

How To Teleport

You need to stand on red pentagram-like magical symbol on a floor/ground.

Using a rune will pop-up the dialog window with "choose destination" option.

After receiving first teleportation rune in Silbach, ask Lokvar about it.

After speaking to him you'll:

have a new record about rune magic in game log --> general info;

receive the book about secrets of teleportation.

Where Is My Runes?!

All teleportation runes merged into single in your inventory.

Locations Of Teleports, The Map

Teleports image 10

1. The Lurkers' Coast (cave)

Teleports image 12

Telerune: from Rupert as result of completing the quest "nobody gets left behind".

Portal whereabout: the cave.

2. Silbach (chapel)

Teleports image 16

Telerune: at Silbach's chapel on the altar. Interior of the chapel can be accessed via third part of the quest "three works for the alchemist" (cleaning the chapel of "monsters") by the key from Lokvar.

Portal whereabout: chapel of Silbach.

3. Southern Marshes

Telerune: You can buy it from the guy nearby Arena.

Portal whereabouts: ...

<there will be screenshot of portal>

4. Sailor's Retreat (ruined Tower)

Telerune: in the ruined tower guarded by 2 harpies.

Portal whereabout: in the ruined tower.

<here will be screenshot of the portal>

5. The City (chapel)

Telerune: can be bought from fire mage in the chapel.

Portal whereabout: in the chapel next to the watchmen barracks.

<here will be screenshot of the portal>

6. West From The City (cave)

Telerune: dropped by leader of bandits in the cave.

Portal whereabout: guarded by 25-32 lvl bandits in the cave.

<here will be screenshot of the portal>

7. Amber Coast (stone Circle)

Teleports image 36

Telerune: is laying on the central stone platform in the stone circle.

Portal whereabout: stone circle next to Amber coast.

8. The Monastery (behind Of)

Telerune: ???

Portal whereabout: behind the Monastery. You can get to it with some jumping and climbing.

<here will be screenshot of the portal>

9. The Abandoned Cave By Rita's Vineyard

Teleports image 44

Telerune: in central sarchofagus near the teleport.

Portal whereabout: cave in the forest south-west of bridge (with the boat) by the road between Silbach and Rita's Vineyard. Need to defeat 3 goblin-skeletons and 3 skeletons to get there.

10. Remote Island In The Southwest Of Archolos

Teleports image 48

Telerune: not known.

Portal: small cave at northwest side of the island.

11. ...

Telerune: ...

Portal: ...

<here will be screenshot of the portal>


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