Stat Guide

Stat Guide

If You Just Want A Quick TLDR, Scroll To The Conclusion At The Bottom

This is a guide to the common questions about how stats work in Edge of Eternity.

I learned all of this information from various people in the EoE official discord, so that's the best place to ask questions.

Note that there is not much information in this guide about Theia , since I'm not sure of stat optimizations for that character.


Increases damage inflicted by physical attacks and skills

Useful for: Daryon, Fallon, Ysoris, Myrna

Daryon's skills benefit from increased attack. Elemental skills like Lightning Strike also scale with attack, and only gain a very minor boost from magic.


Increases damage inflicted by magic spells

Useful for: Selene

Selene's offensive spells and healing spells are boosted by magic.

Incantation Speed

Stat Guide image 15

Increases the speed of cast ATB loading for spells

Useful for: Selene

Some incantation speed can potentially be useful on other characters, for example Daryon, Ysoris, and Fallon have abilities with cast time.

Incantation speed reduces the time it takes to fill the red ATB bar to cast a spell.


Stat Guide image 22

Increases the ATB load speed

Useful for: All characters

Speed reduces the time it takes to fill the white ATB bar between character turns.


Decreases ATB cost for skills

Useful for: Daryon, Fallon, Myrna

Haste reduces the white ATB cost of an action, and caps out at 50% reduction.

Haste will not increase the rate that your white ATB gauge fills (that is handled by the speed stat).

Once you have a full white ATB gauge and take a turn, haste determines how much of the white gauge is used up by your action.

If you have fully capped haste, using a skill will only cost half your white ATB bar.

The basic rule of thumb is that haste is useful on characters with a base stat of attack (everyone except Selene), and incantation speed is most useful on characters that specialize in magic (Selene).

However, if your character retains part of their white ATB bar due to haste, they can lose it from being stunned by an enemy. That is why haste might not be considered the most useful stat for your tank, Ysoris .


Increases your resistance to spell interruptions

Can be used for: Selene

Most players seem to prioritize adding speed and incantation speed to Selene rather than focusing on resolve.


Reduces damage inflicted by physical attacks and skills

On high difficulty settings, use on: Daryon, Fallon, Ysoris, Myrna

Defense is important if you are playing through the game at a high difficulty setting (i.e. Hard or Nightmare).

Magic Defense

Reduces damage inflicted by magic spells

On high difficulty settings, use on: Selene, Ysoris

Magic defense is important if you are playing through the game at a high difficulty setting (i.e. Hard or Nightmare).


On high difficulty settings, use on: Ysoris

HP on your tank, Ysoris , can be important if you are playing through the game at a high difficulty setting (i.e. Hard or Nightmare).

Conclusion / TLDR

Primary stats to focus on for your physical attackers (Daryon, Fallon, Myrna ):

Speed, haste, attack

At high difficulty settings, add:


Primary stats to focus on for your tank (Ysoris ):

Speed, attack

At high difficulty settings, add:

Defense, Magic Defense, HP

Primary stats to focus on for your caster (Selene):

Incantation speed, magic, speed

At high difficulty settings, add:

Magic Defense

If you come up with a useful build for Theia , leave a comment below!


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