`GEMS´ are the rarest and can be purchased for real money. You get small amounts through Rewards and daily logins and it´s the currency used to purchase the valuable stuff in the game. In short: This is your (real) InGame-money. If you spend them wisely, you can unlock more features during seasons and participate in gamemodes, that otherwise would cost you money from buying them in the store. So save your gems!
`FAVOR´ cannot be bought for real money, - you have to battle for them. There are MANY other ways to earn it, - through rewards, quests and more. There´s lots of stuff that cannot be bought with Favor. Certain things are simply extra `cool´ and therefore you can only purchase them with gems.
This is of course your BIGGEST challenge when purchasing. Be smart!
Earning InGame-currencies.
You can earn gems and favor in many ways andone of them is through daily logins:
Day 1 = 75 Favor
Day 2 = 125 Favor
Day 3 = 250 Favor
Day 4 = 350 Favor
Day 5 = 450 Favor
Day 6 = 15 GEMS !
Day 7 = 35 GEMS !Every week you also get 3 weekly quests that can provide you with either 1.100 or up to 1600 Favor. This means that you can earn between 2.350 up to 2.850 Favor and 50 gems every week.
(Not counting the Favor (or gems) you win through battles or other rewards).
And let me just say: The 50 gems are nothing, really. To put it in perspective, - a `Battle Pass´ (currently) costs 600 gems, which takes you 12 weeks (3 months of daily logins) to earn, - and the `Battle Pass´ lasts for (guess what) 90 days (=3 months). Or how about a single `Skin´ (a new outfit/appearance for one of your `Gods´) for 1.200 gems. It would take you 6 (!!) months to earn that. So you see, - treasure your gems and spend them wisely, unless you want to spend your hard earned money on buying gems all the time.
When you are considering spending your InGame currency on purchases, it´s important that you keep in mind that every time you purchase something that costs Favor, you INCREASE the chances of getting stuff from rewards and bonus-chests that can only be purchased with Gems. (The valuable stuff). In my `Tips & Tricks for a Good Startup´ and `The Emote Trick´ you will find a description of how wisely spent Favor can benefit you with more valuable rewards later on. Check it out, - you won´t regret it, - I promise.
A One-Time Purchase
And finally, - as a beginner of the game, you only own a few `Gods´. You can purchase new `Gods´ for the InGame-currencies if you want to own new ones. (I suggest you DON´T, - save your InGame currencies, - and spend it the way I recommend in my `Tips & Tricks for a Good Startup´ and `The Emote Trick´ ).
Instead, I´ll recommend you a One-Time purchase that you can consider, - in time. If you like the game and decide to spend some money on it, there is a One-Time purchase of `The Ultimate God Pack´ that I would highly recommend. It unlocks ALL existing AND future `Gods´ in the game for you. But it´s (for now) at a price of $24, - so be sure you mean it, - but it´s (imo) all you need for the FULL satisfaction of this game, - and I´m pretty sure you won´t regret it.
(I´ve been told - in this chat below, - that it frequently is on sale, - dirt cheap, - so keep an eye on it).
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2440954015
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