Specialization - Reaver
Annointment - Tribalist - We Are Pack
First Creature - MUST be First.
Race: MUST be "Phase Warrior" race. I happen to be using "Phase Executioner", but any will work for the build.
Artifact or Fuse Trait: Outcast No Longer
Other Trait: See HINTS below.
Second Creature (can be anywhere in lineup except first).
Fuse Trait: Wasted Age (Malignant Storm)
Artifact Trait: Master of Phase Warriors
Remaining 4 Creatures and their traits:
Avoid any creature that depends on being a specific Race (e.g. Diabolic Horde, Imler/Imling, etc). Depending on a specific Class is fine.
Other than that, they should be focused on mitigating enemy spells and/or increasing your team's total damage output.
See HINTS below for some ideas.
Avoid ANY spell gem that can increase max health on ANY creature (e.g. avoid Charm of Life, Pure Love, etc).
Avoid ANY spell gem that can reduce your creature's health below 100% (e.g. avoid Soul Sacrifice, Unrighteous Fire, Unstable Equilibrium, etc).
Avoid ANY spell gem that gives a creature traits (e.g. avoid Erratirum, Vacuum) or changes a creature's traits (e.g. avoid Evolution).
Make sure to avoid any of the above that might do those things randomly (e.g. avoid Demon's Judgement, Elemental Barrage, Insincerity, Verdant Spheres, etc).
Other than that, see Hints below.
So how does it work?
1. Aeolian is immune to Indirect damage: At the start of battle, all your creatures change to "Phase Warrior" race due to "We Are Pack" and "Outcast No Longer". "Master of Phase Warriors" completes the effect.
3. Aeolian is immune to Attack damage: Aeolian's trait causes Aeolian to dodge all attacks.
4. Aeolian is immune to Spell damage: Wasted Age trait negates spell damage. (Note: This only applies while Aeolian is at full health.)
As long as Aeolian is at full health, Aeolian can't take damage from any source!
Note that both 1 and 2 apply to all your other creatures as well.
With the Reaver specialization, Aeolian's damage keeps increasing over time.
Until one of the WEAKNESSES below is encountered (or you end up in a stalemate situation where enemies simply can't die), you're guaranteed to win every battle.
Neither of these come into play very often, but it's important to be aware.
- Instant death effects punch right through damage immunity. This makes this build significantly weaker against enemies that always have these effects.
A few examples: Anneltha, Erebyss, Reclusa, Vertraag (at Gate of the Gods) and The Ancestor (False God). Spells like Impending Doom. (List is not exhaustive.)
- If Aeolian is ever NOT at max health, they become vulnerable to Spell damage.
Example: Enemy casts Pure Love which increases everyone's max health.
Example: Enemy has Trait "Everything's Gone" (Raven Defiler).
See HINTS below for some mitigations.
This is also why the spells you equip should never cause a max health increase to happen (even potentially) as mentioned above.
1. (Weakness Mitigation) Anything that NEGATES (not reduces damage) from enemy spells (e.g. Traits Mindbender, Shake, Simulcrum) (e.g. Annointment Cleric Guardian Angel).
Damage reduction isn't nearly as good because of Aeollian's drawback.
Things that Seal enemy spell gems also work, although not as well because of enemy Trait Diamond Attumement.
2. (Weakness Mitigation) Spells
Having some healing spells can help restore full health.
Having Chaos Spheres on one or more creatures can prevent enemy spells from
3.Adding the Fanatic Multitheism annointment plus one or more of the following creatures will significantly enhance your damage.
Note: You might think you could use Kalasag with Multitheism instead of using Aeolian at all.
However, you'll then be vulnerable to spells like Debilitate which remove the Multitheism-granted trait.
4. Most Apocalypse Traits are exceedingly helpful (especially when combined with Multitheism + Thana).
5. More Spells
I find having the following spell gems on all my creatures very useful (using Class Swap as appropriate).
- Recharge with After Attacking and Casts on Extra Target
- Exhaustion with After Attacking and Casts Twice
- Inner Destruction with Casts on Extra Target
- Devour with with After Attacking and Casts on Extra Target (especially when combined with Multitheism + Yylor)
- Other stat increasing/decreasing spells (again, with Multitheism + Yylor)
6. The Trait Scant Stamina is ideal deal with battles where enemies keep resurrecting.
7. The Annointment Dreamshade Question Everything will significantly improve your non-Aeolian party's survivability.
It negates everything your creatures can do to hurt themselves (e.g. Confusion, Inner Destruction, Apocalypse, Mass Mutilation, etc.)
8. Mutatias, War Scissors of Alexandria is the best Relic for Aeolian.
9. You can easily create the build with a Specialization of Tribalist or Royal if you prefer.
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