Final Fantasy VI: Cheat Engine Table

Cheat Engine Table

Final Fantasy VI: Cheat Engine Table []

Table created by MarinaRoses of Open Cheat Tables[]

How To Use

1. Load up FFVI PR.

2. Load up the Cheat Engine Table you downloaded.

3. Click the glowing PC icon in the upper left corner of CE.

4. Select FFVI PR from the list.

5. Agree to keep the address code / list intact.

6. Click the enable box ONCE and wait for the green bar to load.

7. Uncheck the enable box and check it again.

8. Start cheating.

Descriptions Of Functions

Character Editor [Non Permanent]

Choose your character in game, go to their status screen, alt+tab and go to the cheat engine table, start altering their stats. These values are floats so they won't stick even if you hard save your game file. When you reload your save your stats will be back to normal.

Gil Multiplier

Fairly self explanatory, will multiply the Gil you receive after every battle... If you want to max out your Gil quickly just put the value at 9999999 and fight a single battle.

Drop 100%

Enemies will always drop the item they carry so long as they're carrying an item.

Drop Item & Count Editor

Select the desired item from the drop down ID menu that you want enemies to drop and then select how many of that item you want them to drop upon death.

Example: You can have an enemy drop the Ultima Weapon upon death but if you change the desired value to 2, every enemy killed in battle will drop 2 Ultima Weapons upon death.

Steal 100% Success

Locke / Gogo's Steal / Mug command will always steal an item from an enemy. I noticed however this glitches some bosses and enemies and the game will always say "Couldn't Steal" so be careful when using this cheat.

You may have to shut down the entire game and not use the CE table to steal certain items from some bosses / enemies. I noticed I couldn't steal from either Cranes or Number 128 during the Magitek Factory Escape... don't ask me why, it just wouldn't work.

The rare / common item stolen is still random. Locke / Gogo have a 7/8th chance to steal an enemies common item and a 1/8th chance to steal their rare item.

If you can't steal certain items the next cheat trumps this one any way so it hardly matters if your game glitches out.

Steal Item & Count Editor

This basically works the same way as the Drop Item & Count Editor cheat except with Locke / Gogo's Steal / Mug Command. It allows you to select the desired item you want to steal from a drop down menu and how many of said item you steal at a time.

You can fight a random trash mob like a leaf rabbit at the start of the game and steal a Ragnarok or a Paladin shield off of them... in fact you can steal 99 in 1 shot if you increase the value.

Note: The item stolen will not represent what ends up in your inventory. The game will tell you that you stole a potion or whatever garbage item it is but you will, in fact, have stolen the chosen item and the desired quantity once you check your item list.

This option seems rather redundant as the drop cheat requires less steps to activate but you do you boo boo.

Existing Item Quantity Editor

Careful when using this cheat as it will equalize your entire inventory to whatever value you change it to.

So for example, if you have 99 Potions and 2 Elixirs and change the value to 50. You will now have 50 potions and 50 Elixirs... This also means you'll have 50 Auto Crossbows and whatever other rare one time only items you might have like Paladin Shields or Ragnarok Swords... so yeah. :/

If you want your save file to appear legit I would suggest just using the drop item ID cheat and leave this option alone, unless you want to spend 10 minutes selling all the excess items in your inventory to merchants.

Unlock All Abilities

Basically turn this on, fight a single battle and whatever character is in that battle will learn all of their special abilities including all the Magic in the game. There is no way to segregate these options either, it's all or nothing... so either accept the fact that you've just botched your save file early on or don't use this until the very end of the game.

This works on EVERYTHING, including Gau's Rages and Strago's Blue Magic... It works on Mog's Dances as well but be warned, you may need to use SAM [Steam Achievement Manager] to manually unlock certain achievements tied with learning everyone's abilities.

It unlocked the achievements for Cyan, Sabin and Gau but when I learned all of Mog's Dances early on in the game, the achievement didn't unlock for me... So unless you're ready to go full blast and do some hardcore cheating, I would suggest just leaving this option alone until all you have left to learn is Magic.

EXP Multiplier

Another self explanatory option, whatever EXP you earn multiplied by whatever desired value you change it to... you want double? Change the value to 2, triple 3, quadruple 4... well you get the idea. Don't put the value at 100x or it could screw up your characters completely and they won't be able to earn EXP at all, you've been warned.

There's a normal option and a fractional option... choice is yours. I just stuck with the normal option because I'm simple that way.

Encounter Script

No encounters or Always encounter. With Always encounter turned on you'll get in a battle every 1 - 3 steps depending on how fast you start walking from one battle to the next.

No encounters is like having a Moogle Charm equipped at all times, no encounters unless it's a scripted boss fight.

Do not turn both options on at the same time, will most likely crash the game.

Battle Script

Two options for v1 and v2, again, don't turn them both on at the same time, it will cause undesired results.

Basically gives you the option to turn on 1 hit kills, invincibility, infinite MP to spam magic and the ability to have enemies instant 1 hit kill your party... So essentially, why are you even playing the game if you need to abuse something this over powered and stupid? :/ The option is there if you're having trouble killing certain enemies like Intangir I guess. :/

Species Monster Editor

For those of you that are having trouble learning Rages or just fighting certain rare encounters, this option is for you.

Essentially allows you to control which enemies you fight in battle by selecting their ID's in a drop down menu as well as how much AP you earn from killing them. So if you basically put 100 AP, you'll instantly learn any Magic spells attached to your characters Esper.

The only downside to this option is that the effects are permanent until you reboot your game, so unless you're doing a 5 hour long Veldt sesh with Gau in the WOR, I wouldn't even touch this option at all.

Final Comments

Hope this guide / trainer helped you guys out.

You're probably wondering why I even bothered doing this because it's just a simple Google search away but most of the trainers / cheat tables out for this game are all locked behind pay walls, trust me, I looked for days.

Any free trainers are few and far between and this is by far the best free trainer I've found on the internet. It provides you with everything you need if you know how to use it properly.

The previous 5 pixel remasters all have high quality free trainers made by Fling but even he decided to monetize during a complete global economic crisis.

Needless to say I'm quite disappointed by his choice, it literally goes against everything the internet stands for.

So I bring to you the balance in a world of ruin. ;)

Cheers! Have fun!
