Before You Begin Treasure Hunting...
Achievements Hunters beware, there are missable achievements! Please see Wikaela's guide to save yourself from starting over.
Things to remember:Once you reach a checkpoint, any fights encountered before that will be permanently defeated. So be careful with your spending! In saying that, returning to a checkpoint before defeating the boss in the locale will reset the fights in that zone. If you aimed to complete the 'Devil's Play' achievement in the previous act, Ourobot should be sufficient help in winning fights and accruing Robobucks. Restarting ACT 3 resets Ourobot.
At certain points in the level you cannot progress unless you trade a card you own for one of P03's random cards. Always keep a spare or two on hand that you don't mind giving away.
When you fail a fight your income will be reduced to 0 and dropped on the tile you previously were on. Any bounty stars earned will also reset to 0.
Avoid conceding to P03 to take advantage of the opportunity to make more Robobucks.
Certain items won't appear/unlock until you've defeated a particular Uberbot, found an object or spoken to an NPC.
Some items in the shop are purely lore-focused purchases. Avoid buying Holo Pelts or the Paintbrush if you're not concerned with lore.
Click to enlarge or view the available document online here[] .
"A once great technological paradise." - P03, Act 3, Inscryption
Click to enlarge or view the available document online here[] .
Main Shop PricesItemPurposeCostNotesExtra CardAdd 1 of 3 random cards to your primary deck.8 RobobucksRe-purchasableSigil Add-onAdd 1 of 3 sigils to one of your primary deck cards.10 Robobucks, +5 extra Robobucks each purchaseRe-purchasableHolo PeltCollect 1 of 5 pelts to unlock lore towards the end of Act 322 RobobucksOne-time purchaseNano ArmourGives nano armour to all units on your side of the playing field.26 RobobucksOne-time purchaseOverclock Add-onAdd the Overclock sigil to a card of your choosing. (+1 power, permadeath).18 RobobucksOne-time purchase. Available once encountered elsewhere.Transformer Add-onAdd the Transformer sigil to a card of your choosing. (Switches between chosen beast and original form.)16 RobobucksOne-time purchase. Available once encountered elsewhere.GemifyGemify a card so that Mox gems will affect its stats when on the playing field.16 RobobucksOne-time purchase. Available once encountered elsewhere.Custom CardScrap a card from your inventory to create a custom one for your primary deck.26 RobobucksOne-time purchase. Available once encountered elsewhere.
Second Shop PricesItemPurposeCostNotesPaintbrushUnlock a clue to opening the cuckoo clock in Act 3.25 RobobucksOne-time purchase.Sigil Add-onAdd 1 of 3 sigils to one of your primary deck cards.10 RobobucksOne-time purchase.Cash ConvertScrap one of your cards in your primary deck for Robobucks.6 RobobucksOne-time purchase.
Credit to u/Pr0tegent on Reddit for supplying the custom card information.
Originally posted by u/Pr0tegent:
Options listed below increase or decrease the budget as long as the budget is equal to or less than 0, you may produce cards with such stats. Sigils are limited to 4 per card. Originally posted by u/Pr0tegent:
Transformation Budget 1 + card_cost card_cost 1 + mox_cost + sigil_count - initial_sigil_count mox_cost 1 if card has been gemified, 0 otherwise sigil_count 1 per sigil already present Originally posted by u/Pr0tegent:
Customisation OptionsBudget InfluenceAdd +1 energy bar+1 SPAdd +1 power-1 SPAdditional power (beyond 1)-2 SPSharp Quills-2 SPAirborne0 SPUnkillable-2 SPStinky-2 SPTouch of Death-4 SPBattery Bearer-2 SPDetonator0 SPBrittle2 SPSniper-3 SPSentry-3 SPGift Bearer-3 SPNano Armour-4 SPAnnoying+1 SPHefty-1 SPBifurcated Strike-4 SP
Suggestions Or Missing Information
If I'm missing any important details or you have a suggestion that will improve this guide, please feel free to share and I will give credit. :)
Apologies for the cruddy picture quality!
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