Gemstone Skills

Skill List

DaryonSingle Target AttackFire Strike - Inflict a two-hit combo on an enemy

Lightning Strike - Inflict a two-hit combo on an enemy

Water Strike - Inflict a two-hit combo on an enemy

Icicle Strike - Inflict a two-hit combo on an enemy

Nexus AttackBold Opening - Daryon moves one Nexus forward and inflicts damage on two adjacent Nexuses

Offensive SupportCyclone Slasher - Reper an enemy to another Nexus and inflict minor damage

Defence Breaker - Decrease the defense of an enemy and inflict minor damage

Death Mark - Marks an enemy: If the enemy suffers an attack by any other member of the team before the next turn, Daryon will add a devastating attack to it

Counter Stance - Daryon baits an enemy attack. If he receives a physical attack before his next turn, he will automatically retaliate with a powerful sword slash

SupportAcceleration - Increase the speed of an ally

Time Loop - Decrease the speed of an enemy

Dodging Stance - Dodge all attacks and teleport to a close case when attacked until the next action of the character

SeleneSingle Target AttackFirerift I - Inflict magic damage on an enemy

Thunderift I - Inflict magic damage on an enemy

Icerift I - Inflict magic damage on an enemy

Waterrift I - Inflict magic damage on an enemy

Nexus AttackEarth Rift - Inflict magic damage to all entities on a specific Nexus

SupportSpring I - Heal an ally

Gravity Pull - Pull an enemy closer to you from one Nexus

MyrnaSingle Target AttackFire Knife - Inflict magic damage on an enemy

Earth Knife - Inflict magic damage on an enemy

Thunder Knife - Inflict magic damage on an enemy

Poison Knife - Inflict magic damage on an enemy

Water Knife - Inflict magic damage on an enemy

Ice Knife - Inflict magic damage on an enemy

Nexus AttackExplosive Trap - Nexus go Kaboom


DaryonFire Strike


Counter Stance

SeleneFirerift I

Earth Rift

MyrnaFire Knife

Explosive Trap


DaryonLightning Strike

Bold Opening

Defence Breaker

SeleneThunderift I

MyrnaEarth Knife

Thunder Knife


DaryonCyclone Slasher

Death Mark

Dodging Stance

SeleneSpring I

MyrnaPoison Knife


DaryonIcicle Strike

Bold Opening

Time Loop

SeleneIcerift I

MyrnaWater Knife


DaryonWater Strike

Death Mark

SeleneWaterrift I

MyrnaIce Knife


DaryonCounter Stance

Defence Breaker

Time Loop

SeleneEarth Rift

Gravity Pull



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