Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve

Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve


Hello all! Lonnie here with a spoiler free achievement and walkthrough guide for The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve! I personally love this game so much, it's probably top 3 in the series for me for many reasons, so I was super excited to work on this guide!

Per usual, I will go into detail for every single achievement and step you need to take to complete the game as concisely as possible. Each step will be labeled in different ways, such as Achievement or Optional steps. I write my guides as I play the games to ensure they are as accurate as possible. I try to proofread each part before I move on, but I'm not perfect! If you guys see any errors or something that needs clarification or even have an easier way to get an achievement or to a certain point, don't hesitate to let me know so I can update the guide!

Disclaimers and Important Things to Note

I play the Ace Attorney games on mouse and keyboard, so I will be operating my guides by that medium. If you play on controller, just press the appropriate controller button!

If you are going for 100% achievements, DO NOT PLAY THE GAME IN STORY MODE! Story Mode is essentially just an automatic playthrough, so a lot of achievements are disabled (including story-based ones. Play the game manually!)

I will include any gameplay tips in the solution guide, such as keystrokes that make the menus transition smoother

I will include sections for each Chapter based achievement. I will also go into detail about where you need to go for each achievement in its proper Solution chapter, so don't worry about needing to use the Achievement section for keeping track!

This game collection has an Accolades section in the Special Contents. You can check all of your progress for multi-part achievements in that section, making it way easier to see what you're missing for the achievement.

Some achievements can be unlocked no matter which game you complete the requirements in. In cases like that, I will note which achievements are for unlockable across games.

Episode 1 - Achievements

Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 11
Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 12
Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 13
Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 14
Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 15

Bespoke Tailor In the Special Contents section of TGAA: Chronicles, go to the Tailor section and equip all costumes then launch The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve. The achievement should pop immediately.

Susato's Success Clear Episode 1

Father Frustrator During Part 1-1 - Trial, when asked what the name of the victim is, choose Taketsuchi Auchi and Yujin Mikotoba in that order.

Prime Presser Successfully press a witness during the first cross-examination


Inconsistency Seer Successfully present evidence during the first cross-examination


Episode 1 - Solutions

Probably the most interesting tutorial in the series, you get to play as a certain someone but in disguise! This is a fairly long tutorial despite only being two parts, but I think its pretty fun!

Note: Hitting the right mouse button acts the same as hitting the Back key. Use this to close menus faster without hitting the keyboard!

Holding the left mouse button fast-forwards dialogue!

Part 1-1 - TrialInfo - During the beginning of this case, you will not receive a penalty for wrong answers. However, after the first cross-examination, penalties will be activated, so any mistakes after that point can lead to a Game Over. Be careful!

Achievement - On the first question, choose the first two options in order (the correct answer is the third option) to get the Father Frustrator achievement. Because this is the beginning of the tutorial, you will not receive a penalty for these wrong answers.

Choose Jezaille Brett

Choose a killer

Choose all three options, one by one

The Witnessed Scene

Note - From this point, penalties will be active. If you fail in presenting or answering questions 5 times, you will receive a Game Over. Be careful, and save if you're not confident!

Present Autopsy Report on the statement that begins with "I saw blood"

Choose Save her life

Forensic Medicine Primer

Note - You will need to unlock the 3D examination of evidence in order to proceed here. Click through the testimony to prompt Yujin to teach you how to do it. Choose which ever option you prefer, the first option will give you a tutorial, the second will not.

After doing the above, open the Court Record and examine the back of the Soseki Natsume Article

Optional - Open the Court Record and examine both ends of the Fountain Pen. You will need the info for later

Present Poison Article on the statement that begins with "In other words"

Choose 'Deadly in tiny quantities!'

Present Post-Mortem Report

Choose I have the answer

Present Soseki Natsume Article

Choose A camera defect

Part 1-2 - TrialThe Camera Never Lies

Press Menimemo on the statement that begins with "Seconds later, the"

If you haven't already done so earlier, open the Court Record and examine both ends of the Fountain Pen.

Present Fountain Pen on the statement that begins with "I never once"

Rotate the Fountain Pen until you can see the emblem on the bottom and present

The Witnesses' Secrets

Press Menimemo on either of the statements that begin with "That's when this" or "But he didn't" (Which one you choose doesn't matter as both of these statements will be amended)

Press Soseki on the statement that begins with "She just lifted"

Choose I know how!

Point to the area outside the hut to the left, behind the stool and present

Present Crime Scene Photograph

Point to the slit in the beach hut wall just above the stool and present

Complete Innocence

Press Menimemo on the statement that begins with "When I heard"

Press Membami on the statement that begins with "It was nothing"

Present Poison Article on either of the statements that begin with "Because why would" or "The point is"

If you haven't already done so, examine the middle of the Fountain Pen three times to update the evidence in the Court Record

Present Fountain Pen

Present Chemical Reagent

Episode 2 - Achievements

Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 66
Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 67
Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 68
Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 69
Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 70

The Key of Knowledge Clear Episode 2

The Herlockian (Part 5 and 6) The next two pieces to this achievement are in this Episode

5. As soon as you are able to move in Part 1 - Investigation, examine Iris's chalkboard in Sholmes's Suite to speak with her about The Blue Carbuncle. Make sure to do this BEFORE conversing with anyone, as doing so will lock you out of this part of the achievement.

6. After you are automatically moved to Miss Green's Hospital Bed in Part 1 - Investigation, move back to Sholmes's Suite and examine the chalkboard again. Once again, make sure to do this before conversing with anyone.

Ace of Spades (Part 3 and 4) The next two pieces to this achievement are in this Episode

3. As soon as you examine the chalkboard for progress towards The Herlockian, move to Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy and examine the shovel.

4. During Part 1 - Investigation, after you finish in Mr Shamspeare's Room and are automatically moved to Briar Road, move back to Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy and examine the shovel again. This can also be done after Part 2 - Trial in case you miss it during this investigation.

Down in One During Part 3 - Investigation, you will return to Miss Green's Hospital Bed where she will put down a bottle. Immediately examine the bottle to unlock this achievement.

The Noodler Near the end of Part 4-2 - Trial, you will be asked to provide a fingerprint sample. Once prompted, choose to present a person and then present any person besides Olive Green, who is the correct answer.

Episode 2 - Solutions: Part 1

There's some weird formatting in this Episode, where there are some alternating parts between the Investigations and the Trials. Plus, it's all a flashback so there are a lot of automatic jump points. I had to split it up into more parts than I'm normally comfortable with to keep the formatting consistent with my other guides. The torture... TT~TT

Part 1 - InvestigationAchievement - Once the dialogue ends and you are able to interact, slide to the right and examine Iris's chalkboard for progress towards The Herlockian. Do this BEFORE conversing with anyone or else you will be locked out of the achievement.

Achievement - After getting the above progress, immediately move to Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy and examine the shovel for progress towards Ace of Spades. Again, do this BEFORE conversing with anyone to avoid being locked out of the achievement.

Converse with Sholmes about all available topics

This is the beginning of the Flashback sequence, so you will be automatically moved

FlashbackMiss Green's Hospital Bed

Achievement - Once able, immediately move back to Sholmes's Suite and examine the chalkboard for the next piece of progress towards The Herlockian achievement

Examine the green photo frame near the center of the screen

Examine the young woman sitting on the bed

Converse with Olive about all available topics

You will automatically be moved to Mr Shamspeare's Room

Mr Shamspeare's Room

Examine Soseki

Examine Inspector Gregson

Sholmes will then appear in the corner. Slide to the left and examine him to begin the Dance of Deduction

Dance of Deduction Start: The game is afoot!

Note: Oh it's time again, friends! The Dance of Deduction is a special mechanic where you must correct the deductions of Mr Sholmes using evidence, your environment, and some damn fine observation skills. If you are playing a Dance for the first time, the game will automatically point you towards the incorrect deduction. I will be including all incorrect deductions and what you need to do to correct them in my Solutions. Remember; you only get 5 chances to complete a Dance. If you fail at any point, you will have to restart the entire Course Correction. I highly recommend to save before each Dance!

Cause of Death: Course CorrectionCourse Correction: Hold it, Mr. Sholmes!

Incorrect deduction is the statement that begins with "Could it be that the"

Rotate the camera until you can see the other piece of soap on the floor next to the hat

Incorrect deduction is the statement that begins with "Yes, the victim's life was"

Point to the teacup and present

Suicide or Murder: Course CorrectionCourse Correction: Hold it, Mr. Sholmes!

Incorrect deduction is the statement that begins with "Did the man dine and"

Rotate the camera until you can see the teacup in Shamspeare's other hand and present it

Incorrect deduction is the statement that begins with "Indeed. What reveals the answer"

Rotate the camera until you can see the pile of books and examine them

Present the pile of familiar books

Deduction Complete: Elementary!

Examine the the light green scrap on the floor in front of the red robe on the right side of the room

Examine the teacup on the table

Examine the window sealed with bricks twice

Examine the red box on the wall

Achievement - Once you return to Briar Street, move to Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy and examine the shovel for the next step in the Ace of Spades achievement

Move to The Garridebs' Room

The Garridebs' Room

Converse with Mr Garrideb about all available topics

Move to Prison


Converse with Soseki about all available topics

Episode 2 - Solutions: Part 2

Part 2 - TrialThe Catastrophic Night

Press Gregson on the statement that begins with "Strychnine takes some"

Present Victim's Medical Report on either of the statements that begin with "We had a" or "The victim would"

The Wintry Night of My Discontent

Press all statements

Summation Examination

Note: Remember, the Summation Examination is just a cross-examination but for the jury, not the witnesses. Messing up carries all of the same penalties, and I will go into detail for each step you need to take. These are usually pretty easy, but they do get a bit confusing sometimes, so save if you're not confident!

Jury Examination: The Defence's Rebuttal

Note: Susato will ask if you need a tutorial on the Summation Examination mechanic. Choose whichever option you please

Press Juror 1 on the statement that begins with "The victim may not be"

Press Juror 4 on the statement that begins with "There's no evidence to suggest"

Pit Jurors 1 and 4 against each other

Conflicting statements: "Alright, if you can show" and "The 'victim' puts on a"

The Altamont Gas Company's Investigation

Press Altamont on the statement that begins with "And yet, the"

Open the Court Record and examine the little hole at the bottom of the Gas Meter

Present Gas Meter on the statement that begins with "The meter doesn't"

Choose How it differentiates coins

Open the Court Record and examine the circular dent in the bottom of the Bar of Soap

Present Bar of Soap on the statement that begins with "The meter is"

Rotate the Bar of Soap until you can see the circular dent and present

Rotate the Gas Meter until you can see the little hole at the bottom and present

Present Crime Scene Photograph

Choose Raise an objection

Choose Was the poison in the tea?

Present Bar of Soap

Episode 2 - Solutions: Part 3

Part 3 - InvestigationNaruhodo's Legal Consultancy

Converse with Susato about all available topics

Move to Sholmes's Suite

Note - You can potentially skip speaking to Sholmes here and go straight to the next area, but if you do so he will not come to help you during the investigation. So I suggest just talking to him right away to save time.

Sholmes's Suite

Converse with Sholmes about all available topics

Move to Mr Shamspeare's Room

Optional - Before moving to this next location, move to Miss Green's Hospital Bed to witness an altercation between Olive and Shamspeare. Not necessary and you don't really get any new physical evidence, but it will help sow some seeds in regard to the future Trial

Mr Shamspeare's Room

Examine Sholmes on the right side of the screen

He will then teach you a new investigation mechanic (veterans of the series will remember similar mechanics taught to you by Ema Skye)

Spray wherever you like, but to progress the investigation, spray the area of wall between the picture and the Gas Meter and the floor to the right of the table

Examine Gregson and converse with him about all available topics

Optional - Examine Wagahai for some cute animations and silly dialogue

Move to Prison


Converse with Soseki about all available topics

Present Capital Offender Article

Converse with Soseki about all available topics

Move to The Garridebs' Room

The Garridebs' Room

Converse with Garrideb about all available topics

Present Hidden Photograph

Converse with Garrideb about all available topics

Move to Miss Green's Hospital Bed

Miss Green's Hospital Bed

Achievement - Once you enter, you will be met with an interaction with Miss Green in which she will set down a blue bottle. When you are able to, immediately examine the bottle to obtain the Down In One achievement. Do this BEFORE doing anything else, as the bottle will fall off the table once you proceed with the story

Present Hidden Photograph

Converse with Olive about all available topics

Examine the bright pink medicine spill

Examine the card and envelope on the table that the medicine fell from

Converse with Olive about all available topics

Episode 2 - Solutions: Part 4

Part 4-1 - TrialThe Tea Inconsistency

Open the Court Record and examine the inside of the Pair of Teacups

Present Pair of Teacups on the statement that begins with "Whilst feigning distraction"

Jury Examination: The Defence's Rebuttal

Press Juror 4 on the statement that begins with "Gas doesn't come for free!"

Pursue Juror 3 when prompted

Pit Jurors 3 and 6 against each other

Conflicting statements: "Blow too hard into a" and "If nothing else passed the"

Present Handprints on the Wall

Press Juror 1 on the statement that begins with "I'm a man of logic"

Choose I have supporting testimony

Present Soseki Natsume's profile

Present Soseki Natsume's profile

Present Olive Green's profile

Part 4-2 - TrialThe Evening of 17th February

Press Olive on the statement that begins with "It was the"

Pursue Shamspeare when prompted

Open the Court Record and examine either Miss Green's Card or Torn-Off End of Envelope. It doesn't matter which you examine as both will update accordingly.

Press Shamspeare on the statement that begins with "I was at"

Choose Present evidence

Present either Miss Green's Card or Torn-Off End of Envelope

Present either Miss Green's Card or Torn-Off End of Envelope on the statement that begins with "This note was"

The Anomaly of the Note

Present Bottle of Poison on the statement that begins with "I don't know"

Present Duncan Ross's profile

Present Capital Offender's File

Present Handprints on the Wall

Choose Present a person

Achievement - Present anyone but Olive Green in order to unlock The Noodler achievement. You will receive a penalty for this, so if you wish for your playthrough to be mistake-free, simply save before selecting your answer.

Present Olive Green's profile

Flashback End

Episode 3 - Achievements

Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 214
Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 215
Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 216
Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 217
Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 218

The Demasking Clear Episode 3

Ace of Spades (Part 5, 6, and 7) The next three pieces of this achievement are located in this Episode

5. Once you finish conversing with Sholmes and he leaves the suite, move to Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy and examine the shovel.

6. During the start of Part 3 - Investigation, you will start off at Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy. Examine the shovel right away.

7. During Part 3 - Investigation, you will be able to enter Madame Tusspells' Special Exhibit. There will be a wax figure with a shovel, which you would need to examine. Examine the figure to trigger the story dialogue and then examine the shovel to trigger the achievement progress.

Inspirational Roots When you first go to the Prosecutor's Office, present your Armband to Barok van Zieks.

The Herlockian (Part 7) The final piece you need to complete this achievement is in this Episode.

7. After conversing with Susato and Iris in the beginning of Part 3 - Investigation, move to Sholmes's Suite and examine the chalkboard.

The Top Rung Both pieces you need to complete this achievement are in this Episode

1. When you are able to go to Madame Tusspells, slide to the right until you see Sholmes. On his right, there is a stepladder for you to examine.

2. After inspecting the chalkboard to complete The Herlockian, move to Madame Tusspells and examine the stepladder again.

Episode 3 - Solutions: Part 1

These last three cases are amazing, lore and themes wise, genuinely. I love them so much and they're the reason why this game is like Top 3 AA games in my book. I actually rushed through the first two cases with the fast forward button just to get to these cases as quickly as possible ^^;;

Part 1 - InvestigationSholmes's Suite

Converse with Sholmes about all available topics

Open the Court Record and examine the back of the Great Exhibition Newspaper

Converse with Sholmes about all available topics

Achievement - After Sholmes leaves, move to Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy and examine the shovel for progress towards the Ace of Spades achievement

Move to Lord Chief Justice's Office

Lord Chief Justice's Office

Converse with Stronghart about all available topics

Present Great Exhibition Newspaper

Converse with Stronghart about all available topics

Move to Prosecutor's Office

Prosecutor's Office

Achievement - Once able to move, present the Armband to Barok van Zieks to unlock Inspirational Roots achievement

Present Great Exhibition Newspaper

Converse with van Zieks about all available topics

Move to Prison


Converse with Harebrayne about all available topics

Move to Experimentation Stage

Experimentation Stage

Converse with Gina about all available topics

Examine the strange device leaning against the shrub on the right side of the screen

Examine the green piece of cloth near the bottom of the screen

Slide upwards and examine the shattered glass in the Crystal Tower

Examine the stairs on the left side of the screen to automatically move to Platform


Examine the machine in the middle of the screen

After the dialogue, examine the machine again

Converse with Gregson about all available topics

Move to Madame Tusspells

Madame Tusspells

Achievement - Slide to the right and examine the ladder on the left side of the exhibit Sholmes is standing in to gain progress towards The Top Rung achievement

Examine Sholmes and converse about all available topics

Converse with Tusspells about all available topics

Dance of Deduction Start: The game is afoot!

Waxwork's Fate: Course CorrectionCourse Correction: Hold it, Mr. Sholmes!

Incorrect deduction is the statement that begins with "The significance of the two"

Rotate the camera until you can see the wall behind the curtain and examine the note on the wall

Present ransom note

Incorrect deduction is the statement that begins with "What dealt the man such"

Rotate the camera around Madame Tusspells and look down at the hand poking out under her cape and examine

Present the waxwork hand

Waxwork Location: Course CorrectCourse Correction: Hold it, Mr. Sholmes!

Incorrect deduction is the statement that begins with "Who is this fellow? To"

Rotate the camera until you can see the other side of the policeman's body

Present shoulder stub

Incorrect deduction is the statement that begins with "The telltale sign that instantly"

Rotate the camera around the old man to view his other leg

Present the twitch

Deduction Complete: Elementary!

Converse with Tusspells about all available topics

From here, the game will move around automatically until the end of this investigation segment. Enjoy the dialogue!

Episode 3 - Solutions: Part 2

Part 2-1 - TrialNote - This is the first trial in the series where you will be alone on your side of the bench. No one will be around to give you hints or guide you, so you will need to be vigilant and careful during these next two parts. I will include helpful hints and tips here now in case you need refreshers.

Gameplay Tips Hitting the right mouse button acts the same as hitting the Backspace key. Use this to close menus faster without hitting the keyboard!

Holding the left mouse button fast-forwards dialogue!

Hitting the Space bar will allow you to proceed forward with dialogue

During cross-examinations, if you want to cycle between statements, hitting the left mouse button/space bar will move statements forward. Hitting the right mouse button will move statements backward

A Front for Murder

Press Gregson on the statement that begins with "There was a"

Press Gregson on the statement that begins with "So the victim"

Pursue Harebrayne when prompted

Open the Court Record and examine the handle of the Screwdriver

Present Screwdriver on the statement that begins with "The weapon the"

The Inconsistency Explained

Present Photograph of the Victim on the statement that begins with "My hypothesis states"

Choose Raise an objection

Part 2-2 - TrialThe View From Sixty Feet Up

Press Gina on the statement that begins with "There's this huge"

Pursue Gotts when prompted

Present Piece of Green Cloth on the statement that begins with "It was an"

Mr Lune's Balloons

Press Lune on the statement that begins with "This stupido ragazzo"

Pursue Gotts when prompted

Present Photograph of the Balloon on the statement that begins with "All three of"

Choose There's more!

Choose The cause of the explosion

Point to the white line heading towards the empty balloon and present

Open the Court Record and examine the small lever/button at the back end of the Mysterious Contraption

Present Crossbow

Choose whichever option you want (No matter which option you choose, the outcome will be the same)

Episode 3 - Solutions: Part 3

Part 3 - InvestigationNaruhodo's Legal Consultancy

Achievement - Examine the shovel for your next piece of progress towards the Ace of Spades achievement

Converse with Susato about all available topics

Slide to the right and examine Iris , then converse about all available topics

Achievement - After Iris leaves, move to Sholmes's Suite and examine her chalkboard to finally complete The Herlockian achievement! If the achievement doesn't pop for you, you may have missed a step. On the Title Screen, go to Special Content and select Accolades. You will be able to see every step in multi-part achievements so you will know where to go next!

Achievement - After examining the chalkboard, move to Madame Tusspells and examine the stepladder to complete The Top Rung achievement!

Move to Prison


Converse with Harebrayne about all available topics

Move to Lord Chief Justice's Office

Lord Chief Justice's Office

Converse with Stronghart about all available topics

Move to Forensic Laboratory

Forensic Laboratory

Examine the open book on the desk next to the pretty stain-glass lamp

Converse with Dr Sithe about all available topics

Move to Experimentation Stage

Experimentation Stage

Converse with Gina about all available topics

Open the Court Record and examine the back of Drebber's Card

Present Drebber's Card

Examine the stairs to automatically move


Examine the birdcage that the victim was strapped to on the right side of the screen

Examine the machine in the center of the screen

Examine van Zieks to converse with him about all available topics

Move to Madame Tusspells

Madame Tusspells

Examine Sholmes to converse with him about all available topics

Present Photograph of Drebber

Examine the curtains to automatically move

Special Exhibit

Examine the man with the lantern

Achievement - Examine the shovel to gain progress towards the Ace of Spades achievement

Examine the camera hanging from the man's neck

Examine the wax figure's face

Examine the Professor figure

Examine the figure's neck

Note - You will automatically move to the next location after your dialogue with Sholmes is completed. Be sure to examine the stepladder and the shovel before you leave, otherwise you will be locked out of the Ace of Spades and The Top Rung achievements!

Converse with Sholmes about all available topics

You will automatically move to the next area

Enoch Drebber's Workshop

Examine the machine in the center of the room

Examine the trophy on the left side of the screen

Examine the light blue door at the back-right of the room

Examine the red quiver of arrows near the bottom right of the screen

Examine the bright red time bomb in the center of the room

Dance of Deduction Start: The game is afoot!

Flipped Furniture: Course CorrectionCourse Correction: Hold it, Mr. Sholmes!

Incorrect deduction is the statement that begins with "The inverted furniture clearly reveals"

Rotate the camera until you can see the right-side up vase beside the bed

Present the upright vase

Incorrect deduction is the statement that begins with "Yes, the reason why everything"

Rotate the camera until you can see the chair with writing on the bottom

Present the safe combination

Missing Engineer: Course CorrectionCourse Correction: Hold it, Mr. Sholmes!

Incorrect deduction is the statement that begins with "The reason there are footprints"

Rotate the camera until you can see the shoe on top of the balloon

Present the shoe

Incorrect deduction is the statement that begins with "To reach the intended destination"

Present the Crossbow

Present the large safe

Deduction Complete: Elementary!

Converse with Drebber about all available topics

Episode 3 - Solutions: Part 4

Part 4-1 - TrialThe Kinesis Machine

Open the Court Record and examine the bottom of the Wooden 'Birdcage'

Present Wooden 'Birdcage' on the statement that begins with "All the spectators"

Present Experiment Sketch on the statement that begins with "The kinesis clearly"

Point to the inside of the dome area on the experimentation stage and present

Note - Make sure you present that exact area to proceed. If you select anything else (like the floor, frame, etc) you will get a penalty

Choose Name the accomplice

Present Courtney Sithe's profile

Choose Present evidence

Present Waxwork Head

Summation Examination

Jury Examination: The Defence's Rebuttal

Press Juror 3 on the statement that begins with "I have had my own"

Pursue Juror 6 when prompted

Pit Jurors 2 and 6 against each other

Conflicting statements: "Oh dear, this is most" and "She was Courtney Stevens back"

Present Killer's Autopsy Report

Press Juror 4 on the statement that begins with "I've seen no rigorous proof"

Choose I have evidence

Present Piece of Broken Glass

Pit Jurors 4 and 5 against each other

Conflicting statements: "The presence of that piece" and "Accusin' someone without right evidences?"

Part 4-2 - TrialThe Professor Waxwork

Press Tusspells on the statement that begins with "I hid myself"

Choose It's significant

Present Killer's Autopsy Report on the statement that begins with "It took me"

Present Ten-Year-Old Article

Present Enoch Drebber's profile

In The Cemetery Ten Years Earlier

Present Ten-Year-Old Article on the statement that begins with "But thinking back"

Press Drebber on the statement that begins with "What I in"

Pursue Tusspells when prompted

Press Drebber on the statement that begins with "Soon afterwards, I"

Open the Court Record and examine the front of the Camera to unfold it

Examine the bloodstain on the Camera

Present Camera on the statement that begins with "There was no"

Present Courtney Sithe's profile

Present both Ten-Year-Old Article and Drebber's Contract (I don't believe the order presented matters as the dialogue is the same)

Point to the signature at the bottom right of the newspaper illustration and present

Present Science Trophy

Choose Further testimony (It doesn't matter which option you choose as the outcome will be the same, but choosing the first option will give different dialogue)

The Waxwork Plot

Press Sithe on the statement that begins with "The body had"

Choose What she did to the victim

Present Photograph of the Victim on the statement that begins with "I stood over"

Point to the stab wound and present

Choose The stabbing of the victim

Choose Scalpels (That is the correct answer, but if you choose the other options you get dialogue with Susato with no risk of penalties)


There is no particular thing you need to do after the trial concludes, however from here on out you will learn many twists to the plot (some being more obvious than others) During the ending of Episode 3, you will get hit with back-to-back sucker punches of info, such as the identity of The Masked Apprentice, the true name of the serial killer Professor, and the underlying story-line extending across both games in the form of a beautifully done fully voiced 3D cutscene. From here on out, everything will hinge on that case from ten years ago.

Onward, to the last two cases of the game!

Episode 4 - Achievements

Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 431
Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 432
Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 433

The Legendary Pair Clear Episode 4

Ace of Spades (Part 8) After completing the dialogue at the beginning of Part 1 - Investigation, move to Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy and examine the shovel to complete the achievement.

Best Chips in Town During Part 3 - Investigation, after you lose consciousness and awake in Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy, move back to Fresno Street Room and converse with Gina

Episode 4 - Solutions: Part 1

Important NoteAs previously mentioned, the next two cases are extremely convoluted and incredibly lore driven. If this is your first time playing the game/these cases, I highly recommend playing these next two cases with your own abilities and only using my guide if absolutely necessary to bypass a hard spot. A weird thing to say in a guide that's spoiler free, but it's pretty imperative to the story (and to me) that you experience these cases as intended as much as possible.

I, of course, will still leave detailed solutions for the cases no matter what, but the experience this game gives you as a first time viewer is something that is not easily replicated and any speed-running or spoilers will ruin the cases for you.

I just wanted to mention this for anyone who has this guide open either as a brand new player or a player who doesn't remember the details as cleared as when they first played. The Great Ace Attorney is amazing and has an extremely good story that wraps up nicely in the span of two 5-case games, and much like earlier Ace Attorney games the story is very reliant on the case that precedes the current plot.

With that out of the way, on to the solutions!

Part 1 - InvestigationGreat Waterloo Hotel

Converse with Mikotoba and Jigoku about all available topics

Achievement - After the dialogue here ends, move to Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy and examine the shovel to complete the Ace of Spades achievement!

Move to Lord Chief Justice's Office

Lord Chief Justice's Office

Converse with Stronghart about all available topics

Move to Sholmes's Suite

Sholmes's Suite

Note - Ensure that you have conversed with Stronghart about all available topics before returning here, otherwise the story will not continue. Just a warning, as some people may have ended up here after doing the Ace of Spades achievement

Optional - Examine Kazuma's Mask on the table to get some interesting dialogue about your best friend

Examine the newspaper on the couch

Present Red-Headed League Article and converse with Sholmes about all available topics

Converse with Evie about all available topics

Move to Prison Governor's House

Prison Governor's House

Note - Not much you can do here except get shunned for being Eastern, so you'll need to come back later, preferably prepared

Move to Great Waterloo Hotel

Great Waterloo Hotel

Examine Mikotoba and converse with him

Move to Prison Governor's House

Prison Governor's House

Present Letter of Introduction to Caidin

Converse with Caidin about all available topics

Move to Sholmes's Suite

Sholmes's Suite

Converse with Gina about all available topics

Move to Prison


Converse with Barok about all available topics

Move to Fresno Street Room

Fresno Street Room

Slide to the right and examine the body outline on the floor

Examine the red wig beside the outline

Examine the gun on the floor

Examine the toy policeman near the gun

Examine the candelabrum (candle holder) on the wall

Slide to the left and examine the wooden pin board

Examine the green picture frame

Converse with Gina about all available topics

Move to Lord Chief Justice's Office

Lord Chief Justice's Office

Converse with Stronghart about all available topics

Examine Kazuma to converse with him

Move to Prison


Present Gregson's Photograph to Barok

Converse with Barok about all available topics

Episode 4 - Solutions: Part 2

Part 2-1 - TrialNote - This is going to be your first British case where there is no jury present, meaning you will not be doing a summation examination. Essentially, you will be doing a normal trial like in previous AA games (or the Japan trials in TGAA 1 and 2)

The Facts of the Incident

Press Barok on all statements

The Witnesses' Account

Press Gossip on the statement that begins with "We saw the"

Press Gossip on the statement that begins with "I ran into"

Pursue Sandwich when prompted

Open the Court Record and examine the back of the Noticeboard

Present Noticeboard on the statement that begins with "I slipped over"

Choose The board moving

Point to the area directly to the right of the doorway and present

The Mystery of the Moving Board

Press Venus on the statement that begins with "Well don't look"

Pursue Sandwich when prompted

Press Venus on the statement that begins with "Maybe I did"

Open the Court Record and examine the keyhole at the bottom of Gregson's Pocket Watch

While in the Court Record, examine the top of the Policeman Figurine and then examine the key itself

Present Gregson's Pocket Watch on the statement that begins with "I c-can't see"

Open the Court Record and examine the fuse of the Venus Firecracker

Present Venus Firecracker

Present Candelabrum

Present either Red-Headed League Article or Red Hairpiece

Part 2-2 - TrialThe Man in the Photograph

Press De Rousseau on the statement that begins with "Non, I don't"

Choose His profession

Pursue De Rossi when prompted

Open the Court Record and examine the clasp on the Inspector's Identification , then examine the inside of the booklet

Present Inspector's Identification on either of the statements that begin with "Non, I don't" or "Allora! This victim"

The Detective and The Identification

Press De Rousseau on the statement that begins with "Zere might 'ave"

Pursue De Rossi when prompted

Choose It's important

Present Photograph of the Victim on the statement that begins with "He tried to"

Choose An imposter

Present Gossip's profile

The Inspector and the Identification Revisited

Press Gossip on the statement that begins with "I never leave"

Pursue De Rousseau when prompted

Present Framed Photograph on the statement that begins with "I'm all alone"

Present Daley Vigil's profile

Choose Do it

Present Dismissal Notice

Episode 4 - Solutions: Part 3

Part 3 - InvestigationNote - This Investigation will be gearing you up for the final Episode, meaning there will be A LOT of lore and exposition here instead of the usual examining crime scenes. Pay close attention to everything that is told to you, as it will be building the pieces for the final trial you will have to overcome.

Sholmes's Suite

Converse with Iris about all available topics

Move to Lord Chief Justice's Office

Lord Chief Justice's Office

Converse with Stronghart about all available topics

Move to Prison


Converse with Barok about all available topics

Move to Great Waterloo Hotel

Great Waterloo Hotel

Converse with Mikotoba about all available topics

Move to Mr Vigil's Hospital Bed

Mr Vigil's Hospital Bed

Converse with Daley Vigil about all available topics

Move to Prison Governor's Office

Prison Governor's Office

Converse with Caidin about all available topics

Move to Prosecutor's Office

Prosecutor's Office

Converse with Kazuma about all available topics

Present Autopsy Report

Move to Forensics Laboratory

Forensics Laboratory

Present Autopsy Report to Maria and then converse with her about all available topics (You will have to speak to her twice to access all dialogue options)

Move to Fresno Street Room

Fresno Street Room

Examine the trunk on the floor

Converse with Gina about all available topics

Present either Red Hairpiece, Policeman Figurine, Gregson's Pocket Watch, or Inspector's Identification when prompted

Achievement - After this point, little Toby will attack you, knocking you out cold. When you awake again you will have been automatically moved to Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy. Once the dialogue ends and are able to move, immediately move back to Fresno Street Room and examine Gina in order to converse with her again to unlock the Best Chips in Town achievement! Make sure you do this before going to Sholmes's Suite, otherwise you will be locked out of this achievement due to the game automatically transitioning into the last Dance of Deduction Ryuunosuke will partake in.

Move to Sholmes's Suite

Sholmes's Suite

Dance of Deduction Start: The game is afoot!

Man's Identity: Course CorrectionCourse Correction: Hold it, Mr. Sholmes!

Incorrect deduction is the statement that begins with "The reason for the man's"

Rotate the camera until you can see the gramaphone and present it

Incorrect deduction is the statement that begins with "Yes, there can be no"

Present Kazuma Asogi's profile

Girl's Silence: Course CorrectionCourse Correction: Hold it, Mr. Sholmes!

Incorrect deduction is the statement that begins with "Yes, the reason for your"

Point to the metal chest and present it (be prepared for a pretty hilarious 3D cut-scene/interaction)

Rotate the camera until you can see the key in Iris's hand and present it

Rotate the camera until you can see the case file underneath the serving tray and present it

Deduction Complete: Elementary!

Converse with Iris about all available topics

Converse with Sholmes about all available topics

Episode 5 - Achievements

Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 581
Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 582
Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 583
Achievement & Progression Guide - The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve image 584

The Risen Resolve Clear the Final Episode

Asogi Clan Appreciator During Part 2-2 - Trial, you will need to examine the hilt of the Great Sword 'Karuma' to obtain vital evidence. After obtaining that vital evidence, examine the hilt once again.

Ace Aficianado This is not an achievement that you can obtain by playing the main storyline. Instead, after completing the chapter, go to the Special Contents section of TGAA: Chronicles, and then go to the Escapades section. There you will see eight side-stories to the main games, all of which you need to complete (and yes, you do need to COMPLETE them. Ending them early does not count towards the achievement....) in order to unlock this achievement.

The Escapades are all purely visual novels, meaning there isn't anything special you need to do besides watch them in their entirety. Enjoy some side stories to close out the Chronicles!

The Great Ace Attorney Obtain all other achievements.

Episode 5 - Solutions: Part 1

Note - This Episode, though technically a different set of trials, is still the same case from Episode 4. Probably one of the longest cases in the series thus far, spanning seamlessly across two Episodes to conclude the TGAA games. Once again, if this is your first time playing, I sincerely recommend you play this case as legitimately as possible without relying on my guide too heavily. The payoff from all of the plot twists and lore points coming together are honestly second to none.

Of course, this is simply just a suggestion. You can of course play the game however you wish, and I will include my detailed solutions the entire step of the way.

Now, onward to the Final Episode.

Part 1-1 - TrialThe Victim's Movements

Press Gina on the statement that begins with "Accordin' to that"

Choose Insist

If you haven't already done so prior, open the Court Record and examine the back of the Letter of Introduction

Present Letter of Introduction on the statement that begins with "Apparently the smuggled"

Open the Court Record and examine the latch on Gregson's Trunk and then examine the paper within

Present Passport when prompted

The Reaper's Notebook

Press Gina on the first four statements

Press Gina on the statement that begins with "Come on, 'Oddo!"

Present Kazuma Asogi's profile

Present Gregson's Trunk

Once prompted, point to the metal shard on the inside-right rim of Gregson's Trunk and present it

Choose Pull!

Part 1-2 - InvestigationNote - You will be playing as Mikotoba for this part of the Episode. Unlike Ryuunosuke, the elder Japanese man is the true partner to Herlock Sholmes, and as such you will not receive the same amount of hand-holding as you may be accustomed to. Come now, the game is afoot!

Examine the bell on the wall

Choose Set it off (Headphone users beware, this will set off a loud ringing noise!)

Examine the glass of ice on the desk

Examine the wastepaper basket directly under the desk

Slide to the right and examine the outline on the wall

Examine the trunk

Dance of Deduction Start: The game is afoot!

Note - This is by far my favorite part of the game. The Final Dance of Deduction, this time not between Sholmes and Ryuunosuke, but between The Great Detective and his Greatest Friend, to the tune of a really great song to boot. (It's called Partners, if you were wondering. It's on Spotify!) As I mentioned previously, you will not receive the same amount of prior hand-holding for this dance. Sholmes will not give his deduction ahead of time as he is dancing with his True Partner, so all presentations you make are done in real time with no statements to correct. It's not too hard, but it's certainly jarring for those who are used to having more time to think it over due to the earlier format.

The Final DancePoint to the glass of ice and present

Point to the Rules of Passage on the left side of the sailor and present

Rotate the camera until you can see the wad of banknotes sticking out of Strogenov's back pocket and present

Point to the large trunk and present

Enter the code 5231045

Hint - Look at Strogenov's arm upside down! (which was arguably MUCH easier on the DS....)

Deduction Complete: Elementary!

Part 1-2 - Investigation (Cont.)Sholmes's Suite

Examine Sholmes to converse with him about all available topics

Present Telegram from Japan and converse with Sholmes about all available topics

Episode 5 - Solutions: Part 2

Part 2-1 - TrialPresent Telegram from Japan

The Assassin Exchange

Present Evacuation Drill Itinerary on either of the statements that begin with "On the evening" or "If there'd been"

Open the Court Record and examine both Small Component and the top of Gregson's Pocket Watch

Present Small Component

The Events in the Cabin

Press Jigoku on the statement that begins with "The inspector was"

Present Commemorative Photograph on the statement that begins with "There's no possible"

Present Photograph of Victim

Choose Impossible (be careful, as picking the other option will net you a penalty)

Present Evacuation Drill Itinerary

The Reaper and the Assassin Exchange

Present Klint's Autopsy Report on the statement that begins with "The point is"

Present Mael Stronghart's profile

Choose There is someone

Present Yujin Mikotoba's profile

Part 2-2 - TrialThe Autopsy of Klint van Zieks

Press Gorey on the statement that begins with "It was just"

Present Mr Asogi's Ring on the statement that begins with "There were no"

Present Dismissal Notice

The Jailbreak Plot

Press Caidin on the statement that begins with "All I did"

Pursue Vigil when prompted

Present The Asogi Papers on the statement that begins with "It seems to"

The Asogi Papers

Press Caidin on the statement that begins with "The document was"

Pursue Vigil when prompted

Present Klint's Autopsy Report on the statement that begins with "As I remember"

Choose A confession (Beware, the other options all lead to penalties...)

Choose Lord Stronghart

Present The Asogi Papers

Once The Asogi Papers are updated, open the Court Record and examine the hilt of The Great Sword Karuma

Achievement - Repeat the same step above to trigger dialogue between Ryuunosuke and Susato, unlocking Asogi Clan Appreciator, the final non-chapter or Special Contents related achievement!

Choose Present evidence (if you choose the second option, it will arrive to the same conclusion however you will suffer a penalty)

Present Klint van Zieks' Will

Choose Use evidence

Present Iris's Lucky Charm


Nothing to do from here but enjoy the story coming full circle, with many heartfelt and cute moments across every character you've met along the way. Congratulations on solving the Professor case and freeing Kazuma and Barok from the ghosts of their pasts!


And that's The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve!

Like I said before, this game is one of, if not my favorite Ace Attorney game. I was so happy when it was finally localized so I could play it in proper English format, and it did not disappoint. Replaying it again for this guide was pleasantly nostalgic, and I hope some of you enjoyed the journey as much as I did!

As TGAA is a duology, that means there will (probably) never be another game in its series. And personally, I'm okay with that. These two games concluded in a way that needs no other explanation, and while I'd probably like to see how the cast turns out later down the line, I don't think we need a whole other game for that, yanno?

But anyways, ramblings aside, this game is amazing and I had a ton of fun making this guide for you all. As always, comments are appreciated! Be they criticisms, suggestions, or the general nice comment, I read and reply to them as much as I can!

NoteNow keen eyes may notice that this guide went up a little later than I might've previously said. And that's because A) life got in the way and I had to step away from the game for a while, and B) I SEVERELY overestimated how much time I had to complete this guide! I had (for some reason) thought that AAI duology was going to drop on September 21st, so I based my entire guide writing schedule on that date

Only to realize 2 days before that AAI actually drops on Steam on September 6th...Whoops!

As such, all I can do is apologize for the lateness on this guide and the unfortunate post-poning of the Apollo Justice Trilogy guides as I want to release the AAI guides as soon as possible. So, look out for those over the next couple of weeks!

Thanks for sticking with me for this very long and very rambly guide. See you guys in the AAI guide!


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