Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased)

Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased)

Culture Affinities

In my opinion some culture affinities are just plain boring while other might be a bit too strong. Here are the way I'd like to change them if the modding tools allow for such in-depth change.


Current bonus: Cultural Blitz: Immediately bring one of your Empire's Territories back into its sphere of influence, and gain Influence for each adjacent Territory already in your sphere.

Changed to: No change but can also use the action on a neighboring competitor territory gaining influence, starting to get the territory back into its sphere of influence AND gaining a grievance on the territory.

Thoughts: Otherwise this affinity is fairly balanced.


Current bonus: Can attract 1 Population from each adjacent Territory's City or Outpost. It will create a Grievance against you for each impacted Empire.

Changed to: Instead of instantly giving population, it will attract the population for a number of turns depending on the pacing of the game. If the neighboring competitor territory that has its population leeched declares war on you, it will dramatically slow down the process and its efficiency.

Thoughts: Currently one of the most powerful affinity action in the game. Hopefully this change will bring some counter play to the table.


Current bonus: Can set Cities into "Land Raiser" mode.

All the Money and Science output of the City are converted into Industry.

Cities will only produce Food and Industry when this mode is activated.

The mode lasts for at least 5 Turn turns until it can be deactivated.

Changed to: Can drastically speed up the Industry production of a city for 5 turns (+50%).

Thoughts: Builder cultures are usually pretty strong but I feel like their affinity action is quite boring compared to other cultures. Moreover contrary to some other cultures, it comes with a drawback. I've removed the drawback so that it should see a bit more use in game.


Current bonus: Can forcibly annex Territory Territories occupied by other Empire's Outposts and Administrative Centers.

For annexing, you need to move an Army to stand on another Empire's Outpost or Administrative Center.

The process will take the Army a few Turn turns, cost a sum of Money, and can be interrupted when someone attacking the annexing Army.

You cannot trigger multiple annexations at the same time, and will need to wait a few Turn turns after each successful annexation before using this Affinity Action again.

Territories held by your Allies cannot be annexed.

Can always trespass.

Changed to: None.

Thoughts: This bonus is actually fairly balanced and I like the fact that it's the only affinity that can trespass. Some people complain that it can be interrupted but as the Agrarian affinity I feel like if it affects other competitors in a meaningful way then it needs to have a counter play.


Current bonus: Can use Influence Influence to marshal venture capital towards a Resource Deposit, either creating an Extractor or generating Money.

If no Extractor exists, then one will be created instantly on the deposit.

Otherwise, you will share a sum of Money Money with the owner. You'll both earn more Money the more Empires are buying the resource; and if the owner is an Independent People, their cut will count as a Bribe, improving relations.

Changed to: Reduced cooldown for the affinity action. Reduced influence cost. Boost used on own's extractor permanently boost the gold received from that tile.

Thoughts: It's actually a fairly weak bonus but an interesting. I feel like allowing it to be used way more often could lead to some potential interesting gameplay while making it more powerful.


Current bonus:Can periodically call upon able bodied patriots to take up arms in defense of the mother land.

Instantly raise Militia Armies in your Cities, these Armies can be used to attack or defend, and can move on the map.

The Militias only cost Population to raise.

Changed to: Double the production cost of units in the targeted city for X turns. In exchange once the production is complete, you will receive 2 units instead of 1.

Thoughts: I don't like instant bonus that create pop or troops. They are usually a bit too strong. With that change, it will still play out as a good bonus to military faction as they can raise twice the amount of armies at half the cost of population. It can only target one city and for a limited number of turns to avoid being too overpowered.


Current bonus:Can set Cities into "Collective Minds" mode.

All the Industry Industry and Money Money output of the City are converted into Science.

Cities will only produce Food and Science when this mode is activated.

The mode lasts for at least 5 Turn turns until it can be deactivated.

Changed to: Target a city that, for X turns, will add half its Industry and all its Money generated to Science for the duration. The city will still continue to produce Food, Industry, Money and Science while this mode is active.

Thoughts: Boring bonus that comes with a huge drawback of removing industry from a city. Here you get an actual powerful albeit temporary bonus. The industry is added is less than the full amount as otherwise it would be a bit OP. Even at half I still think it's a bit too strong but I would need testing to see if it needs to be reduced by a quarter or removed entirely.

Ancient Era

Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 47Babylonians
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 49

Trait: Raid Masters

+1 Land Movement Speed on Unit

+5 Combat Strength bonus when Ransacking on Army

Added: Permanent bonus to gold pillaged on Ransack (+20%).

Emblematic Quarter: Dunnu

Removed:+2 Influence

+10 District Fortification

+1 Combat Strength in combat for Units in or adjacent to the District

Added: +20 Stability

Added: +5 Influence

Trait: Brillant Philosophers

Removed:+2 Science per researched technologies on Capital

Added: +1% Research per researched technologies on Capital

Emblematic District: Astronomy House

+1 Food and +1 Science per Researchers

+3 Science per adjacent Farmers Quarter

+1 Researchers Slot on City or Outpost

Removed: -10 Stability


Trait: Grand Planners

+1 Industry on Tile producing Industry

Modify District Industry cost by -10%

Emblematic District: Egyptian Pyramid

+1 Influence

+3 Industry

Removed: -10 Stability

+3 Industry per adjacent Makers Quarter

+1 Workers Slot on City or Outpost


Trait: Fertile Inundations

+1 Food on Tile producing Food Food

+1 Food on River

Emblematic District: Canal Network

Added: +1 Influence

+3 Food

Removed: -10 Stability

+3 Food per adjacent Farmers Quarter

+1 Farmers Slot on City or Outpost


Trait: Lust for War

+1 Combat Strength

Added: +1 Combat Strength on Cavalry unit

Emblematic District: Awari

Added: +2 Influence

Added: +10 Stability

Automatically upgrades regular Outpost.

Can be used as a Land Unit Spawn Point for neighbor Cities.


Trait: Brutal Upbringing

Modify Unit Industry cost by -20%

+25 Experience on Creating Unit

Emblematic District: Cyclopean Fortress

Added: +1 Influence

+20 District Fortification

+3 Industry

+15 Stability

+3 Combat Strength in combat for Units in or adjacent to the District.

Acts as a Makers Quarter

Increase the Movement point cost of tiles within a range of 1 tile for hostile Armies.


Trait: Golden Dreams

+5 Money on Luxury Resource deposit

+5 Money on Strategic Resource deposit

Added: +3 Money per Emblematic District

Added: -50% to cost of creating land trade routes for both export and import.

Emblematic District: Meroe Pyramids

+2 Industry

+2 Money

+3 Money per adjacent Industry Makers Quarter

+1 Traders Slot on City or Outpost

Removed: -10 Stability


Trait: Natural Harmony

Removed: +1 Influence on Territory

Added: +1 Influence per population

Emblematic District: Olmec Head

+1 Influence

+3 Food

Removed: -10 Stability

+1 Influence per adjacent Farmers Quarter

+1 Farmers Slot on City or Outpost


Trait: Trading Pioneers

+2 Money per Traders on City or Outpost

Added: +1 Money per Population

Added: -50% to cost of creating sea trade routes for both export and import.

Emblematic District: Haven

Added: +1 Influence per adjacent Coastal Water

Removed: -10 Stability

+2 Money per adjacent Coastal Water

+2 Money per adjacent Lake

+1 Traders Slot on City or Outpost


Trait: Harmonious Thoughts

+2 Stability on District

Emblematic District: Confucius School

Added: +1 Influence

+8 Stability

+1 Science

+5 Science per adjacent Mountain

+1 Researchers Slot on City or Outpost

Added: Can be built anywhere

Classical Era

Achaemenid Persians
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 154Aksumites
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 156Carthaginians
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 158Celts
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 160Goths
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 162Greeks
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 164Huns
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 166Mauryans
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 168Maya
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 170Romans
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Trait: Cyrus' Shadow

+2 City Cap

Removed +10 Stability on City or Outpost

Emblematic Quarter: Satrap Palace

+1 Influence

+5 Money

Removed:-10 Stability

+2 Influence per adjacent District

+1 Traders Slot on City or Outpost

Added: +5 Stability

Trait: Horn of Plenty

+2 Money on Tile producing Money

Added: +1 Money per population on Citiy or Outpost

Emblematic District: Great Obelisk

Added: +1 Influence

+1 Money per Territories under the Religion's influence

+3 Faith

+3 Money

Removed: -10 Stability

+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter

+1 Traders Slot Traders Slot on City or Outpost

Trait: Hard Bargainers

Modify all Constructibles Buyout cost by -25%.

Added: +2 Money per Traders in City or Outpost

Emblematic District: Cothon

+10 District Fortification

Removed: -10 Stability y

+3 Industry per adjacent Coastal Water

+2 Industry per adjacent Lake

+1 Workers Slot on City or Outpost

Trait: Druidic Lore

+2 Food per Farmers on City or Outpost

Added: +1 Food per Farmer's Quarter

Emblematic District: Nemeton

Added: +1 Influence

+3 /+6 Food per number of attached territories

Removed: -10 Stability

+3 Food per adjacent Farmers Quarter

Added: +1 Farmers Slot on City or Outpost

Trait: Nimble Pillage

+10 Combat Strength from ransacking on Unit

+2 Influence on Garrison

Emblematic District: Tumulus

+3 Influence

+3 Faith

Removed: -10 Stability

+2 Faith per adjacent District

Added: +10 Stability

Trait: Socratic Methods

+2 Science per Researchers on City or Outpost

Added: +2 Science per Research Quarters

Emblematic District: Amphitheatron

+1 /+3 Influence per current Era

+3 Science per current Era

+2 Science per adjacent District

Trait: Formidable Steeds

+2 /+1 Combat Strength on Cavalry Unit[/strike]

Added: +1 Influence per Garrison

Added: +2 Influence per Ordu

Emblematic District: Ordu

Added: +2 Influence

Automatically upgrades regular Outpost

They cannot be attached to Cities in this Era.

Can build the Emblematic Unit of the culture

In the case of the , the Ordu can build the Hunnic Horde.

All newly created Outposts become Ordus. After switching to the next era, the Ordus will convert back to regular Outposts.

Trait: Guiding Light

+1 Influence on Emblematic District

-10% on Attach Outpost cost

Emblematic District: Stūpa

+1 Influence

+2 Faith

-10 Stability Stability

+3 Science

+2 Influence per adjacent District

+1 Researchers Slot Researchers Slot on City or Outpost

Trait: Tireless Spirit

+2 Industry per Workers on City or Outpost

Added: +1 Industry per Farmers on City or Outpost

Emblematic District: K'uh Nah

Added: +1 Influence

+3 /+6 Industry per number of attached Territories

+2 Faith

-10 Stability

+4 Industry per adjacent Makers Quarter

+1 Workers Slot on City or Outpost

Trait: Legion's Finest

+1 Unit slot available for each Army

-30% Army Upkeep on Army

Emblematic District: Triumphal Arch


+3 Influence

+3 Stability

On Victorious City:

+5 Influence

+10 Stability


Reduced the cost of Land Unit by 1%.

+4 Influence

+5 Stability

Counts as a Garrison

Medieval Era

Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 276Byzantines
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 278English
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 280Franks
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 282Ghanaians
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 284Khmer
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 286Mongols
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 288Norsemen
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 290Teutons
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 292Umayyads
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Trait: Huitzilopochtli's Legacy

+2 Movement Land Movement Speed on Unit

Modify Unit Industry Industry cost by -20%

Emblematic Quarter: Sacrificial Altar

+5 Faith

+5 Stability

+2 Influence from adjacent District

Added: Sacrifices will apply a 10% bonus to all yields in City

Trait: Master of Whispers

+5% /+20% Money per Alliance on all Cities

Added: Garrison produces +3 Gold

Emblematic District: Hippódromos

+5 Money per Horse (including those bought from others)

Removed: +3 Gold

Added: +1 Influence per adjacent district

+25 Money per adjacent Horse deposit

Removed: -10 Stability

+1 Traders Slot Traders Slot on City or Outpost

Trait: Serfs' Labor

Removed: +7 Food per number of attached Territories on City or Outpost

Added: +5% Food per number of attached Territories on City or Outpost

Emblematic District: Stronghold

+5 Stability

+20 District Fortification

+3 Combat Strength in combat for Units in or adjacent to the District.

Acts as a Farmers Quarter

Added: +1 Influence per adjacent district

Added: Acts as a Garrison for the purpose of Stability bonus

Trait: Crown Lands

+10% Influence

Added: +1 Influence per Garrison

Added: +1 Combat Strength for Cavalry Unit

Emblematic District: Scriptorium

+3 Faith

Removed:-10 Stability

+5 Science

+2 Influence per adjacent District

+1 Researchers Slot Researchers Slot on City or Outpost

Trait: Life of Luxury

Removed:+5 Money per Number of accesses to Luxury Resources.

Removed: +5 Money per Number of accesses to Strategic Resources.

Added: +1% Money per Number of accesses to Luxury Resources.

Emblematic District: Luxuries Market

+1 /+3 Money per Number of Trade Routes

+5 Money

Removed:-10 Stability

Removed:+3 Money per adjacent Market Quarter

Added: +3 Money per adjacent District.

+1 Traders Slot on City or Outpost

Trait: Servants of Magnificence

Removed:+3 Industry on Industry Makers Quarter

Added: +1 Industry per Population

Emblematic District: Baray

+5 Food

Removed: +1 Industry per Population

Removed: -10 Stability

+2 Industry per adjacent River

+1 Workers Slot on City or Outpost

Added: Counts as a River

Trait: Mounted Mayhem / Golden Horde

100% ransack on Army

Added: +10% to all yields per Vassal

Emblematic District: Orda

Automatically upgrades regular Outpost

They cannot be attached to Cities in this Era.

Added: +10 District Fortification

Added: + 2 Influence on Outpost

Trait: Stormborn

+3 Naval Movement Speed on Naval Units

+2 Combat Strength on Naval Units

Emblematic District: Naust

Removed: -10 Stability

+5 Food per adjacent Coastal Water

+5 Food per adjacent Lake

+50 Money from ransack on Empire

+1 Farmers Slot on City or Outpost

Trait: Spurred by Faith

+1 Money per State Religion Follower.

+1 Science per State Religion Follower.

Emblematic District: Kaiserdom

+1 Faith per District

+3 Faith per adjacent District

+3 Influence

Added: +5 Stability

Removed: -10 Stability

Trait: Learned Friends

+5% /+20% Science per Alliance on all Cities

Added: Research Center produces +2 Science

Emblematic District: Grand Mosque

+3 /+10 Science per Number of attached Territories

+5 Faith

Removed: -10 Stability

+1 Researchers Slot Researchers Slot on City or Outpost

Early Modern Era

Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 390Edo Japanese
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 392Haudenosaunee
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 394Joseon
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 396Ming
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 398Mughals
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 400Ottomans
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 402Poles
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 404Spanish
Culture Rebalance Mod Compendium (Unreleased) image 406Venetians
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Stock Wisdom

+1 Money per Population on all Cities

Added: Doubles the Money generated by sea trade routes.

Emblematic Quarter: V.O.C Warehouse

+1 Money

+20 Money per adjacent Harbor

Removed: -10 Stability

+2 Money per Traders on City or Outpost

+1 Traders Slot on City or Outpost

Trait: Shogun's Authority

+1 Influence per Population on City or Outpost.

Emblematic District: Tera

+3 Faith

+2 Influence

+5 /+10 Influence per adjacent Mountain

Removed: -10 Stability

Trait: Land of Plenty

+1 Food on Exploitation

Emblematic District: Three Sisters Plantation

+5 Food per number of attached Territories

Removed:-10 Stability

+3 Food per adjacent Farmers Quarter

+1 Farmers Slot on City or Outpost

Trait: Hall of Wothies

+3 Science on Tile producing Science

Added: +1 Science per adjacent Research Quarter.

Emblematic District: Seowon

Removed:-10 Stability

+2 Influence

+2 Science

+3 Science per adjacent Research Quarter

+1 Science per Researchers on City or Outpost

+1 Researchers Slot on City or Outpost

Trait: Grand Secretariat

-25% cost of enacting Civic

-25% cost of revoking Civic

+1 Influence on Territory

Added: -25% Cost on absorbing Cities.

Emblematic District: Grand Teahouse

+1 Influence per District

+10 Stability

Removed: +2 Influence per adjacent District

Trait: Imperial Magnificence

+2% Industry per number of Territories in your Sphere of Influence on Capital

Emblematic District: Jama Masjid

+3 Industry per Workers

+2 Influence

+3 Industry

+3 Industry per adjacent Makers Quarter

Removed: -10 Stability

Trait: Supremacy of Fire

-50% on Heavy Weapon Industry Industry cost

+3 Combat Strength on Heavy Weapon

Added: Reduced the resource requirement for Heavy Weapon by half.

Emblematic District: Sultan Camii

+1 Faith per District

+3 Influence

Removed: -10 Stability

+3 Influence per adjacent District

Trait: Deadly Ramparts

+10 District Fortification on District

+2 Stability on District

Emblematic District: Barbican

+2 Influence

+20 District Fortification

+8 Stability

+3 Combat Strength in combat for Units in or adjacent to the District.

Added: Counts as a Garrison

Trait: Honor and Glory

+3 Strength Combat Strength on Units starting their turn in a non-allied Territory

Added: +25% Gold on Ransack

Emblematic District: Catedral Gótica

+1 Faith per Population Population

+3 Faith per adjacent District

Removed: -10 Stability

Added: Counts as a Market Quarter

Trait: Learned Friends

+1 Money per number of Trade Routes on City or Outpost

+2 Money per number of Naval Trade Routes on City or Outpost

Added: Doubles the Money generated by sea trade routes.

Emblematic District: Botteghe di Artisti

+4 Influence

+1 Money

+1 Influence per adjacent Money Market Quarter

+1 Money on Tile producing Money

Removed: -10 Stability

Industrial Era



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