Challenge Pack Walkthroughs

Challenge Pack Walkthroughs


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Welcome to the walkthroughs for one of the most fun MM DLC!

Every game can be a quite different from mine; the longer the mission, the higher the possibility of random events.

Single Race Missions and Short Missions

There are fixed events, in particular the weather during the whole race weekends, part of the crashes (the driver involved can change), SC and VSC.

Long Missions (full or medium seasons)

You can find for some of these challenges also the weather and my tyres strategies.

I am not sure how much the weather and the sprinklers are fixed or not. For sure, there is a certain amount of randomness, so don't take that part of the walkthrough as carved in stone.

The "difficulty" values are based on my opinions.

My personal rankings, from most difficult to easiest:

1.4 Braking point

1.3 Up in flames

3.1 Ernie's paradise

3.3 Battered and bruised

2.4 From the ashes

2.3 Bottom to the top

2.1 Headstart for Hawkins

2.2 Surging absurdity

3.2 Unknown benefactor

1.5 Daddy's boy

1.2 Fight for the fifth

1.1 Sprinkler savvy

Tip: during challenges you can save the game when you want. During single race challenges do it by yourself, during long missions the game will save the game the same way of a regular career.

Note 1: when challenge is over, the game is over (vanilla challenges let you continue the careers)

Note 2: no pit crew management in any mission

Tips, suggestions and different solutions are welcome! Feel free to comment!


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1.1 Sprinkler Savy

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Duration: 1 Race

F1: Finish at least top 3 in a race where at random moment sprinklers get activated

Details and instructions

This is quite easy. Dragon race team, you will start a race with one of your driver 16th (soft) and the other 19th (medium). You are in ERS, last race (Black Sea, 26 laps) so you have to do 2 pit stops. Choose wisely because you'll need to mount intermediate or wet tyres when sprinkler are on, and there's not forecast for this.


This unlocks zombie O_o

1.2 Fight For The Fifth

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Duration: 1 Race

F1: Have Chapman finish ahead of Olivera in Drivers' Championship

Details and instructions

Medium difficulty. Rio, last race; you start at lap 4 when the SC is going to exit from the track. Chapman is 9th and his teammate 15th, it is raining and Olivera on Rossini is the woman to beat for the champ. Points system is 10 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 and Chapman is +7. His realiability is not very high: be careful on the engine modes and pay attention to the numerous weather changes. Olivera can win the race (you need a 5th in this case), so play your cards at best.


Both drivers Intermediate + Ultra Soft (lap 12) + Intermediate (lap 20)

This unlocks hats. We never have enough of hats.

1.3 Up In Flames

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Win WDC with Wexler after his horrendous crash during German GP that caused him some severe burns

Details and instructions

Hard difficulty. Chapman is leading the scoreboard with +3 on Wexler, out for severe injuries for 2 weeks. You will start on race day at turn 12/16, so you won't have the time to hire another driver and are forced to use 3rd Espinoza. You have about 20M cash to invest in new parts. Reliability of some components is low after Wexler accident.

This mission is inspired to 1976 F1 season, when Lauda had the crash that burned part of his body and face.

Year 2016 Team WMC

Rossini Drivers Wexler (2 weeks injury)


Espinoza Team ranking 2 Team standings 2 (-3)

Wexler: 2nd (-5) Budget 15M 400k Mission lenght 5 races Tyres 15 on 3 compounds Qualifing sessions 1 Points system 10 8 7 6 5 3 2 1

Last race: double points Weight stripping yes Race mode Medium VSC & SC Both Driver aid No Hybrid system None Sprinklers No Other / Perks / Drawbacks Wexler is out for 2 weeks for an injury and you can not select him for the 1st race


First of all, you are plenty of money so build the best car parts you can, considering their helpfulness on the upcoming tracks.

Sidney: you need to win with Saarinen to steal points from Chapman. The weather changes will help you. Espinoza won't be useful.

Milan: Wexler is back again. The weather will help you to score a 1-2: start with soft tyres and go long until it rains, after half race.

Vancouver: the hardest one. Don't expect to win, aim to the podium. Strip away all the weight you can, down to 60% reliability. Remove 2 laps fuel. Start with USoft, then do 2 stints with intermediate, the first at lap 7 (absolutely not later). You can also do some red mode laps with this tyres.

Phoenix: Strip away all the weight you can, down to 60% reliability. Remove 2 laps fuel. During free practice, unlock level 3 of Medium tyres. You will be able to start among P2 and P5, it's good because you are going to do 1 pit stop. Calibrate the stops to make Wexler finish in front of Saarinen (he doesn't take team order, so you will probably need to slow him) and you can score a 1-2.

Yokohama: it is very likely that you need at least +9 points on Chapman, so a 1-2 could not be enough. In this race Chapman has a good chance to fail the podium (I was lucky: he crashed), but every game is quite different.

Strip away all the weight you can, down to 60% reliability. Remove 2 laps fuel. During free practice, unlock level 3 of Medium tyres. You will be able to start among P1 and P4, and you are going to do 1 pit stop. Push hard on the tyres for the first 2-3 laps: you can keep the pace of Chapman (on SSoft) or if you're lucky keep him just behind.

Calibrate the stops to make Wexler finish in front of Saarinen (he doesn't takes team order, so you probably will need to slow him) and you can score a 1-2.

This unlocks other hats, because you know why.

1.4 Braking Point

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Duration: 1 race

F1: Have Margate win a race in a car that needs serious repairs during British GP

Details and instructions

Hard difficulty. Guilford, 28 laps. Margate has some serious reliability limits. His brakes have a 40% red zone and max reliability at 55%. You start with super soft in 2nd position and you will need to repair at least once your brakes. Your main opponent will be Sousa and basically you need to regain the 12 seconds you will lose for brake repair.


I did this way: 1-9 SSoft, 10-17 SSoft, 18-28 Soft. Push as much as you can in the first stint with both drivers to gain seconds on Sousa. Manage the SSoft tyres to make them last, manage Soft tyres to save enough compound for pushing the last 3/4 laps when Sousa will be very very fast on SSoft. You can do it also without brakes repair.

Margate and Pereia drivers unlocked

1.5 Daddy's Boy

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Win Teams' Champs with a team in wich one driver is a son of the chairman

Details and instructions

Easy difficulty. You are in Hammer GT and your 2nd driver is the son of the chairman. He has a special perk that is influential on chairman morale.


Andrea Gabler (first driver) is one of the top GT driver and you can win the team's champ with her points only. To make the chairman happy develop new car parts, engine and gearbox first, and give them to Bobby, but this will not be easy because Hammer is not a financial wealthy team.

Some tips from the comments section (by Sherlock Worms)

Andrea Gabler is ready to renew her wage after some good races: 510K per race instead of 1.2M; 12K vs. 80K and 12K for a win vs. 65K for at least 3rd place. So you 'll cut your expences by 7M.

Franky Kinney (14 Feedback) could be your reserve driver with his 48K/33months/0/6K/6K contract. He is a pay driver who gives you 400K per race (= 200K per practice)

Chica Balcazar gets 567K per race and her compensation is 3.4M, therefore if you 'll fire her before the very first (out of 12) race, you 'll save 567K*12- 3.4M = 3.4M and will collect additional (200K-48K)*12= 1.8 M.

You could get additional 12M only on contracts.

Year 2016 Team GTIC

Hammer GT Drivers Gabler

Stone Jr. Team ranking 1 Team champ standing 0 Budget 5M 500k Mission lenght 12 races Tyres 12 among 2 compounds, fixed Qualifing sessions 3 Points system 10, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1

2 points for pole position

2 points for fastest lap Weight stripping yes Race mode Short VSC & SC VSC Driver aid Yes Hybrid system Turbo + Hybrid Sprinklers No Other / Perks / Drawbacks Stone Jr. can't be fired; he has "Daddy's boy" trait that makes more difficult to satisfy the chairman (his father by the way)

Unlocks Bobby Jr. in career mode


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Collect at least 3 coins to unlock this Tier.

2.1 Headstart For Hawkins

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Win Teams' Champs in one of the best cars at the beginning of the season but with limited money for mid-season upgrades

Details and instructions

Difficulty: easy. This is more or less F1 2009: you are Brawn Gp with a huge technical advantage at the beginning of the season, but a very low marketability and a little budget.

Year 2016 Team WMC

Hawkins GP Drivers Harrison

Dias Team ranking 1 Team champ standing 0 Budget 45k Mission lenght 16 races Tyres 15 among 3 compounds Qualifing sessions 1 session Points system First 10: 25,18 ... Weight stripping yes Race mode Medium VSC & SC Both Driver aid No Hybrid system Turbo Sprinklers No Other / Perks / Drawbacks Limited starting budget

0% team marketability


Your drivers are strong enough to fight between themselves for the driver's title, so this is your main weapon for winning the team's champ. At the beginning of the season your car is strongly #1 in almost every car part. You can capitalize doubles in the first 5/6 races and then manage the situation. Managing the right way sponsorships and team marketability (that is 0 at race 1 and 40 at race 8) plus asking money to the chairman will give you enough cash to improve a bit the car. At race 8/9 your overall performance will be estimated in 4th, but you have room to win races also in the second part of the season.

I did it with +200 points on Panther and winning 10 races.

There are 2 strategies you can follow.

When your car is underdog, strip weight to 65% (70% for crucial parts), remove from 3 to 5 fuel laps. Manage manually ERS to regain laps with hybrid system.

When your car is favorite, strip weight to 85% (90 % for crucial parts), do not remove fuel laps. Push the engine to the max for the greatest part of the race and balance fuel with hybrid.

This will unlock Nippon investor in create your team

2.2 Surging Absurdity

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With Wolfenhagen you need to win win team's champ.

Details and Instructions

Difficulty: easy.

The challenge introduces a hybrid system with a new feature (this will be available also in career mode among the rules you can vote): the driver in last place will have 200% Harvest Efficiency while the leading one gets 0% during the race. The charge is 100% for everyone as usual at race start.

Year 2016 Team GT

Wolfhagen Racing Drivers Holgersen

Baggs Team ranking 3rd Team champ standing 0 Budget 6M 300k Mission lenght 12 races Tyres 12 among 2 compounds Qualifing sessions 3 sessions Points system First 6: 10, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1

Extra points for fastest lap and Pole position

Double point at race 12 Weight stripping yes Race mode Medium VSC & SC Both Driver aid Yes Hybrid system Turbo Sprinklers No Other / Perks / Drawbacks Battery charge at 100% for everyone at race start. Driver in P1 can't charge his battery, drivers from 2 to last can charge their battery in reverse proportion to their current position during race, up to 200% for the last.


This mission is pretty easy. The team has a good budget for the entire season, so you can build enough parts to make the car (that is very good in engine and gear) the leader of the pack at race 5/6.

Tip: go fast for Mark IV of your components using the "save days" (or avoid using "adding days" ones) elements to unlock as soon the engineer last perk "add casual legendary component" to have really powerful new components.

The drivers are pretty strong, in particular your 19 old Mia Holgersen that can win the driver's title.

To have more opinions for the free practice, you can scout Frankey Kinney (also paying driver) and fire current 3rd.

The hybrid system new feature will make you change some strategies. I think it is better micromanage it manually, in particular if you want to go hybrid and try 1 pit stop only. In this scenario, the first stint will be pretty easy (you start with 100% and usually you can save 2 fuel laps) but you can struggle in the second if you can't recharge the battery enough.

Take the risk to recharge it during the pit stop.

This will unlock a GT livery

2.3 Bottom To The Top

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Duration: 1 race

WMC: Win a wet GP after starting from P17

Details and instructions

Welcome to Suzuka 2005, when Kimi Raikkonen won the GP overtaking Giancarlo Fisichella at last lap after a great catch up.

Difficulty: normal. Saarinen is 17th with medium tyres on the grid for a 32 laps Yokohama race. You have to win the race and the weather will help you.

Walkthrough *updated*

You must race on Chapman.

Use red mode on engine for the first laps, until you are at -1.80 laps of fuel.

Chapman can do 2 strategies, so must you


SSoft - Soft (9) - Intermediate (22)


Medium - Intermediate (18)


SSoft - SSoft (9) - Intermediate (18) - Wet (27)


Medium - Intermediate (15) - Wet (26)

This unlocks a new livery for WCM cars

2.4 From The Ashes

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Your design centre is burnt down meaning you have to win Teams' Champs without designing any new parts

Details and Instructions

Difficuly: medium

Windsor seems to be the team to beat this year... but from race 7 onwards you can't build new car part because your design centre is burnt down.

Year 2016 Team WMC

Windsor Drivers Lipponen

Olivera Team ranking 3 Champ standings 1st (+12) Budget 7M 138k Mission lenght 10 races Tyres 15 among 3 compounds Qualifing sessions 1 Points system first 10: 25,18 ... Weight stripping yes Race mode Medium VSC & SC Both Hybrid system None Drivers aid No Sprinklers No Other / Perks / Drawbacks You can not build new car parts


Improve reliability at 100% in the best parts so to maximize weight stripping, then improve performance to the max.

When your car is underdog, strip weight to 65% (70% for crucial parts).

When your car is favorite, strip weight to 85% (90 % for crucial parts).

Remove 1-2 fuel laps from Lipponen and up to 3 from Olivera and exploit the weather during race as in the screenshots.

Always go for 1 pit stop, so unlock level 3 of the compound that you can use this way: Windsor is very good at tyre wear.

Ok people, who did not turn off the microwave??

Cape Town


This unlocks a new investor in Create your team mode


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Collect at least 5 coins to unlock this Tier.

3.1 Ernie's Paradise

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Win Teams' Champs with new (non regular) rules (sprinklers, reversed championship grid on the start of the GP)

Info and Instructions

Difficulty: hard.

Your team is Panther and the rules have been twisted. Face one entire season and win the team's champ.

Year 2016 Team WMC

Panther Drivers Sharp

Surikov Team ranking 3 Team champ standing 0 Budget 1M 800k Mission lenght 16 races Tyres 9 among 3 compounds Qualifing sessions None. Reversed grid system. Points system First 10: 25,18 ...

2 points for fastest lap Weight stripping yes Race mode Medium VSC & SC Both Driver aid No Hybrid system Turbo + Hybrid Sprinklers Yes Other / Perks / Drawbacks


Live the WMC like you are in the ERS.

This will be a marathon, not 100 meters run. The most important thing is to always get points with both your drivers, better if they finish as close as possible. Winning is not easy because you will more or less always starting from the bottom of the grid, but you can aim for a lot of podium (or near) finishes.

Receipt is: consistency, no retires and points with both drivers in every race.

The last 3/4 races will be the toughest against Steinmann, so collect points as much as you can.

Day 1: build the heliport: Panther has a very high marketability, the heliport will unlock soon 5* sponsors.

Build engines up to legendary as first, profit of legendary element "+100 in race only": there are no Q sessions in this season.

Then build rear wings, front wings and brakes.

Panther will be from 3th to 5th as overall performance during the season: keep improving. If you need money ask for cash to the chairman once.

Then profit as much as you can of the weather and the sprinklers and don't take risks in the races you know you can't win.

My strategies are based on my first playthrough. You have level 2 weather centre so you can forecast half race only. This means that some strategies aren't right (Yokohama, Monaco f.e.).

When your car is underdog, strip weight to 65% (70% for crucial parts), remove up to 3 fuel laps, quite never use engine overtake mode.

When your car is favorite, strip weight to 85% (90 % for crucial parts).

Screenshots for not dry races

Dubai: Soft + Soft [Dry]


Bejing: Medium + Medium + Intermediate. [Sprinklers]


Sidney: Intermediate + Soft + Intermediate [Rain]


Yokohama: Medium + Medium + Intermediate [Rain]


Singapore: SSoft + SSoft + Intermediate (Surikov only: SSoft + Medium + Intermediate) [Sprinklers]


Rio: USoft + Ultrasoft [Rain]


Phoenix: remove 5 fuel laps, Medium + Medium [Sprinklers]


Vancouver: remove 2 fuel laps, Intermediate + Soft


Guilford: Medium + Wet [Sprinklers]


Tondela: Medium + Wet + Soft [Sprinklers]


Milan: Soft + Intermediate + Soft [Sprinklers]


Monaco: remove 3 fuel laps, Medium + Medium + Intermediate [Rain]


Ardennes: Soft + Intermediate + Soft [Sprinklers]


Black Sea: remove 4 fuel laps, Hard + Hard + Hard [dry]


Doha: Soft + Soft [dry]


Cape Town: remove 4/5 fuel laps, Soft + Wet + Soft [Sprinklers]


This unlocks "Autosport legend" character profile. You can use this to unlock the "Zampelli" achievement (hire a 5 star engineer).

3.2 Unknown Benefactor

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Win Teams' Champs with Van Dort BUT you can choose wich two drivers will crash during each GP

Details and instructions

Difficulty: medium

You are in Van Dort and the chairman is not happy, because you are underperforming. The team is 4th in constructor champ and you need to win it or you'll be fired. But the car is not enough to beat Rossini, Panther and Steinmann.

It is race 9/16 and "someone" is lending you a not-so-legal stuff that will turn the tables.

When in race, you can choose at any moment 2 (TWO) drivers that will retire. Weird. But fun.

Year 2018 Team WMC

Van Dort Drivers Costa

Gonzalez Team ranking 5 Team champ standing 4 (-29 points) Budget 6M 300k Mission lenght 8 races Tyres 9 among 3 compounds Qualifing sessions 3 sessions Points system First 10: 25,18 ... Weight stripping yes Race mode Short VSC & SC Both Driver aid Yes Hybrid system Turbo Sprinklers No Other / Perks / Drawbacks "Magic Box" that let you kill 2 cars for every race


First of all, there are races that you can win. Exploits the weather changes and your level 4 weather centre, like in the screenshots (no screenshots for full dry races).

Build car parts: your budget is good.

Then at race 9 "kill" both Rossini drivers, at race 10 both Panther drivers. From here you should be first in standings, so just manage the situation. The best way is to cut 1 driver from the team #2 and one from #3 in the championship standings, so if your drivers aren't doing very well in that race, those teams will have only 1 driver's points.

Just wait the last 3-4 laps do decide to see what scenario is more profitable.

The last 2-3 races will be the toughest but at that point you should be quite safe (I won with +50 points).

Your drivers and your car are very good at saving fuel, so push as much as you can.

A very good strategy with Van Dort cars is 1 pit stop: 1st stint the locked tyre set of Q2, then the harder of your compounds to the end.

My killed drivers list:

Milan: both Rossini ones

Ardennes: both Panther ones

Phoenix: Sharp, Chapman

Vancouver: Wexler, Surikov

Singapore: Sharp, Saarinen

Sidney: Sharp, Wexler

Rio: Wexler, Lipponen

Dubai: Wexler, Saarinen





This unlocks a WCM livery

3.3 Battered And Bruised

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Duration: 1 race

WMC: Have 1-2 during Belgium GP during which 13 drivers crashed on the opening lap

Details and Instructions

Difficulty: hard.

Welcome to Spa, 1998: the biggest crash at race start of F1.

Ardennes, 27 laps and half of the grid out for a crash: you are going to start the race from the beginning again. The weather will change fast and one of your drivers is on intermediate but the other is on SSoft. What will you do?

Walkthrough !UPDATED!

Hall: Intermediate + Wet (lap 9) + Intermediate (lap 22)

Schmidt: SSoft + Intermediate (lap 2) + Wet (lap 9) + Intermediate (lap 22)

Hall is on intermediate, push on the tyres as much as you can until lap 9. Pit and use Wet tyres. Push on them as much as you can and at lap 22 pit again for intermediate. It won't be difficult to win the race with a good gap.

The problem is that Schmidt needs an extra stop: he is on SSoft.

Pit at the end of lap 2 for intermediate, don't wait. In that moment there will be a crash with a virtual safety car and this is fundamental.

Then copy Hall strategy and push hard also on the engine during part of the central stint with intermediate (laps 12-17)

At this point Hall, when on Wet, should be P1 yet.

During the Wet stint it is important to keep Schimdt's gap from the 2nd between 12 and 15 seconds.

This will make him get P2 or P3 (very close to the 2nd) after the last pit.

This is more fail-safe than the previous strategy, because it is based on undercut. Lap 10 and lap 22 are the moments when the track changes its condition from moist to wet and back. And this happen just some turns after pitting, so it is better to pit BEFORE this happens.

This unlocks a new WCM livery


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