Tips & Tricks for a Good Startup ... *SMITE* beginners guide

Tips & Tricks for a Good Startup ... *SMITE* beginners guide

`Voice Packs´

A `Voice Pack´ is an extra feature that can be purchased, which makes your `God´ speak and make sounds and commands InGame with the specific `Gods´ own voice (instead of the standard voice that all `Gods´ have without the `Voice Pack´).

If you want to buy a Voice for your favorite `God´, you can select the specific `God´ and purchase a `Voice Pack´ for 200 gems (which is kind of an INSANE price!) If you buy `Voice Packs´ for ALL the `Gods´ that way, you´ve paid more than 20.000 gems. BOOM, right?!

You could also take your chances and roll the `Voice Pack Chest´ in the `STORE´ for 150 gems, but for a RANDOM voice. That way you may save about 5K in gems, - but it´s still A LOT of gems to pay.

Since you can only buy voices for gems (not for favor) my advice is this:

Patience, my friend.

Sometimes the `Voice Packs´ are on a 50% sale making the price 100 gems for a specifically selected `God´ of your choice. That way you can at least save a little and only buy the voice you want, but I would advise new players to wait a while with the voice-pack-purchases.

Hold on to your gems and use them wisely.


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There is another little advice that I often mention to new players of *SMITE*

(And I have also mentioned it in another guide regarding GamePlay).

It´s a good idea to activate the `Auto-Purchase´-function so your `God´ automatically buys the well-considered and pre-selected items you´ve found.

You can press `ESC´ while on the main page and choose `GUIDES´ in the menu-popup or in the (so called) Match-Lobby just before the battle starts, - and choose `GUIDES´.

`Level-Up´ Bonuses

Tips & Tricks for a Good Startup ... *SMITE* beginners guide image 17

In the beginning (and for the first 30 levels you progress as a player) there are rewards for every level (- don´t know what happened to level 3, though?).

You unlock a reward every time you level up as a player, - and you `Claim´ the reward by pressing it when it´s unlocked, - but my advice to you, is that you consider a few things before `Claiming´ them, - and follow my directions to get good benefits later on.

These rewards feel `NICE´ and provide you with the impression that this is normal. It´s NOT!

When it stops, - you´ll have to work hard for the bonuses, solve quests or buy access to them.

And in terms of using your `Level-Up´-gems, I will just say, treasure your gems and use them wisely, - in fact, try to hold on to them until you get a feel of what you want and what you need, - what is cheap and what is over-expensive, etc.

(For more specific information on the InGame currencies and earning-possibilities you might want to check out my guide on InGame-Currency & Purchases as well).

Two Common `Traps´

There are two very common `traps´ that new players don´t spot in the upstart until it´s too late.

(Including myself).

Don´t `Claim´ every level-reward you get, as you `Unlock´ them.

Don´t spend your InGame currencies on buying new `Gods´.

1.) Don´t `Claim´ every level-bonus you get, as you unlock them.

Of course you should `Claim´ the free `Gods´ you´re given, - and the gems and favor as well. In fact, - there´re only 3 types of level-rewards you need to consider, before you `Claim´ them. They are rewards that only gets better in time, - or is probably better used at another time.

The `Enigma´-chests (you get 3 of them).

The 50% Reduction-bonuses (you get 3 of them, 1 on a chest and 2 on skins).

The Booster Bonuses (you get 3 of them, 2x`3-Days´ and 1x`15 Days´ of boost).

The `Enigma´-chests:

It´s tempting to `Claim´ an `Enigma´-chest as soon as you get it, but there´s approx. 700 different items in those chests, and more than half of them, can be purchased easy for Favor. (Ex. The `Emotes´). The`Enigma´-chests (and many other chests) does NOT have an equal drop chance for all the items, which means that you´ll only get the `cheap´ stuff in the beginning.

Instead keep the chests on stock for some time – the longer, the better. And `The Emote Trick´ which I´ve made a Guide on will provide you with good benefits, if you can resist the temptation of `Claiming´ them too soon. I know, - that´s quite a big challenge.

The 50% Reduction-bonuses:

It´s feels as if you are actually saving gems on these reduction-bonuses, right? Well, think again. All chests cost gems (most of them 400), - and gems are hard to get, unless you pay real money for them. You only get a few hundred gems as `Level-Up´ bonuses and if you use these 50%-reduction-bonuses you´ve already spent the gems you´ve just earned, - and more. Believe me, - in time you will know exactly when to use them. Keep them on stock for a while, - that is my advice, - and `Claim´ them when you know what you want.

The 3 or 15 Day-Booster-Bonuses:

These Booster-bonuses are actually always nice. They come as 1, 3, 15 and 30 day boosters. Being boosted for this period of time means that every battle you play gives you a double-up on all of the aftermatch-bonuses you can get. You then get 2xfavor, 2xXP, 2xWorshipers and so on.

When you `Claim´ the `Day-Boosters´ THE CLOCK STARTS ticking right away. So here´s my point! Sometimes (often over a weekends) there´re special game-events, - and often these events gives the players 2x`something´ or 2x`everything´ or even 3x`everything´ for the whole weekend (from Friday till Sunday). That´s 3 days in a row, right. So if you would normally get 100 favor for a battle, - you over the weekend would get 200 favor, - but if you have a 3-Day-Booster you get 400 favor instead. See it? All I´m saying is, - keep the day-booster-bonuses on stock and `Claim´ them on these special events to get really big benefits.

2.) Don´t spend your InGame currencies on buying new `Gods´.

You can purchase new `Gods´ for the InGame-currencies if you want to own new ones. This is SO tempting. And what makes it even MORE tempting, is that the favor you spend on the `Gods´ you buy, is kept on account for you.

If you buy `The Ultimate God Pack´ (which I´ve actually recommended in my guide on InGame-Currency & Purchases ) then you´ll get a FULL refund on ALL of the favor you´ve spent on buying `Gods´ uptill the time you buy `The Ultimate God Pack´. This may sound nice, - like getting it all back, - but it´s a `Temptation-Trap´. (imo)

You see, - all the time you´ve spent earning your favor and spending it on `Gods´, you´ve also gained plenty of bonus-chests and rewards, - maybe even been given gifts and more. All these chests have items in them that cost favor. Items, that you COULD HAVE bought easy, but instead have used on buying `Gods´. Meanwhile, you have wasted good chest-rolls on winning cheap stuff, that you could have bought for THAT InGame currency.

Believe me, - it feels like a true bummer to earn some Awesome Chest with a lot of good stuff in it, - and then you roll an `Emote´ that you could have purchased for 2.375 favor, instead of getting a Nice N´Flashy Skin that cost hundreds of gems.

But don´t despair, my friend, - I have an awesome little trick for you that I have explained in a Guide called `The Emote Trick´ - be sure to check it out, - you won´t regret it :)

A Final Good Advice

Finally, - my last little piece of advice can be easy to understand, but for some people a little hard to actually practice.

My advice is simply:

Be Nice. I know it´s a killing game, - and that´s NOT nice, - but I mean in the chats and in the interactions with other players. We´re all here to have fun & a good time. Some people can get real nasty and snap at you. You can use the `report´-feature if needed - or just rub it off, my friend, - and enjoy the game. I know I do!


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