justice's Office.
- Talk to Stronghart about all available topics.
- Move to Sholmes's Suite.
- Examine the newspaper on the red couch.
("Red-Headed League Article" added to the Court Record)
- Present the "Red-Headed League Article" to Sholmes.
- Try not to gawk at his new red hair and Talk to Sholmes about all available topics.
- After talking to Sholmes about all topics, a woman named "Evie Vigil" will arrive.
- Talk to Evie Vigil about all available topics.
("Photograph of Mr Vigil" added to the Court Record)
- Move to the Prison Governor's Office.
(Note: You must speak with Lord Stronghart about all dialogues before you can continue.)
- You can try talking to Barry Caidin, but he has no intention of talking to suspicious looking Easterners like you and Susato and he'll tell you to get out. Trying to examine anything in the office or present him with any evidence will also warrant him telling you to get out. So for now. .
- Move to the Great Waterloo Hotel.
- Examine Yujin Mikotoba, sitting on the couch reading a newspaper, to talk to him.
("Letter of Introduction" added to the Court Record)
- Move back to the Prison Governor's Office.
- Present the "Letter of Introduction" to Caidin. Now you can talk to him!
- Talk to Caidin about all available topics.
("Dismissal Notice" added to the Court Record)
- Move to Sholmes's Suite.
- Talk to Gina about all available topics.
- Move to the Prison.
- Talk to Van Zieks about all available topics.
- Move to the Fresno Street Room.
- Talk to Gina about all available topics.
- Pan right and examine the white rope on the floor.
- Examine the red wig right next to it.
("Red Hairpiece" added to the Court Record)
- Examine the gun on the floor.
("Revolver" added to the Court Record)
- Examine the small model policeman on the floor.
("Policeman Figure" added to the Court Record)
- Examine the candleholder on the wall above the white rope, with the damaged candles.
("Candelabrum" added to the Court Record)
- Pan back to the left and examine the board right to the left of the door.
- Examine the green framed picture right to the left of the board.
("Framed Photograph" added to the Court Record)
- Move to the Lord Chief Justice's office.
- Talk to Stronghart about all available topics.
- Examine Kauma to talk to him.
("Gregson's Photograph" added to the Court Record)
- Move to the Prison.
- Present "Gregson's Photograph" to Van Zieks.
("Gregson's Photograph" updated in the Court Record)
- Talk to him about all available topics.
To be continued. . .
Trial, Part 2
("Autopsy Report" added to the Court Record)
("Crime Scene Floor Plan" added to the Court Record)
Testimony: "The Facts of the Incident":
1. Van Zieks "I was investigating Gregson, and my inquiries had led me to that address." 2. Van Zieks "When I first entered the room that day, it was dark inside and I saw no one." 3. Van Zieks "A moment later, I heard the gunshot. I spun around, and saw the revolver on the floor.'" 4. Van Zieks "Just as I picked the firearm up to examine it, the door flew open and I heard a man scream." 5. Van Zieks "It was only then that the body of Inspector Gregson appeared before me."
Cross Examination: "The Facts of the Incident":
- Press all statements.
("Noticeboard" added to the Court Record)
Testimony: "The Witnesses' Account":
1. Gossip "We saw the whole thing from start to finish, we did. Everything from the moment they went in the building." 2. Venus "It was less than a minute after the Reaper had gone inside that we all 'eard a big bang." 3. Sandwich "Seems to m-me that quick-to-talk is quick-to-walk. Gossip couldn't wait to go and see what had happened.'" 4. Gossip "I ran into the room and there he woz. The Reaper, gun in hand, standin' over the dead body!" 5. Venus "I was scared 'alf to death, me. So I ran off to find a copper."
("Venus Firecracker" added to the Court Record)
Cross Examination: "The Witnesses' Account":
- Press on Statement 1.
("Photograph of the Victim" added to the Court Record)
- Press on Statement 4, and when he reacts, pursue Sandvich.
(Statement amended: "I slipped over and got blood on my hand, so I quickly wiped it off on the floor.")
- Examine the back of the "Noticeboard".
("Noticeboard" updated in the Court Record)
- Present the updated "Noticeboard" on Statement 4.
- When prompted, select "The board moving."
- When prompted, point to the spot to the right of the doorway.
Testimony: "The Mystery of the Moving Board":
1. Gossip "I don't know anythin' about that there noticeboard! I just wiped my hand on it, that's all." 2. Venus "Well don't look at me. I 'aven't got a clue about it. I was doin' business with some second years at the time." 3. Sandwich "'I, I don't know anything about anything. I'm j-just a bystander, me. J-just a sign at the crossroads of life." 4. Gossip "It woz that Reaper, I bet. He's got a face that screams 'board'." 5. Sandwich "I c-can't see how this changes anything anyway. The detective still died w-when we heard the gunshot."
Cross Examination: "The Mystery of the Moving Board":
- Press on Statement 2, and when he reacts, pursue Sandvich.
(Statement amended: "Maybe I did sneak along behind Gossip and 'ave a little peek into the room where it all 'appened.")
- Press the new Statement 2.
("Gregson's Pocket Watch" added to the Court Record)
- Examine the bottom of "Gregson's Pocket Watch" to find a keyhole.
- Now examine the top of the "Policeman Figurine" to reveal a hidden key.
("Policeman Figurine" updated in the Court Record)
- Now examine the key part.
("Gregson's Pocket Watch" updated in the Court Record)
- Present the updated "Gregson's Pocket Watch" on Statement 5.
- Examine the fuse of the "Venus Firecracker".
("Venus Firecracker" updated in the Court Record)
- Present the updated "Venus Firecracker" when asked to provide a alternate explanation.
- When prompted, present the Candelabrum.
- When prompted, present either the "Red-Headed League Article" or the "Red Hairpiece".
To be continued. . .
Trial, Part 3
Testimony: "The Man in the Photograph":
1. De Rousseau "We 'ad more zan one thousand red-'eaded people assemble in ze park on Lime Street zat day." 2. De Rossi "But I don't recall the man in this-a photograph. Ay, capo?" 3. De Rousseau "Non, I don't remember 'im. Obviously 'e is dead now. But I assure you, 'e was not in ze park.'" 4. De Rossi "Allora! This victim is-a nothing to do with us!" 5. De Rousseau "You 'ave a lot to answer for, Peppino. It is your fault zat we got caught in ze first place."
Cross Examination: "The Man in the Photograph":
- Press on Statement 3.
- When prompted, select "his profession".
- Then when he reacts, pursue De Rossi.
("Inspector's Identification" added to the Court Record)
- Examine the clasp of the "Inspector's Identification" to open it up.
("Inspector's Identification" updated in the Court Record)
- Present the updated "Inspector's Identification" on Statement 3 or 4.
Testimony: "The Detective and the Identification":
1. De Rousseau "Ze, ze truth is, we took 'im prisoner and kept 'im for ze night at our secret 'ideout." 2. De Rousseau "Even though I didn't sink 'e was a real detective, I, I was too scared to let 'im go zat day, just in case." 3. De Rossi "We took the man's identification from him and shut-a him in the room next to ours!'" 4. De Rousseau "Zere might 'ave been a little tussle, but we did 'im no 'arm. And ze next mornin', we let 'im go." 5. De Rossi "He spent-a the night in a nice room! It was-a nothing like prison really! Uèèèèèè!"
Cross Examination: "The Detective and the Identification":
- Press on Statement 4, then when he reacts, pursue De Rossi.
- When prompted, select "It's important".
(Statement amended: "He tried to escape, but the capo put-a the collare on him and dragged him what he did-a to me, see?")
- Present the "Photograph of the Victim" on Statement 4.
- When prompted, select "An imposter".
- When prompted, present the profile of "Gossip".
Testimony: "The Inspector and the Identification Revisited":
1. De Rousseau "Ze man who claimed to be an inspector zat day... was definitely not zis man." 2. De Rossi "Is right, si! You think we would-a forget these grand lips, uh?" 3. Gossip "I never leave Fresno Street, alright? I've no interest in any Red-Headed League.'" 4. Gossip "I'm all alone in the world, me. I've no kinfolk or nothing. Why would I be involved in something like that?" 5. Gossip "Just look at me, eh. Doz it look like I could carry off a disguise with a face like this?"
Cross Examination: "The Inspector and the Identification Revisited":
- Press on Statement 3, then when he reacts, pursue De Rousseau.
(Statement amended: "Aye, I rent the room where that fella was found, it's true. For what difference it makes.")
- Present the "Framed Photograph" on Statement 4.
- When prompted, present the profile of "Daley Vigil".
- When prompted, select "Do it".
- Then present the "Dismissal Notice".
To be continued. . .
Investigation, Part 4
- Talk to Iris Wilson about all available topics.
- Move to the Lord Chief Justice's Office.
- Talk to Stronghart about all available topics.
- Move to the Prison.
- Talk to Van Zieks about all available topics.
- Move to the Great Waterloo Hotel.
- Talk to Yujin Mikotoba about all available topics.
("Commemorative Photograph" added to the Court Record)
- Move to Mr Vigil's Hospital Bed.
- Talk to Mr Vigil about all available topics.
- Move to the Prison Governor's Office.
- Talk to Caidin about all available topics.
("Asogi Papers" added to the Court Record)
- Move to the Prosecutor's Office:
- Talk to Kazuma Asogi about all available topics.
- Present the "Autopsy Report" to Kazuma Asogi.
- Move to the Forensics Laboratory.
- Present the "Autopsy Report" to Maria Gorey.
- Talk to Maria Gorey about all available topics.
("Autopsy Report" updated in the Court Record)
- Move to the Fresno Street Room.
- Examine the trunk on the floor.
- Talk to Gina about all available topics.
- When given the option to present a piece of evidence to Toby, select either the "Red Hairpiece", "Policeman Figurine", "Gregson's Pocket Watch" or "Inspector's Identification". Your choice doesn't matter as long as it is one of those listed four.
- Talk to Gina about the new topic.
("Gregson's Trunk" added to the Court Record)
(Automatically moved to "Naruhodo Law Consultancy" after a tackle with Toby.)
- ACHIEVEMENT: Move back to the Fresno Street Room.
- ACHIEVEMENT: Pan the camera to the right and examine Gina to talk to her.
- Move to Sholmes's Suite.
- Arrive to find a very weird looking scene, and yet another "Great Deduction" is afoot!
"The Great Deduction: Man's Identity/Girl's Silence"
- Never thought we'd be dancing the dance of deduction in Herlock's Suite! Time to. .
"Course Correct:"
- Rotate the camera to the right and present the gramophone.
- When prompted, select "Kazuma Asogi".
- Rotate the camera to the left and present the large brown metal chest.
- Rotate the camera to Iris's back and present the key that she's holding.
- Rotate the camera down and present the case file hidden under Iris's plate.
Deduction Complete: Elementary!
- Talk to Iris about all available topics.
("Klint's Autopsy Report" added to the Court Record)
- Talk to Sholmes about all available topics.
("Klint's Autopsy Report" updated in the Court Record)
The Resolve Of Ryunosuke Naruhodo
Trial, Part 1
("Iris's Lucky Charm" added to the Court Record)
("Autopsy Report" updated in the Court Record)
Testimony: "The Victim's Movements.":
1. Gina "All Yard detectives are s'posed to follow orders an' investigate wot they're told." 2. Gina "But a little search o' the boss's office turned up a notebook that 'ad a load of secret meetin's in it." 3. Gina "Accordin' to that, the boss was lookin' into some smuggled goods dealin's that day.'" 4. Gina "Looks like it was a big job an' all. But the coppers weren't on to it yet." 5. Gina "Wot matters most is, there's witnesses wot saw the Reaper at the place, too!"
Cross Examination: "The Victim's Movements.":
- Press on Statement 3.
- When prompted, select "Insist".
(Statement amended: "Apparently the smuggled goods deal was gonna 'appen at a gentleman's club called 'The Grouse'".)
- Examine the back of the "Letter of Introduction".
("Letter of Introduction" updated in the Court Record)
- Present the updated "Letter of Introduction" on the new statement. ("Apparently the. .")
- Examine the latch on "Gregson's Trunk" to open it.
- Then examine the paper inside.
("Passport" added to the Court Record)
- When prompted, present the "Passport".
Testimony: "The Reaper's Notebook.":
1. Gina "Yeah, this notebook does 'ave a load o' stuff about wot the Reaper got up to these past ten years." 2. Gina "Names o' victims, dates an' places an' stuff... An' the last entry in there was 31st October." 3. Gina "It said 'Grouse' for the place on that date, and then the name o' the mark.'" 4. Gina "There was a note about 'im bein' a criminal wot got away from the Reaper in court ten years ago or summat." 5. Gina "But honest! The boss didn't do none of it! 'E was... 'E was just investigatin' the Reaper, that's all!"
Cross Examination: "The Reaper's Notebook.":
- Press on the 1st Statement.
- Press on the 2nd Statement.
- Press on the 3rd Statement.
- Press on the 4th Statement.
- Press on the 5th Statement.
- When prompted, select the profile of "Kazuma Asogi".
- When prompted, present "Gregson's Trunk".
- When "Gregson's Trunk" appears, examine the latch to open it.
- Then, with the lid open, point at the right side where you see a metal shard sticking out.
("Great Sword 'Karuma'" added to the Court Record)
When prompted, select "Pull!"
To be continued. . .
(Note: For this brief investigation, you'll be playing as Yujin Mikotoba.)
- Examine the bell on the wall with the "Caution" sign next to it.
- When prompted, select "Set it off."
(Automatically moved into First-Class Cabin No. 2)
- Examine the glass full of ice on the desk.
- Examine the green wastepaper basket, below the desk, near the red and brown chair.
("Evacuation Drill Notice" added to the Court Record)
- Pan right and examine the rectangular outline on the wall.
- Examine the trunk on the floor.
- At this point, the russian sailor returns and tries to kick you both out, but time is of the essence right now. We're running out of time, and we still haven't found hide nor hair of the judge. But Sholmes believes that not only is the judge still on the ship, the russian sailor knows where he is.
And as such, we've come to the very final Dance of Deduction of the game. It's time for. .
"The Great Deduction!"
Now this deduction will be different from the dance of deductions we've done before, where you listen to Holmes come up with some asinine theory and you "course correct" it. Rather Sholmes and Yujin will preform the dance of deduction together. So we'll get started straight away by. .
- Rotating the camera left and present the glass containing ice.
- Point out the framed Rules of Passage sign, partially obscured by the sailor.
- Rotate the camera to face the sailors back, tilt it down and present the wad of banknotes in his backpocket.
- This one couldn't be more obvious! Point at the large trunk the sailor is staring down at.
- In case you couldn't tell, the Sholmes "tattoo" on the sailors arm is actually meant to be the crudely drawn code to the trunk! You just need to look at it upside down and figure out which letter is meant to be what number. But if you can't be bothered and your neck is getting sore. .
- Enter the code: 5 2 3 1 0 4 5
Deduction Complete: Elementary!
("Small Component" added to the Court Record)
With Jigoku found, Stronghart declares he is unable to give his ruling and decides to postpone the trial for today and reconvene in the morning. So for now, we're back at Sholmes's Suite.
(Once again, we're playing as Naruhodo, but we get to keep the evidence Yujin found.)
- Examine Herlock Sholmes to talk to him.
- Talk to Sholmes about all available topics.
("Telegram from Japan" added to the Court Record)
Present the "Telegram from Japan" to Sholmes.
- Talk to Sholmes about all new topics.
To be continued. .
Trial, Part 2
- When prompted, present the "Telegram from Japan".
Testimony: "The Assassin Exchange":
1. Jigoku "It's true that Kazuma Asogi was assigned the assassination mission one year ago now." 2. Jigoku "The target was Inspector T. Gregson. That was a condition of the British study tour." 3. Jigoku "However. .in the end something happened that meant the young man was unable to carry out his mission.'" 4. Jigoku "On the evening in question, a member of the crew was on duty outside my cabin at all times." 5. Jigoku "If there'd been a shot fired, the crewman would have heard it. So clearly I can't be involved."
Cross Examination: "The Assassin Exchange":
- Present the "Evacuation Drill Itinerary" on either Statement 4 or Statement 5.
- Examine the "Small Component".
- Examine the small metallic silver top of "Gregson's Pocket Watch".
("Small Component" updated in the Court Record)
- When prompted, present the "Small Component".
Testimony: "The Events in the Cabin":
1. Jigoku "I had a guest waiting for me when I returned to my cabin after finishing my evening meal in the dining room." 2. Jigoku "When I walked through the door, a mustachioed Englishman was there, foolishly waving a gun at me." 3. Jigoku "I soon took care of him with an ippon seoi throw, though. He couldn't wait to run away after that.'" 4. Jigoku "I imagine his watch was broken when I threw him over my shoulder. It has nothing to do with his murder." 5. Jigoku "The inspector was clearly killed having returned to Britain. Because his body was found in London."
Cross Examination: "The Events in the Cabin":
- Press on Statement 5.
(Statement amended: "There's no possible way I could have transported the victim's corpse back to Britain.")
- Present the "Commemorative Photograph" on Statement 5.
- When prompted, present the "Photograph of the Victim".
- When asked, answer with "Impossible".
- Present the "Evacuation Drill Itinerary".
Testimony: "The Reaper and the Assassin Exchange":
1. Van Zieks "I've never taken the life of another. Nor have I instructed another to kill." 2. Van Zieks "I've been investigating the truth behind the Reaper for years. And I was aware of Gregson's involvement." 3. Van Zieks "That's the reason why I went to Fresno Street that day, and how I came to discover the body.'" 4. Van Zieks "The point is, no common thread exists between myself, Gregson and Dr Wilson." 5. Van Zieks "Clearly, therefore, there's no reason to suspect me of being behind the assassin exchange."
Cross Examination: "The Reaper and the Assassin Exchange":
- Present "Klint's Autopsy Report" on Statement 4.
- When prompted, present the profile of "Mael Stronghart"!
- When prompted, select "There is someone."
- When prompted, present the profile of "Yujin Mokotoba".
To be concluded. .
Trial, Part 3
Testimony: "The Autopsy of Klint van Zieks":
1. Mikotoba "From my own observations, I couldn't say there was any indication of the autopsy results having been fabricated." 2. Mikotoba "Death resulted from a wound made by a Western-style sword transfixing the heart. That I found a little strange." 3. Gorey "There were no other signs of internal injury. Nothing questionable at all.'" 4. Gorey "It was just that beautiful but dangerous piece of evidence removed from the man's stomach." 5. Van Zieks "Presumed to have been swallowed by the victim as a way of posthumously identifying his assailant."
Cross Examination: "The Autopsy of Klint van Zieks":
- Press on Statement 4.
("Asogi's Ring" added to the Court Record)
- Present "Asogi's Ring" on Statement 3.
- When prompted, present the "Dismissal Notice".
Testimony: "The Jailbreak Plot":
1. Caidin "It was the day that Japanese jock was found guilty. The directive came from the Prosecutor's Office." 2. Caidin " I assigned the convict to the chief warder Vigil here, and put the plan into action behind the scenes." 3. Vigil "I was responsible for Asogi right up until the night of his execution. But I knew nothing of any plot..." 4. Caidin "I dinnae ken if there were some negotiations between the convict and the Prosecutor's Office." 5. Caidin "All I did was carry oot my duty! For Her Majesty's great British Empire!"
Cross Examination: "The Jailbreak Plot":
- Press on Statement 5, and when he reacts, persue Vigil.
(Statement amended: "It seems to me that the Japanese fella did'nae have nothin' to bargin with.")
- Present the "Asogi Papers" on Statement 5.
Testimony: "The Asogi Papers":
1. Vigil "As the warder responsible for condemned convicts, I attended to Mr Asogi and kept watch over his cell." 2. Vigil "The night after he was found guilty in court, he was doing something with that will in his cell!" 3. Vigil "We turned the cell inside out looking for it after the execution, but to no avail.'" 4. Caidin "I only found oot about the Asogi Papers when a directive came tellin' me to impound them." 5. Caidin "The document was in the folds of the fella's robe that was left in his cell. A 'kimono', I think it's called."
Cross Examination: "The Asogi Papers":
- Press on Statement 5, and again when he reacts, persue Vigil.
(Statement amended: "As I remember it, the document was written in scarlett ink, but... perhaps I'm mistaken.")
- Present "Klint's Autopsy Report" on Statement 6.
- When prompted, select "A confession".
- When prompted, select "Lord Stronghart".
- Present the "Asogi Papers".
("Asogi Papers" updated in the Court Record)
- Examine the hilt of "Karuma".
("Klint Van Zieks' Will" added to the Court Record)
- ACHIEVEMENT: Examine the hilt again after find the crucial evidence inside.
- When prompted, select "present evidence".
- Present "Klint Van Zieks' Will".
- When prompted, select "Use evidence" again.
- Present "Iris's Lucky Charm".
Achievement Accolades And Where To Find Them
THE GREAT ACE ATTORNEY 1: Story Achievements
Defense Debut:
- Complete Episode 1 of "The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures" from its opening chapter.
Crash Course Candidate:
- Complete Episode 2 of "The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures" from its opening chapter.
The Realm of the Reaper:
- Complete Episode 3 of "The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures" from its opening chapter.
Landed in London:
- Complete Episode 4 of "The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures" from its opening chapter.
Fleeting Farewell:
- Complete Episode 5 of "The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures" from its opening chapter.
THE GREAT ACE ATTORNEY 2: Story Achievements
Susato's Success:
- Complete Episode 1 of "The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures 2" from its opening chapter.
The Key of Knowledge:
- Complete Episode 2 of "The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures 2" from its opening chapter.
The Demasking:
- Complete Episode 3 of "The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures 2" from its opening chapter.
The Legendary Pair:
- Complete Episode 4 of "The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures 2" from its opening chapter.
The Risen Resolve:
- Complete the Final Chapter of "The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures 2" from its opening chapter.
Ace of Spades:
- For having dug around to find every argument about shoves and spades.
1. Examine the shovel with Susato in Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy.
Episode 5, The Great Ace Attorney 1.
2. Examine the shovel with Iris in Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy.
Episode 5, The Great Ace Attorney 1.
3. Examine the shovel by yourself in Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy.
Episode 2, The Great Ace Attorney 2.
4. Examine the shovel with Susato in Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy during the flashback.
Episode 2, The Great Ace Attorney 2.
5. Examine the shovel with Iris in Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy.
Episode 3, The Great Ace Attorney 2.
6. Examine the shovel with Susato in Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy.
Episode 3, The Great Ace Attorney 2.
6. Examine the shovel with Susato in Madam Tusspells Museum of Waxwork.
Episode 3, The Great Ace Attorney 2.
7. Examine the shovel with Susato in Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy.
Episode 4, The Great Ace Attorney 2.
The Top Rung:
- For having wrung your hands through every debate about ladders and stepladders.
1. Examine the ladder with Iris in Madam Tusspells Museum of Waxwork.
Episode 3, The Great Ace Attorney 2.
2. Examine the ladder with Susato in Madam Tusspells Museum of Waxwork.
Episode 3, The Great Ace Attorney 2.
The Herlockian:
- For having read every new idea on Iris's blackboard.
1. Examine the blackboard in Sholmes's Suite with Susato.
Episode 4, The Great Ace Attorney 1
2. Examine the blackboard in Sholmes's Suite with Susato and Iris having heard the "Wilson" topic.
Episode 4, The Great Ace Attorney 1
3. Examine the blackboard in Sholmes's Suite with Susato on the first day.
Episode 5, The Great Ace Attorney 1
4. Examine the blackboard in Sholmes's Suite with Iris.
Episode 5, The Great Ace Attorney 1
5. Examine the blackboard in Sholmes's Suite with Iris.
Episode 2 or 3, The Great Ace Attorney 2
6. Examine the blackboard in Sholmes's Suite with Susato and Iris during the flashback.
Episode 2, The Great Ace Attorney 2
7. Examine the blackboard in Sholmes's Suite with Susato.
Episode 3, 4, or the Finale Chapter, The Great Ace Attorney 2
Ace Aficionado:
- For completion of all the extra Escapade Adventures.
Avaliable under the "Special Content" menu.
Bespoke Tailor:
- For playing the game in all avaliable outfits.
ONLY FOR THE GREAT ACE ATTORNEY 2, can be switched off after achievement is claimed.
Inconsistency Seer:
- For having successfully presented evidence during the first cross-examination.
Both The Great Ace Attorney 1 and The Great Ace Attorney 2.
Prime Presser:
- For having successfully pressed a witness during the first cross-examination.
Both The Great Ace Attorney 1 and The Great Ace Attorney 2.
Healthy Curiosity:
- For having thoroughly examined the medical report card, inside and out.
Episode 1, The Great Ace Attorney 1.
Pillow Perfectionist:
- For having examined the bed.
Episode 2, The Great Ace Attorney 1.
Hat Hunter:
- For having identified the milliner responsible for the victim's hat.
Episode 3, The Great Ace Attorney 1.
Second-Rate Shrimps:
- For having examined the violin before talking to Iris about the "Wilson" topic.
Episode 4, The Great Ace Attorney 1.
The Woman?:
- For having examined the fireplace in Mr Sholmes's suite whilst with Susato.
Episode 5, The Great Ace Attorney 1.
Sulky's Story:
- For having pursued Nash and Ringo when no thought bubble was shown to hear their memories of Big Bruv Sulky.
Episode 5, The Great Ace Attorney 1.
Father Frustrator:
- For having named Taketsuchi Auchi and Yujin Mikotoba as the victim.
Episode 1, The Great Ace Attorney 2.
Down In One:
- For having examined Miss Green's bottle before it falls from the table.
Episode 2, The Great Ace Attorney 2.
The Noodler:
- For erroneously answering Mr Sholmes's question about who might have something that belonged to the convict.
Episode 2, The Great Ace Attorney 2.
Inspirational Roots:
- For presenting the "Armband" to Lord Van Zieks.
Episode 3, The Great Ace Attorney 2.
Best Chips in Town:
- For talking with Gina after Ryunosuke regains consciousness following the incident with Toby.
Episode 4, The Great Ace Attorney 2.
Asogi Clan Appreciator:
- Examine the "head" of Karuma again after finding the crucial evidence inside.
The Final Chapter, The Great Ace Attorney 2.
NOTE: This achievement will appears as a bunch of question marks until it's unlocked.
The Great Ace Attorney:
- For being awarded all other accolades.
More The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles guilds
- All Guilds
- How to be a great detective
- Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures
- Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve
- The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Guide 147
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- The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
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- The Great Ace Attorney: Resolve Walkthrough
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