This guide will explain how to combine a few powerful units available early in the game into a group that finishes many fights when your party gets its first action. With a bit of luck, you can even finish fights at the very beginning of the round without giving the enemy a chance to move! Want to know more? Then come, and annihilate your foes with The Firebrand Bomber!
There is also a video that explains some of the information in this guide and provides footage of it in action, going up to just before the final boss fight. Wouldn't want to spoil it. :)
I also stream sometimes on If this guide was helpful or you have questions, come over and ask!
The Main Synergy
This build has three star players, and four supporting members. It is built around the almighty
Koloss FIrebrand's trait lets you do massive damage to the enemy any time it deals damage. And it should be emphasized that the Firebrand's trait applies not only to attacks, but to ANY form of damage. This fact will be used to great effect. For this reason, this build is a Maximum Health stacking build. More about this in the coming section.
The second star of this show is
The crazed leper's trait allows us to repeatedly bomb the enemy, inflicting status effects through artifact effects, dealing damage by combining with the Koloss Firebrand, and generally being a huge help in the fights. Although it can be annoying watching 20 corpse explosions hit nothing while you wait for your enemies to auto-revive, in general the leper deals with a lot of annoying things very nicely.
The final star of this show is a bat. In the beginning, it will be a humble
We will use this bat to get us to the middle parts of the story, until we are powerful enough to encounter the fearsome
Both bats have a similar effect: when one of your allies Attacks, they will deal damage. The crypt bat is "humble" because it only hits one enemy. The mutated pulse bat hits all enemies. When combined with a Koloss Firebrand, you will likely one-shot every enemy pack in the game, including many boss packs.
But these three alone need some help to get all the way, so let's take a look at the supporting cast.
Drawing Out The Power Of Maximum Health
There are several advantages to using Maximum Health as the stat we are boosting. The most obvious is that it makes your monsters harder to kill. Combining high health with some minor defense buffs goes a long way toward making your mobs unkillable. Another interesting thing about Maximum Health is that the absolute values are much higher than with other stats.
Consider the Koloss Firebrand:
It has 40 base health. Its next closest stat is intelligence (when unmodified), and it is more than 10 points lower. Because Siralim simply multiplies all stats by the same value every level, this difference will be maintained throughout the game. My level 349 Crazed Leper has 5328 Health, but only 1687 intelligence. For this reason, hitting your Health with a 250% increase has a much larger effect than hitting your attack with a similar increase.
Speaking of trying to raise attack, it's usually much harder to raise attack than it is to raise Health. Lowering the enemy's defense is an option, but ultimately, we want to be able to clear the whole enemy field on our first or second action as often as possible. Otherwise, the game will take a very long time indeed. Maximum Health gets us there by allowing us to massively exceed our opponents, and ignore most of their defenses in the form of defense, evasion, and other mechanics. It's truly versatile.
Having considered the merits of Maximum Health, let's take a look at some of the supporting cast.
How To Combine The Main Cast Together
The process is fairly simple:
For damage, we want two combinations:
Crazed Leper + Koloss Firebrand
Koloss Firebrand + Mutated Pulse Bat
Early on, just the combination of these two will be enough to deal with pretty much everything. Use a Crypt Bat instead of a Mutated Pulse Bat early on, since they're available from floor 1. Initially, we'll have a few members around just to help a bit with boss battles, but for the most part this will get you will allow you to clear Instability 5, if a bit slowly. Eventually, you need to make two more upgrades.
To our Crazed Leper + Koloss Firebrand, we will add
Because crazed leper Casts Corpse Explosion, being silenced is quite bad - you can't cast while silenced. Worse still, if it's confused, it'll probably kill the majority of your team, rather than the enemy. For these reasons, status effects are very, VERY bad on the crazed leper. It turns out that he usually doesn't need to take a turn anyway; if the enemy has reduced you to just him, you're probably toast whether you get to take actions or not. So far (about 40 hours playing with this team, and 20 with the Laughing Wisp upgrade), I've only had one situation where getting sent to the bottom actually impacted the fight in a meaningful way. Status immunity is STRONG, and highly recommended.
Regarding our Koloss Firebrand + Mutated Pulse Bat, once we get either a firebrand trait item, MPB trait item, or Forsaken Swampdweller trait item, we need to combine them all together.
The 15% damage happens after Mending, which means you will always be a bit damaged in the fight. It usually still leaves you with 10x-20x more HP more than the opponent. This combo will deal absolutely massive damage to all enemies every time any of our other party members hits the enemy for at least 1 damage with an attack. It should be noted that the damage seems to be calculated like this:
Speed * 0.2 + (FirebrandHealth - EnemyTargetHealth)
As such, for the most part the speed on your firebrand basically doesn't matter. Just focus on Health, for offense and defense!
The Supporting Cast - Trees
In order to get lots of Health, we need a strong supporting cast. Our first combination was selected to address problems with healing high Health builds. The final version requires a trait item, but in the early goings, we just need two:
Mending causes us to gain 30% of our max HP every time we start our turn. Because the healing is percentage based, having higher maximums makes it stronger! Combined with
We can gain 75% healing each turn (30% from mending, and 45% from Hemlock Ent's trait). It's quite nice. That said, at some point, before you can have all three, you might want to switch to Hemlock Ent +
This guy lets you tank physical damage comps very well. Most things can't do more than 30% damage with a single attack, so it's quite likely that you just won't take damage while your tree is alive. It should be noted here that if Realm Instability or other effects cause multiple attacks, your healing triggers once at the end of the attacks. This means that with high enough numbers (+7 attacks, for example) the enemy may be able to kill you in spite of this trait. That usually requires some other realm effects (+200% enemy attack and +80% enemy damage at the same time, for example), and for the most part isn't a major concern.
The Supporting Cast - Pit Guards
Early on, a single Pit Guard + Forsaken Swampdweller will be enough to let you roll over pretty much all content.
It's very important that this creature be placed between the Crazed Leper and the Firebrand + Mutated Pulse Bat, to jack up their HP, make them a bit tankier via defense, and maybe let the leper act before the enemy, if luck is on your side.
As your party develops, some of the problems you were having with bosses should clear up, and you can change the supports a bit to get a second one. The version of the build I'm using right now has done this, and the results have been quite nice. Because I don't have the Forsaken Swampdweller boost on my Crazed Leper, I like to use the following party formation:
1 - Ent
2 - Pit Guard
3 - Crazed Leper
4 - Pit Guard
5 - Mutated Pulse Bat Firebrand
6 - Other**
This lets the leper get high-enough HP to deal with any enemies that get boosted HP from random traits/buffs via realm instability, and also hits him with double speed, greatly improving his chances of acting before getting hit during the first round of combat.
Eventually, you'll want at least one of your Pit Guards to use the Koloss Firebrand trait item. Because they're combined with Forsaken Swampdwellers, they're quite formidable themselves, and can usually play cleanup when you roll annoying instability combos like Reflected Damage + Autores.
As of the time of this writing, my second Pit Guard has no trait item. I'm still trying to find something that will help the team more than just having a fourth Firebrand, since even the third is not super mandatory. When/if I figure something out, I'll edit this part of the guide. :)
The Supporting Cast - Early Support
At the beginning of the game, you get a Unicorn Vivifier to help keep your crew alive. This is quite a nice gift, and one we'll use early on.
We combine this with an Aaxer Apocalypse
to help with longer fights like boss encounters before we get access to the monsters that really pump up our HP (especially Forsaken Swampdwellers and Pit Guards).
Eventually, you'll probably want to replace this character. As mentioned above, another Pit Guard is quite nice, but other options will be listed in an upcoming section.
The other early-game option we'll be taking is a combination of Pit Wraith Redeemer and Amphisbaena Chef.
This combination is useful in the early game because your leper's HP probably won't quite be high enough to kill, and it can take awhile to find either a Mutated Phase Bat, Koloss Firebrand, or Forsaken Swampdweller trait item. Having more debuffs on the enemy means that they're more likely to have a hard CC (a crowd control effect that prevents them from taking turns entirely, such as Frozen, Snared, and Sleep) as well as increasing various benefits from the Defiler class (more on that in a moment).
Eventually, your Leper and Mutated Firebat Firebrand will be strong enough that the extra debuffs don't contribute much to the party beyond the three that you get for free from being a Defiler. At this point, you have several options. Of course, replacing this combo with another Pit Guard + Forsaken Swampdweller is an option. The other options will be detailed in the next section.
The Supporting Cast - Late Game Options
It's highly advisable to have two Pit Guards + Forsaken Swampdweller combos in your party. Boosting the speed and defense of your leper is very strong, and makes many fights much easier. The main consideration that will be covered in this section is the sixth slot. I will probably update this section over time as I find new information, and try new combinations.
At the moment, one of the main difficulties I face with this party is monsters which have very high health (usually, boss monsters every fifth floor) which also gain very high defense. Because most of the damage in this build relies on having more Health than the opponents, this combination of circumstances is quite troublesome. To deal with it, I'm currently trying Centaur Wrangler + Pit Wraith Dominator + Centaur Ranger. Of these three, the Ranger is the least important.
This combination does a lot of good work in our party. Firstly, the centaur wrangler Attacks any time an enemy casts a spell. This means that if it does at least 1 damage, our Mutated Pulse Bat will sound off and kill the enemy party. This nearly automates many fights, as many enemies cast spells when they get the first action, and many traits cast spells, and some realm instability results in auto-casting spells at the end of enemy turns.
Secondly, the pit wraith dominator addresses the issue we have with high HP enemies which also stack defense. Every time we attack, we cut their defense in half. It's very hard for an enemy to outscale this reduction even if we assume that our Centaur will only attack once. This brings us to the centaur ranger. Because casting affliction to deal damage with Defiler perks (specifically, Unholy Night) is a very effective way to both apply debuffs and deal damage with our Firebrands, when the wrangler attacks it often gets to attack 2-10 times at once. This will absolutely shred the defense of whatever it's hitting, and make it possible for our regular hits to actually damage high health enemies.
For now, this is the most effective 6th party member I've found. If you have any ideas for another, please let me know!
The Supporting Cast - Pandemonium Juice And Nether Stones
One thing I would like to do requires me to get lucky on the pandemonium statues. These are the statues with the little devil that appear periodically, which has very random outcomes. One outcome has you fight some Pandemonium monsters, and rewards you with a Pandemonium trait item once you win. Unluckily, I've fought them 8 times and not found the coveted Pandemonium Juice.
Because the Defiler's Unholy Night perk benefits from Koloss Firebrand's bonus damage, this means that if you put a Koloss Firebrand + Forsaken Swampdweller + Pandemonium Fever creature on the battlefield, at the start of combat you'll probably one-shot the entire enemy party before the round even starts. Combined with the Centaur Wrangler strategy above, it would be very difficult for the enemy to even take a turn.
This strategy is so strong that I would probably replace one of the Pit Guards with a KF + FS + PF combo. Who needs more HP on the leper when you can just kill everyone right away anyway?
In a somewhat related way, the other rare items that can really blow this build up further are Nether Stones. At the moment, I have no reliable way of farming these. Their drop chance is inherently very low, and it seems that the odds of even rolling a trait on them is itself quite low. And that says nothing about dropping one with a good trait on it. If you find a nether stone which has a Koloss Firebrand, Mutated Pulse Bat, Forsaken Swampdweller, Pit Guard, or Laughing Wisp on it, you pretty much hit the jackpot. Of course, that same stone giving a bunch of +Health is ideal, but seems almost comically unlikely.
The first Nether Stone I came across on my current playthrough looks like this:
The trait comes from one of the sparktail fish, and gives this effect:
It's not perfect by any means, but it's still quite a nice trait to have. I'll probably give it to my Koloss Firebrand + Mutated Pulse Bat + Forsaken Swampdweller, so that I can do AoE wipes whenever something attacks him. This is just one more way I can take out the enemy party on their turns, which is very nice indeed.
Monster Personalities
Because this is an HP stacking build, you want to try for Health increasing personalities on all monsters. For the pit guards, having either <+Health, -Attack> or <+Health, -Intelligence> is ideal, since defense and speed both transfer to your other monsters. May as well get maximum benefit.
This monster's personality is Indifferent (just below the Race/class), and is probably ideal for all slots. That said, for the most part it doesn't much matter. My Centaur Wrangler is avoiding -Attack because it needs to deal damage with its attacks to trigger the Pulsebat. My ent cares about defense since it usually just tanks, so I avoid giving him -defense. For the most part, though, +Health is by far more important than whatever stat gets reduced.
The artifacts for this party are pretty straightforward, with two exceptions. The first is the artifact used by the Crazed Leper, and the second is the weapon used by the Centaur Wrangler. For the Leper, it's important that you use a staff (rather than a helmet) for your artifact.
This is because using a staff gives you a chance to trigger affliction whenever you cast a spell. Because you'll likely do 10+ corpse explosions every time you kill an enemy, this can be a big debuff to the enemies that remain.
The more common item in the party will look something like this:
A helmet stacked exclusively with health bonuses, which does two debuffs. I recommend confusion as one of your debuffs for each character, because it's one of the few effects that works well on enemies that are resistant to debuffs (either because they're a boss or because Realm Instability is messing with stuff). This works for Pit Guards, the Ent, and our Mutated Pulse Bat Firebrand.
The last item is an offense weapon for our Centaur Wrangler:
This is nice because it will spam affliction while you're triggering your chain attacks, and also raises base attack enough that you can do some damage even when the enemy is quite a few levels higher than your party (a common occurrence once you finish the main story).
I can't say much about Relics yet, because I've only unlocked one: Bloodseeker goes on the Leper. I intend to get mine to Rank 50 before I even look at the other ones; I'll let you know what I have the other characters use once I've developed my strategy further. ^^b
Class Selection - The Defiler
The first time I played Siralim Ultimate, I played a sorcerer using a build similar to this one. I can say unequivocally, having releveled from the very beginning as a Defiler, that Defiler is a MUCH better option. I have never played any of the other classes, so I can't comment on them. To understand why Defiler is so good, let's take a look at several of its perks.
The #1 priority when you start the game using this as your first build is to take infirmity. Three debuffs on everything means that you'll be corpse-exploding like crazy from your first kill. It also has a crowd-controlling effect, frequently preventing two or three enemies from being able to act at all, confusing one enemy, and doing all kinds of nasty stuff in general. This is a very powerful trait, and a steal at 50 perk points per level.
Curse of Fragility and Vulnerability (in that order) are next for several reasons. Firstly, they increase the gap between your HP and your enemy's HP, thus increasing your damage. Secondly, they make most of your attacks from the supporting cast do enough damage to trigger the Mutated Pulse Bat. They are very nice in general, and easy high priority perks. This leaves one build-critical perk:
Unholy Night is very likely to become a primary source of damage for you once you acquire it. Because the Koloss Firebrand damage gets added to this trait, we can use the spell Affliction as an offensive powerhouse and full team wipe for the enemy.
When you apply a debuff via affliction with your Firebrand + Swampdweller, you're gonna wipe the whole enemy team. Same with your leper in most cases. If you have Pandemonium Juice, you get to do it for free right from the start of the fight. The only reason I don't recommend taking it right away is that reducing enemy defenses plays a more critical role in the early game. To get to this point you only need 150+150+100 perk points; this will come quite quickly early on. As an alternative, you could consider taking a single point of infirmity, taking all of the points in Fragility, then taking Unholy Night, and then getting the rest of infirmity and vulnerability. Either path will be quite fine.
Take the remaining perks at your own discretion; many of them have a pretty small effect overall. Honorable mentions to Nighttaker and Daybreaker for weakening the enemy further.
Realm Instability
As a general rule, this build does quite well while playing at Realm Instability 5. As more and more parts of your build get refined, you'll die less and less frequently at this difficulty. That said, there are somethings you should probably roll past as you play, and those are:
Reflected Damage Taken: Of all of the properties, this is probably the least fun. There simply isn't any way for it to be fun or engaging. Basically, your party just dies every time it attacks. It is possible to survive while dealing with this, but generally you really don't want to. It's particularly bad when combined with:
Enemies Resurrect on Death: This mod has multiple downsides for this build. For most build, it probably increases the time to clear an encounter by 2.5x-3x. This is because in addition to the extra attack/spell animation, you have to wait for them to revive, possibly trigger some spells as they do, etc. For the build featured in this guide, it increases the time to clear by 10x-20x. This is because Crazed Leper and Centaur Wrangler will sit there spamming spells (CL) and attacks (CW) against a wall of dead enemies. The more debuffs the enemies have when you kill them, the worse it is. I've had fights where the enemies had (literally) every debuff in the game. After I finally managed to kill one, I spent ages just waiting while the Corpse Explosion animation triggered dozens of times per enemy, just waiting for them to res. It's truly horrible.
If you get Reflect Damage Taken AND Enemies Resurrect on Death, you're pretty likely to fail the map. This is because the leper and the mutated pulse bat hit everything, and, consequently, hit them for about as much damage as the leper and bat have. Don't feel bad about losing to this; I still haven't found a great way of dealing with it.
Enemies have buff: Auto-revive - Same deal as above, with the difference that you can use Mass Dispel to stop them from coming back. I wish they would just change Enemies Res on Death to an independent chance to roll this mod instead.
Party Maximum Buffs 1: This is only problematic if you receive a buff from a realm source. For some reason, buffs from the realm override buffs from your traits. So if you get Arcane from the realm, you will no longer have Mending, and you lose an important defensive layer. As long as you're in a normal setting, it probably won't matter much, but if you happen to roll it with Reflect it can be quite annoying. May or may not be worth rerolling; as an alternative to rerolling, you can go to realms that don't give buffs, or which only give the enemies debuffs (think Bastion of the Void or the Caustic Reactor).
Combination: Less Charges + Enemy Dodge Chance: These two together can be annoying because at RI5, they'll probably have 70%+ chance to dodge, and you won't be able to use spells to kill them. Very annoying.
Most other things aren't so bad. +4 monster traits is a total potluck; sometimes you won't notice it at all. Then one fight will randomly blast you into hell for millions of damage. Changes to enemy or party stats don't make too much of a difference... at least not at realm depth 150ish (enemy level 650ish) with level 422 monsters. I'm sure eventually it'll be a problem; speed + attack can be that way, though usually isn't too bad.
TL;DR - Reflect, Auto-res, and max buffs 1 should be rerolled. Less Charges + Enemy dodge chance in the same pool probably should be, as well.
Short, Somewhat Condensed Step-by-Step Guide
If you are a Siralim veteran just looking to try out a whacky build by a novice, you need read no further. What follows is a simple step-by-step explanation of how you can get to the end of the game using this build relatively painlessly. Other than the farming at the beginning for a decent personality Firebrand, Leper, and Ent, most of the grinding I do in the later stages is mostly unnecessary, and something I did more for fun than anything else. Sometimes taking a break from the story and just running some quests is quite fun. :)
I hope you've enjoyed the guide, and that it's inspired you make some builds of your own. Have a great day!
Step 1 - Pick Defiler
Step 2 - On floors one and two, farm:
-Ebony Ent with +HP personality
-Crypt Bat with any personality
-Koloss Firebrand with +HP personality(floor 2+??)(can't be +HP -Atk)
-Koloss Firebrand with any personality
------I got lucky and this only took about 10 floors
-Note: If you don't advance the story, you don't have to pay energy to farm floor two.
At floor 3 you should have:
Ebony Ent, Unicorn Vivifier, Crypt Bat, Koloss Firebrand x2, Dread Spectre
Step 3 - Craft a two helmets and a staff
Step 4 - Start maxing out curse of fragility, to speed up progression, then continue to Iceland (meme picture of the country)
Step 5 - Beat the boss of Iceland (Iceland PM picture), start your project to upgrade the blacksmith, and continue on to the Caustic Reactor
Step 6 - Farm a +HP Crazed Leper (-Int is bad, but workable if you can't find any other +HP variants; technically you can fix it later, but it's a PITA)
-Farm an Axer Apocolypse; +HP is best, but it's not critical like the others. -Atk and -Int are kinda bad
-Note: If you don't advance the story, you don't have to pay energy to farm the caustic reactor; beat the first floor, then go one floor below your max
Step 7 - After Curse of Fragility is finished, start maxing Infirmity
Step 8 - Finish Realm 9 and get your FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSION-HAH on
-Priority 1: ORDER MATTERS!!!11!!!!!!one!!!! order will always be <first creature> <second creature>
-<+HP Leper> and <NON-HP Koloss Firebrand> = Sorcery Crazed Leper with +HP
-Priority 2: <+HP Koloss Firebrand> and <Crypt Bat> = Chaos Firebrand with +HP
Step 9 - So what's the build?
Basically, we use Koloss Firebrand to do insane damage when it or any other creature in the party attacks. We attack an enemy with a debuff.
When that enemy dies, Crazed Leper causes a corpse explosion for every debuff.
Corpse Explosion benefits from Koloss Firebrand's trait that adds the HP difference between it and its target when using corpse explosion. Instead of doing no damage, corpse explsions one-shots everything that isn't a boss. This, is very powerful.
Step 10 - <Aaxer Apocolypse> and <Unicorn Vivifier> to get a life Aaxer Apocolypse. This will help us sustain in longer fights; we struggle a bit with bosses.
Step 11 - We have now reached early meme potential. It took me about 2.5 hours without reading any of the story.
Step 12 - Farm Hemlock Ent on floor 17 in the swamplands; Any is okay as long as your Ebony Ent has +HP. One of them has to be +HP, doesn't matter which (except for visuals)
Step 13 - Spawn a Forsaken Swampdweller to level; any personality for some levels
Step 14 - Farm a bunch of Opals in the temple of lies (level 28/29) - Give everyone affliction; 10 favor per opal, you'll need at least 3; Ent doesn't need one, neither does your 6th
Step 15 - Get an Amphisbaena Chef for later fusion with a Pit Wraith Redeemer (personality doesn't matter) (realm depth 38/39)
Step 16 - Depth 40 spawn a +HP Pit Wraith Redeemer to merge with the chef
- While you're at it, farm up the Goblet of Trials at Depth 40 before you make any further progress for lots of FREE PIETY!
- Laughing Wisps also spawn here; technically we need their research at S so we can assassinate one for its trait; farm if you want, but there's an easier place later
Step 17 - <Pit Wraith Redeemer> and <Amphisbaena Chef> = Life Pit Wraith Redeemer
- By this point you should have Infirmity 3, Unholy Might, Curse of Fragility, Curse of Lethargy, Curse of Vulnerability, and Impiety maxed
Step 18 - Beat the boss of the water zone so you can level stuff freely at the fusion machine
Step 19 - Go back to volcano land and farm a +HP Pit Guard; preferably with -Atk or -Int; this took me two hours to see a single +HP variant (but it was perfect -Int);
Step 20 - <+HP Pit Guard> and <Forsaken Swampdweller> = Death Pit Guard with massive piles of HP
Step 21 - Place the Pit Guard between your firebrand and your leper
Step 22 - Have absurdly high hit points and kill everything!
Step 23 - Level up artifacts to level 34 until you slot the trait in; we haven't done any of these yet
Step 24 - Once you have your goblet, you really, REALLY want to run the highest realm depth at Instability 5 for maximum gains. Sometimes you can't; just reroll it. You've got tons of power, yeah?
Step 25 - Speaking of trait slots, farm 10 coins for Listor to get the Purifier Bell. This sleeps targets you attack, and makes it so your creatures don't break sleep; it's nice CC in non-boss fights
Step 26 - Apply purifier bell to a set of boots for your debuffer
Step 27 - Farm Laughing Wisp in the Bastion of the Void to S rank so you can yoink its trait once you unlock assassination
- The little spirit fights almost guarantee at least one
- Basically, get it to rank C, then spam it at the candle at the start of each map. Should be S rank in no time.
Step 28 - Get super lucky and find a bombardment trait item
Step 29 - Farm a +HP Forsaken Swampdweller or Koloss Firebrand; best is +HP -Speed
Step 30 - <+HP one> and <other one> = Sorcery Forsaken Swampdweller or Death Koloss Firebrand
Step 31 - Put the bombardment trait on the helmet it's using
Step 32 - One-shot everything even harder
Step 33 - Get to Realm Depth 80; the Torture Chambers have Crazed Lepers, Koloss Firebrands, and Pit Guards. Nice place to farm for +HP bros if you want. Using the candle to summon laughing wisps is an option, too. :)
- I recommend getting Koloss Firebrand, Pit Guard, and Crazed Leper to knowledge C at least, so that you can farm them at the candle as needed (at some point, giving the pit guard the Koloss trait can add a second single-target bro to the party)
Step 34 - Assassinate a laughing wisp for its trait, and then make your Leper immune to statuses
Step 35 - Beat the game, I guess?
How can we go even further beyond? For starters, we need some support guys.
-Final goals include:
-Laughing Wisp trait on Leper - Status immune means no worrying about nasty ♥♥♥♥ like silence and blight; he already autocasts anyway, so turn order doesn't matter
-Honorable Mention to Onyx Carbuncle and Raving Storm
-Pit Wraith Redeemer + Amphisbaena Chef for double casting of debuffs like affliction, and two extra debuffs at the start of the fight
-Ebony Ent + Hemlock Ent for extreme healing each turn; combine with Unscathed trait item from Elder Ent (god?) for massive recovery when hit
-Possibly have Ebony Ent use Dread Spectre on item trait to mass debuff enemies that hit it
-Forsaken Swampdweller Trait on Leper somehow? Nether gem? How to be immune to silence?
-Abomination Brute trait can be nice in longer fights, but might be uneeded by the end.
-Ruby Paragon makes fights that are already in our favor even more in our favor, but makes boss fights harder; probably nono
-Bestial Koloss lets your creatures use a stat-stacking strategy to also gain lots of maximum health
-Combine with Fire Priest for 15% attack per turn -> some max HP per turn?
-Stonehorn Garg for +2 chaos casts lets the affliction and buff spells go ham
-Bloodfang Garg with Bestial Koloss for Atk + MaxHP stacking?
-Centaur Ranger for spamming attacks with bombard?
-Plus Pit Wraith Dominator for for massive defense debuff?
-Chaos Guard fo
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