Building The Parts For Next Year's Car
Most important part of next year's car are your parts from last season. Highest performing part of each category (Engine, Brakes, Suspension etc) will be chosen for the next year's car.
The most efficient way to make parts in this game is to make 3 sets of parts for all categories. At the start of the season you should make average parts to improve your performance and reliability.
Example of a average part at the start of the season
Then make good parts to keep up with the AI cars.
Example of a "good" part.
And lastly make great parts insure you make progress on your next year's car.
When you are making the great parts make sure you make them as fast as possible. Take all risky components that bolsters the performance that you can.
Risks wont carry over so you don't have to worry about that. If you have lower level Factory (Lvl 2 or less) i advise to pick only performance boosting components instead of components that boost part's maximum performance because you might not be able to improve the parts before the start of next year's chassis design.
NOTE: Part Performance DOES NOT carry over if you are promoted or relegated to another league at the end of the season. Teams that change leagues are always given parts by the game so the benefit of doing the fast parts are nullified. Its better to save money and not develop the parts if you think there is a good possibility that you are changing league at the end of the season.
After you have made your risky parts, you should improve them as much as you can in the factory before the end of the season so you get the maximum progress out of the parts you built. You don't need to improve your risky parts's reliability because it wont carry over to next season and you can't use them in a race anyway.
After you've improved your parts and finished your current season you are ready to build your next year's chassis.
Building The Chassis
EngineYou've reached the point when you have to choose the suppliers for the next year's chassis. I will go through the process step by step and show you the suppliers that i would use on my car.
is the most important part of your Chassis. Its the only part of your chassis to impact directly on your car's performance. Game gives you four different parameters to judge your engine suppliers which are:
Base Stat Modifier
Cost If you want performance above all else you should pick the supplier who gives you highest base stat modifier. Obviously the highest performing engines cost more than the others, but i think that the engine is worth the investment because it will affect your performance aswell as your future part building. Besides the stat modifier you should pick supplier that has high improvability, because that will bolster your future parts's performance even further. efficiency is not so important on your engine because the difference between good (4 stars or better) and average (2 and half stars) fuel efficiency is not really notable in the races.
Some engine suppliers won't be available to some teams. For example Steinmann and Rossini won't sell engines to eachother because they are rivals, but because i chose Predator Racing Team from ERS (tier 3) and worked my way upto WMC (tier 1) i'm able to use any supplier i want.
Tricky decision, but i decided to go for the fastest and most expensive engine supplier. Steinmann's engine wouldn't be bad choice either if you want to save some money.
is the cheapest component to choose and mostly the easiest. Your fuel supplier affects your car's fuel efficiency and improvability. Because fuel efficiency doesn't have much effect, i usually go for fuel supplier who offers good improvability.
The best component to choose isn't even the most expensive. Easiest choice you'll ever make.
Next up is the material suppliers which affect your car's tyre wear and tyre heating. Tyre wear will be important part of your race pace and strategy so you should go for a supplier that offers good tyre wear. Tyre heating on the other hand is more or less a question of a preference. I prefer to have lower tyre heating because i've got used to it by starting out on a low tier team so i know what to expect in the races in terms of tyre temperatures. In many cases you can save substantial amount of money on this selection.
This time was no different. Last two picks are both good, but i prefer to save £6M for future HQ upgrades or new parts.
Last, but not least are the brakes. Just like last component, you have a choice of tyre wear and tyre heating. Tyre wear is the priority so go for that. Most of the brakes have high tyre heating so it will balance things nicely.
Easily the best supplier available. Managed to save another £2,5M for something more useful.
If you are in World Motorsport Championship you are able to change the aero setups of the chassis to fine tune your chassis's attributes. You can modify your car's rear package and nose height by moving sliders to your preferred direction. Better the parts, more you can adjust the sliders.
Adjusting your car's rear package allows you to fine tune your car's tyre heating and improvability. When you move the slider to some direction you see the attribute stars increase and decrease at the same time. I usually adjust the rear package slightly towards the improvability so i can get most out of the parts i will make in the future.
As you can see i adjusted 3cm from the default value of 60cm towards improvability.
This increased my car's improvability about 1/4 more stars and decreased tyre heating about the same amount.
Last thing to adjust is the nose height. This helps you to fine tune tyre wear and fuel efficiency. Just like in the rear package, you just move the slider to a point where you feel it should be. I always go for tyre wear because its so much useful than fuel efficiency in this game.
The change might look radical, but the slider isn't as sensitive as in rear package. Same difference (3cm) as last time.
Half a star off from fuel efficiency to gain a half a star on tyre wear. I'd take that any day of the week.
Now that you have chosen your suppliers and done changes to the car's aerodynamics, all you have to do is pay to the suppliers so your staff can start to work on your next year's car. Chassis stats might seem low to you, but they will be fine. If you don't trust me you can always improve your chassis throughout some dilemmas as you will see later on.
Nothing to worry about, these will be enough for sure. £9,5M saved on your chassis will be a big help in the future.
Pre Season
Pre Season DilemmasWhile the staff is building your car's chassis you might come across dilemmas to further improve your chassis's stats. Usually to improve your chassis you have to either spend money or sacrifice as much from another chassis stat. I'm only interested if you can improve the tyre wear because its the only stat that i believe is worthy of my money. There are usually 2-3 dilemmas each preseason.
Interesting offer, but i can't afford to risk my fuel efficiency much further.
Sorry not interested...
My typical luck...
After your decisions the car is ready for pre season testing. Just don't forget to start developing new parts and improving reliability of your stock parts after the testing or you might struggle on your first race ;)
Key Things To Remember
- Risky part's risk won't carry over to your next season.
- Most expensive suppliers are not always your best bet.
- Tyre Wear and Improvability should be your primary stats to improve at all times.
- Good engine is a good base for the rest of the car to build on.
I'll read all comments so if you have something to add i will take it to consideration. Nothing wrong with negative comments as long as you keep it constructive.
Sorry for the average at best grammar in this guide. English isn't my native language.
Want to listen some music while you play? Try this playlist ;)
I hope you learned something new and have a good day.
Oh and if you are wondering how my team finished with that chassis....
Could have been worse ;)
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