Overworld bosses (Legendary Beasts l & ll - Achievement)

Overworld bosses (Legendary Beasts l & ll - Achievement)


Overworld bosses (Legendary Beasts l & ll - Achievement) image 1

Overworld bosses (Legendary Beasts l & ll - Achievement) image 2

By completing these quest you'll get the "Legendary Beasts l & ll" achievement

Tier 1 Bosses

Overworld bosses (Legendary Beasts l & ll - Achievement) image 5

First step you need to do is accept the quest from the Bounty Board at the "Herelsor Plain - Arch" (Killing the bosses without the quest wont grant you the achievement)

Tier 1 Bosses: Ur-Dunnrir

Big Orokko

Queen Croctas

Bounty Board (Herelsor Forest - Entrance teleporter)


Overworld bosses (Legendary Beasts l & ll - Achievement) image 12
Overworld bosses (Legendary Beasts l & ll - Achievement) image 13

You will find the "Ur-Dunnrir" between the "Prisonner Camp" and the "Ruins"

Spawn location:



Overworld bosses (Legendary Beasts l & ll - Achievement) image 18
Overworld bosses (Legendary Beasts l & ll - Achievement) image 19
Overworld bosses (Legendary Beasts l & ll - Achievement) image 20

You will find the "Big-Orokko" next to the Bounty Board

Spawn location:

Big Orokko


Overworld bosses (Legendary Beasts l & ll - Achievement) image 25
Overworld bosses (Legendary Beasts l & ll - Achievement) image 26

You will find the "Queen-Croctas" behind the destroyed bridge, north from "The Marsh of Alasea" (swamp area) I marked the destroyed bridge in case you don't know where it is.

Spawn location:


Tier 2 Bosses

Overworld bosses (Legendary Beasts l & ll - Achievement) image 31

For the Tier 2 bosses you also need to get the quests from the Bounty Board before you can get the second achievement. For me I had to accept the "Boston" quest before I could accept the ones for the Tier 2 bosses.

Tier 2 bosses: Patriarch Red Widow

Hellmaw Nepentha

Bounty Board (Heretics Trail - Camp)

Patriarch Red Widow

Overworld bosses (Legendary Beasts l & ll - Achievement) image 37
Overworld bosses (Legendary Beasts l & ll - Achievement) image 38

You will find the "Patriarch Red Widow" to the left of the "Refugee Camp"

Spawn location:

Patriarch Red Widow

Hellmaw Nepentha

Overworld bosses (Legendary Beasts l & ll - Achievement) image 43
Overworld bosses (Legendary Beasts l & ll - Achievement) image 44

You will find the "Hellmaw Nepentha" in the fields left from "Tyr Caelum"

Spawn location:

Hellmaw Nepentha


Overworld bosses (Legendary Beasts l & ll - Achievement) image 49

Congratulation you made it! This is how you get the achievement.

I hope you enjoyed the guide, if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to leave a comment.

Have a nice day and have fun playing!

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2205912740					

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