Factorio Team Setup Guide: Play Together at Your Own Pace


Create a Team: /c game.create_force('team1')

Assign a Team: /c game.get_player('Player1').force = game.forces['team1']

Assign a new Spawn based on current position: /c local player = game.get_player('PlayerName'); player.force.set_spawn_position(player.position, player.surface)

Assign Coord based:

/c game.forces['team1'].set_spawn_position({x = -100, y = -100}, game.surfaces['nauvis'])

Prevent Turrets targeting another team: /c game.forces['team1'].set_cease_fire('team2', true)

Allow Access to buildings and Vehicles: /c game.forces['team1'].set_friend('team2', true)

Share Map Vision: /c game.forces['team1'].share_chart = true

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3319289707					

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