Replacing Models/Textures [Modding]

Replacing Models/Textures [Modding]


Replacing Models/Textures [Modding] image 1

Hey hey! I learned all of these things at 2 am, the guide will be cleared up further soon.

The Model guide is coming tomorrow, I need sleep. its almost the same just models kay?

Thanks to May once again,

if they didn't direct me to start looking for a sound mod solution,

I would've never found a Texture/Mesh solution.

This will let you do stupid things like

Replacing guns with screwdrivers

And the texture of anything with

literally anything.

Important Note:

Your mods WILL break when the game is updated,

and will need to be remade.

Setup For Textures/Models

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The tools you will need are [Unity Asset Bundle Extractor][]

To extract, and replace assets. [MANDATORY]

[Asset Studio][]

To view models, and export into .OBJ format. [Optional, but helps a ton.]

Unity3D[] [Necesarry for Models]

for importing models into the game.


Create two new folders anywhere on your computer,

one for unmodified files, and a second for modified files.


Navigate to the Madness: Project Nexus folder

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Madness Project Nexus 2\Madness Project Nexus_DataStep 3.

Open AssetStudioGUI.exe

Step 4.

Open the Madness: Project Nexus folder inside Asset Studio

◄---Important Texture/Model---►

The steps here change depending on whether you are replacing textures or models.

Follow the steps corresponding to the thing you are replacing.

If you are replacing a model, skip the "Texture" section and go directly to "Model"

<---Textures Exporting--->

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Replacing Models/Textures [Modding] image 43Importing

Step 1. Find your texture, and extract it into "modified" folder. (Make sure it is a Texture2D)

Step 2.

Open the original file, this is necessary for importing stage.


Make note of what this file is.

Step 3. Open and modify your texture, then save it.

Continue to "" section

Importing Texture

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Step 1.

Open Asset Bundle Extractor. (From now on referred to as UABE.)

Step 2.

Make a BACKUP of the Original asset, and place it in your "Vanilla" folder.

(That's the one I told you to make note of.)

Step 3.

Open the BACKUP file.

Step 4.

Find the Texture you changed, then click on "Plugins", and under plugins on "Edit".

Step 5.

Click on "Load" next to Texture option. Don't touch anything else.

Then find your modified texture, and open it.

Then confirm the editing.

Continue to Applying ingame.

Applying Ingame

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Step 1.

Save the modified file into your modded folder.

Step 2.

Replace the sharedassets file in the game directory.

You're done!

<---Models Exporting--->

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Replacing Models/Textures [Modding] image 88Editing

Step 1. Find your model, and extract it into "modified" folder. (Make sure it is a Mesh)

Step 2.

Open the original file, this is necessary for importing stage.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Make note of what this file is.

Continue to "" section



I've run into issues with Unity and UABE.

UABE is incapable of opening compiled SharedAssets of new unity projects.

If anyone knows a solution to this please do inform me.

In theory:

You should be able to compile the model in your unity project, then export it with UABE.

And apply it like you would a texture.

Model Editing

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Step 1.

Open your model in Blender, or the modeling software of your choice.

Step 2.

Make the modifications you want to make.

There are many tutorials online to help with the use of blender.

(Make sure to not rotate the model, as that may cause visual bugs.)

Preparing To Import Model | Part #1

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Step 1.

Export your model as a .OBJ file.

Step 2.

Open Asset Bundle Extractor. (From now on referred to as UABE.)

Step 3.

Make a BACKUP of the Original asset, and place it in your "Vanilla" folder.

(That's the one I told you to make note of.)

Preparing To Import Model | Part #2

Step 1.

Here, it gets a little complicated.

First, launch Unity, and create a new 3D project.

♦---Setup For Sounds---♦


Sound editing is very buggy, and may break your sounds.

If this happens, delete the StreamingAssets in your game's folder.

And make steam check integrity of game files.

You will need FMOD Bank Tools[]

We will be needing it to compile and decompile the .Bank files.

And a sound editing program of your choice with .WAV support.

I'll be using AudaCity[] .

Sound Extracting

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Launch FMOD, then select "Bank Source Folder" and set it to

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Madness Project Nexus 2\Madness Project Nexus_Data\StreamingAssets

⠀Now wait.This will take a while (more than 30 minutes),

because the game has many high quality sounds, and many variations.

Once the progress bar is done, open your folder, now filled with "ProjectNexus2Audio".

I recommend you make a backup of the extracted files.

To avoid having to re-extract everything.

Once it is done, continue to the next section.

Sound Editing

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Step 1.

Open your "ProjectNexus2Audio" folder, which will now have appeared in your empty folder.

And pick the sounds you will be editing or replacing.

I will be changing the N911 firing sounds.

Step 2.

Open AudaCity, or a sound editing program of your choice.

(With .WAV filetype Support.)

And load the sounds you will be editing.

Step 3.

Replace the sound inside AudaCity, or your preferred program.

Then Export it as a .WAV

Make sure not to accidentally rename your files!

Sound Importing

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Step 1.

Return back to FMOD Bank Tools.

And make sure WAV DESTINATION FOLDER is still the same.

But change where BANK SOUCE FOLDER goes, to make sure you don't overwrite the wrong files.

Step 2.

Click on "Rebuild", and wait for the program to repackage all the files.

You can keep a track of the progress by looking at the CMD output.

There are 3219 files in total.

This will take a while.

If your CMD gets stuck, and doesn't show any text,

close the program, and redo the previous steps from this section.

Don't worry, the things that were already finished will stay finished.


Make sure to NEVER replace ""

♦---Final Words---♦

Thank you for reading, hope this guide helps you with your escapades.

If you have any questions, leave a comment and I'll try to get back to you.

-Explo ☄


More MADNESS: Project Nexus guilds