Tips and memento for modding


The purpose of this guide is not to repeat what is already said in other ones, neither to be a full guide for modding. It's only to complete existing guides and to share tricky details.

Other guides

I recommend to use official guides:

- General guide to start:

- For making logos:

- For making liveries:


About Unity: you must use the veresion 5.3.6. It will NOT work with newer versions (I spent much time understanding that).

Database "Team Colours"

All the colors can be found in the database "Team Colours".

The colors are written in RGB hexadecimal format.

Example: #F058A1

Red: F0 => 240

Green: 58 => 88

Blue: a1 => 161

Helmet colors, 3 values:

- Helmet Primary

- Helmet Secondary

- Helmet Tertiary

They control the color of the helmet, see the image to see the effect.

But unfortunatley the helmet is not visible in game.

User Interface colors, 3 values:

- Normal UI - See the image to see the effect. It controls the color of some menus in the interface, the color mark in the race table. It must be a color representative of the team.

- Highlighted UI - I haven't found the effect. I'm interesting if someone knows it.

- Pressed UI - I haven't found the effect neither, also interesting if someone knows.


Staff Faces: There is already a very nice guide, so I used it and I haven't remake it.

Driver faces: see images

Liveries Creation

To make the liveries, I found out that the most difficult part is to understand how the projection is done. So I made a grid-guide for that. The idea is to work on a layer over the grid.

1st Grid (Livery N°6)

Livery file:



Screenshots of the result:

2nd Grid (Livery N°7)

Livery file:



Screenshots of the result:

3rd Grid (Livery N°8)

Livery file:



Screenshots of the result:

Database "Teams"

"Location" = Country of the team.

"Location ID" = Country flag of the team

"Custom Start Description" = Description written on the screen when selecting a team.

Important: you must put this text between quotation marks " in order to be able to use commas ','.

"Livery" = the number of the livery you want to use for this team.

But the numbering is tricky. You must add 7 to the number of your livery.


- You have saved your files with names LiveryBase_6 and LiveryDetail_6.

- You want a team to use it. So in the livery value you must write 6+7 = 13

Other thing to say, the number 19 (#26) is not working for me. I don't know why, so I don't use this number.


There are 2 ways to proceed modifying logos:

The new way : Editing the ressource "Images/...logos"

It's clearly more conveniant and the way to use.

Follow this guide :

Some remarks with this method :

- You cannot edit part suppliers logos with this method (maybe in future...)

- TeamHat logos don't work, it just make a white square (or please someone explain to me).

- TeamBody logos : the logo must not to be the full allowed size, or it will exceed the window and it won't be nice.

The old way: Editing the ressource "Atlases/Logos1.png"


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