Customize Lost Ark's Splash Screens

Customize Lost Ark's Splash Screens


Replace or add images at ...\steamapps\common\Lost Ark\EFGame\ReleasePC\Splash\PC to customize the Lost Ark splash screen. Image must be named Splash##.png, where ## is any number not in use. There appears to be a size limit but I don't know what it is exactly. Also, I am not sure if the image has to be a PNG, but GIFs definitely do not work.

Replace SplashScreen.png at ...\steamapps\common\Lost Ark\Binaries\Win64\EasyAntiCheat\Launcher with your own image to customize the EasyAntiCheat splash screen.


The splash screens used when starting up the game are pretty cool but can get kinda stale after a while. You can add your own images or remove the default ones to add your own flair to the splash screens. You can change both the EasyAntiCheat image as well as the Lost Ark images. EasyAntiCheat uses a single image for its splash screen and never changes so it is kinda boring. But the Lost Ark splash screen rotates through a library of images for increased variety.

EasyAntiCheat Splash For changing the EasyAntiCheat splash replace SplashScreen.png at ...\steamapps\common\Lost Ark\Binaries\Win64\EasyAntiCheat\Launcher with your own image.

I I have not messed with this one that much since the Lost Ark splash rotation is much more interesting to me. I am not sure if there are any size limitation, but if your images are too big it will take up your entire screen and it can be kinda annoying.

Lost Ark Splash Images for the Lost Ark splash screen are located at ...\steamapps\common\Lost Ark\EFGame\ReleasePC\Splash\PC

The game currently has a rotation of 7 images by default. The images are PNGs and are named Splash0.png, Splash1.png, and so on.

When adding to the rotation the new image needs to follow this same naming scheme of "Splash" and then a number. The number does not matter as it seems to choose the image at random. But the capitalization does seem to matter. I have had "splash0.png" fail but "Splash0.png" works.

I am not sure if any other image formats such a JPEG work, but I recommend sticking with PNG since it allows you to have a transparent background maintain the same style the default images have.


Customize Lost Ark's Splash Screens image 12
Customize Lost Ark's Splash Screens image 13
Customize Lost Ark's Splash Screens image 14
Customize Lost Ark's Splash Screens image 15
Customize Lost Ark's Splash Screens image 16
Customize Lost Ark's Splash Screens image 17
Customize Lost Ark's Splash Screens image 18
Customize Lost Ark's Splash Screens image 19

Below are some of the default splash screens you've probably seen.

They are PNGs with transparent backgrounds which creates this very nice effect when loading up the game.

Below are some of the splash screens I've put together over the past few days. I've tried to keep the same styling with the transparent background and logo. I've been pulling images into Photoshop editing and then exporting them as PNGs. I have not run into any issues so far doing it like that.

Making Your OwnThere is no set method you have to use to make the PNG, any PNG sized correctly will work. If it is too big it seems the game is unable to load it. The largest I've tried was 1920x1080.

I use Photoshop to put the Logo onto my desired image and then export the final result as a PNG, but any editor of your choice will work as well.

The logo I use is the one from Lost Ark's website

Go to the site

Right-click big logo in the middle of the screen

Save Image AsThat will give you the below LA_LOGO.png

I take that, drop it in Photoshop along with whatever image I want to use as the background and make the Splash. I would also recommend adding a drop shadow to the logo but that's more a personal preference/styling decision.

Without Drop Shadow

With Drop Shadow

Credit to Xeren3[] for Ohayou Asolfo. They have other FGO characters in the same style as well for those interested.

I hope this guide was helpful and have fun making your own splash screens. Let me know if something needs a bit more explanation or details. Cya

Credit to TaigerArts for the 2B


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