All Your Teams In One Place
Siralim Ultimate has a tremendous amount of variables to consider when creating and outfitting a new team. Linked below is a Google Sheet that I made to help streamline the process of planning out new teams and managing existing ones. Hopefully you will benefit from it as well.
This interactive spreadsheet will provide you with a working space to collect your ideas while theorycrafting, and contains lookups for all of the game information thanks to the community effort maintaining the Siralim Ultimate Compendium (linked in the #Notes tab).
Features Drop-down lists and search by name for all fields
Information is automatically populated based on your selections
Plan out your Artifacts and Spell Gems
Calculate Creature Stats at any Level
Access the Team Planning Sheet here[] .
To add the sheet to your Google Drive, select File -> Make a copy.
Please note that Steam flags most links to Google Docs as potentially malicious, so you will need to copy the URL and paste into a new tab.
More Siralim Ultimate guilds
- All Guilds
- My teams for GotG Ascension
- Godforge Upgrades reference
- Community Spell Review Compendium
- Firebrand Bomber [RIP - Firebrand interaction no longer works]
- Dwarf Riddle Answers
- How Do Hurt Gud?
- Starter Specialization Guide
- Hellknight Autowin Story to Lategame
- The Damage-Proof Aeolian [Game v1.03]
- Same Race Realm Spawns