Easy Kaycee's mod all challenges on

Easy Kaycee's mod all challenges on


Easy Kaycee's mod all challenges on image 1

Get a beehive or warren

Get a cockroach

Sacrifice the cockroach to the beehive/warren

Now you got an infinite amount of meatshields

Useful Tips

Easy Kaycee's mod all challenges on image 7

Give some attack to the warren (required) or beehive (optional)

You could try getting an infinite insect totem for the beehive deck

Keep your deck small

Make copies of the infinite creature

Get magpies

To speed things up you could get a Vulture (bones attack) or a Squid (card attack)

Savescum if you feel inclined to (restarts the current fight by closing the game)


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3418334624					

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