Truck's Trek Around The Minor Planets

Truck's Trek Around The Minor Planets

Preface And Context

Wow if you're reading this that means you've decided to read this guide. Thank you! Before we jump right into it there are something's I have to say. This guide was made as a letter of passion to Star Wars Conquest and its developers. A link will be posted below if you don't know what I'm talking about.

This is the first guide I've ever written and was mainly made for my enjoyment. Entries were written before being sorted into categories, so you may see mentions of planets and features that you haven't heard of yet. Planets will be ranked into six tiers.

F Tier: Minor Planets that are actively harmful and should never be interacted with outside of the planet menu.

D Tier: Minor Planets that are lackluster, VERY glitchy, or annoying to be on.

C Tier: Minor Planets that are average, usually falling within a set formula, neither bad nor good.

B tier: Minor Planets that are above average featuring cool visuals, locations, and other features that put them above C tier, but do not break the ceiling of A. Good Planets.

A Tier: Minor Planets that are very accurate, visually stunning, or unique. These are very good planets.

S Tier: Minor Planets that feel like they could be Major Planets within the mod off visuals alone. The best of the best.

With the ranking explained let's begin our long journey throughout the galaxy.

F Tier: The Worst

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91. LamareddLamaredd first appeared in the 2001 magazine Star Wars Gamer 7. The planet is 85% water, something that’s immediately made known to you because there is ONLY water here. There are no structures, no trees, no land, just deep water which obscures all vision and makes it impossible to fight bandits here. I have agreed to train the peasants of this planet only to lose every single training because I have no idea where they are coming from. Do not go to this planet, and if you do, never actually land on it. It is the only planet in the entire game I actively HATE. You couldn’t of added some platforms to start on, have a base, or fishing outpost on the surface maybe? That would of been so much more interesting than just water which does not work well in the M&B engine. I used force jump desperately searching for anything of interest on this planet, only to be disappointed as I finally breached the surface.

D Tier: The Bad

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90. Serenno Serenno first appeared in the 2011 episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Nightsisters. Serenno despite being the home planet and site of Count Dooku’s estate has no structures. The entire planet consists of two sets of Palm trees. I’ve never seen any palm trees in the mod before so that gives it some credit but this is Count Dooku’s home. The mod came out in 2010 and was last updated on Nexus in 2013. On Steam, it was last updated in 2017. Serenno had made its appearance by then. I’m sure there must have been some plans to add more content for Serenno but as it stands (and will stand since the mod’s active development is over) it’s not great. I played as a Genosian for a C.I.S revival in my main play through of the mod. When I saw Serenno was on the map I was so happy, but to see it like it makes me wish it wasn’t in the mod at all.

89. Saki Saki was first mentioned in the 2000 novel Episode I Adventures 5: The Ghostling Children. An industrial planet we only hear mentions of, Saki’s in-game appearance is lackluster. There is a hill of thin trees which is nice. Like Serenno it also has palm trees too. These are all well and good but what makes it be ranked so low is the giant floating door, loose weapons and helmet stands, and the speeders that appear out of nowhere. The industrial planet has no buildings or industry, just fragments. If I had to guess I think the planet is just unfinished. Whoever was designing it wanted to do something, why else would you add a giant floating door and trade props you mainly see in the cities?

88. Kamino Moon Kamino Moon first appeared in the 2004 sourcebook Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds. This Moon is one of three nameless moons orbiting Kamino. Moons in Star Wars Conquest are usually very similar, consisting of the same overall layout with minute differences to keep them distinct. Kamino Moon just so happened to have the only difference that was a complete negative. The view of the moon itself is completely dark. There will be a lot of talk about moons later on in this list so I won't go into much more detail, just know that the view is an important factor for any Moon that doesn't distinguish itself.

87. Charros IV Charros IV made its first appearance in the 2005 novel Labyrinth of Evil. Home of the Xi Charrians, manufacturers of the Vulture droids, Charros IV served as an important part of the industry during the Clone Wars. This is a Galactic Civil War mod, however, so it’s not very important. Of the planet’s three distinguishing features (High plateaus, snow-capped mountains, black water lakes.) Only plateaus made the cut. The planet consists of two buildings, one of which has some supplies and a speeder parked outside. Besides that, it’s open space going downhill from spawn. The layout of Charros IV, straying from its source material, combined with already being a basic planet (C Tier blueprint) has landed it in D tier.

86. SernpidalSernpidal first appeared in the 1999 novel The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime. The Death site of the galaxy’s favorite Wookie Sernpidal was destroyed over the course of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. In-game it’s a collection of spread-out structures, some of which are unique to the planet. Despite its importance in Legends, and unique buildings the planet is not great. There are tons of floating objects scattered around the sky, from personal shield units, boxes, ammo, and strange lighting objects that I've found on several other planets. If it weren't for its importance to the series, and the fact that there is in-game companion location dialogue I'd rank it below Charros IV.

C Tier: The Average

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85. Gamor MoonGamor Moon first appeared in the 2009 essential guide Star Wars: The Essential Atlas. Gamor has two moons. There are a LOT of moons in this game and they are almost completely identical. I won't be going into detail on the moon traits until we reach our final basic moon within C tier. Till then, I will only focus on the differences that place it within their spot on the ranking. Gamor Moon's defining trait is that the ceiling is wonky. There is some visual element gone wrong here that I have not been able to replicate in any of the other moons. Just look at that ceiling. If it wasn't for how cool the moons were in general this would be in D tier.

84. VargnatVargnat is unknown, as I can’t find any mention of a planet called Vargnat. There’s an imperial Star Destroyer that appeared in a video game but no planet. I have no point of reference, so the planet can only be ranked based on what’s in it, with no accuracy to boost or dampen its score. Vargnat consists of four large buildings, two of which have crates stacked outside. The structures are pretty big, larger than most in your typical minor planet. I’d love to see them be used in Obro Skai

83. PhindarPhindar first appeared in the 1999 novel Jedi Apprentice: The Hidden Past. It’s a standard village, landing it firmly within C tier. The only thing of note on this planet is that it’s the home of the Phindian, Moralo Eval’s species. These floating crates don’t do it more favors. I think it’s cool that the planet’s even here though. The amount of planets spanning all corners of Star Wars fiction at the time is truly incredible.

82. RiflorRiflor first appeared in the 2004 comic Republic 62. A tectonically active planet Riflor is amongst a list of many average minor planets in this mod. Due to my way of going about my writing, I’ve become exhausted of these standard planets and have noticeably started to write less and less for them. Luckily this guide is being made for my enjoyment so it doesn’t matter in the end.

81. VelmorVelmor first appeared in the 1981 comic Star Wars 49. Very similar to Alderran in terms of its climate and landscape Velmor comes with your standard minor planet faire of three structures with crates lying outside. One of the three structures is in an L shape and has a fat square door instead of your usual person-sized rectangle. There isn’t much to say about Velmor, it’s temperate, nice, and standard.

80. Obroa SkaiObroa Skai first appeared in the 1991 novel Heir to the Empire. The planet houses a great archive of information, but in the game, it’s your standard minor planet. You have a large wide open area with three structures. A LIN mining droid sits next to the planet administrator, so that’s cool, but there’s nothing that showcases the planet’s ‘story’ or how it appeared in the main series. Parked speeder bikes and crates don’t showcase the massive archive that was known on the planet.

79. RuuriaRuuria first appeared in the 1998 video game Star Wars: Rebellion. A standard in-game jungle world complete with 3 structures, crates, and a perimeter of trees to contain the ‘village’.

78. N’ZothN’Zoth first appeared in the 1996 novel Shield of Lies. Both of the planet’s main geographical features are showcased on the map. Arid planes, and sprawling deserts spread across the open area. Three structures act as the only objects on the map. I appreciate showcasing the planet’s natural environment so well, but it doesn’t feel very lived in. All of the structures are concentrated in one area, leaving a lot of space. The transition from plane to desert has a gradual border so that’s nice.

77. TynnaTynna first appeared in the 2000 novel The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse. It’s a standard ingame minor planet with your usual 3 structures, speeder, and crates nearby. Trees sparsely populate the area. The planet was almost the rebel’s main base before they decided on Yavin-4 so that’s interesting.

76. SiskeenSiskeen was first mentioned in the 2005 comic Republic 73. The planet is your standard minor planet, with four structures, only one of which has a unique shape. Despite being so standard in Legends the planet was so important to the C.I.S that they named an entire theatre of the Clone Wars after it. I tried asking the locals how such a standard planet was so important but they were. . uncooperative.

C Tier Continued

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75. AnothAnoth first appeared in the 1994 novel Dark Apprentice. where Luke Skywalker and Admiral Akbar created a fortress to protect Leia’s and Han’s children. The planet itself is fractured into chunks, only one of which is habitable, and even then it’s a pollution-filled nightmare. By 2 ABY, the planet should have no one on it, yet here this village stands with a barren brown ground contained within a crater. An F-20 Speeder and Horus Cruiser are parked outside of two of the buildings, giving some difference between them. Ultimately, Anoth’s portrayal is VERY inaccurate to what it should be, but that’s me being nitpicky again. After all, Grand Moff Tarkin and Obi-Wan Kenobi are running around in this game. Still, other than the barren brown ground and similar position on the galaxy map this Anoth has little similarities to the one we know in Star Wars.

74. LannikLannik was first mentioned in the 1999 book Star Wars Episode I Who's Who: A Pocket Guide to the Characters of The Phantom Menace. Home to the Lannik species little is shown of the planet’s surface other than some odd comments here and there in sourcebooks. The rocky desert aspect of the planet seems to be the main inspiration for the ingame design as you land immediately in front of sand, a small oasis behind you. Each of the five structures has objects lying outside them from speeders to crates, to items I don’t even know. The quantity of buildings as well as their U layout give the central desert space a lived-in feeling, watching people walk around going about their day.

73, 72, & 71. Bothawui, Dagobah and Christophsis MoonBothawui Moon first appeared in the 1996 RPG book Shadows of the Empire Planets Guide. Dagobah Moon first appeared in the 2005 reference book Star Wars: Complete Locations. Christophsis Moon first appeared in the 2010 episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Cat and Mouse. These three moons are almost identical in their in-game representation but are distinct from the many other similar moons by the lighting problem in their hangar roofs.

70. KhommKhomm first appeared in the 1995 novel Darksaber. A planet that’s been left unchanged for 1000 years down to even its population who are all clones of the original Khomm’s. The planet itself consists of fern trees, planter trees around its administrator, and multiple large structures. Invisible walls prevent you from going behind all but one of the structures. I don’t have much to say on this planet,

69. Dantooine MoonDantooine Moon first appeared in the 2009 essential guide Star Wars: The Essential Atlas. The Moon has no technical issues like its predecessors but is still ranked lower on the list because it is so far away from Dantooine in-game. There are planets closer to Dantooine than this moon. Nitpicky I know but when ranking the same thing over and over again you have to scour for even the smallest detail to judge it by.

68. Barab 1While I can’t pinpoint the exact first appearance of Barab I can tell you about it and how its ingame form doesn’t reflect it at all. The real Barab 1 is a dark planet lit by a dim red dwarf star, where daytime brings irradiating death, and the nights bring flash floods from sudden downpours. It’s the home of the Barabels. A reptilian species that’s not in the game. The details about the planet are cool, I highly encourage you to check it out, but the ingame one is a bit of a disappointment. 4 box-like homes stretch around the downhill village, 3 of which have speeders parked outside. That’s it. That’s the planet. I think it’s cool that it’s in the mod though I never would have known it existed were it not for the mod. It just goes to show how much care the mod developers put in the mod, filling the world with planets from all over Star Wars media.

67. Xal 3Xal 3 first appeared in the 2002 magazine Star Wars Gamer 9. The ingame planet is surrounded by a thick forest of ferns containing three structures each with an antenna. One of the three structures has crates littering its exterior. The planet visually looks nice but it doesn’t follow its source material. We know very little about Xal 3’s surface, with only 2 facts being known for certain. 1. It was the HQ of the Armorer’s Confederacy, and 2, it’s known terrain is icy caverns. That doesn’t blend well with the sunny fern forest seen in-game. Still, it is a nice village to see.

66. MuunilinstMuunilinst first appeared in the 1997 novel Specter of the Past. Home of the Muun’s and the Intergalactic Banking Clan this forested moon is filled with buildings modeled after the structures on our real-world currency. In the mod, this is not the case, consisting instead of three structures surrounding a small paved plaza. It’s different from other minor planets, but for such an important planet on the galactic scale with a unique architecture not seen in other parts of the galaxy its a letdown.

C Tier Continued

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65. IthorIthor first appeared in the 1987 book The Star Wars Sourcebook. It is the jungle home planet of the Ithorian, a species not within the mod. The developers did a good job conveying a jungle with a large variety of trees with different models. There are thin trees, thick trees, trees with interesting branches, etc. Within the large explorable area, there are two uniquely shaped metal buildings. These structures which would be a boon for other planets detract from Ithor in my opinion. In lore, the surface was sacred, and contact with it was almost completely forbidden. While some Ithorians would go to the surface, it was the expectation that they never leave it.

64. Yag’DhulYag’Dhul first appeared in the 1995 audio book Star Wars: The Mixed-Up Droid. It’s home to the Givin, an interesting species capable of surviving in a vacuum, a necessary trait to survive in such a strange world. The tidal force of its three moons is so great the planet’s seas and atmosphere will move, leaving parts of the planet without water or air at times. The planet is barren and the Givin live in hermetically sealed cities as a result of their home’s interesting conditions. Ingame none of this is reflected except for the mostly barren earth. A patch of green can be seen on the ground, however, so it’s not entirely barren. Three structures, one with a functional ramp make up the buildings of the planet. Two civilian speeders lie outside of the structures, although one of the speeders is halfway clipped into the wall of the structure.

63. AnobisAnobis first appeared in the 1998 novel Young Jedi Knights: Return to Ord Mantell. The planet, much like its in-game map is rather an unremarkable colony for agriculture and mining. Perhaps its most interesting feature is the civil war raged on the planet but none of that can be shown through the in-game map. Touching down on the planet you’d be greeted by a mountainous valley with 5 identical grey buildings with antennae and what I assume to be a doorbell. . .thing? Like a hologram projector? If anyone knows what these are let me know.

62. Mannan MoonMannan Moon never appeared within Star Wars as Mannan does not have a moon. This fact is why it's ranked lower than #58 & 57, despite being virtually identical. No picture will be provided for the moon that does not exist and does not distinguish itself.

61. Derra IVDerra IV first made its appearance in the 1983 radio adaptation of The Empire Strikes Back. It’s a minor planet both in the universe and in-game serving as a location for a rebellion outpost that was destroyed shortly before the events on Hoth. In-game it like many outside planets is contained within a mountainous valley with four white structures littered about. The presence of trees makes it not completely barren and the top-down perspective you can gain by climbing one of the buildings gives the appearance of a busy, yet sparsely populated rebel outpost. That is if the rebellion still controls the sector.

60. Alzoc IIIAlzoc III first appeared in the 2002 demo of Star Wars: Jedi Knight II. Home world of the Talz and rich in minerals Alzoc III is a frozen waste that was subjugated by the Empire. Fitting that the only two structures on the planet are two blocks that extend into the mountain itself. I don’t know if the mod creator intended for these structures to be mine entrances into the mountain, but that’s how I’m interpreting it and the planet is cooler as a result. The planet also contains two ferns, which is a nice addition considering fern trees are some of the few plants that are noted to be in the waste. The natural hill makes bandit raids more fun as well, as you are forced to charge uphill in the frozen terrain toward a line of bandits firing blasters on you and the local colonists. The Talz that call Alzoc III home aren’t here which is just me being nit-picky. After all, the Talz aren’t in the mod at all. Lastly, if you for whatever reason decide to climb the snowy mountains surrounding the village you’ll discover a horrible truth.

59. SumpSump was first mentioned in the 2000 book Inside the Worlds of Star Wars: Episode I. Sump is a horrible place to live, so horrid that its inhabitants will willingly sell themselves into slavery if it means getting off their home planet. The toxic marshes and pollution that make Sump such a horrible place to live are absent in-game but there is a cool series of structures consisting of three buildings connected by thin paths. The leftmost building has a ramp you can climb but you are unable to use it to get on top of the buildings and explore the thin connecting metal. A travesty.

58, 57 & 56. Tatooine, Bakura & Corellia MoonTatooine moon (Ghomrassen, Guermessa, Chenini) first appeared where it all began in the 1977 film Star Wars: Episode-IV A New Hope. Bakura Moon (2 unknown moons) first appeared in the 2009 essential guide Star Wars: The Essential Atlas. Corellia Moon (Gus Treta/Gus Talon/ nknown moon) first appeared in the 2005 comic Star Wars Tales 23. Throughout this guide, I have talked about moons without properly showcasing them. That changes here. Most moons in this game consist of a large open hangar fitted with a blue magnetic shield that connects the hangar to the barren moon's surface. This feature is cool, and is what takes the moons that are almost identical into C tier rather than D. Even with all the monotony the fact that it has a magnetic shield and you can see the moon's surface is so different from most minor planets's that it saves them from D tier. The hangars all have similar interior traits usually consisting of large open spaces, a control console where the planet administrator stands, and crates littering the area. Bandit raids will almost always consist of your party spawning at the opposite end of the hangar and being forced to charge in open terrain against the bandit's firing line. Occasionally you'll encounter slightly indented roofs or black pillars along the sides. The hangar might be slightly smaller, rectangular, trapezoid, etc.

C Tier End

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55. Dathomir MoonDathomir Moon (Koratas, 3 unknown moons) first appeared in the 2004 sourcebook Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds. In the game, It's just your standard space station but the lighting has a lot more shadows for some reason. It's visually distinct, I don't think it detracts from the moon so it's ranked higher than Tatooine & Corellia.

54. Coruscant MoonCoruscant Moon (Centax-1, Centax-2, Centax-3, Hesperidium) 3 of Coruscant 4 moons made their first appearance in the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode-I The Phantom Menace. Like with most moons in the game, I have no idea which moon this is supposed to be. It’s probably Centax-1 but you never know. In the game, it’s your standard moon virtually identical to the others. The moon sneaks into the top 3 of C tier on the combined virtue of the moon's positive traits and the fact that it's the moon of Coruscant the galactic center of both the Republic, the Empire, and Star Wars as we know it.

53. ConcordiaConcordia made its first appearance in the 2010 TV episode The Mandalore Plot from Star Wars The Clone Wars. Home of the Deathwatch, this mining moon sports two buildings, and a few trees surrounded by explorable barren mountains. The lack of world barriers in most of the mountains can make for a lot of fun travel on foot, discovering ‘secrets’ like the spring of Mandalore! (Not really.) In terms of villages, it’s nice to look at and is a very important location from the Clone Wars show, but ultimately other minor planets do it better.

52. GarqiGarqi first appeared in the 1995 magazine Star Wars Adventure Journal 7. Home of coffee in the Star Wars universe Garqi is a planet near and dear to me. It was the first one I ever got in my playthrough as a vassal, so my review of it is biased. At face value, the planet is just a lake, a bunch of trees, and three buildings with mountains surrounding it all. The mountains don’t have any invisible walls which allow for great views of the planet. . .and views of the map beyond what we were supposed to see.

B Tier: The Good.

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51. BimmielBimmiel first appeared in the 2000 novel The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide 1 Onslaught. There isn’t much relevant information on the planet that’d affect the in-game map so let’s jump straight into it. Ingame, Bimminel consists of 1 building that has an actual interior, complete with lodging lockers, seats, and control panels. It’s the first planet I came across to have an interior room you can just walk into with no loading screen. In the canon, Bimminel is not inhabited, so it kind of makes sense anyone living here would all be in one building. The area around it is wide open, and a little hilly, complete with yellows and greens. This is where all the NPC’s will be, wandering around aimlessly, or in the case of bandits, lining up to fight. It would be cool if the building was used by the NPCs at all, whether it be bandits spawning inside or near its entrance to use it as cover, or just the NPCs wandering in there to give the illusion of use. Regardless, the addition of an interior is such a rarity that it lets Bimmiel sneak into B-tier.

50. DuroDuro first appeared in the 1993 novel Mission from Mount Yoda. In lore, Duro is heavily polluted to the point where the entire planet is mostly abandoned, with the Duro (Alien Species) living in orbital cities around the planet’s orbit. The only remaining structures that are used on the planet are bunkers for storage, as the planet is far too irradiated and toxic for life. In-game bunkers, puddles, and a sickly brown and green color scheme hint at the poisonous traits of the planet. A step further could be added in my opinion to sell the nauseous environment. The fog effect on Raxus Prime could take what already looks like a sickly world and transform it into the polluted nightmare it represents.

49. Mustafar MoonMustafar Moon has never made an appearance because it doesn't exist. In-game the moon is very similar to Dac Moon, but its presence as a non-existing moon immediately ranks it lower. Like with Mannan Moon, a moon that does not exist does not get a picture.

48. Dac MoonDac’s Moon first appeared in the 1994 novel Dark Apprentice. Ingame the Moon uses the same textures as most space stations but with a twist. Rather than being a rectangle the planet is a square with the magnetic shield cast overhead allowing for a beautiful view of that starry skybox. The moon is pretty empty overall, sneaking into B-tier through its Mon Calamari Planet Administrator.

47. DubrillionDubrillion first appeared in the 1999 novel The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime. As soon as you spawn in you are greeted by Dubrillion’s two key features, its lush green continents and beautiful oceans. The entire accessible area is made up of a forested strip of beach with a mountain to its back. There are no structures, only rocks, trees, grass, and other parts of nature. Despite the long stretch of land filled with trees and rocks that can be used for cover, any bandit raid on the planet will have your army placed directly in front of the enemy for an all-out melee brawl. A bit of a missed opportunity, but I know nothing about how these mods work.

46. Ryloth MoonRyloth Moon (5 Unknown moons) first appeared in the 2004 sourcebook Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds. It is your standard C-tier moon with the addition of a holographic control console and a red magnetic shield instead of blue.

45. Hoth MoonHoth Moon (3 unknown moons) first appeared in the 1980 film Star Wars: Episode-V The Empire Strikes Back. Unnamed in-universe the moon distinguishes itself by having no magnetic shield and featuring a different layout and moon texture than its many counterparts. Barren of any crates, or extra features Hoth moon relies on the novelty of its difference to soar above its counterparts.

44. Isde Naha Isde Naha first appeared in the 2004 Star Wars Roleplaying Game supplement Galactic Gazetter: Hoth and the Greater Javin, as well as Rough and Tundra, both supplements being released on the same day. An industrious planet, ingame you are trapped within a large metallic yard with supplies, star ships, and control consoles. Visually it looks like a loading dock, one where large craters of supplies can be loaded and unloaded to other parts of the galaxy.

43. BilbringiBilbringi first appeared in the 1993 novel The Last Command. In Disney canon, it’s a planet, but in legend, Bilbringi is an entire system filled with mineral-rich asteroids and space stations of industry. The Bilbringi we see in-game is most likely Bilbringi VII, the largest asteroid in the belt. The ingame planet is similar to the moon ‘planets’ in that it’s one large room connected to the inaccessible astroid exterior It’s unique by how narrow the window to the outside is, as well as the lack of a visible magnetic field. Three metallic doors with some minor lighting issues line the other walls. They are complete with your standard control panels, and supply cases that you can expect from these moon-like minor planets. All in all it’s accurate to what you’d expect asteroid living to be like, which is nice. I just wish the light around the doors wasn’t so wacky from afar.

42. DrongarDrongar first appeared in the 2004 novel MedStar I: Battle Surgeons. A humid jungle planet with sprawling marshes, oceans, and beaches the in-game design has you spawn immediately on a sandy beach right next to the nearby settlement. Three houses can be found here, as well as a static mouse droid, and speeder bike. Most of the ocean is inaccessible as an invisible wall prevents entry to its deepest depths. There are a lot of trees on this map, more than most, giving that jungle feel that the planet is going for. Overall the mod developers did a great job using the tools they had to emulate Drongar. The beach and ocean clue you into the tropical nature of the planet.

B Tier Continued

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41. Iridonia Iridonia first appeared in the 2003 comic Star Wars Tales 17. Homeworld of the Zabrak. A hostile world of canyons, acid, and horrid sea the ingame minor planet takes place entirely within one of the more hospitable canyons. Many Zabrak can be found here, including one planet administrator, a trait that I love to see. Having the planet administrator match the species the planet belongs to is always a treat. The planet itself consists of 5 structures, 3 of which hang off the mountainside as if embedded inside. Due to the lack of support elements, from a distance, it looks like the buildings are just floating.

40. MimbanMimban first appeared in the 1978 novel Splinter of the Mind’s Eye. This bog planet was actually first conceived for A New Hope but was never used. The planet has four structures and more trees than some forest planets in the mod. The sheer variety of trees is amazing, especially on a planet that’s supposed to be a bog world. There are a few traits I wish were on the minor planet. Mimban is known for its fog, and for a bog planet, there isn’t any water in sight. I know the mod developers can do it, they have an entire swampy battlefield for Dagobah which you can’t even access outside of custom battles.

39. VaalVaal’s first and only appearance is in the 2003 comic Empire 14. A warm grassy planet Vaal’s only point of interest is Imperial Relay Outpost V-789, an outpost that Vader goes to to escape his predicament after the Battle of Yavin. The developers did a good job taking the outpost from the pages of its comic to in-game. The only two features I’d add are a radar dish on top (Something I know exists in-game), and a Lambda shuttle. Timeline-wise it makes sense why there wouldn’t be a shuttle, Vader takes it at the end of the comic but any excuse to have one show up is good enough for me.

38. RodiaRodia first appeared in the 2008 episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Ambush. Rodians are a common sight here on their homeworld. Whenever I landed on this swampy planet every NPC except for the planet administrator would be Rodain. I’m a big fan of that kind of accuracy, I don’t know if it’s a coding thing or random luck but it’s good to see. None of the cities we see in the Clone Wars show up in-game, instead, you are greeted by a swampy area with 2 main bodies of water, palm trees, and a stand for weapons, armor, and speeders. The NPCs around the armor stand will constantly cross their arms as if thinking about what to buy. Is that a product of my overthinking or a planned feature? Probably the former but hey, it’s cool to me. There's a bench for the planet drunks too.

37. WaylandWayland first appeared in the 1991 novel Heir to the Empire. Touching down you’ll first see a beautiful valley and a building far in the distance. If you go through the trouble of looking behind yourself you’ll see an imperial speeder and another structure. These 2 structures are the only signs of civilization visible within the planet, likely representing the storage and labs secretly used by the Empire on this jungle planet. The empire’s presence here can even be felt in the sky, where an Imperial Trade Frigate hovers over the planet. The planet isn’t perfect however, the invisible walls don’t prevent you from seeing landscapes you were not supposed to see.

36. KuatKuat first appeared in the 1994 roleplay book Star Wars Adventures Journal 9. Kuat’s importance comes in the form of their shipyards around the planet. In the mod, the Kuat Shipyard is separate from the planet, so it’s just another minor planet within Star Wars Conquest. When entering the village, you touch down on a small empty island with two structures and all the people across the water. Two speeders are parked in an interesting addition to the primary structure. My favorite feature of the planet comes in the form of bandit raids. When landing for combat the bandits will spawn at the base of the prime structure while your units start on the island. You have to march through the water which limits your visibility and slows everyone down to get to the bandits, all the while they are lining up and firing at you, mowing down even high-end units with the sheer volume of fire they can push out before you reach them. No invisible walls are preventing you from seeing the areas beyond the main map, but Kuat is a planet where the plain-like area beyond what you’re supposed to see makes sense. Lastly, the planet despite being an extremely important imperial world starts as a Rebel territory in-game.

35. BelkadanBelkadan first appeared in The 1999 novel The New Jedi Order Vector Prime, a novel that contained many important events that would shape legends canon moving forward. A forest planet, Belkadan is done wonderfully in my opinion, containing 1 small building with a rusted texture, a body of water, supply crates, and an M3-A Scyk Fighter landed along the pond’s edge. Trees are scattered throughout both the accessible, and inaccessible areas giving it the sense that the area is larger than you think. Overall Belkadan acts as a wonderful small stop to relax in as you journey throughout the galaxy. Just ignore the strange floating object above the pond.

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34. PzobPzob first appeared in the 1995 novel Children of the Jedi. One needs only to look at the NPCs walking around to figure out this is a Gammorean world. Pzob itself is a standard village with three structures. The structures themselves have uncommon textures, using stone gradients instead of metal. They all have these weird blocks that you can only see if you look up close, otherwise they vanish. Try not to anger the residents or these pigs will have an axe to grind with you.

33. ThisspiasThisspias was first mentioned in the 1999 book Star Wars Episode I Who's Who: A Pocket Guide to the Characters of The Phantom Menace. It is a planet whose surface we never actually see, only hearing mentions of it till the end of legends. I’m not expecting to see Pink Liquid Lakes in an M&B mod so they get a pass there. The mountainous planet is mountainous lol. You can scale many of the mountains in-game too, something that most minor planets don’t allow you to do, and if they do is unintentional and map-breaking as it lets you see the out-of-bounds areas. Four identical structures are here.

32. Rakata PrimeRakata Prime first appeared in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. The former capital of The Infinite Empire Rakata Prime was once one of the most important planets in the entire galaxy. Now, it’s been reduced to a minor planet, barely even a blip in modern galactic events. Pretty accurate to what actually happened if you ask me. Landing on Rakata Prime you are greeted by palm trees, an ocean, a beach, and a speeder bike surrounded by supplies. A large structure wedged between the world’s mountains lies at the end. You can climb to the top of the structure but there is no secret Rakatan weapon waiting for you, nor should you expect one. The age of the Infinite Empire has long since passed. The palm trees on the planet have the same problem all palm trees in this mod have. If you get too far away from them the leaf textures vanish.

31. Selvaris Selvaris first and only appearance was in the 2003 novel The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force. This planet is Ithor but better. The trees are thicker creating a canopy so great it blots out most of the sun. It has the same structures as Ithor but they make more sense in being there. All the positives I have to say about Ithor apply to Selvaris and beyond.

30. MyrkrMyrkr first appeared in the 1991 novel Heir to the Empire. A forested world and home to everyone’s favorite force-repelling lizards, Myrkr is a site for scum, smugglers, and other denizens of the galaxy not wanting to be found. Makes sense it starts as a rebel world in this game. The planet consists of a central open area surrounding three buildings, one of which is a speeder storage with a special console on it. Tucked within one of the tree areas are some supplies and a speeder. I haven’t seen this console in many minor planets, and when ranking every single one any unique, or rare element is valuable.

29. HelskaHelska (Helska IV) first appeared in the 1999 novel The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime. Essentially a giant frozen ocean Helska is a useless ball of ice for most of the galaxy. In-game two buildings with functional lights at night are built into the icy crater while a large starship looms overhead. Its design is simple but effective, taking what little information we know about the icy planet and turning it into a visually interesting crater for players to touch down and see.

28. TogoriaTogoria first appeared in the 1997 novel The Paradise Snare. A heavily forested planet and home to the Togorians, the minor planet consists of two structures and an inaccessible forest. One of the two structures is massive and contains two empty landing platforms for ships. Consoles are tucked underneath the left side of the megastructure ground. If you have your shadows up, most of your time on this planet will be spent in them as the structures are so large the shadow they cast obscures the sun.

B Tier End

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27. RuusanRuusan first appeared in the 1997 videogame Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. The planet’s surface looks like it was taken straight off the wiki image featuring a long winding river surrounded by temperate forests and mountains. Two structures occupy the area but they aren’t the main sight to see here. The quantity of trees and the river are the main showstoppers

26. Alaris PrimeAlaris Prime first appeared in the 2001 video game, Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds. The moon served as a colonization opportunity for the Wookies of nearby Kasshyk. The mod alludes to this by having Wookie architecture in two large trees lie on the in-game map, and a beautiful dock connects the largest tree to the mainland. a wonderful addition to showcase the moon's wookie orientation. The three structures that you can reach have no collision structure however and the planet administrator is a human, not a Wookie.

25. VulpterVulpter first appeared in the 2005 Star Wars Holonet entry HoloNet News Vol. 531 #50. Vulpter is a planet of pollutants and waste used as a galactic center of industry, and dumping ground for centuries. The planet itself can not sustain any agricultural life and is littered with factories and waste. Touching down on Vulpter you’ll see a floating metal platform surrounded by rusty, grimy textured metal. Huge slanted walls contain the entire site, not that you need them. One step off the platforms is almost certain death as you plunge to the bottom of the planet’s polluted seas. Three black smokestacks are attached to the largest structure. The only thing this planet is missing is a polluted effect like that on Raxus Prime and some barrels and crates to add to the industrial feel.

A Tier: The Great

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24. TholatinTholatin first appeared in the 1996 novel Tyrant’s Test. Tholatin;s main point of interest, Essau Ridge is what we see in the game, a smuggler base tucked in a thin crevasse in a towering rock wall. The planet showcases exactly what we know of Tholatin, what else is there to add?

23. GallGall first appeared in the 1996 novel Shadow of the Empire. As soon as you touch down on Gall you are greeted by its signature canyons which surround the entire accessible area. Crates and two small structures lie at the opposite side. During a bandit raid, your troops will spawn at the base of the ship platform ramp, as if you just landed down in the middle of an active raid. Invisible walls litter the edges, preventing you from falling into the canyon to ‘certain’ death. If you want to reach the bottom, there is a small opening immediately after the ramp to the left which can let you climb down or in my case fall.

22. Yaga MinorYaga Minor first appeared in the 1997 novel Specter of the Past. During the time of the game Yaga Minor was an important trade world for the imperials which explains the massive landing pad on the planet, complete with an Imperial Trade Frigate, The planet can be divided into 3 sections, the landing platform, a loosely connected adjacent structure which I believe is supposed to be a loading area? It has a ramp and is wide and open for possible supplies and it has the planet administrator. Lastly, there are 4 nearly identical rusted buildings with some detailing done to them. I like the small details of antennas/smokestacks. On top? They are very thick but the game has limitations so they could be either or. They also have some other textures sticking out of parts of them. The planet does a good job of communicating its importance in trade (frigate), and imperial leaning.

21. FondorFondor first appeared in the 1981 comic strip Darth Vader Strikes. An Ecumenopolis like Coruscant the entire planet has become one huge industrial city. My first instinct upon hearing this was to look down upon Fondor’s in-game representation as not being urban enough, but after looking at an image of Fondor’s surface I am a believer! The in-game planet looks remarkably similar to its actual counterpart. The only thing I’d add is some smog if that’s even possible within the game engine. It’s small, and concise, with supplies, a spacecraft, two buildings beyond the invisible wall’s that look like they were taken straight from the image, and two other structures.

20. ChandrilaChandrila first appeared in the 1998 video game Star Wars: Rebellion. Despite appearing in 1998 the planet had been mentioned since the 80’s, serving as an important core world to both the republic and canon at large as the home of Mon Mothma. Its in-game appearance seems to be entirely inspired by the Canyons of Chandrila seen in Star Wars Jedi Academy. You start in a massive canyon with paved floors, structures with visual entrances (Invisible walls block entry), and stone pillars. A spaceship is landed in the far corners of the canyon, in case you forget you’re playing a Star Wars mod.

19. BastionBastion first appeared in the 1997 novel Specter of the Past. In the lore, Bastion was an industrial planet that served as the capital of the Imperial Remnants. In game, this is reflected by the bombastic imperial presence you see as soon as you land. An imperial compound, complete with turbo lasers and tie fighters looms over the planet administrator. The turbo lasers seem to have some rendering problem, if you aren’t close enough their front plates vanish, which is annoying but overall the planet distinguishes itself enough to get a pass from me, what a cool thing to see upon landing. On the secondary building, there is a ramp you can go up, but it leads to nothing. Lastly, despite being a heavily imperial world it is naturally part of the Rebel Alliance when you start a game.

18. Shipyard's Shipyard's ((Raxus Prime Shipyard, Dac Shipyard, Corellia Shipyard, Trade Federation, Kuat Shipyard, Mandalore Shipyard, Fondor Shipyard) are all here by technicality. There is a mechanic in the game that lets you have assassins show up on major planets whenever you walk around their surface in an attempt to kill you. This is different from the random scene attack mechanic which only takes place when you interact with a planet via the menu. Shipyards, minor planets, and one other location do not feature these assassins. So by technicality, and my own self-imposed rules, I'm adding it to this list. Every shipyard has an identical interior, housing a droid's part merchant, illegal weapons merchant, plastic surgeon, force-sensitive trainer, force-sensitive merchant, Clone Wars era merchant, and a slave trader. The NPC's appearance may vary based on what shipyard you go to but their function always remains the same. The only other notable features include two beds, and a large vent near the illegal weapons merchant, and a cast of slaves within the holding cell behind the slave trader. There could be no slaves, only Twi'leks, only humans, etc. The shipyard's rank is this high because of their function. They are a guaranteed location for most merchants and serve an important function, housing the game's bank and selling ships and ship upgrades to players.

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17. Vjun Vjun first appeared in the 1995 comic Dark Empire II 6. A dark almost lifeless planet that was home to Vader’s personal fortress in the legends continuity, Vjun has you start on a ship landing pad opposite to another. The two pads are connected to a metallic tunnel with blast doors that lead to presumably, the fortress itself. Around the platform are barren sickly hills that stretch out far beyond what the eye can see. Invisible walls prevent you from falling off the platform to explore further, that is if you could survive the fall. My favorite feature of the planet is the green and yellow skies. It feels alien, something that few minor planets have made me feel.

16. Honoghr Honoghr made its first appearance in the 1992 novel Dark Force Rising. Home planet to the primitive Noghri who were enslaved by the Empire to be used as assassins, Honoghr is among my favorite minor planets in game for its variety and accurate portrayal of the planet. It has space-faring supplies and a metallic structure with some detailing work to showcase the empire’s presence. Across there are three caverns two of which you can enter. These caverns are the would-be homes of the natives containing beds. My favorite feature is the Lucrehulk-class battleship that crashed outside the planet’s accessible area. In lore, the same kind of vessel crashed onto the planet during the Clone Wars leading to mass ecological damage. The fact this is shown at all within the mod’s minor planet is amazing. One problem with the planet is that the rocky primitive home’s have some texture issues.

15. Brentaal Brentaal (Brentaal IV) first appeared in the 1997 comic issue X-Wing Rouge Squadron 21. Despite being a minor planet ingame, in lore, Brentaal is one of the most important locations in the galaxy, seated at the intersection of two of its most popular hyperplanes. Ingame you get access to a large open area, with minor structures surrounding the outer walls. Beyond the walls are skyscrapers, and a massive turbo laser that is visibly glitched. The planet does well to distinguish itself from many of its minors, the presence of skyscrapers makes you feel like you’re in a city, even if the actual explorable area is rather sparse. The only two points of interest within the explorable area are a small warehouse with a magnetic shield, and a holographic advertisement poking out of one of the outer small buildings.

14. IllumIllum first appeared in the 2001 novel Jedi Quest: Path to Truth. A snowy planet with great importance to the jedi, sith and Empire thanks to the overabundance of Kyber Crystals, and other mineral resources. A holy site for Jedi, reduced to a mineral excavation sight by the Empire, funneling as many crystals as they can towards their many projects. A Bulk Freighter looms overhead on the planet, likely filled with countless crystals to fuel the Empire’s research. Two X-wings land in the crater as well, perhaps belonging to Rebel Jedi seeking to make a lightsaber? I can play assumptions all I want but the limited items on the planet, but overall they tell a story that fits perfectly about what Illum has become during 2 ABY. The only major issue with the planet is the presence of these floating objects in the sky. Does anyone know what these are?

13. Kessel MoonKessel Moon (Garrison Moon) first appeared in the 1994 novel Jedi Search. The hollowed-out moon was used as a stationing ground for new workers, and slaves for Kessel. Kessel Moon is my favorite of the many moon games, featuring a unique box shape, a magnetic shield ceiling, an accessible exterior, and all the traits that the other moons already had. Being able to walk out onto the moon itself (Ignoring the fact I don’t suffocate) is amazing. I’d like to think the area you’re exploring is the Kessel Correctional Facility.

12. Bespin MoonBespin Moon (Drudoona/H’gaard) first appeared in the 1992 novel Zorba the Hutt’s Revenge. Bespin, everyone’s favorite gas giant has two moons, and the way the naming convention in Star Wars Conquest goes, Bespin Moon could be either one of them. My bet is on Drudoona as it had a base for some Ugnaughts there. Regardless, Bespin moon like all the other moon is essentially one big giant open box keeping all the air inside through a magnetic field. It’s my favorite of the ingame moons because of its unique tile floors not found in any of the other moons, as well as the presence of buildings beyond the magnetic fields. They serve their purpose as a set prop quite well if you ask me. It makes me feel like the moon is livelier than in-game restrictions allow.

11. DosuunDosuun made its first and only appearance in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Tucked away in the farthest corner of ingame wild space Dosuun is equipped with several buildings, a functional ramp, and supplies strewn about the imperial outpost. In the source game, Dosuun housed an Imperial Remnant Base, one that the folks of Conquest tried their best to represent. The functional ramp adds a verticality to the planet that most planets do not have. Outside of the accessible area are trees, and hills ending in the usual M&B mountains. Overall, I like this planet, its accuracy to the source material is nice, the playable area is restricted enough that you can’t go out of bounds, it’s a quaint place. My only complaint lies in how the AI navigates around it. Stay here long enough you’ll see villagers walking against the building walls going nowhere.

We are now officially within the top 10. What a journey.

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10. BimmsariBimmsari (Bimmisaari) first appeared in the 1991 novel, Heir to the Empire. A remote world of the harsh jungle with pockets of civilization in open fields the ingame Bimmisaari (misspelled Bimmsari in-game) is very accurate to its in-legend counterpart. If you compare two images side by side, and ignore the ingame limitations of textures, they look extremely similar. Landing on Bimmisaari you are greeted to a large wooden landing pad attached to a stone structure complete with railing, pointed and flat towers, and your usual supplies are strewn about in most villages. Whoever put forth all this effort for a minor planet, I’d like to say thank you.

9. AlmaniaAlmania first appeared in the 1996 novel, The New Rebellion as the home for one of Luke’s new Jedi. Tucked away in the farthest reaches of the map you will never visit Almania unless you go out of your way to go there. A Jedi temple structure filled with supplies for the colonists lies on the planet, as well as a central fountain and two non-visitable landing pads where ships are docked, presumedly ready to ferry supplies to the rest of the galaxy. The Jedi temple is a cool set piece for bandit raids, as the scum will ascend the stairs to form a firing line forcing you to charge uphill into the structure.

8. ZiostZiost first appeared in the 1996 comic Tales of the Jedi- The Golden Age of the Sith 3. Whoever designed this minor planet did a very good job. It's a small town surrounded by stone walls which in turn are surrounded by rocky mountains. Ziost is mostly a barren planet at this part of the timeline, littered with civilization from the days of the Sith empire. Both of these features make appearances in the mod with sickly brown ground, and all the structures consisting of stone rather than metal. In the center of the planet stands a large obelisk protruding out of a basin which makes for great cover in bandit raids. Other spiky obelisk shapes litter the ‘villages’ walls and homes.

7. Ord MantellOrd Mantell first appeared in the 1981 comic strip The Bounty Hunter of Ord Mantell. Ord Mantell is a planet I’ve come to be familiar with in recent years, serving as the safe house for the Bad Batch for most of their show. The planet itself consists of orange hills with repurposed Nal Hutta structures without their detailing. These buildings come in a variety of sizes. Moisture Vaporators are a common sight here, and a small section of the planet is covered in metal grates and pillars acting as a minimalistic junkyard. An Imperial Trade Frigate flies in orbit. My favorite part of the planet comes in the form of an underground landing platform housing a Lambda-class 4at shuttle. The shuttle itself has some collision, but not enough that you can’t accidentally walk into it. I’m going to add a disclaimer here, this was the last entry I wrote, so pardon the lack of enthusiasm. I’ve written entries for 91 different planets, and I still need to edit and compile all this into a guide by the time of writing.

6. CorulagCorulag first appeared in Issue 12 of the Star Wars Adventure Journal. A prominent Coruscant colony turned independent world Corulag served as a model of excellence for imperial behavior. Ingame it’s a plaza surrounded by unique buildings, wide rather than tall like in other urban areas I’ve encountered. There are some interesting textures on the planet, like these pipes, as well as a few collision issues with some blocks sticking out of the wall. The large buildings and triangular shapes are nice to look at, I can’t believe they made this in Mount and & Blade. The only ‘real’ issue I have with Corulag is I can’t find the planet administrator anywhere. It’s as if he lives on the menu.

5. RoriRori first appeared in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided. I have never played the Star Wars MMO so I can’t attest to Rori’s accuracy. What I can say is my jaw dropped as I landed on the planet for the first time. Serving as one of the moons of Naboo Rori is essentially lil Naboo in-game. It has most of the same buildings strewn about a brick-paved plaza. Some of the structures on Rori you can only see part of on Naboo like the massive green dome which can be seen in full view here. The best feature of Rori is the visible Naboo in the sky constantly reminding you that you’re orbiting it. Not everything is sunshine and roses on the moon, some buildings have no collisions, letting you walk straight through them. If you try you can also spy the outside area that does not fit with the moon’s aesthetic.

A Tier End

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4. The ShipThe Ship first appeared in the 2010 mod Star Wars Conquest. Within Star Wars Conquest you can enter your ship anytime within the game's main map. If you're like me, you'll only enter your ship to heal in the med-bay. If you take the time to explore the rest of your ship you'll notice all kinds of smile details, and tiny features you may never know about. The ship itself is divided into 5 core sections. The Passenger Quarters, Med-bay, Cargo Hold, Shooting Gallery, and Command Bridge. The Passenger Quarter can be found throughout the labyrinth that is your ship, consisting of several rooms attached to the ship's many halls. In them, you'll find most of your companions, as well as small details from posters, food, bed, pazzak, and even Dejarik. There are so many small details in all the room's I couldn't capture them all without spamming this guide with ship pictures.

The Cargo Bay is a large open area with ramps leading to the ship's higher level. In addition to the 2 companions you can find here, there are also derelict bacta tanks, cranes, speeder holders, barrels, crates, and other forms of cargo. As far as I can tell you can't access your inventory from within the cargo bay so its purpose is purely visual.

The Shooting Gallery is a large room filled with Marksman-H combat remotes like the kind Luke used to train with Obi-wan Kenobi. There isn't any in-game XP and the droids can't be destroyed here like they can in the training field

The Command Bridge is filled with consoles, your soldiers, and your companions. There's a view outside which I think is supposed to represent hyperspace.

Lastly, there is the Medbay, where all your healing dreams can come true. Entering the Bacta Tank within the Medbay will heal your character up to full. A massive utility in a dangerous galaxy.

There are some visual glitches within the ship, everything is accessible inside the map but occasionally you'll see through the walls of an area if you're too far, or too close.

3. BogdenBogden first appeared in episode 8 of the 1985 animated show, Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO. The actual planet Bogden’s surface is never seen, but what is seen are its many moons. Bogg 4, The Bog Moon of Bogden, and Kohlma are all seen throughout Star Wars Media. I don’t know which they based the ingame Bogden on. Ingame it’s a swampy area filled with ruins that have actual interiors. There are signs of beds and supplies, the planet administrator is inside near a table, it’s all great stuff. It’s the first minor planet I’ve come across in my ranking to feel lived in. The planet does have some problems, floating? hide underneath and above the swampy waters, there is a horrid landscape on the far right, and eventually, you can see where the swamp ends, and the normal landscape begins if you far enough north. The presence of ruins that feel lived in and have proper interiors is enough to look past most of these visual problems, however.

2. Nar ShaddaaNar Shadda first appeared in the 1978 comic Star Wars 16. The city moon of Nal Hutta Nar Shadda does not disappoint. While most city minor planets will trap you within an open plaza and put skyscrapers around you to give the feeling of a city Nar Shadda plops you in the dead center of a sprawling ecumenopolis. There are structures below you, and skyscrapers towering above. There are landing strips like the one you’re on, holographic advertisements written in aurbesh like the kind you’d seen on Coruscant. There is an interior that most of the NPCs will start in with ‘functioning’ doors that will open with sounds when you or an NPC approaches. I say functioning because, despite the fact they open, you can’t go through them, making the cantina an area you can only access when you train colonists. I’m a huge fan of SWTOR, so seeing Nar Shadda ingame was a pleasant experience of nostalgia, enhanced by the sights around me. Be careful while you wandering around the Smuggeler’s Moon, there are no railings or invisible walls to keep you from plummeting to your death.

S Tier: The Amazing

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1. Nar KreetaNar Kreeta first appeared in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. This planet is amazing, It’s truly incredible. It has roads that go throughout the area connecting to two city exits, there are short and tall buildings with symbols, and there is detailing everywhere. This minor planet is better than some major ones in this mod. For a planet that’s made only 1 appearance, it is incredible. There is a corner with a variety of helmets, weapons, storage, and speeders to support be shop. There’s a storage area for barrels tucked within a building's outcrop, there’s a massive centralized building overlooking the town’s center. I am geeking out about how great this planet is. This entire project was started out of love for this mod, and I would have never seen Nar Kreeta were it not for it.

The End

It's been a long journey making this guide, and exploring what the galaxy has to offer. If you've made it this far then thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know this guide was made for my own enjoyment but if you were able to have some fun looking at what Star Wars Conquest had to offer then that's great. The mod developers have taken parts of the Star Wars Universe spanning all media, from comics, games, movies, novels, and even some web posts. If you have M&B Warband and want to see the galaxy for yourself then I'd encourage you to download this mod.

Anyway, I'm tired, It's finally time for this explorer to lay down. If this guide gets 2 likes I'll make a part 2 featuring the fortresses of the galaxy.


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