Produce (A quick summery)

The Produce Families And A Rainbow Of Seeds


Flat seeds (white) sometimes generate rare produce

Spiny seeds (rainbow) always generate rare produce

Spiny seeds (rainbow)

Rainbow seeds add every color to the color pool for produce, but they will not produce black colored produce on their own, another seed needs to be used.

Giving Trent seeds

You can give Trent up to 2 seeds

Using 2 seeds of the same color will only grow a 4th produce and will not affect the chance of getting a specific produce from that family

There should be no reason to give Trent 2 spiny seeds (rainbow).

ProduceThere are 37 different produce in the game, but each one is broken up into one of 8 color families.

Blue Yellow Red Green Orange Purple White Black Gold Clover Citrisquid Applesocks Boarmelon Bumpkin Bellgrapes Conchurnip Mush-in-a-Box Heart Mint Cornflower Apricat Cabbadillo Honey Onion Cherry Bombs Garlicrown Toadstoolshed Pine o' Clock Fishy Fruit Diceberry Dialaurel Loquat Shoes Lilipods Mangolephant Rhinoloupe Springanana Peach Puppy Needlettuce Orangeopus Orcaplant Masked Potato Spade Basil Whalamato Squalphin Rocket Papaya Sweet Moai Pear o' Heels Spiny Carrot

SeedsThere are a total of 8 different seeds, each has a set color to them.

Blue Yellow Red Green Orange Purple White Rainbow Round Seed Oblong Seed Crooked Seed Big Seed Small Seed Long Seed Flat Seed Spiny Seed

Seed Hunting

One of the more frustrating aspects of farming (aside from trying to get a Toadstoolshed) is trying to obtain any specific seed necessary to grind out produce.

The three easiest to get are the Round, Oblong, and Crooked seeds, which can be bought from one of the students in the Bone Fortress, for only 10 Lucre each.

Big, Small, Long, Flat, and Spiny can be found either through farming 1 of 3 plant based monster drops, or randomly from Trent after planting seeds.

The 3 Plant based monsters are Lullabud, Shrieknip, and Malboro, and here is their loot drop tables.

Lullabud Shrieknip Malboro Item Level 1 EXP x 5 EXP x 6 & Lucre x 1 EXP x 6 & Lucre x 1 Item Level 2 Big Seed Small Seed Long Seed Item Level 3 Small Seed Long Seed Big Seed Item Level 4 Long Seed Big Seed Small Seed Item Level 5 Poison Powder Ghost's Howl Silly Eye Item Level 6 Spiny Seed Spiny Seed Spiny Seed Item Level 7 Flat Seed Flat Seed Flat Seed Item Level 8 Flat Seed Flat Seed Stinky Breath

Where can I find these monsters ?Lullabud

Home (You can only fight them once, doing so spawns Trent in your orchard.)

Luon Highway

Mindas Ruins


Lake Kilma

Luon Highway



Ulkan Mines

Bejeweled City

Tree of Mana

How do monster drops work ?Every Monster has a table of 8 item drops and will always drop one when they are killed, this includes Lucre and/or EXP (which is usually just a level 1 drop, but some monsters have multiple).

The first 4 level drops have no prerequisites, i.e. they will always be in the drop pool, regardless of level.

Level 5 items drops are added to the pool if the monster is at least level 16.

Level 6 are added if the monster is at least level 32.

Level 7 are added if the monster is at least level 48.

Level 8 are added if the monster is at least level 63.

What are the (base) drop chances ?Each time a new item level tier is added, it takes half of the % from the tier prior to it, so drop chances for each tier looks like this.

Level 1 - 15 Level 16 - 31 Level 32 - 47 Level 48 - 63 Level 63 - 99 Item Level 1 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Item Level 2 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% Item Level 3 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% Item Level 4 12.5% 6.3% 6.3% 6.3% 6.3% Item Level 5 6.3% 3.1% 3.1% 3.1% Item Level 6 3.1% 1.6% 1.6% Item Level 7 1.6% 0.8% Item Level 8 0.8%

Can I change the drop chances ?Yes, you can.

While you could equip items to increase your luck stat, there is a better method.

Like you and every partner in the game, each pet has a synchro ability, and one of the more useful pets is the Polter Box and it's synchro ability "Rare Item".

Synchro ability ?Whenever your party members are near each other you will notice the gems next to each character will spark, when this happens they will be under the effect of the other character's synchro ability. (You only get the benefits from another character's Synchro ability, and not your own).

i.e. if you are near your Polter Box, you will be under the effects of their "Rare Item" and your Polter Box will be under the effects of your "HP Recovery"

What does "Rare Item" do ?Under the effect of "Rare Item", you essentially nudge the item drop table down 2 slots.

You have to be under the Synchro effect when you kill a monster, not when you pick an item up.

The new table looks like this.

Level 1 - 15 Level 16 - 31 Level 32 - 47 Level 48 - 63 Level 63 - 99 Item Level 1 Item Level 2 Item Level 3 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Item Level 4 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% Item Level 5 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% Item Level 6 12.5% 6.3% 6.3% 6.3% 6.3% Item Level 7 6.3% 3.1% 3.1% 3.1% Item Level 8 3.1% 3.1% 3.1%

Where can I get a Polter Box ?An egg containing the Polter Box can be found either at the Junkyard, or the Tower of Leires.

What about increasing my Luck stat ?The luck stat increases your chance of triggering an effect called "Lucky drop", though it has a very slim chance of triggering.

The formula for a "Lucky drop" is (Luck stat / 255)

The highest you can increase your luck stat is 85 (with 4 items at +20 Luck), which is only a 1:3 chance.

What is "Lucky Drop" ?Lucky drop works the exact same way as the Polter Box's "Rare Item".

Can I stack "Lucky Drop" and "Rare Item" ?No.

"I Want X What Seed Should I Use ?"

Produce are broken up into separate tables for their color family and only the highest % seed combination is listed.

Using 2 of the same seed doesn't affect the overall chance, so there is only a total of 36 different seed combinations, and each produce has it's own rarity (which is why some combinations may be repeated for multiple produce).

NOTE, AGAIN KINDA IMPORTANT: Giving Trent 2 of the same seed will NOT affect the outcome it only increases the amount of produce you will get from 3 to 4

BlueGold CloverHeart MintPine o' ClockRhinoloupeSpade Basil6% Round + Spiny56% Round28% Round + Flat25% Round + Spiny28% Round

YellowCitrisquidCornflowerFishy FruitSpringanana56% Oblong 28% Oblong + Flat25% Oblong + Spiny19% Oblong

RedApplesocksApricatDiceberryPeach PuppyWhalamato6% Crooked + Spiny56% Crooked19% Crooked28% Crooked + Flat25% Crooked + Spiny

GreenBoarmelonCabbadilloDialaurelNeedlettuceSqualphin13% Round + Spiny

13% Oblong + Spiny56% Round + Oblong 4% Big + Spiny19% Round + Oblong 19% Round + Oblong

OrangeBumpkinHoney OnionLoquat ShoesOrangeopusRocket PapayaSpiny Carrot19% Oblong + Crooked16% Small + Spiny19% Oblong + Crooked4% Small + Spiny6% Oblong + Spiny56% Oblong + Crooked

PurpleBellgrapesCherry BombsLilipodsOrcaplantSweet Moai4% Long + Spiny19% Round + Crooked56% Round + Crooked19% Round + Crooked16% Long + Spiny

WhiteConchurnipGarlicrownMangolephantMasked PotatoPear o' Heels11% Flat32% Flat3% Flat + Spiny35% Flat20% Flat

BlackMush-in-a-BoxToadstoolshed25% Round + Small

25% Oblong + Long

25% Crooked + Big2% Big + Spiny

2% Small + Spiny

2% Long + Spiny

A Slightly Larger Breakdown

MixingIf you give Trent just a color seed, if the color can be made from other multiple seeds, it will produce anything that falls under all those colors.

If you give Trent 2 different seeds that mix perfectly into another color family, you should expect it to limit it to the produce that falls under that new color.


Purple (Long seeds) can yield produce that falls in the Red, Blue, Purple, and white families.

However, mixing Blue (Round seeds) + Red (Crooked seeds) can only yield produce that falls in the Purple family.

Mixing Purple with Blue will limit the produce to the Purple and Blue families

Green (Big seeds) are kind of wonky when you mix them with white (Flat seeds), as they can turn into Blue family produce alongside Yellow, Orange, White, and Green.

Since nearly every color family has a corresponding seed (except black), you can get most produce in them without having to mix seeds (though mixing helps narrow the more broad colors, like purple and

RarityThere are 3 tiers of rarity (common, uncommon, and rare.

Common produce are easily obtainable, you are more likely to get them without needing to mix seeds.

Uncommon produce are slightly harder to obtain, though you are guaranteed to get them(or higher) if you mix them with the Rainbow seed (Spiny seed).

In cases where you can mix two colors perfectly (Red + Blue = Purple) it helps to do so to narrow down some of the more broad colors.

Almost every color family has a rare produce and will only appear if you mix a White (Flat seed) or Rainbow (Spiny seed) with that color, though Rainbow adds a little bit of each color.


Rainbow alone can spawn any color families' rare produce, but the chances are slim and you might get an uncommon produce instead.

You can mix Rainbow with Red to get Purple rare produce.

Yellow is the only family without a rare produce, if you mix the Yellow (oblong seed) with White or Rainbow (Flat or Spiny) you will instead get the Rocket Papaya, which is listed in the game as part of the Orange family. Orange is the only family that has 2 rare produce. (I will list the Rocket Papaya under Yellow, since it still uses the yellow seed)


Blue Yellow Red Green Orange Purple White Black Gold Clover Rocket Papaya Applesocks Dialaurel Orange'opus Bellgrapes Mangolephant Toadstoolshed Spiny + Round, Big, Small, Long, or Flat

Flat + Round, Big, Long, or Spiny Spiny + Oblong, Big, Small, Long, or Flat

Flat + Oblong, Big, Small, or Spiny Spiny + Crooked, Big, Small, Long, or Flat

Flat + Crooked, Small, Long, or Spiny Spiny + Round, Oblong, Big, Small, or Long

Flat + Big Spiny + Oblong, Crooked, Big, Small, or Long

Flat + Small Spiny + Round, Crooked, Big, Small, or Long

Flat + Long Flat or Spiny + Big, Small, or Long Spiny + Big, Small, or Long

A total breakdown of seed combinationsThe following is a breakdown of exactly what any given combination of seeds will create which produce with the exact % chance.


I'm still working on the following sections, mainly converting the data from X/256 to an actual % value, so it might look a little broken for the time being

The data was ripped from the original version of the game's code, but it doesn't look like the remastered really changed anything in this section of the game.

Round Seed

Round Oblong Crooked Big Small Long Flat Spiny 56%

Heart Mint56%



Heart Mint25%


Heart Mint42%

Heart Mint25%


Spade Basil19%


Cherry Bombs28%




Pine 'O Clock19%

Pine 'O Clock19%

Pine 'O Clock19%



Spade Basil13%

Heart Mint9%

Spade Basil14%





Sweet Moai9%

Pine 'O Clock13%


Pine 'O Clock14%

Spade Basil13%

Sweet Moai9%


Spade Basil9%

Cherry Bombs2%

Gold Clover9%







Pine 'O Clock4%


Gold Clover4%



Sweet Moai3%




Cherry Bombs2%



Sweet Moai

Oblong Seed

Round Oblong Crooked Big Small Long Flat Spiny 144/256 Cabbadillo144/256 Citrisquid144/256 Spiny Carrot108/256 Cabbadillo72/256 Citrisquid64/256 Mush-in-a-Box108/256 Citrisquid64/256 Fishy Fruit48/256 Squalphin48/256 Springanana48/256 Loquat-Shoes36/256 Squalphin72/256 Spiny Carrot36/256 Citrisquid72/256 Cornflower48/256 Cornflower48/256 Needlettuce48/256 Cornflower48/256 Bumpkin36/256 Citrisquid24/256 Springanana36/256 Spiny Carrot36/256 Springanana32/256 Honey Onion16/256 Boarmelon16/256 Fishy Fruit16/256 Honey Onion24/256 Cornflower24/256 Cornflower36/256 Cabbadillo36/256 Fishy Fruit32/256 Boarmelon24/256 Needlettuce24/256 Loquat-Shoes12/256 Springanana4/256 Rocket Papaya24/256 Needlettuce12/256 Springanana24/256 Bumpkin12/256 Cornflower24/256 Bumpkin8/256 Fishy Fruit8/256 Fishy Fruit12/256 Squalphin16/256 Rocket Papaya8/256 Boarmelon8/256 Honey Onion12/256 Needlettuce8/256 Dialaurel12/256 Loquat-Shoes8/256 Orange'opus12/256 Bumpkin4/256 Boarmelon4/256 Honey Onion4/256 Fishy Fruit

Crooked Seed

Round Oblong Crooked Big Small Long Flat Spiny 144/256 Lilipods

48/256 Cherry Bombs

48/256 Orcaplant

16/256 Sweet Moai 144/256 Spiny Carrot

48/256 Loquat-Shoes

48/256 Bumpkin

16/256 Honey Onion 144/256 Apricat

48/256 Diceberry

48/256 Peach Puppy

16/256 Whalamato 12/256 Apricat

4/256 Diceberry

12/256 Peach Puppy

4/256 Whalamato

36/256 Spiny Carrot

12/256 Loquat-Shoes

12/256 Bumpkin

4/256 Honey Onion

60/256 Lilipods

20/256 Cherry Bombs

12/256 Orcaplant

4/256 Sweet Moai

64/256 Mush-in-a-Box 72/256 Apricat

24/256 Diceberry

24/256 Peach Puppy

8/256 Whalamato

72/256 Spiny Carrot

24/256 Loquat-Shoes

24/256 Bumpkin

8/256 Honey Onion 72/256 Apricat

24/256 Diceberry

24/256 Peach Puppy

8/256 Whalamato

72/256 Lilipods

24/256 Cherry Bombs

24/256 Orcaplant

8/256 Sweet Moai 108/256 Apricat

36/256 Diceberry

72/256 Peach Puppy

36/256 Whalamato

4/256 Applesocks 48/256 Peach Puppy

64/256 Whalamato

16/256 Applesocks

24/256 Bumpkin

32/256 Honey Onion

8/256 Orange'opus

24/256 Orcaplant

32/256 Sweet Moai

8/256 Bellgrapes

Big Seed

Round Oblong Crooked Big Small Long Flat Spiny 72/256 Heart Mint

24/256 Spade Basil

24/256 Pine 'O Clock

8/256 Rhinoloupe

72/256 Cabbadillo

24/256 Squalphin

24/256 Needlettuce

8/256 Boarmelon 36/256 Citrisquid

12/256 Springanana

24/256 Cornflower

8/256 Fishy Fruit

108/256 Cabbadillo

36/256 Squalphin

24/256 Needlettuce

8/256 Boarmelon 12/256 Apricat

4/256 Diceberry

12/256 Peach Puppy

4/256 Whalamato

36/256 Spiny Carrot

12/256 Loquat-Shoes

12/256 Bumpkin

4/256 Honey Onion

60/256 Lilipods

20/256 Cherry Bombs

12/256 Orcaplant

4/256 Sweet Moai

64/256 Mush-in-a-Box 36/256 Heart Mint

12/256 Spade Basil

9/256 Pine 'O Clock

3/256 Rhinoloupe

12/256 Citrisquid

4/256 Springanana

12/256 Cornflower

4/256 Fishy Fruit

93/256 Cabadillo

31/256 Squalphin

27/256 Needlettuce

9/256 Boarmelon

3/256 Masked Potato

1/256 Pear 'O Heels 15/256 Heart Mint

5/256 Spade Basil

3/256 Pine 'O Clock

1/256 Rhinoloupe

21/256 Citrisquid

7/256 Springanana

9/256 Cornflower

3/256 Fishy Fruit

3/256 Apricat

1/256 Diceberry

3/256 Peach Puppy

1/256 Whalamato

33/256 Cabbadillo

11/256 Squalphin

9/256 Needlettuce

3/256 Boarmelon

21/256 Spiny Carrot

7/256 Loquat-Shoes

9/256 Bumpkin

3/256 Honey Onion

15/256 Lilipods

5/256 Cherry Bombs

3/256 Orcaplant

1/256 Sweet Moai

3/256 Garlicrown

1/256 Conchurnip

3/256 Masked Potato

1/256 Pear 'O Heels

56/256 Mush-in-a-Box 33/256 Heart Mint

11/256 Spade Basil

9/256 Pine 'O Clock

3/256 Rhinoloupe

9/256 Citrisquid

3/256 Springanana

3/256 Cornflower

1/256 Fishy Fruit

3/256 Apricat

1/256 Diceberry

3/256 Peach Puppy

1/256 Whalamato

27/256 Cabbadillo

9/256 Squalphin

9/256 Needlettuce

3/256 Boarmelon

9/256 Spiny Carrot

3/256 Loquat-Shoes

3/256 Bumpkin

1/256 Honey Onion

33/256 Lilipods

11/256 Cherry Bombs

9/256 Orcaplant

3/256 Sweet Moai

3/256 Garlicrown

1/256 Conchurnip

3/256 Masked Potato

1/256 Pear 'O Heels

48/256 Mush-in-a-Box 45/256 Heart Mint

15/256 Spade Basil

24/256 Pine 'O Clock

11/256 Rhinoloupe

1/256 Gold Clover

27/256 Citrisquid

9/256 Springanana

18/256 Cornflower

9/256 Fishy Fruit

1/256 Rocket Papaya

27/256 Cabbadillo

9/256 Squalphin

18/256 Needlettuce

9/256 Boarmelon

1/256 Dialaurel

9/256 Garlicrown

3/256 Conchurnip

12/256 Masked Potato

7/256 Pear 'O Heels

1/256 Mangolephant 23/256 Pine 'O Clock

27/256 Rhinoloupe

6/256 Gold Clover

13/256 Cornflower

21/256 Fishy Fruit

6/256 Rocket Papaya

1/256 Peach Puppy

5/256 Whalamato

2/256 Applesocks

35/256 Needlettuce

43/256 Boarmelon

10/256 Dialaurel

6/256 Bumpkin

8/256 Honey Onion

2/256 Orange'opus

11/256 Orcaplant

11/256 Sweet Moai

2/256 Bellgrapes

1/256 Masked Potato

5/256 Pear 'O Heels

2/256 Mangolephant

10/256 Mush-in-a-Box

6/256 Toadstoolshed

Small Seed

Round Oblong Crooked Big Small Long Flat Spiny 36/256 Heart Mint

12/256 Spade Basil

12/256 Pine 'O Clock

4/256 Rhinoloupe

36/256 Cabbadillo

12/256 Squalphin

12/256 Needlettuce

4/256 Boarmelon

36/256 Lilipods

12/256 Cherry Bombs

12/256 Orcaplant

4/256 Sweet Moai

64/256 Mush-in-a-Box 72/256 Citrisquid

24/256 Springanana

24/256 Cornflower

8/256 Fishy Fruit

72/256 Spiny Carrot

24/256 Loquat-Shoes

24/256 Bumpkin

8/256 Honey Onion 72/256 Apricat

24/256 Diceberry

24/256 Peach Puppy

8/256 Whalamato

72/256 Spiny Carrot

24/256 Loquat-Shoes

24/256 Bumpkin

8/256 Honey Onion 15/256 Heart Mint

5/256 Spade Basil

3/256 Pine 'O Clock

1/256 Rhinoloupe

21/256 Citrisquid

7/256 Springanana

9/256 Cornflower

3/256 Fishy Fruit

3/256 Apricat

1/256 Diceberry

3/256 Peach Puppy

1/256 Whalamato

33/256 Cabbadillo

11/256 Squalphin

9/256 Needlettuce

3/256 Boarmelon

21/256 Spiny Carrot

7/256 Loquat-Shoes

9/256 Bumpkin

3/256 Honey Onion

15/256 Lilipods

5/256 Cherry Bombs

3/256 Orcaplant

1/256 Sweet Moai

3/256 Garlicrown

1/256 Conchurnip

3/256 Masked Potato

1/256 Pear 'O Heels

56/256 Mush-in-a-Box 27/256 Citrisquid

9/256 Springanana

9/256 Cornflower

3/256 Fishy Fruit

27/256 Apricat

9/256 Diceberry

9/256 Peach Puppy

3/256 Whalamato

81/256 Spiny Carrot

27/256 Loquat-Shoes

27/256 Bumpkin

9/256 Honey Onion

9/256 Garlicrown

3/256 Conchurnip

3/256 Masked Potato

1/256 Pear 'O Heels 9/256 Heart Mint

3/256 Spade Basil

3/256 Pine 'O Clock

1/256 Rhinoloupe

9/256 Citrisquid

3/256 Springanana

3/256 Cornflower

1/256 Fishy Fruit

27/256 Apricat

9/256 Diceberry

9/256 Peach Puppy

3/256 Whalamato

9/256 Cabbadillo

3/256 Squalphin

3/256 Needlettuce

1/256 Boarmelon

27/256 Spiny Carrot

9/256 Loquat-Shoes

9/256 Bumpkin

3/256 Honey Onion

27/256 Lilipods

9/256 Cherry Bombs

9/256 Orcaplant

3/256 Sweet Moai

9/256 Garlicrown

3/256 Conchurnip

3/256 Masked Potato

1/256 Pear 'O Heels

64/256 Mush-in-a-Box 27/256 Citrisquid

9/256 Springanana

18/256 Cornflower

9/256 Fishy Fruit

1/256 Rocket Papaya

27/256 Apricat

9/256 Diceberry

18/256 Peach Puppy

9/256 Whalamato

1/256 Applesocks

27/256 Spiny Carrot

9/256 Loquat-Shoes

18/256 Bumpkin

9/256 Honey Onion

1/256 Orange'opus

27/256 Garlicrown

9/256 Conchurnip

18/256 Masked Potato

9/256 Pear 'O Heels

1/256 Mangolephant 6/256 Pine 'O Clock

8/256 Rhinoloupe

2/256 Gold Clover

18/256 Cornflower

24/256 Fishy Fruit

6/256 Rocket Papaya

18/256 Peach Puppy

24/256 Whalamato

6/256 Applesocks

6/256 Needlettuce

8/256 Boarmelon

2/256 Dialaurel

30/256 Bumpkin

40/256 Honey Onion

10/256 Orange'opus

6/256 Orcaplant

8/256 Sweet Moai

2/256 Bellgrapes

6/256 Masked Potato

8/256 Pear 'O Heels

2/256 Mangolephant

10/256 Mush-in-a-Box

6/256 Toadstoolshed

Long Seed

Round Oblong Crooked Big Small Long Flat Spiny 72/256 Heart Mint

24/256 Spade Basil

24/256 Pine 'O Clock

8/256 Rhinoloupe

72/256 Lilipods

24/256 Cherry Bombs

24/256 Orcaplant

8/256 Sweet Moai 36/256 Citrisquid

12/256 Springanana

12/256 Cornflower

4/256 Fishy Fruit

36/256 Cabbadillo

12/256 Squalphin

12/256 Needlettuce

4/256 Boarmelon

36/256 Spiny Carrot

12/256 Loquat-Shoes

12/256 Bumpkin

4/256 Honey Onion

64/256 Mush-in-a-Box 72/256 Apricat

24/256 Diceberry

24/256 Peach Puppy

8/256 Whalamato

72/256 Lilipods

24/256 Cherry Bombs

24/256 Orcaplant

8/256 Sweet Moai 33/256 Heart Mint

11/256 Spade Basil

9/256 Pine 'O Clock

3/256 Rhinoloupe

9/256 Citrisquid

3/256 Springanana

3/256 Cornflower

1/256 Fishy Fruit

3/256 Apricat

1/256 Diceberry

3/256 Peach Puppy

1/256 Whalamato

27/256 Cabbadillo

9/256 Squalphin

9/256 Needlettuce

3/256 Boarmelon

9/256 Spiny Carrot

3/256 Loquat-Shoes

3/256 Bumpkin

1/256 Honey Onion

33/256 Lilipods

11/256 Cherry Bombs

9/256 Orcaplant

3/256 Sweet Moai

3/256 Garlicrown

1/256 Conchurnip

3/256 Masked Potato

1/256 Pear 'O Heels

48/256 Mush-in-a-Box 9/256 Heart Mint

3/256 Spade Basil

3/256 Pine 'O Clock

1/256 Rhinoloupe

9/256 Citrisquid

3/256 Springanana

3/256 Cornflower

1/256 Fishy Fruit

27/256 Apricat

9/256 Diceberry

9/256 Peach Puppy

3/256 Whalamato

9/256 Cabbadillo

3/256 Squalphin

3/256 Needlettuce

1/256 Boarmelon

27/256 Spiny Carrot

9/256 Loquat-Shoes

9/256 Bumpkin

3/256 Honey Onion

27/256 Lilipods

9/256 Cherry Bombs

9/256 Orcaplant

3/256 Sweet Moai

9/256 Garlicrown

3/256 Conchurnip

3/256 Masked Potato

1/256 Pear 'O Heels

64/256 Mush-in-a-Box 27/256 Heart Mint

9/256 Spade Basil

9/256 Pine 'O Clock

3/256 Rhinoloupe

27/256 Apricat

9/256 Diceberry

9/256 Peach Puppy

3/256 Whalamato

81/256 Lilipods

27/256 Cherry Bombs

27/256 Orcaplant

9/256 Sweet Moai

9/256 Garlicrown

3/256 Conchurnip

3/256 Masked Potato

1/256 Pear 'O Heels 27/256 Heart Mint

9/256 Spade Basil

18/256 Pine 'O Clock

9/256 Rhinoloupe

1/256 Gold Clover

27/256 Apricat

9/256 Diceberry

18/256 Peach Puppy

9/256 Whalamato

1/256 Applesocks

27/256 Lilipods

9/256 Cherry Bombs

18/256 Orcaplant

9/256 Sweet Moai

1/256 Bellgrapes

27/256 Garlicrown

9/256 Conchurnip

18/256 Masked Potato

9/256 Pear 'O Heels

1/256 Mangolephant 18/256 Pine 'O Clock

24/256 Rhinoloupe

6/256 Gold Clover

6/256 Cornflower

8/256 Fishy Fruit

2/256 Rocket Papaya

18/256 Peach Puppy

24/256 Whalamato

6/256 Applesocks

6/256 Needlettuce

8/256 Boarmelon

2/256 Dialaurel

6/256 Bumpkin

8/256 Honey Onion

2/256 Orange'opus

30/256 Orcaplant

40/256 Sweet Moai

10/256 Bellgrapes

6/256 Masked Potato

8/256 Pear 'O Heels

2/256 Mangolephant

10/256 Mush-in-a-Box

6/256 Toadstoolshed

Flat Seed

Round Oblong Crooked Big Small Long Flat Spiny 108/256 Heart Mint

36/256 Spade Basil

72/256 Pine 'O Clock

36/256 Rhinoloupe

4/256 Gold Clover 108/256 Citrisquid

36/256 Springanana

72/256 Cornflower

36/256 Fishy Fruit

4/256 Rocket Papaya 108/256 Apricat

36/256 Diceberry

72/256 Peach Puppy

36/256 Whalamato

4/256 Applesocks 45/256 Heart Mint

15/256 Spade Basil

24/256 Pine 'O Clock

11/256 Rhinoloupe

1/256 Gold Clover

27/256 Citrisquid

9/256 Springanana

18/256 Cornflower

9/256 Fishy Fruit

1/256 Rocket Papaya

27/256 Cabbadillo

9/256 Squalphin

18/256 Needlettuce

9/256 Boarmelon

1/256 Dialaurel

9/256 Garlicrown

3/256 Conchurnip

12/256 Masked Potato

7/256 Pear 'O Heels

1/256 Mangolephant 27/256 Citrisquid

9/256 Springanana

18/256 Cornflower

9/256 Fishy Fruit

1/256 Rocket Papaya

27/256 Apricat

9/256 Diceberry

18/256 Peach Puppy

9/256 Whalamato

1/256 Applesocks

27/256 Spiny Carrot

9/256 Loquat-Shoes

18/256 Bumpkin

9/256 Honey Onion

1/256 Orange'opus

27/256 Garlicrown

9/256 Conchurnip

18/256 Masked Potato

9/256 Pear 'O Heels

1/256 Mangolephant 27/256 Heart Mint

9/256 Spade Basil

18/256 Pine 'O Clock

9/256 Rhinoloupe

1/256 Gold Clover

27/256 Apricat

9/256 Diceberry

18/256 Peach Puppy

9/256 Whalamato

1/256 Applesocks

27/256 Lilipods

9/256 Cherry Bombs

18/256 Orcaplant

9/256 Sweet Moai

1/256 Bellgrapes

27/256 Garlicrown

9/256 Conchurnip

18/256 Masked Potato

9/256 Pear 'O Heels

1/256 Mangolephant 81/256 Garlicrown

27/256 Conchurnip

90/256 Masked Potato

51/256 Pear 'O Heels

7/256 Mangolephant 24/256 Pine 'O Clock

32/256 Rhinoloupe

8/256 Gold Clover

24/256 Cornflower

32/256 Fishy Fruit

8/256 Rocket Papaya

24/256 Peach Puppy

32/256 Whalamato

8/256 Applesocks

24/256 Masked Potato

32/256 Pear 'O Heels

8/256 Mangolephant

Spiny Seed

Round Oblong Crooked Big Small Long Flat Spiny 48/256 Pine 'O Clock

64/256 Rhinoloupe

16/256 Gold Clover

24/256 Needlettuce

32/256 Boarmelon

8/256 Dialaurel

24/256 Orcaplant

32/256 Sweet Moai

8/256 Bellgrapes 48/256 Cornflower

64/256 Fishy Fruit

16/256 Rocket Papaya

24/256 Needlettuce

32/256 Boarmelon

8/256 Dialaurel

24/256 Bumpkin

32/256 Honey Onion

8/256 Orange'opus 48/256 Peach Puppy

64/256 Whalamato

16/256 Applesocks

24/256 Bumpkin

32/256 Honey Onion

8/256 Orange'opus

24/256 Orcaplant

32/256 Sweet Moai

8/256 Bellgrapes 23/256 Pine 'O Clock

27/256 Rhinoloupe

6/256 Gold Clover

13/256 Cornflower

21/256 Fishy Fruit

6/256 Rocket Papaya

1/256 Peach Puppy

5/256 Whalamato

2/256 Applesocks

35/256 Needlettuce

43/256 Boarmelon

10/256 Dialaurel

6/256 Bumpkin

8/256 Honey Onion

2/256 Orange'opus

11/256 Orcaplant

11/256 Sweet Moai

2/256 Bellgrapes

1/256 Masked Potato

5/256 Pear 'O Heels

2/256 Mangolephant

10/256 Mush-in-a-Box

6/256 Toadstoolshed 6/256 Pine 'O Clock

8/256 Rhinoloupe

2/256 Gold Clover

18/256 Cornflower

24/256 Fishy Fruit

6/256 Rocket Papaya

18/256 Peach Puppy

24/256 Whalamato

6/256 Applesocks

6/256 Needlettuce

8/256 Boarmelon

2/256 Dialaurel

30/256 Bumpkin

40/256 Honey Onion

10/256 Orange'opus

6/256 Orcaplant

8/256 Sweet Moai

2/256 Bellgrapes

6/256 Masked Potato

8/256 Pear 'O Heels

2/256 Mangolephant

10/256 Mush-in-a-Box

6/256 Toadstoolshed 18/256 Pine 'O Clock

24/256 Rhinoloupe

6/256 Gold Clover

6/256 Cornflower

8/256 Fishy Fruit

2/256 Rocket Papaya

18/256 Peach Puppy

24/256 Whalamato

6/256 Applesocks

6/256 Needlettuce

8/256 Boarmelon

2/256 Dialaurel

6/256 Bumpkin

8/256 Honey Onion

2/256 Orange'opus

30/256 Orcaplant

40/256 Sweet Moai

10/256 Bellgrapes

6/256 Masked Potato

8/256 Pear 'O Heels

2/256 Mangolephant

10/256 Mush-in-a-Box

6/256 Toadstoolshed 24/256 Pine 'O Clock

32/256 Rhinoloupe

8/256 Gold Clover

24/256 Cornflower

32/256 Fishy Fruit

8/256 Rocket Papaya

24/256 Peach Puppy

32/256 Whalamato

8/256 Applesocks

24/256 Masked Potato

32/256 Pear 'O Heels

8/256 Mangolephant 6/256 Pine 'O Clock

30/256 Rhinoloupe

12/256 Gold Clover

6/256 Cornflower

30/256 Fishy Fruit

12/256 Rocket Papaya

6/256 Peach Puppy

30/256 Whalamato

12/256 Applesocks

4/256 Needlettuce

20/256 Boarmelon

8/256 Dialaurel

4/256 Bumpkin

20/256 Honey Onion

8/256 Orange'opus

4/256 Orcaplant

20/256 Sweet Moai

8/256 Bellgrapes

2/256 Masked Potato

10/256 Pear 'O Heels

4/256 Mangolephant





Convert seed breakdown tables to %

Add table for Common produce

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