How to either physically (remove) a name or how to *add* a new name and how to create a whole *new* character/faction

The Files You Need To Will Work On

Descr_Name_Lookup.txt ,


(This One's *REALLY* Important,if you don't include it and only do the two other .txt's ,in adding or removing names you will get save,load and end turn crashes)

and Descr_Names.txt. (The Descr_Strat is not mandatory here, since we are only dealing in the name databases, themselves but if you want to make a *WHOLE* new character then yes you'd have to use or include the descr_strat while following it's layout, to make a *PHYSICAL* character, if your just adding a simple name or just simply making a new name for the database you *DON'T* need the strat file)


1.) What it does: -quoted by Yeoman here: "descr_names.txt – The most important of these files is the descr_names.txt. Unlike the other files, it is organized firstly by faction; then by male first names,

surnames and female first names. When the program creates a name for a newly created character in the game, it searches this file first.

Therefore, no matter what names you have listed in any of the other three files, if that name is not listed in the descr_names.txt,

you will never see it appear in the game (*but the game will still function*)."


2.) names.txt.bin or (just Names.txt for RTW ((:Remastered) ) – (semi-quoted by Yeoman here): "On the other hand, if the names in descr_names.txt are not listed in the ((Names.txt))

file you will have a serious error. (as in: you'll crash either on save, load or if you end the turn). It is simply a list of all the names (one name per line)

organized in no particular fashion, such as":

{Augustus) Augustus ((((It's 15 exact spaces in between the 2 words, Yeoman doesn't state this))))
(Agrippina} Agrippina

{of_the_Brigantes} of the Brigantes

(((additional note: Like I have said- You don't have to worry about the names.txt becoming names.txt.bin like Medieval 2, so every instance of that has been swapped with (Names.txt) )))


3.) descr_names_lookup.txt (quoted by Yeoman here) – "This file is similar to names.txt in that it is one, single, unorganized list that lists every name in the game; one per line.

Though it is simpler than names.txt in that names are listed so":




(Additional Note here: that this file *doesn't* use the 15 exact spaces rule)

Descr_Strat (not Required For The Name Database But If You Want A *New, Physical* Character With A New Name Do This.)

4.) This is my own added section: The Descr_Strat- holds the data for the campaign map. This file includes: Faction relations, what settlements belong to which factions, indivdual characters and their families.

(C:\programfiles x86\Steam\steamapps\common\Rome Total War Gold\bi\data\world\maps\campaign\barbarian_invasion) this is the standard location on default drives

(E or f or etc:\programfiles x86\Steam\steamapps\common\Rome Total War Gold\bi\data\world\maps\campaign\barbarian_invasion) this is the standard location on SSD's

(E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Rome Total War Gold\bi\data\world\maps\campaign\barbarian_invasion) this is the location on a customised steam install on a SSD

faction romano_british, balanced caesar

denari 10000



level large_town

region Britannia_Superior

year_founded 363

population 2597

plan_set default_set

faction_creator celts



type core_building governors_villa




type defenses wooden_wall




type barracks militia_barracks




type market trader




type port_buildings port




type health sewers




type hinterland_farms farms




type hinterland_roads paved_roads




type temple_of_mithras temple_of_mithras_shrine



character Magnus Maximus, named character, leader, age 28, , x 57, y 128 (note the co-ordinates is either near or *in* londinium)

traits RomanFactionLeader 1, Warlord 4 , GoodTaxman 2 , GoodAdministrator 4 , Christian 1 , GoodInfantryGeneral 3 , Handsome 3 , GoodFarmer 6 , PoeticSkill 2 , NaturalPhilosophySkill 3 , PhilosophySkill 3 , GoodCavalryGeneral 3 , TacticalSkill 3 , StrategicSkill 3


unit romano british warlords exp 1 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1

unit british legionaries exp 1 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1

unit british legionaries exp 1 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1

unit western archer exp 1 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1

unit western archer exp 1 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1

unit coastal levies exp 1 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1

unit coastal levies exp 1 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1

unit graal knights exp 1 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1

unit sarmatian auxilia exp 1 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1

unit graal knights exp 1 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1

unit sarmatian auxilia exp 1 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1

character_record Boudicca, female, command 0, influence 0, management 0, subterfuge 0, age 18, alive, never_a_leader

character_record Constantine, male, command 0, influence 0, management 0, subterfuge 0, age 1, alive, never_a_leader

relative Magnus Maximus, Boudicca, Constantine, end (Magnus Maximus, Boudicca, is together like in the family tree, it's an exact 9 spaces, simulating the branch to the son, Constantine)

(Edit: This would be a complete example/basis of/for creating a new faction, barring in mind that you have to move the WRE garrison stack in londinium, outside of it or in gaul.

to move the garrison stack do: show_cursorstat in the console while either hovering over a blank space in gaul or outside on a blank space near londinium)


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