About This Guide
{{I recommend to play each mission first. I wish you could experience the 'first amazement'
the creators have left for each individual person. I believe that`s also the experience the creators wanted.
And whenever you get stuck? Come here. Look at the mission and get some clue here and there. I`ll do my best to help you overcome the obstacle.
Or if you already beat the game? Lets have some more fun and search for more madness the game has to offer!!!}}
About 'XP Farming'
How does the Game calculates your 'XP'?
If you kill every enemy or, kill no enemy at all, the game will give you a fixed amount of xp every time you finish a wave.
You can see me doing 0 kills, and still getting the full xp after the wave.
XP is not calculated by kills.
It is not calculated by damage,
and it is not calculated by other outside factors such as your hireling`s attacks.
The game decides how much xp for each skill will be given to you,
based on how much things did you do in that round.
Let`s see what actions leads to a certain XP type.
[[Each XP transfer list]]
{{Unarmed XP}} :
1. Hitting enemies with 'Punches', 'Unarmed charge-up attacks', 'Pushes', 'Kicks', 'Unarmed Takedowns', 'Unarmed Counter'
2. Giving 'Colliding damage' to enemies(when both your enemy`s and your body is scrambled).
{{Melee XP}} :
1. Hitting enemies with 'Melee weapons', 'Melee charge-up attacks', 'Pistol Whip attacks(bayonet)', 'Melee takedowns', 'Melee Counter(Riposte)'
{{Ranged XP}} :
1. Hitting enemies with 'Ranged weapons'
2. 'Deflecting enemy bullets' with a melee block & hitting enemies with them.
{{Acrobatic XP}} :
1. Hitting enemies by 'throwing Throwing weapons', 'throwing Melee/Ranged weapons/shields'
2. Damaging enemies with thrown 'Explosive weapons'
3. 'Walking / Running a certain distance', 'Dodging'
So, by following this list, each corresponding 'action' will work as a 'single vote' for that XP.
Think as each skill... as a 'candidate' for election.
For example,
'Hitting enemy once with a crowbar' = 1 vote for Melee XP
'Hitting enemy with a thrown weapon' = 1 vote for Acrobatic XP
After the wave, the game will see how many votes does each skill has.
The more a certain type of skill has votes, they will be given that much XP.
If a skill didn`t get any vote, the game will not give XP to that skill.
And if all skills didn`t get any vote, the game randomly decides who to give XP, and how much they will be given.
Be aware that 'Each hit' with 'a bullet' count as a vote for Ranged XP.
This means that, if you shot a single shotgun shell and all 10 pellets hit the enemy, it counts as 10 votes. That`s why it seems that ranged XP is the easiest to get.
Knowing all this, you can intentionally farm a certain XP for a mission.
For example,
1. Letting your hirelings do much of the killing, and you just chilling and throwing some weapons to get only Acrobatic XP.
2. Mixing melee & unarmed attacks to even up between melee & unarmed XP.
[0] "The HQ Mission"
[Ohhhhh Never expected this, right???
I said, all the missions. So that includes the HQ mission too.
Jokes aside, you`ll never die in this level, so no worries at all.
It is very unlikely for you to fail in this mission.]
Winning tips
1. Play the game, fool.
"Did you know???"
1. You can actually drop the 'flashlight' by pressing 'R'.
2. You can takedown the 3rd grunt if you approach him in the back(not really surprising, I know).
3. There are actually 3 Free Jazz buildings near the HQ. The building`s geometry doesn`t make any sense too.
[1] "Sleepwalker Training Program" [HQ Mission] (Wave 1~7)
[Your first main mission. It is basically a training mission.
The mission does not give you any cash, but your main character and hirelings does not die in real-game life even if they die in this mission.
This is also a great mission to test out your new skills & weapons. Also great for practicing 'Perfect-Blocks', 'Riposte', and 'Counters'!]
Winning tips
1. Backpaddle : This technique is moving slightly backwards while throwing unarmed or melee attacks. This gives your greater chances to hit your enemy first before it hits you.
Enemy Types
{{Green A.I.}} : [Wave 1~4] The green grunts. It punches.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special None
{{Yellow A.I.}} : [Wave 2~4] The yellow grunts. It usually spawns with a melee weapon.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special None
{{Orange A.I.}} : [Wave 3~4] The orange grunts. The armed one always spawns with a 5-shot pistol. They pick up weapons that are left on the floor.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special None
{{Red A.I.}} : [Wave 4] The red grunts. They don`t use anger grab even if you trigger them.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size large Special None
{{AAHW Grunt}} : [Wave 5~6] The grunts. They swing their fists pretty fast. All of them carries a 4-shot revolver.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special None
{{AAHW Agent}} : [Wave 5~7] The sunglasses-wearing ketchup container.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special Delicious.
{{G03LM}} : [Wave 5] Our friendly gentle giant. Spawns with a 'Spike Mace'.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size Large Special None
{{AAHW Engineer}} : [Wave 6~7] The mask-wearing mustard container. Has low tac-bar.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar true Size normal Special Delicious.
{{G03LM Mk.2}} : [Wave 6] Our friendly gentle giant. Spawns with an 'Nevadean Dawk Mk IX'.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size Large Special Extreme resistance before helmet is taken off.
{{AAHW Soldat}} : [Wave 7]
/ Status Corpus 2 Tac bar true Size normal Special Uses charge-up melee attacks.
{{G03LM Mk.3}} : [Wave 7] The more tankier version of the Mk.2. Spawns with a 'Axe Halberd' and 'Minigun'. It switches its weapon when the helmet is taken off.
/ Status Corpus 2 Tac bar false Size Huge Special Extreme resistance before helmet is taken off.
"Did you know???"
1. After wave 4, after leaving the sleepwalker program, you can slip on one of the floors in the gymnasium. Makes a funny sound too.
2. This is the only program that does not require cash to skip checkpoints!
3. The 'orange A.I.' & 'red A.I.' has very unique dialogue. There are a lot of face expressions too.
[2] "Pilot Episode" <Bus Mission>
[Your first die-able mission! Yayyyy~
Your objective is to save 'Chopper Dave'.]
Winning tips
1. Backpaddle, and dodge + run away if you get damaged a lot.
2. Use the passing cars to make toughs die.
3. Use corners against Sweet-Tony to avoid his bullets.
Enemy Types
{{Tough}} : The relatives of Elvis Presley. Most of them carries a melee weapon.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special None
{{sweet-tony}} : the boss type enemy which carries a 'BM .38 Special Snub'.
/ status corpus 1 tac bar false size micro special midget
"Did you know???"
1. You can kill Sweet-Tony without him noticing you, if you keep your distance and throw rocks at him before he finishes his dialogue.
2. Cars deals exactly 10 damage, which means you don`t die by it, but toughs will certainly die. You don`t lose any XP even if you killed your enemies directly or not.
[3] "Pit Stop" [Helicopter Mission] (Wave 1~5)
[The first helicopter mission. It is quite challenging even though it is an early stage.
It`s better to be aggressive than defensive while playing this mission as enemies will swarm out uncontrollably.]
Winning tips
1. Give up one or two gas lubricator. It is better to farm cash in the later missions. Also gives you some time to focus on more deadlier targets.
2. Focus kill the 'west side' gathered enemies. They will come at once whenever their number are up to 5, or they are almost the last enemies remaining on the field.
3. Don`t kill the enemies that are not attacking the objective, or ones that are not gathered around the west barricade. Enemies that have already destroyed a lubricator tends to stay there being dumb, and the east side enemies are just born stupid.
4. Try not using the 'Wooden Board'. It swings much slower and has terrible durability. Quickly switch it with other weapons such as pipes.
5. Quickly grab pistols the survivors(nail-heads) drop. It takes 2~3 shots to kill a survivor.
6. You can either throw your weapon, or shoot the head(you can do this even without headshot skill. just wait for it to fall down and aim directly at its head) at a low health zed to instantly kill it without it getting revived again.
Enemy Types
{{Bandit}} : [Wave 1~2] Both are the same except for their looks. Nearly all of them spawns with a melee weapon.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special None
{{Survivor}} : [Wave 1~2] Nailed-heads. Kinda hard to fight if you are low leveled. Tends to keep distance from you. Always spawns with a 'BM .38 Special Snub' which are quite deadly. Also attacks with rocks!
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special None
{{Bandit Brute}} : [Wave 2] G03LMs which uses high-damage fists. It uses a unique anger attack when triggered.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size large Special Uses a unique anger attack when triggered(Cannot be blocked/countered.)
{{Zed}} : [Wave 2~5] A zed. It revives 2 times if it isn`t killed with fire or dissonance/negative attacks. Killing it with headshots can also work. It will also do a grab & bite attack if it succeeds a lunge attack.
/ Status Corpus 1(works as 3) Tac bar false Size normal Special Restores its corpus if its killed normally. Grab & Bite attack when lunges.
{{Fanatic}} : [Wave 3~5] It either spawns with a melee weapon or a pistol & always with throwing daggers. It also throws melee weapons at you.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special Throws melee weapons
{{Graveseeker}} : [Wave 3~5] G03LMs that uses a unique ability to dig through ground. It also does a charge attack time to time. It will always spawn with a 'Mining Shovel' and 'Dynamite'. Sometimes it throws dynamite at you.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size large Special Digs around to move its position. Also uses a unique anger attack when triggered(cannot be blocked/countered). Also does charge-up attacks time to time.
{{Prophet}} : [Wave 5] It always spawns with a 'Meathook' which it will always try to throw at you. You are dragged if you are hit by the thrown meathook.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special None
{{Abomination}} : [Wave 5] Its attack cannot be block at all. Extremely fast, and its kick makes you fly across the map.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special Unblockable unarmed attacks.
"Did you know???"
1. Enemies such as 'Survivors' will drop their throwables for you to obtain whenever you cut them half by their waist. It is not easy though, as they have some armor...
2. Your 'Catch Thrown Weapon' skill should work here, but for some reason you cannot catch anything even though you have this skill.
[4] "The Foundry" [Helicopter Mission] (Wave 1~13)
[The mission where you can farm lots of melee and unarmed xp!
The enemies here are pretty simple. Just be careful not to over extend and lose your corpus.]
Winning tips
1. It is better to stay at right bottom corner when fighting against gun wielding enemies. You can have cover while having the upper hand for close combat. Use those corners well. Just think yourself as a serial-killer waiting for the victim to turn around the corner.
2. Grab better melee weapons for better damage.
3. Buy some high level armor for more damage resistance. You can buy a 'N51 Riot Vest' or 'Agency HalfMag Suit' from the quartermaster. It will reduce incoming damage significantly.
4. You can move sideways when 'Merczerkers' charge you. This will save much more time than a poor dodge.
Enemy Types
{{MERC Recruit}} : [Wave 1~13] A grunt. Sometimes spawns with a 'Crowbar', or an 'FN59 9x19mm' which deals a lot of damage. If you are low-leveled, it is better to find a better spot than fighting them right away.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special none
{{MERC Laborer}} : [Wave 1~13] The armored grunt that usually have better weapons than Recruit. They usually have either a 'MERC rifle/sniper', or 'industrial melee weapon(Power Drill/Saw or Welding Torch)'
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special Wears an helmet that works as a second corpus
{{Merczerker}} : [Wave 2~13] A dual-melee wielding enemy that charges whenever it gets angry. The charge will knock you down if you are hit.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special Uses a unique anger skill that charges into you.
{{MERC Sniper}} : [Wave 5~13] They will always spawn with a 'Merc rifle/sniper'.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar true Size normal Special none
{{MERC Gunner}} : [Wave 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13] They spawn with two 'Merc Nailgun' until wave 10, and after 11, they either spawn with two 'TerrorNine'/'Automatic Pistol Mk.11'
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size big Special none
{{Nexus liftbot}} : [Wave 11~13] A sluggish bot that follows the player and swings its arms. Pretty resistant to damage&knockdowns. Dealing damage to its back(fuel cans) will deal more damage than on front.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size big Special Has high armor, and high resistance against knock-downs.
{{MERC Captain}} : [Wave 12,13] A extremely mobile shotgun enemy. Usually carries 'Chop Pump 5 12 guage'.
/ Status Corpus 3 Tac bar true Size normal Special Extremely mobile
{{Propane Gas Tank}} : [Fxxking Everywhere] Fxxk this thing.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar none Size small Special It haunts my dreams
"Did you know???"
1. You can reach out-of-bound areas below with Massive's 2nd Charge-up.
You can reach the second place by using a charge up from straight up on 2nd floor.
While the 1st place isn`t that useful, the 2nd place actually makes nearly all the enemies spawn from the right balcony.
[5] "The Goods" <Bus Mission>
[A pretty difficult early-mission for ranged-build characters. Enemies here have extremely high dps, which can munch away your corpus if you aren`t careful. After finishing this mission you will unlock 'Black Market', 'Workbench', and '{+2} new hireling slots for every mission']
Winning tips
1. Use unarmed or melee attacks to stun-lock high dps enemies(be very aggressive).
2. Use corners to ambush enemies, while taking cover from incoming bullets.
3. Have at least two melee weapons to use against 'Button Man' enemies.
Enemy Types
{{Tough}} : The relatives of Elvis Presley. Most of them carries a melee weapon.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special None
{{Toady}} : The mafia version of A.A.H.W engineers. Usually spawns with a 'Chop Pump 5 12 guage'
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar true Size normal Special Has funny voice
{{Button Man}} : The stronger, mafia version of A.A.H.W soldats. Always spawns with two modded 'Tenured .45 Submachineguns(60 rounds)'
/ Status Corpus 2 Tac bar true Size big Special Has funny voice
{{Chef Pava}} : Red chef. Wields a 'Kitchen Cleaver'
/ Status Corpus 2 Tac bar true Size normal Special none.
{{Chef Dom}} : Green chef. Spawns with burgers.
/ Status Corpus 2 Tac bar true Size normal Special Throws burgers that has a very high daze chance.
{{Chef Carre}} : The weird one. Does really weird stuff. Spawns with two 'spatula'.
/ Status Corpus 2 Tac bar true Size normal Special Charges with a pattern when angered(pattern changes when he has 1 corpus) & Can teleport like the Disquieted origin.
"Did you know???"
1. The 'mop' that appears in this map has a very unique attack motion. The same motion kinda sucks though.
2. Cars deals exactly 10 damage, which means you don`t die by it, but toughs will certainly die. You don`t lose any XP even if you killed your enemies directly or not.
3. You can ring the ding in the end.
[6] "Fast Track" [Helicopter Mission] (Wave 1~14)
[The most beloved mission on Arena mode(for real). Also, this is my favorite mission to farm unarmed & melee xp. Enemies here are dealt easily if you know how to utilize 'charge-up melee'.]
Winning tips
1. Use ladders to run away from enemies & restore your health.
2. Hold 'charge-up'(you can hold charge-up infinitely by using 'Ctrl' on your keyboard) while being hiding by an obstacle, and kill enemies that come close.
3. Run away far from enemies if you are getting swarmed.
4. Your full dodge(not snap dodge) lets you become immune to half-mag's charge up attack. You can also hide behind obstacles to cover yourself from it.
5. Half mags can be knocked down if you use charge-up attacks against their head.
Enemy Types
{{Agent}} : [Wave 1~14] Ketchup bottle. Very common enemy.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special Delicious
{{ATP Engineer}} : [Wave 1~14] Mustard bottle. Has tac-bar.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar true Size normal Special Tasty
{{ATP Soldat}} : [Wave 3~14] Mustard bottle X2. Uses charge-up attacks time to time.
/ Status Corpus 2 Tac bar true Size normal Special Uses charge-up attack when holding melee. And also, C'était très bon
{{Half-Mag}} : [Wave 9, 11, 12, 13] An incredibly deadly enemy. Uses special charge-up attack that knock & daze you while doing extreme damage. Has extreme health too.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size large Special Uses charge-up attack towards you every 20~30 seconds. Gets automatically dazed when taken too much damage. Also he does an extremely deadly smash attack if you are behind him Unique weakness Not immune to hook drags
"Did you know???"
1. You don`t lose any corpus if you fall off the train.
2. The 'odachi' sword that soldats sometimes wield has the furthest reach of all melee weapons. It actually lets these soldats to hit you even there is another enemy between you and them.
3. You can go on top of the 'partitions' between chairs in the first wave. Melee & unarmed using enemies cannot attack you at all. You can go up there by falling from holes that are above them(or charge-up with massive).
4. The 'container' that is placed 2nd part of map is a completely safe space that most missions don`t have. You can reach on top of it with a 2nd charge-up using Massive.
5. You can ragdoll(pressing 'K') to ignore half-mag`s charge attack.
[7-1] "The Haunting Of Nevada House" [Helicopter Mission] (Wave 1~8)
[An extremely loose mission. A lot of people picked this to be their least favorite mission.
Cultists that appear around the map are an extreme nuisance, but still manageable.
It is definitely an easy mission around this parts... but gameplay-wise, I don`t like it.]
Winning tips
1. Use dash attacks to knock down Viking Ghosts(the red ghost) before they do damage or teleport away.
2. Use 'charge-up' attacks against window-breaking cultists, you can finish the rest of them with a couple normal swings.
3. Use 'Frag grenades' right in front of windows when cultists attack.(The price is pretty steep, so only buy it if you have lots of cash)
4. Hire some thug hirelings to cover the large areas.
5. Use vents that are located each end of left and right of the map, just to get away from enemies or protecting a window.
6. Prioritize 'summoning' cultists first.(You can ignore the window completely and only kill cultist that came in)
Enemy Types
{{Spectre}} : [Wave 1~8] Common ghost. Usually spawns with either a 'crowbar' or 'FN59 9x19mm'(déjà vu???)
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special Floats.
{{Husk}} : [Wave 1~8] A very weak, bone-made creature. Has very little health, and only uses unarmed attacks.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special Is immune to stun-locks from Unarmed/Melee attacks
{{Demoniac Cultist}} : [PLS DONT SPAWN] Spawns every 30~40 seconds, and invades from any random window. After breaking in, they will try to summon a Firey G03LM. If these firey G03LM spawn more than 3, you instantly lose.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special Summons a Fire G03LM if let alone.(Floats...?)
{{Slayer}} : [Wave 1~8] A special enemy that only appears when the player fails to stop a cultist`s summoning ritual.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar False Size large Special It breathes fire at close range & explodes violently after death, posing a hazard all around.
{{Apparition}} : [Wave 1~8] Teleporting filth. Spawns with '' and 'Battle Axe'. It also uses 'psychokinesis' if it doesnt have a weapon in hand.
/ Status Corpus 2 Tac bar false Size large Special TELEPORT after losing a corpus & psychokinesis(bringing weapons to hand) when no weapon is in hand. It uses its shield from front-coming projectiles. 100% immune to dissonant/negative type damage. Unique weakness Dash attack & Charge-up attacks will knock it down.
{{Demoniac Demonstrator}} : [Wave 1, 3, 5, 7] A boss-type enemy that wields two 'Slayer knives'.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar true Size normal Special none
{{Wild Lander}} : [Wave 3, 5, 6, 7, 8] A giant zed-like enemy that uses a unique grab when angered. Does great damage if left unchecked.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size large Special Does a 'grab&bite' attack if it gets angered. Also it does bite attacks. Unique weakness Stun-locked against unarmed & melee attacks. Gets knocked down if hit with a charge-up attack or dash attack
{{Poltergiest}} : [Wave 4~8] A ghoul-shaped ghost that teleports while throwing skulls that ignores armor and tac-bar.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special Teleports & Throws skulls that ignore tac-bar and armor
[7-2] "The Haunting Of Nevada House" [Helicopter Mission] (Wave 1~8)
{{Zed}} : [Wave 6~8] A zed. It grabs and bites.
/ Status Corpus 1(can work as 3) Tac bar false Size normal Special It can recharge its corpus when losing it. Unique weakness Hitting it in the head or doing fire/negative damage can ignore its special completely
{{Swamp Zed}} : [Wave 7~8] A spitting zed.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size big Special It can recharge its corpus when losing it & Spits poison that does tick damage when hit. Unique weakness Hitting it in the head or doing fire/negative damage can ignore its special
{{Zed G03LM mk.2}} : [Wave 8] The final boss-type zed. It does very high damage, and doenst become vulnerable after being angered with 5 hits.
/ Status Corpus 1, but works as 3 if not killed with fire or dissonance damage Tac bar false Size large Special Uses a dash attack that stuns & It can recharge its corpus when losing it
"Did you know???"
1. 'Demoniac cultists' can attack the same window if you have bad RNG.
2. There are no alarm if the cultists invades again from a broken window.
3. There is a glitch for the 'Zed G03LM mk.2' to spawn with a metal helmet. You cannot kill it without any explosive or fire damage. If you don`t have any weapons like that, means you are gonna lose.
4. 90% of the enemies appear here are actually 'Vampire' type enemies.
5. The 'Apparition' has 100% resistance against Negative & Dissonant damage. That means its a direct counter to tinkerer`s purple spam.
5. I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hate this mission.
[8] "Slaughter Time(TM)" [Helicopter Mission] (Wave 1~15)
[One of the longest mission in Arena Mode. It can be a bullet hell if you don`t kill the right targets first.
Tac-bar will not protect you in this mission, so your survival depends on your dodge and running.
Focus is key.]
Winning tips
1. Get 'Snap-dodge' to dodge incoming projectiles. Run in circles when you are being followed by a homing projectile(actually the best way is to move 'diagonally' towards it).
2. Kill 'Commando/Hunter' Gungeons first. Throwing axes and swords can insta-kill green Gungeons if thrown.
3. Most of the enemies here are vulnerable when you get too close to them. Close the distance when you want to kill them, and run away if you need to heal.
4. Place hirelings on the second floor. They will become safe from 'KABOOM'ing presents.
5. If you have full health, use elves for your advantage. Get caught by an elf while enemies swarm you, and the exlposion will rip those enemies.
6. Use presents to your advantage. You are invincible while taking down a dazed enemy.
7. Most enemies that spawn here cannot attack you if you get close to them. Use the distance to your advantage.
Enemy Types
{{Gungeon}} : [Wave 1~15] Always spawns with 'boxing gloves'. Tries to get close to punch.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special none.
{{Knifer Gungeon}} : [Wave 1~15] Throws knife that ignores tac-bar. It also has a little bit more health than a gungeon. Always spawn with 'throwing daggers' in hand.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar none Size normal Special Throws throwing daggers that ignores tac-bar.
{{Commando Gungeon}} : [Wave 2~15] Spawns with a special gun that shoots 3 bullets in spurts. Bullets it shoots ignores tac-bar. Circles around the map. It also cannot shoot you if you are too close.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size big Special Shoots 3 bullets that ignores tac-bar.
{{Hunter Gudgeon}} : [Wave 5~15] Always spawns with a special gun that shoots a homing bullet. Bullet ignores tac-bar. It is more health than a commando gungeon. It cannot shoot you if you are too close. Also, it tries to run away slowly if you are too close to them.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size big Special It shoots homing bullets that ignore tac-bar.
{{Elf Gudgeon}} : [Wave 5~15] A sneaky enemy that tries to climb on your face and kamikaze himself. The explosion damage & radius is same as a bombing present.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size small Special If it climbs on you, it will kamikaze himself while dazing you. Unique weakness Cannot climb on the player`s face when he is turning the other way around. Also cannot climb on Massive.
{{Bully Gungeon}} : [Wave 6~15] A G03LM sized enemy which spawns with a special gun that shoots 3 bullets at once. Bullets are spread at a 30 degree angle from each other, and also ignores tac-bar. Cannot shoot you if you are too close. It will always try following to the player.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size large Special Shoots 3 bullets that ignores tac-bar & Immune to knock-down from all sources.
{{Rook Gungeon}} : [Wave 10, 12, 13, 14] A G03LM type enemy. It spawns with a special gun that shoots 30~40 tac-bar ignoring bullets like an smg. It also has very high armor and has lots of health. It will always try position itself on either left or right side of 2nd floor.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size large Special Shoots bullets that ignore tac-bar & Immune to knock-down from all sources. Unique weakness Cannot shoot you at all if you get too close to it.
{{Moosher}} : [Wave 15] A boss type enemy. It spawns with a special gun that shoots 5 high damage bullets that ignore tac-bar. It also has extreme armor that cuts incoming damage to a minimum. Tries to get close to the player.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size Huge Special Has extreme armor that has very high defense. Bullets it shoots ignore tac-bar. Immune to knock-down from all sources. Unique weakness Cannot shoot you at all if you get too close to it.
Did you know?
1. If you have extremely high force, you can actually smack an enemy through the floor and into middle hole(where there is a rotating blade in infinite waves). Sadly, there is no way for you to reach that enemy anymore, so your only option is to abort.
2. The rotating blade can sometimes pop above the ground and kill anything that gets too close to it. This is because the lower part of the blade will be pushed whenever an object collides with it(it is a bug, yes.)
3. This is the one mission that tac-bar is totally useless!(if not counting the daze chances of presents and elves)
4. The mission itself is a reference to a very old game.
[9] "Fickle Friends" <Bus Mission>
[A pretty challenging mission when you have low mobility and no snap-dodge. The vampires are extremely deadly, as they will do takedowns after takedowns if they surround you. Fire or dissonant element attacks are extremely useful here.]
Winning tips
1. Get snap-dodge and try to get away tight corners.
2. Run away to heal up, give extreme damage to vampires by doing charge-up melee attacks.
3. Use stakes to instantly kill vampire punks. Torch kills will prevent vampire punks&brutes from being revived.
4. Buy a dissonant weapon or a fire weapon from the black market. (Fire/Negative slayer knife, Firebug, Dissonant cannon are good weapons for this mission.)
Enemy Types
{{sweet-tony}} : tony came back with a mask. he is also fast now.
/ status corpus 1 tac bar false Size micro special midget
{{Vampire Hunter}} : Just some masked Elvis cousins. Half of them have stakes.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special Oh I`m dying here!!!
{{Vampire Punk}} : It does high punch damage, as its` body is same as experiment. It also lunges itself towards the player if its far away. Being caught by his lunge will be connected to an high damage takedown. It also revives like a zed when killed.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar true Size normal Special Does high unarmed damage, jump grab attacks when angered. It`s corpus recharges when killed normally(up to 1~2 times).
{{Vampire Brute}} : It can charge-up punch, just like the half-mag. This one also has lots of health. It also uses a special grab&bite attack when angered. If it kills a vampire hunter with a bite attack, the vampire hunter will be reborn as another Vampire Brute.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special none.
"Did you know???"
1. Vampire brutes can revive other types of enemies if they kill with a takedown.
2. Vampire punks` lunges can be countered. Also the lunge grabs don`t work against a 10 corpus Massive.
3. You can kill the vampire wave that appears on the entrance to the bar(you can throw 1~2 grenades just before the dialogue starts). Killing them doesnt give you more xp or cash.
4. You can die from the final cutscene if you are hit by 2Bdamned's car. You die instantly, no matter how much corpus you have.
5. You can cross the downwards slope inside the club with a 'single' charge-up attack with massive.
6. There are already brutes hiding in the club before they appear in front of you(try finding them XD).
7. When the game came out, the vampire brutes had been colored as yellow.
[10-1] "Murder Room" [Helicopter Mission] (Wave 1~15)
[The enemies here aren`t that scary. The trapdoors are though. Watch out grabs and slow effects that enemies do to you. Also, if you need a specific skill xp, this is a great mission to farm that xp.]
Winning tips
1. Use hirelings to get more firepower.
2. Get 'Nano respirators(Alphaware)' from Fencer who is right in front of the base. The item only costs 2 tokens.
3. Try to dodge away as much as possible from grabs and bomb attacks.
4. Don`t get close to enemies when you are dazed. Avoid traps at all costs.
Farming tips
1. Give your hirelings cheap shotguns(Nevadean Blaster .410 guage/Nevadean Bulldozer 12 guage), and make them all wear 'Camo Pants + Bandolier' for extra ammo. (If you finished hard sell before this mission, you can buy them 'Front Bombsuit Plating' as well)
1-1. (optional) you can buy 'Reaper-410($4,400)' from quatermaster, or even 'Nevadean Model E($12,138)' Shotgun from the black market to maximize your hireling`s firepower.
2. Place them beside barricades that you see below. The 5th hireling can just stand near them.
[Commands for hirelings]
Ctrl + Right mouse : Select individual hireling.
Ctrl + Middle mouse : Place selected hireling in a fixed place(he will not go far away from there, and always return) If you do this command next to a obstacle, they will take cover until you give them new orders.
3. Let your hirelings kill enemies for you, while you only attack with the corresponding weapon for your farming xp.
Enemy Types
{{Patient}} : [Wave 1~15] A not-so-patient patient which has two forms. Once losing a corpus, it will be free from his restraint locks and have a refilled corpus. First form uses heavy dropkicks, and the second form grabs you when angered.
The second form can be prevented by fire, dissonant/negative damage, or extreme damage.
/ Status Corpus 1(which works as two) Tac bar false Size normal Special Dropkicks on first form. Killing him normally will let him regain his corpus and get into second form. Grab attacks on second form.
{{Grunt}} : [Wave 1~15] "It's me, grunt!!!"
(last words of grunt, born in 2021.12.24 ~ passed away in 2021.12.24)
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special Is happy grunt!
{{Asylum Orderly}} : [Wave 3~15] When catching the player, he throws which dazes for 100% chance. Has a bit more health than a grunt.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size big Special Grab & Throw attack which will daze the target.
{{Harmacist}} : [Wave 5~15] It spawns with a needle gun that ignores tac-bar. If a player is hit by these needles, they will be have slower Unarmed/Melee swing speed & slow Walk/Running speed for 6 seconds. After using all needles(3 total), it will try to stab with a purple needle that deals more damage(this needle also breaks after 3 hits).
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar Ture Size normal Special It shoots a needle that slows your overall movement & stabs you when using all needles.
{{Cyber Bandit}} : [Wave 7~15] A cyber type enemy that always spawn with a 'Electric type Slayer knife.'
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special none.
{{Conduit}} : [Wave 7~15] Kamikaze robot that charges and bombs on the player when angered. It's 2nd charge-up attack lets it explode right on the place. Will get more damage from behind.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size big Special KAMIKAZE. Also cannot be stun-locked.
[10-2] "Murder Room" [Helicopter Mission] (Wave 1~15)
{{Honk Zed}} : [Wave 8~15] A zed type enemy that will explode when losing a corpus. If the player cut its torso cleanly, it will 100% drop a 'Dynamite' item.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special Grab & bite attacks, Explodes when losing a corpus.
{{Harmacist Jr.}} : [Wave 7~15] A G03LM that spawns either with two 'Power Saws' or a 'Chainsaw'.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size large Special Has lots of health. Same as G03LM.
{{Cyber Brute}} : [Wave 10~15] (Suicide artist )A fast moving G03LM that spawns with one of 'Dissonance Family' weapons. He will try jumping towards the player if he is far away & charges which makes everything knocked down while getting dazed.
/ Status Corpus 2 Tac bar false Size large Special Does a charge attack when angered & jumps to the player when he is far away. Unique weakness Easily baited into traps. Also has a tendency to kill himself with the utmost passion.
"Did you know???"
1. Killing Honk Zeds by cleanly cutting their torso in half, they will 100% drop a usable dynamite item(works well with large melee weapon + charge-up attack).
2. The traps only triggers towards the 'player'. Your hirelings are totally safe from traps as long you are far from them.
3. By being massive you can basically free-farm XP by using your hirelings. You can go up the place shown here by using Lv.2 Charge-up. Place your hirelings right below you, and they will do the killing.
4. I choose this map for farming acrobatic XP. Enemies are weak, and don`t have lots of armor. No bullet hell, and straight rectangular paths to throw melee weapons. Also, a lot of enemies drop melee weapons here.
[11] "Hard Sell" [Helicopter Mission] (Wave 1~8)
[A very fast-paced mission which you are swarmed by elite soldiers. The level can be extremely hard if can't kill them quickly.]
Winning tips
1. Prioritize 'N51 Recon's and 'N51 Snipers'.
2. Try stun-locking the N51 Delta unit. Your hirelings will have a hard time killing it themselves.
3. Try putting your hirelings in the postions that I showed you down here.
[Commands for hirelings]
Ctrl + Right mouse : Select individual hireling.
Ctrl + Middle mouse : Place selected hireling in a fixed place(he will not go far away from there, and always return) If you do this command next to a obstacle, they will take cover until you give them new orders.
4. Get 'Nano-respirators' for you and your hirelings.
5. Try angering the 'N51 Mortar' if he gets too close. Kill other enemies first, and then do a takedown against him.
6. Explosive weapons such as 'Dissonance Cannon', 'Fourpack' or 'N-1 Heavy BA-Zucker' can make you easily clean up a wave.(just don`t shoot it at your hirelings).
Enemy Types
{{N51 Recon}} : [Wave 1~8] The ones that prioritize unlocking the objective. It will come in numbers, and always try unlock first. Usually spawns with a SMG.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special Delicious
{{N51 Commando}} : [Wave 1~8] Time to time, one will drop down in the middle area just to bomb a single entrance. If it succeeds to bomb the entrance, all enemies from that direction will come from the entrance. Usually spawns with a Rifle/SMG.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar true Size normal Special Uses a knock-down kick to the player if the distance is too close.
{{N51 Ass-ass-in}} : [Wave 2~8] He will usually drop down near the player and attack soon after.
Always spawn with a 'Katana' in hand.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar true Size normal Special Usually drops near the player. Dodges bullets and explosives really well.
{{N51 Delta}} : [Wave 1~8] Has extremely fast mobility, easily dodges bullets and breaks through stun-locks. It will grab the player once it succeeds to connect his lunge. Ah, and it also uses dropkicks.
/ Status Corpus 2 Tac bar true Size normal Special Breaks through melee stun-locks easily & Dodges really well. Has a unique grab motion that is very dangerous.
{{N51 Overwatch}} : [Wave 1~8] Will always spawn with a 'N.K.50 Sniper Rifle' which does extreme damage. Has high chance to 'snipe'. Is extremely mobile once it`s not aiming.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special High chance to 'snipe' & does very high damage.
{{N51 Mortar}} : [Wave 4~8] Has extremely high resistance & health. Will 'snipe' to the nearest target with a specially modded 'N32 Launcher'. You cannot block/counter it`s anger attack.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size large Special 'Snipe' to the nearest target with a 'N32 Launcher'. Has high health & resistance
{{N51 Officer}} : [Wave 5~8] Has extremely high resistance against bullets. Always spawns with a 'Nevadean Assault Weapon Model 2500' which has 150 ammo with the second highest fire rate. He will try to kick away the player if the distance is too close.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size big Special Is resistant against unarmed/melee stun-lock. Unique weakness Is not resistance against explosive/dropkick damage and knockback. Cannot shoot if player is too close. Can also be dragged into hole by a hook.
"Did you know???"
1. This is the most questioned mission from new players. And yes, many people agree that this mission is pretty tough.
2. The object is actually a marshmallow reference from the madness series.
3. 'N51 Mortar' has no voice.
4. The hole right next to the objective can be used for fishing(you need Sheriken ark skill first). You can instantly kill 'N51 Officer' with this method.
[12-1] "Nexus Core Facility" [Helicopter Mission] (Wave 1~15)
[Probably the hardest mission in Arena mode. Think it as a test which you have to prove you are worth it for the final boss. Here, the enemies are prepared to overwhelm you in number and firepower. Now it`s your time to show them who's boss.]
Winning tips
1. Use explosive weapons such as 'Dissonance Cannon', 'Fourpack' or 'N-1 Heavy BA-Zucker' on huge enemy waves.
2. Try putting your hirelings in one place. The 'Ctrl + Left mouse' or 'Ctrl + Middle mouse' command will make your hirelings move all at once. These same command also makes your hirelings heal with healthpacks (ctrl+rightmouse to select a single hireling).
3. Get 'Nano-respirators' for you and your hirelings.
4. Try to fight few enemies at a time. Use corners to lure them in.
5. You can throw and takedown a G03LM with the 'Counter, charging' skill. You need to press right mouse button as soon as it tries to grab you.
6. Use dash attacks against 'NEXUS Riot Guards'.
Enemy Types
{{NEXUS Agent}} : [Wave 1~15] Stronger ketchup bottle. Comes in great numbers.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special Very Delicious
{{NEXUS Scout}} : [Wave 1~15] 'Snipe' a LOT. Your combos can easily end
because these guys usually snipe you at the worst moments.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size normal Special Snipe a LOT. When these guys shoot when they are sniping, bullets can even go through walls, and turn in really weird direction. Which means you are gonna get hit if you don`t dodge.
{{NEXUS Engineer}} : [Wave 2~15] Shotgun-man that spams a lot of bullets at you. Very deadly. Always spawns either with an 'Autour-12 12guage shotgun', or a 'Nevadean Blaster .410 guage'.
/ Status Corpus 2 Tac bar true Size normal Special Spams shotguns. Tries to keep distance from the player.
{{G03LM Mk.2}} : [Wave 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12] A G03LM with extreme protection, it will try to grab the last unarmed/melee hitter when angered. It spawns with either a 'Nevadean Assault Weapon Model 2500/PKN/NexTek 6000', or a 'Minigun', or even a 'Mhati-999' which is extremely deadly.
The 'Mhati-999' does 60 damage a single bullet, and normal corpus only has 20~25 hp. Even though the damage decreases because of armor, it will still do devastating damage.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size Large Special Has extreme armor that blocks most damage. You need to remove its Helmet by making it angry with 5 unarmed/melee hits, and takedown from behind.
{{NEXUS Riot Guard}} : [Wave 4~15] THE MOST HATED ENEMY IN THE GAME. Will always spawn with a 'Riot Shield, Light' and 'Shock Baton'. He blocks bullets with his shield that comes from front.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size big Special Blocks all bullets that come from front. Weakness Can be knocked down easily with a 'Dash attack' or 'Dropkick'
{{NEXUS Support}} : [Wave 5~15] I still wonder why they are called 'Support'. They look like they gonna be smashing everything. Anyways, they always spawn with a 'BreachMare'. Also, they have very high resistance against most damage.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size big Special Lots of health & resistance. Rarely uses a 'charge-up' attack. Weakness Can be knocked down easily with a 'Dash attack' or 'Dropkick'
{{NEXUS Soldat}} : [Wave 9~15] Very mobile, always spawns with two 'MallNinja Speclight'. Dodges very well. Can easily break out from melee stun-locks. Sometimes, they throw flashbangs. 'If' the player manages to cleanly cut his torso, he will drop usable 'flashbangs'.
/ Status Corpus 2 Tac bar true Size normal Special Easily breaks from melee stun-locks. Has very high mobility and great dodge. Sometimes throws flashbangs.
[12-2] "Nexus Core Facility" [Helicopter Mission] (Wave 1~15)
{{G03LM Mk.1}} : [Wave 14, 15] A special G03LM that has extreme resistance against most damage. It's helmet can be also be taken off after being triggered. Always spawn with a random one-hand melee weapon.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size Large Special Has extreme resistance against most damage.
{{Tower Guard}} : [Wave 15] An strong and very edgy G03LM who cannot be countered or knocked down. He has extreme armor that blocks nearly all damage, and guards most incoming bullets. The player can trigger him to do a 3 air strike, and take off his helmet.
/ Status Corpus 2 Tac bar false Size Huge Special Has lots of health. Cannot be countered or knocked down. Has extreme armor that can block all damage except for explosions, and also block incoming bullets with a shield. He uses unique melee attacks including the 3 air strike combo when triggered.
"Did you know???"
1. At the 5th map, G03LMs can be thrown into the 3rd floor, which you cannot reach at all. If that same G03LM is still helmed, it is likely for the mission to be ruined.(RIP)
2. You can throw G03LMs when you have the 'Counter, Charging' skill. When G03LMs are triggered by 5 hits, you can counter their grab to make them fall out of cliffs.
3. You will not lose a corpus if you fall from the second map, 1st floor. However you will lose a corpus if you fall from the 2nd floor of that same map.
4. Between the 4th and 5th map, one agent will always drop grenades.
5. The 'Fire Extinguisher' that only appears in this mission, is a very unique weapon. It will will pop like a flashbang if its durability comes to zero.
[13] "Mandatus" <Bus Mission>
[The time has come. You are faced by the terrible fate of this cruel and harsh land, and only you are the key for its survival. Now, what will you choose to do?]
Winning tips
1. Buy a 'Dissonance Cannon' and a 'Nevadean Model E' from the black market.
2. Shoot cannons at robots, and use Nevadean Model E only to the boss.
3. I mean, this is a really easy mission... Nexus core facility is 3 times more harder than this.
Enemy Types
{{Clockworker}} : [Wave 1~3] The protector of the 'Mandatus'. It can spawn with a poor melee weapon, or one of 'Bot Pistol', 'Bot SMG', 'Bot HRifle', 'Bot Shot'.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size Large Special None
{{Cog Wrecker}} : [Wave 2~3] Extreme sized protectors of Mandatus(it is as big as a Mag unit). It has 100% resistance against knockdowns, and its head will still attack if you do not kill it with a dissonant/negative attack.
/ Status Corpus 1 Tac bar false Size EXTREME Special 100% resistance to knockdowns & Its head still lives even though the body dies.
{{{MANDATUS}}} : Your eternal enemy.
Each time it loses a corpus it will initiate a pattern of the following.
If the attack hits the player or fails to hit, it will finish the pattern and protect itself.
[1st Corpus lost] : Charging without opening shields.
[2nd Corpus lost] : Laser beam that goes straight down. Starting from middle, going Left or Right(depending on player`s position)
[3rd Corpus lost] : Spinning Blade attack while charging, charges again when hit a wall and player isn`t hit.
[4th Corpus lost] : Drops right to middle, 360 degree laser beam towards player.
[5th Corpus lost] : Same as 3rd pattern.
[6th Corpus lost] : Same as 2nd pattern.
/ Status Corpus 7 Tac bar false Size FINAL BOSS Special The FINAL BOSS
"Did you know???"
1. You can stand on top of the Mandatus with Massive's second charge-up.
2. You can ignore the 2, 4, 6 pattern of Mandatus just by placing yourself right next to its face. You can free-deal damage with melee/unarmed attacks with this.
3. It is possible for you to go inside the Mandatus if you are placed right in front before it closes its shields.(but soon you will be popped out because of a white obstacle that is filled in the gap)
4. The 'Clockworker`s' melee and unarmed attacks can be countered if you are playing as Massive.
5. Each time the Mandatus loses a corpus, it loses a tooth.
6. During the 'facing mandatus' scene on the stairs, you can kick the Gambler down the hole to find... 'TWO' Gamblers below.
[14] "The Nowhere" [Helicopter Mission]
[The time has come. You are faced by the terrible fate of this cruel and harsh land, and only you are the key for its survival. Now, what will you choose to do?]
Winning tips
1. Decide.
Enemy Types
{{The player}} :
"Did you know???"
The Maker = Game Developers
Mandatus = 'Your' computer(game system)
Gambler = Story teller
Nowhere = The end of the game(no more story left to tell)
The first-born = 'Your' character.(The first one to be loaded in the game)
The ones who decide = 'You', the player.
The Doom of Nevada = 'You' not playing the game.
Your 'character' has to be restart over and over again by entering the nowhere.
Doing so, you will play the game on and on. Because of this, the game(Nevada) can still be alive on in your computer.
My Final Words For This Guide.
Welp... This took a lot of time and effort.
I`ve spent nights and mornings,
I haven`t slept some days,
I had hours and hours of testing the same things over and over again.
I had to ask here and there, bothering every single person I talk to...
For what?
To help more people who wants to enjoy the game.
Even though the journey was extremely hard for me, I still think it was totally worth it.
This is repayment for all those folks out there that supported me.
And a present for all those who plays this game.
Special thanks for TV.
It was a hell of a journey.
((...Now I think I could finally rest for a long time))
->> Steam Community Guide-Table <<-
For more information on 'Tricks & Tips', try the 'Expert`s Guide'.
For more information on 'Hirelings & Hireling Commands', try Wiawyr`s 'Hireling-Fu Guide'.
If you want to 'Cheat', try the 'Hacker`s Guide'
If you are interested in 'Modding', try Explo☄`s 'Modder`s Guide'
If you wish to 'Speedrun' the game, try the 'Speedrunner`s Guide'
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2660533184
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