Parameters in blueprints are quite useful and time saving tool but might be a bit confusing how to use them.
First, you need to be aware of what are rules of how parameters are created:
Every signal/item/value used in blueprint is as single object and can be turned into parameter
If same number/item/signal occurs more than once in blueprint it will be turned into same parameter
Names can only be turned into parameter if they contain signal/image of game item and only that item will be blueprint parameter. Any other text in name will be static part of that parameter.
You cannot add parameters to blueprint, only turn already existing items/signals and values into parameters.
I will go on more details of how those rules work with basic example of assembler where ingredients and recipe are turned into parameters
Setup Of Blueprint
First build and turn into blueprint what you desire to turn in to "generic blueprint".
In this example it will be requester chest providing ingredients for production, assembler to process them and storage chest to make product available for network.
Additionally there will be limit set of how many items should be produced and stored at chest.
Fist question we need to answer while setting up blueprint is which parameters should be same in created blueprint and which should be different.
In our example each component should have its own parameter so each component can be set plus recipe for production should be additional signal that will be shared in assembler, filter of storage chest and item count for inserter.
This way when assembler is set with recipe, chest will have same item as filter and inserter will count of how much of that item is in chest, but each ingredient will be set separately.
All ingredients ((how many will be requested) and product (limit for production) should have their counts be different so can be set for each item.
To achieve this requester chest was setup as:
Number of different requests set is only important as it will be upper limit of how many components could be set in blueprint. In our example we can make something that requires no more than six different components. Each component has different value to allow them to be set separately in blueprint. If any value them would repeat, then it would be turned into parameter of same value for all signals of same value.
If in example both yellow and red belt would share value of 1 then this number turned in parameter would control always value of both items in blueprint. That apply for whole blueprint.
For all combinators, buildings, repeated value/item will be turned into same/single parameter/value.
Next recipe was set:
It is not important what was set just for it to be different than any of signals used for components.
Storage chest was set with same item as recipe for assembler:
Thanks to that when blueprint will be used same item will be set as recipe and chest filter.
Inserter between storage chest and assembler was set as:
Again we are using same item as signal as for production recipe.
Notice number 6 was repeated in this instance, same as value of sixth component.
It is not in any way required just done to show later how same value will behave in blueprint.
As last point we are turning all of those in to blueprint.
Setting Up Parameters
In blueprint setting we are now selecting "Parametrise/reconfigure the blueprint" which will open window with parameters:
For each of signals and values present in blueprint we can select those that should be turned in to parameters and give them name. Name is not mandatory but will be helpful tip what is required to be set on use of blueprint for each of parameters.
When item signal is turned in to parameter it will change in to generic signal but numbers will remain with previous value (it will be later default value for this input in blueprint):
If any of values or signals/items will not be selected it will remain "static" in blueprint (will retain its current signal/value on blueprint use).
Additionally selected item/signal parameters can be set as ingredients and values can be set with variable or formula:
If item is set as ingredient of other item then it will be assigned order number.
Order will be set according to position on list, counting from top.
First parameter assigned as component of parameter "0" will be marked as "#1" and will mean first component of item parametrised as "0".
To change order assignment you need to drag given parameter lower/higher on list.
In our example as every signal from "1"-"6" are requests for components then were marked as such. This way user will only be asked to pick one item (recipe) and parameters "1"-"6" will be changed in to components required for that recipe.
Variable assigned to value will be able to be used in any formula bellow that parameter on list (above won't work).
Formula allows math expression to be used instead of asking user for value.
Any parameter with selected formula field will be absent from user prompt on usage of blueprint.
Formula can be static value - just type it in formula bar but also can be equation:
For equation we can use variables (defined in blueprint or parameter specific).
Parameter specific variables (p) are _s (stack size), _r (rocket capacity), _i (item count of component) ,and _t (craft time).
For example
p0_s = stack count of parameter 0
p2_r = rocket capacity of parameter 2
p1_i3 = how much of third component of parameter 3 is required for single craft.
Lets try using that blueprint in practice.
Using Blueprint
Blueprint used in this example is a flawed, but we will fix it.
When you will try to use blueprint user will get prompt to set it up:
Let’s use it for production of yellow splitter and leave values as default:
Resulting build will be assembler set to production of yellow splitters and requests were set for component necessary for yellow splitter:
So lets fix problems and finish blueprint:
- Correct parameters, so only craft needs to be set up
- Fix requests to match component count needed for craft
Final blueprint if you want to test it out:
Train Station Names
Train stations names can also be turned into parameters but there are important limitations.
Main problem is that text string cannot be used as parameter or its value.
Only signal values can be turned into parameter or station name.
To setup blueprint build station and in name place signal. It can be mixed with text string, but text will remain static part of name.
In this example station will be "Incoming " + item:
In blueprint make sure "Train stop names" are selected and turn item in to parameter:
Thanks For Reading
I hope guide was clear enough to explain how to use parameters and will help you make them useful in your blueprints.
If you have questions, leave comment and I'll try to answer.
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