Identities List (With Stats)

Identities List (With Stats)

Cheat Sheet







Yi Sang

Identities List (With Stats) image 8
Identities List (With Stats) image 9
Identities List (With Stats) image 10


[LCB Sinner] Yi Sang (III)

147 Fatal 3 4-8 Ineff 2 36 Normal 1

-00- [Seven Section 6] Yi Sang (III)

164 Normal 3 5-8 Ineff 2 34 Fatal 1

-000- [Blade Lineage Salsu] Yi Sang (III)

132 Ineff 3 3-7 Fatal 2 28 Normal 1


Identities List (With Stats) image 19
Identities List (With Stats) image 20
Identities List (With Stats) image 21


[LCB Sinner] Faust (III)

171 Fatal 3 2-4 Ineff 2 24 Normal 1

-00- [W Corp. Cleanup Agent] Faust (III)

176 Normal 3 2-4 Ineff 2 37 Fatal 1

[Lobotomy Corp. Remnant] Faust (III)

138 Ineff 3 3-6 Normal 2 29 Fatal 1


Don Quixote

Identities List (With Stats) image 31
Identities List (With Stats) image 32
Identities List (With Stats) image 33

-0- [LCB Sinner] Don Quixote (III)

134 Normal 3 3-6 Ineff 2 27 Fatal 1

-00- [Shi Section 5] Don Quixote(III)

138 Ineff 3 3-6 Fatal 2 29 Normal 1

-000- [W Corp. Cleanup Agent] Don Quixote (III)

146 Normal 3 3-6 Ineff 2 27 Fatal 1


Identities List (With Stats) image 41
Identities List (With Stats) image 42
Identities List (With Stats) image 43


[LCB Sinner] Ryoshu (III)

134 Ineff 3 3-6 Normal 2 28 Fatal 1

-00- [Seven Section 6] Ryoshu (III)

126 Ineff 3 3-7 Normal 2 27 Fatal 1

-000- [Kurokumo Wakashu] Ryoshu (III)

146 Fatal 3 3-6 Ineff 2 30 Normal 1


Identities List (With Stats) image 52
Identities List (With Stats) image 53
Identities List (With Stats) image 54
Identities List (With Stats) image 55

-0- [LCB Sinner] Meursault (III)

184 Normal 3 2-3 Fatal 2 38 Ineff 1

-00- [Liu Section 6] Meursault (III)

164 Normal 3 2-5 Fatal 2 32 Ineff 1

-000- [W Corp. Cleanup Agent] Meursault (III)

158 Normal 3 4-8 Ineff 2 38 Fatal 1

[N Corp. Grosẞhammer] Meursault (III)

198 Normal 3 3-5 Ineff 2 42 Fatal 1

Hong Lu

Identities List (With Stats) image 65
Identities List (With Stats) image 66
Identities List (With Stats) image 67


[LCB Sinner] Hong Lu (III)

134 Fatal 3 3-6 Normal 2 28 Ineff 1

-00- [Kurokumo Wakashu] Hong Lu (III)

151 Ineff 3 3-7 Normal 2 34 Fatal 1

-000- [Tingtang Gangleader] Hong Lu (III)

151 Ineff 3 3-6 Normal 2 34 Fatal 1


Identities List (With Stats) image 76

Identities List (With Stats) image 77
Identities List (With Stats) image 78

-0- [LCB Sinner] Heathcliff (III)

159 Fatal 3 2-5 Normal 2 31 Ineff 1

-00- [Shi Section 5] Heathcliff (III)

164 Ineff 3 2-5 Fatal 2 32 Normal 1

-000- [R Corp. 4th Pack Rabbit] Heathcliff (III)

132 Normal 3 3-7 Ineff 2 28 Fatal 1


Identities List (With Stats) image 86
Identities List (With Stats) image 87
Identities List (With Stats) image 88
Identities List (With Stats) image 89

-0- [LCB Sinner] Ishmael (III)

159 Fatal 3 5-8 Normal 2 33 Ineff 1

-00- [Shi Section 5] Ishmael (III)

166 Ineff 3 2-5 Fatal 2 32 Normal 1

[LCCB Assistant Manager] Ishmael (III)

164 Normal 3 2-6 Fatal 2 37 Ineff 1

-000- [R Corp. 4th Pack Reindeer] Ishmael (III)

157 Fatal 3 3-7 Normal 2 35 Ineff 1


Identities List (With Stats) image 99
Identities List (With Stats) image 100
Identities List (With Stats) image 101

Identities List (With Stats) image 102


[LCB Sinner] Rodion (III)

159 Ineff 3 2-5 Fatal 2 31 Normal 1

-00- [LCCB Assistant Manager] Rodion (III)

126 Normal 3 3-7 Fatal 2 27 Ineff 1

[N Corp. Mittelhammer] Rodion (III)

138 Ineff 3 3-7 Normal 2 29 Fatal 1

-000- [Kurokumo Henchwoman] Rodion (III)

172 Ineff 3 2-5 Normal 2 33 Fatal 1


Identities List (With Stats) image 113
Identities List (With Stats) image 114
Identities List (With Stats) image 115
Identities List (With Stats) image 116


[LCB Sinner] Sinclair (III)

121 Ineff 3 3-7 Fatal 2 26 Normal 1

-00- [Zwei Section 6] Sinclair (III)

176 Fatal 3 2-4 Normal 2 37 Ineff 1

[Jefe de Los Mariachis] Sinclair (III)

190 Fatal 3 2-3 Normal 2 40 Ineff 1

-000- [Blade Lineage Salsu] Sinclair (III)

172 Ineff 3 2-5 Fatal 2 33 Normal 1


Identities List (With Stats) image 127
Identities List (With Stats) image 128
Identities List (With Stats) image 129


[LCB Sinner] Outis (III)

120 Ineff 3 3-7 Normal 2 26 Fatal 1

-00- [Blade Lineage Cutthroat] Outis (III)

164 Ineff 3 2-5 Fatal 2 32 Normal 1

[G Corp. Head Manager] Outis (III)

151 Normal 3 4-8 Ineff 2 37 Fatal 1



Identities List (With Stats) image 139
Identities List (With Stats) image 140
Identities List (With Stats) image 141


[LCB Sinner] Gregor (III)

146 Ineff 3 3-7 Normal 2 33 Fatal 1

-00- [Liu Section 6] Gregor (III)

126 Normal 3 3-7 Fatal 2 27 Ineff 1

-000- [G Corp. Manager Corporal] Gregor (III)

132 Ineff 3 3-7 Normal 2 28 Fatal 1

Thank You & Updates

Identities List (With Stats) image 150
Identities List (With Stats) image 151

Thank you all Dantes for coming by and looking at my guide!!!

Feel free to critique or have suggestions!!

Will add new identities once they get relased.


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