Nightmare Level Ghost Identification Updated

Basic Setup

Assuming there you are soloing, the recommended loadout to bring in to the house is:

1.) Candle

2.) Ecto Glass

3.) Spirit Box

Why these three? These are the most efficient items for locating the ghostroom and evidence to narrow it down quickly.

Basically, the Candle is a god tool. It lets you find the Ghost Room really fast, how? You put it down and ask the Ghost to blow it out. If it doesn't, the ghost is in another room. Go to another room and repeat until you find the Ghost Room. In small maps like Cyclone Street, Deadwood or Farmhouse you can find the Ghost Room consistently under a minute using this technique.

Do not use the microphone to do this. Use macros. Voice chatting works but is slower. And voice doesn't work for everyone in this game because of bugs that haven't been fixed since last year. Instead, the developers introduced the "Type Chat" mode (brought up by pressing "P") and you can abuse this using Autohotkey to turbo charge finding the ghost room with the candle. You can choose not to play this way, but this is the recommended way to play especially on Nightmare level. If you go to the Discord server, they have the Autohotkey macro file in their somewhere and help for how to setup, so just ask around.

If you don't want to do this and find it "cheap," alternately you can move stuff into the entry of the house in two trips (bring six items to the door -- probably 2 ESGs, 2 Easels, 1 EMF, and 1 Fulu) and then bring in the Ecto Glass, the Spirit Box, and a Thermometer instead.

You can then use the Thermometer to find the ghost room by checking when it dips below 20 degrees. If the temperature drops below the expected temperature of a room, that's the ghost room. The drawback is that the thermometer takes about 2-3 minutes before it is useful, because most ghosts take that long to lower the room's temperature. Longer if they changed rooms, which happens frequently on Nightmare level. The Agash will drop room temperature quickly and is easy to find with the thermometer. This is why you spend the first two minutes or so doing two trips to move in other equipment to the house, because you can't find the ghost room before then with the thermometer.

More on the Spirit Box and Ecto Glass later.

Ghost Vs. Map Events

Next, you want to look for "Ghost Manifestations" to find the ghost room. There are two kinds of "jump scares" in this game: "Map Events" and "Ghost Manifestations." A map event is some chump ghost haunting the map that isn't your target. These include Sadako (the girl in the white dress who jumps out of the TV in Cyclone Street and other maps), Shower Cap Grandma (you know who she is), and a bunch of other map-specific ghosts, like the beeping specter in the fireplace in Abandoned House, the Gurney ghost in the Hospital, etc. These guys have nothing to do with the actual ghost and are not indicators of the Ghost Room.

On the other hand, you have "Ghost Manifestations" which are jump scares that only happen in the ghost room. These vary from map to map but reliably tell you where the ghost room is. This includes the blood shower and the alarm in the Hospital hallways (this tells you the ghost room is one of the four segments of the hospital hallway), the ghost light in the library in Kurosawa, and a whole bunch of others. Listing all of these down is beyond the scope of this guide, but with experience you'll learn all of them and this will help you narrow down the ghost room easily, even without using the thermometer or candle.

The Ghost Room And The Four Patterns

The first thing you should do in the Ghost Room is check the Spirit Box. Spam the Spirit Box (using Autohotkey again, if you want to talk that is fine too). After you get or don't get the spirit box, check for stains with the Ecto Glass. The reason why we bring these two tools first, is because they are reliable to get and you can cross them out if you don't get them. As of the current build of Demonologist, Stains will always appear in the ghost room, so it is a sure indicator of the ghostroom, and you will always find them in the ghost room if you have located the ghost room. So you can always tick this off as yes or no. Do note that finding stains can be tricky, and at first you will definitely miss finding the stains a lot, and this can screw your game a lot. But keep at it and keep practicing to find stains. The spirit box is easier and you can confirm or cross this out quickly.

After you've determined whether these two evidences are present or not, you get four "Patterns"

Pattern A : With Stains, With Spirit Box

Pattern B : No Stains, With Spirit Box

Pattern C: No Stains, No Spirit Box

Pattern D: With Stains, No Spirit Box

We will go through each pattern in detail. Before that, though, let's talk about Ghost Behaviors. When you're new to this game, you'll be relying on evidence to determine the ghost. But as you gain more experience, evidence actually becomes less and less important and you can actually determine what the ghost is with around 80% accuracy without even obtaining a shred of evidence. How do you do this? By looking at the Ghost Behaviors. We'll break these down by the four patterns, but first I want to talk about "Ghost Speed."

Ghost Speed

Ghost Speed refers to the ghost's moving speed while chasing you during a haunt. Now, it's important to note that the ghosts all have different movement speeds, but they also have a "range" of speeds. That is, not all ghosts of the same type move at the same speed. Some can be slower than others, but all of them have a general range they can be in. There is some randomization in how fast they move. There are roughly four classes of speed in the game:

Slow - moves very slowly can easily be looped all day long if you use proper running technique.

Average - this ghost is not very fast and can be looped for a while, but not indefinitely. If ghost did not spawn near you you can generally loop it until it stops haunting.

Above Average - these ghosts move pretty fast and will catch up to you even unless you have a good head start. You will want to run into the salt to escape from these ghosts, or turn a corner and run into a cabinet if you have enough of a lead.

Fast - these ghosts are terrifying and will catch you. Do not try to loop and just bring out your cross and head for the salt ASAP.We'll discuss how fast each ghost type can be in the next session. Ghost speed is important because it's one of the biggest clues in figuring out a ghost's type.

Pattern A

This is the easiest pattern. You only have three ghosts in this pattern: The Guipo, the Myling, and the Shade. I can tell you this : 80% of the time Pattern A is a Shade. You can take that to the bank. 19% of the time it's a Myling. And the remaining 1% it's a lazy Guipo that didn't haunt early. Most of the time, you will not get the two evidence if it's a Guipo; that's why it's almost never a Guipo when you determine it's pattern A. Most of the time, if it's a Guipo, it will early haunt before you even find the Ghost Room, so you don't even need to check for evidence. You can just guess from the start and you'll be fine. We'll cover this more in the "Early Haunters" section.


Speed: Slow to Average

Behavior: likes to talk a lot

A Myling is one of the easiest ghost to verse. When you get Pattern A, test for a Myling. To do this, look for the Cursed Object, put at least two candles lit in the Ghost Room, and use the Cursed Object to force it to haunt (easy with Ouija Board, Voodoo Doll, and Tarot Deck). Alternately just wait for it to haunt, which it probably won't. Myling can't haunt if a candle is lit in its room, though sometimes some cursed objects let it haunt even if a candle is lit, but I think this is bug. Usually the Myling will just blow out a candle when the Cursed Object forces it to haunt. If you use the Cursed Object to force a haunt and it doesn't, but only blows out a candle, that is a 100% sure sign that it's a Myling.

If it haunts, it's almost certainly a Shade. Just loop it or hide in the cabinet when you do the Myling Test.

After determining that it is a Myling, all you need to do is keep a candle lit in the ghost room, and it will never haunt. If you put two candles there and keep them lit every time one goes out, it will never haunt. This is called "Bullying a Myling" and works everytime. The only way out for the Myling is to change ghost rooms. To combat this, ready your Spirit Box to check where the Myling is at all times, if the Spirit Box stops going off it has changed rooms, confirm with the Ecto Glass and then use the thermometer to find the new ghost room, setup your candles, and continue bullying.

If you're going solo, put four candles and you can complete all the exorcism objectives before it ever haunts. if there's at least two of you, one can be on "candle duty" and the other takes their sweet time doing the objectives.


Speed: Average to Above Average

Behavior: likes to ♥♥♥♥ around at the start of the match

The Guipo is the easiest ghost to identify, and it is fairly consistent. It is an "early haunter" and likes to screw around with you by doing fake haunts. It will haunt before your sanity goes below 50%, but it's just faking and will not do anything to you even if it catches you. Sometimes the Guipo is a "lazy Guipo" and does not do fake haunts, but this is very rare. So most of the time it will haunt before you find the Ghost Room or before you find the stains and spirit box, and it'll fib when it catches you, which is a 100% sure sign it's a Guipo. Just guess and don't look back.


Speed: Average to Above Average

Behavior: tends to be quiet, more active in Dark rooms

If it's not a Guipo, and it's not a Myling, it's a Shade. Shades aren't particularly active unless you leave the lights off, so turn the light off in the ghost room and wait for it to start painting, but most of the time you don't even need to. Like I said, 80% of the time Pattern A is a Shade. If the Myling test (with the candle and cursed object) fails it is 99% of the time a Shade. No need to wait for it to paint, you can guess and get on with the exorcism.

It could still be a lazy Guipo, so it's not 100% sure, but you can be 99% sure it's a Shade. If you want to be sure, just burn fulus or use the Tarot cards to get it to paint before you guess.

Pattern B

Pattern B is for Boogey. This is also by the way the most dangerous pattern and there are some very dangerous ghosts here. When you get Pattern B, the first thing to do is to run out of the house and get a crucifix. Trust me on this one. After that, we can start narrowing down the ghosts.


Speed: Fast

Behavior: Doesn't care about Sanity, ultra aggressive

Thayes are the most dangerous ghost in the game. They are the fastest ghost. If you see it moving, you know it's a Thaye, and you are going to die. They are early haunters, too, and don't care what your sanity is. Chances are it'll haunt early when you aren't ready or expecting it, and are still looking for the ghost room. This is why the moment you confirm Pattern B, you run out of the house immediately and grab a crucifix. Because there's a chance it's a Thaye, and if it is you are dead.

Once you have a Crucifix, stay in the ghost room as much as possible. Thayes will grow "older" the longer you stay in the Ghost Room and their speed will go down significantly to the point that you can loop them, but this takes a while, and because the Thaye haunts randomly and is very aggressive, chances are it'll kill you before it grows old. I have managed to get a Thaye old a few times in all the time I've played this game, but in most cases it just kills me.

You generally don't need to confirm evidence for Thayes. You'll know because it's an Early Haunter, and because it moves terrifyingly fast. Thaye movement is unmistakable. Guess with confidence and move on tot he exorcism, or run away and go home if you have no defenses left.


Speed: Above Average

Behavior: More active during the "Witching Hours" 6-12

Yokai are dangerous ghosts who can early haunt during the Witching Hours. Depending on your luck, this may mean they will early haunt before you are ready. It and the Thaye are the biggest threats in Pattern B. When you run out to get a Crucifix, go and check the Pocket Watch as well. If it's anywhere from 9 to 12 or so when you check the pocket watch, it was probably a Yokai haunting during the Witching Hours. So you can guess with 80% certainty at this point, but should keep checking for EMF or Easel to be sure, or watch the speed -- if it wasn't Fast, it's not a Thaye, so it's probably a Yokai. Also, if you're still alive, it's probably not a Thaye.


Speed: Above Average

Behavior: Gets mad when you swear in the ghost room

Gul are the second easiest ghost to identify. Once you've confirmed Pattern B and are not dead yet from a Yokai or a Thaye, your first order of business is to do the Gul Test. To do this, simply swear in the ghost room over and over. If it's a Gul, it will 99% of the time start haunting. Do this only if you have a crucifix in hand, because the Gul is not slow and can kill you. If it haunts when you start swearing, it is 99% a Gul, and you can guess with confidence. No need to wait for freezing or fingerprints.


Speed: Average to Above Average

Behavior: Likes to flick switches to turn a light on; sanity drain when using EMF, ESG or Spiritbox in the Ghost Room

Boogey are easy to identify because they love flicking switches on. This gives you the chance to collect and confirm the UV Lamp evidence easily. In addition, it likes to keep the ghost room light on, so if you turn the light off in the ghost room chances are it will try to flick it to turn it on.

Now, they say that a Light Switch will never break in the Boogey's Ghost Room, but I've found that sometimes this happens with other ghosts too, and meanwhile I have broken many light switches in a Boogey's room, so I don't feel this is a reliable indicator. Instead, it is better to play with the Boogey and keep turning the light off in its room, and see if it tries turning it back on. That's a 90% sigh it's a Boogey if it does it twice. This will also tank your sanity, so to get 100% certainty check your sanity and if you're crazy go. Otherwise, keep checking for EMF and waiting for the ESG to confirm it's a Boogey.


Speed: Average to Above Average

Behavior: Throws a lot of stuff around

Poltergeist are relatively easy to identify while haunting because they tend to throw a lot of stuff around. It's almost unmistakable. When you hear a lot of stuff being tossed around during a haunt it's an 80% sign it's a poltergeist, and even while doing normal manifestations it's likely to toss stuff around. These point towards poltergeist behavior so you can focus on trying to find fingerprints and getting an ESG.

The only thing you need to take note, is that some maps don't have much stuff to throw around, while some maps have lots. Poltergeist are less active when there's nothing to throw, and it can be hard to identify them in maps like Hospital where there isn't much to throw. Meanwhile, some ghosts can throw stuff like a poltergeist in clutter-heavy maps like Kurosawa or Cyclone St, so be careful and know your maps, and try to confirm the fingerprint before making a guess.


Speed: Fast *(Slow)

Behavior: Throws a lot of stuff around

Iblis are a relatively easy ghost to identify. They are dangerous because you can't hide from them. There are "god spots" in most maps (like the rear corridor behind the workshop in Farmhouse, or the basement little room in Abandoned House) where the ghost will never find you, but the Iblis can find you anywhere, even inside cabinets, and kill you accordingly.

They are also horrifying fast: they move like a Thaye. But! And here is the silver lining: Iblis move fast when you are far away, but once they get close to you they start moving at their walking speed, which is Slow. As in, really slow. You can loop them all day as long as you are not at a dead end. So if it is an Iblis, do not go into a dead end corner, do not go into a cabinet, go to the map's looping spot, and loop it until it stops haunting. This is super easy to do as long as you know proper looping technique (see looping section).

Once an Iblis haunts, you can tell easily that it's an Iblis from its running speed while far away, and its walking speed when close. In addition, it changes animation -- running animation is different from walking animation. The Iblis is the only ghost that consistently changes from running to walking animation, so it's also a dead give away. You can guess with 100% confidence when you see the changes in movement speed and animation during a haunt.


Speed: Average to Above Average

Behavior: Curses you with Sanity Drain if you use Spirit Box on it

Hantu are dangerous because once you confirm Spirit B, there's a high chance it will curse you after you use the Spirit Box. This drains your sanity rapidly -- you can cure it with a sanity pill, but if you don't your sanity can drop to dangerous levels quickly and it can start haunting before you expect it to.

If you are soloing this is especially hard and can get you killed. If you have teammates you can compare sanity a few minutes after confirming Pattern B. If the one who confirmed the Spirit Box evidence has lower sanity than the rest of the team, it is 90% a Hantu, and you can focus on Easel and checking the Thermometer for freezing.


Speed: Average to Above Average

Behavior: Afraid of Crosses

It always bothered me that Abaddon is afraid of crucifixes, and not the Demon. But whatever. The Abaddon will almost never hurt you if you are holding a crucifix. So it is one of the easiest ghosts to verse. Just bring out a Crucifix and you can do all the objectives with no fear. Test if it's an Abaddon by equipping the cross and if it ignores you, or runs through you, you can guess with 100% certainty. Do not hide in a cabinet against an Abaddon, especially not on Cyclone Street! There's a bug where it will kill you even with a cross out.

Pattern C

Pattern C is the worst pattern to get. Not because it's particularly hard or dangerous, but because it's boring and tends to devolve into a standstill waiting for evidence. We'll discuss this more in the specific ghost sections.


Speed: slow to average

Behavior: haunts whenever it wants to

Let's talk Revenant. The Revenant is dangerous because it completely ignores your sanity levels and haunts whenever it pleases. This can lead to an early haunt. The good news is, many revenants are lazy and do not do early haunts. The other good news is, they tend to move very slowly and are easy to loop. So even if they early haunt they are not particularly dangerous. Just focus on finding its evidence, which can take a while, but don't sweat it it's an easy match.


Speed: slow to fast

Behavior: can choose to rapidly drain your sanity

Oni are dangerous ghosts that can easily kill you by quickly draining your sanity and invoking a haunt, and chasing you down with its frightening speed. Oni tend to be fast, are almost as fast as a Thaye and can easily kill you in a haunt. However, there are also cases where the Oni moves very slow and can be looped all day. It is unclear if this is a bug; but I've had instances in Kurosawa and especially in Haunted School where the Oni moves very slowly on its first haunt, and only speeds up in its second haunt. So keep this in mind. If it moves slowly in the first haunt but starts moving faster in the next haunts, there's an 80% chance it's an Oni.

Luckily the evidence for Oni is relatively easy to get -- Freezing is one of the easier evidences to get, and EMF 5 will show itself eventually, so fingerprint is the only one that can be a challenge depending on the map.


Speed: slow to average

Behavior: Falls in love with its Obsession and won't kill it, gets jealous if others are near its lover

Onryo are one of the easiest ghosts to verse. Basically it's a free pass for solo players, and in co-op matches it's just a matter of identifying the Onryo and who the obsession is. The Onryo selects one obsession at the start of the match, and will not kill or harm or even chase that "lover." So it's an easy win. You can identify an Onryo in co-op if it gets more active and angry when two people are in the ghost room, and it's more calm when only one person is in the room. The Onryo will tend to manifest towards non-lovers, and will 99% of the time manifest and do stuff when at least one other person is in the ghost room with its lover. Once you get this clue that it might be an Onryo, do the Onryo test: have the two people who induced the angry reactions carry crucifixes, and wait for a haunt (or induce with cursed object) and see who it chases. The one it doesn't chase is likely the obsession. Have that one then intercept the Onryo and run into it, if it doesn't eat the cross it's 100% an Onryo. This is all easy to test because the Onryo tends to move slowly. Once confirmed, guess with confidence and have the lover do the exorcism, screwing over the Onryo while everyone else hides in a cabinet or stays outside.


Speed: Average to Above Average

Behavior: will not trigger ESG when someone is in the ghost room

Goryo are fast moving ghosts who are relatively dangerous because you can be sitting waiting for the ESG to trigger, but it never will and it starts chasing you down and kills you. This is easily solved; use a tripod camera to observe the ghost room from your tent, or put the ESG by the door, and look at it from outside the ghost room. Other than that, just be careful, but as mentioned Pattern C ghosts tend to devolve into a vigil waiting for the ESG to canvas to come out, and the Goryo is a prime example of that.


Speed: slow to average

Behavior: Likes to be seen, is visible during haunts. Very active and aggressive, manifestations have huge sanity drain

Jinns tend to be aggressive, but not particularly dangerous because they are slow and easy to loop. In Pattern C, most ghosts tend to be slackers and don't really manifest much. The Jinn is the only exception and tends to be very active. However and this is a huge problem, there are many Jinn that are "lazy" Jinns and do not act aggressively, I'd say there's a 50/50% chance that the Jinn is aggressive or lazy. If you get an aggressive Jinn, fine. You will get EMF and Freezing, and can guess quickly with 80% confidence that it's a Jinn. But the problem is, it could be a lazy Jinn, so you need to wait for the last evidence, which is either ESG or Easel, the two most notoriously bad evidences that could come out quickly or never come out, and you have to wait until it does.

The biggest tell of a Jinn is if it does manifestations and this drains the affected player's sanity by a huge amount (like 10%-20% sanity). You can use this to differentiate it from a Mare.


Speed: Slow to Above Average

Behavior: not active and is timid, doesn't manifest much.

And here is the other part of the Pattern C problem. The Mare is a secretive ghost that doesn't manifest much. It can be hard to find its ghost room; many times it will not blow out the candle and you will need to rely on the thermometer to find it. Once you do, you will get the EMF5 and Freezing evidence eventually, but then you have to wait for either ESG or Easel to determine if it's a Jinn or a Mare. If it's not doing much, 80% chance it's a Mare, but unfortunately there's also a 20% chance it's just a lazy Jinn. Worse, there are also aggressive Mares, so there's a chance that even if it was very aggressive, it was actually an active Mare. Ghost speed doesn't always help either, as both can be average in speed, and that complicates things.

The Active Mare/Lazy Jinn problem is the root of the headaches of Pattern C, and is why I consider it the worst pattern to get. You can just guess and go home if you're fed up with it, but if you want to exorcise you have to be 100% sure of the ghost, or it's not worth the effort, so you need to wait out the easel or ESG and that can be a pain.

Pattern D

D is for Deo, that's good enough for me. D is another chill pattern, not as easy as A, but easier than B or C. The ghosts in Pattern D are pretty easy to identify from their behaviors, though exceptions and randomness still happen. Still, you're likely to get things right here even without all the evidence. First thing to do is turn the Light off in the ghost room, then proceed with your investigation.


Speed: Average to Above Average

Behavior: inactive unless you piss it off; it's unknown how to piss them off

Demons tend to be well-behaved and don't haunt unless you anger them. But when they do haunt their haunts take much longer and they have a tendency to chain haunt, at which point it becomes near impossible to complete an exorcism. A demon is basically a race against time; you have to gather your evidence quickly before it starts haunting. Once it starts haunting you can still finish the exorcism but it'll be very hard, especially since demons can be pretty fast. Someone needs to dedicate loop it, and must be good at it. Luckily, getting its evidence is relatively simple so you usually won't run into problems versing a demon even on Nightmare. You have ample time to get evidence and do the exorcism before it starts haunting.


Speed: Average to Above Average

Behavior: chooses one target in the house and chases the obsession to the exclusion of everyone else

Deogen are actually easy to verse. It's basically a reverse Onryo: it will only hunt one specific person and ignore everyone else in the house. However, if the obsession is outside the house, it will choose a different target and hunt accordingly. The easiest way to verse a Deo is to identify the obsession, and let him or her hide in a closet. Then the others can easily accomplish all objectives. if you're solo, the Deogen special trait is wasted so just play normally and do your best. The Deo is hard to loop so good luck.

When you suspect a Deo, do the Onryo test but this time the one being chased is the obsession. Then have that person hide in a closet, and then test with crucifix by running into the Deo with the other team members, and if it doesn't eat the cross it's 100% a Deo. Although it's easy to verse, the Deo is still relatively dangerous before you confirm its obsession, and is one of the more dangerous ghosts in Pattern D, so don't let your guard down.


Speed: Average to Above Average

Behavior: Naamah will steal objects from the floor or even in your hand.

Naamah are easy to identify because they're kleptomaniacs. If you see your gear in the ghost room disappear, it's 90% of the time a Naamah. The other 10% of the time is you being forgetful. If you find the item showing up somewhere else in the house you know it's a Naamah. The only dangerous thing about Naamah is that they can steal a crucifix from your hand, and they can do this during a haunt while chasing you. It's rare, but I've been killed by a Naamah a few times in this way. Other than that, the Naamah is an easy ID and, so guess with confidence and proceed with exorcism for a quick win. Note: Naamah will only steal stuff from the ghost room if the light is off, so keep the lights off if it's Pattern D.


Speed: Average to Fast*

Behavior: Agash is faster in freezing temperature, and has frost breath

Agash is a dangerous ghost only if it haunts while you are in the ghost room. The Agash moves faster in freezing temperatures, which mean generally the ghost room, or a previous ghost room whose temperature hasn't gone back to normal yet. The lower the temperature, the faster it moves. If it spawns on you in the Ghost Room, it can instakill you before you can react. But if it haunts while you are outside the ghost room, you can easily outdistance it because it will move slowly. Agash are very easy to identify, they have ice breath that is visible during manifestations in the ghost room or during haunts. If the Agash shows itself and you see frost breath coming out of its mouth, that's a 100% gaurantee and you can guess with impunity. The biggest problem with an Agash is if the map's looping area is the ghost room, which can be problematic. Opt for cabinets in this case.


Speed: Average to Above Average

Behavior: Will fall asleep if you use a Fulu

Wraiths are easy to identify because you can put them to sleep with a Fulu. Once you identify Pattern D, turn off the candles in the room, and take out the UV light and spirit box. These will wake the Wraith. Then, wait for an EMF reading, then burn a Fulu. If the EMF beeping stops as the Fulu burns, 70% chance it's a Wraith. Just wait around and observe if it does any more manifesting. If it doesn't do anything for a minute or two, 99% it's a Wraith. Wake it up using a candle, the UV lamp or the Spirit Box, and if it starts doing stuff again then it's a Wraith 100% and you can guess with confidence. No need to wait for other evidence.


Speed: Slow

Behavior: Likes to hunt solitary prey

Raiju are opportunistic ghosts who wait for a single target in the ghost room. If you are solo, or if you are alone in the Ghost Room, the Raiju has a tendency to haunt, and it will do this regardless of sanity, so it can be an early haunter. The good news is, the Raiju is slow as heck and you can easily loop it without much trouble. If you have someone with you in the Ghost Room, the Raiju will tend to be behaved and not manifest much, so you can accomplish objectives this way as needed. All in all, an easy ghost to verse. The only hard part is getting the ESG, but if you confirm its haunting behavior by baiting it with solo prey, you don't even need to wait for the ESG. This is especially clear if it early-haunted.


Speed: Slow to Average

Behavior: Likes to hunt groups of people

The Yurei is the opposite of the Raiju. it gets stronger when there are multiple people in the room, but it will not early haunt in this fashion. However, it will grow stronger and will haunt sooner with more people in the room. If you are alone in the ghost room, it can't siphon energy from you and grows weaker, and will not be very active. To get more evidence, keep more people in the room, but if you're playing solo, the yurei may feel like a Mare because it is very well-behaved and won't manifest. But since it's Pattern D and not Pattern C, you can guess it's a Yurei with around 80% confidence. You can get its EMF evidence relatively easy, but the ESG is harder, but you normally don't need to wait for the ESG to make the guess.

Looping The Ghost

Running TechniqueHiding Technique

We've discussed all the ghost behaviors, but now it's time to learn a bit about how to loop a ghost and stay alive.

Looping ghosts is all about a.) running technique and b.) learning the maps and loop spots/hiding spots

I'll discuss these here briefly.

In this game, you have a hidden stamina bar that depletes when you run. Once depleted, you can't run anymore and it replenishes until you can run again. In general, you can keep a good pace of movement that can out pace slow and average speed ghosts by using a 3:2 ratio of running and walking. Basically, you run for three counts, then walk for two counts, then run for three counts, etc. keep alternating and you can do this more or less indefinitely with a steady rhythm. If you do this, you can outrun a Slow ghost forever, and outrun an average ghost until it stops haunting. Above Average and Fast ghosts will catch you though, so hope you brought a crucifix or have some salt nearby.

Now, this of course only applies if you can keep running without stopping into a dead end. This is known as "looping" the ghost. All maps have at least one looping spot, but many maps have dangerous zones that are dead ends.

The greatest difficult when looping the ghost, is when it turns invisible. The Jinn is the easiest to loop in this sense because it stays visible longer than any other ghost. But when it's invisible it can be challenging to figure out where it went, and if you move too fast it can be left behind, as it moves slower around corners. It will then double back on you and get you as you are coming back from a loop. So if you are fighting slow or average ghosts, keep this in mind and don't run too fast.

Use your flashlight and the terror radius heartbeat to determine how close the ghost is to you, so you know when to speed up and when to slow down so it won't double back on you. You can also use the room lights to determine the ghost position,a s they flicker when the ghost is near. Most maps have a "Godlight" which is your priority to turn on. Turn this light on and it will help you determine the ghost position while looping; thi sis huge and learning to use it during a loop makes the difference between life and death.

Instead of looping, a smarter alternative may be to "hide" from the ghost. You can ghost a ghost by hiding in a "God Spot." A god spot is defined as a spot where the ghost cannot find you if you stay there by yourself and nobody leads the ghost to you. In the past, there were actual god spots where even if the ghost knew where you were, it couldn't get to you. These have been patched out of the game and now there are only god spots which are basically areas outside of a ghost's normal "patrolling route" so it will never find you if it doesn't see you go to these god spots, or a teammate doesn't lead it to you. I'll discuss these in the individual map sections. You can also hide in cabinets; every map has at least two cabinets and you can use these to hide from the ghost as "god spots." Also note that you can hide in a God Spot or cabinet while in mid-chase, if you have enough of a lead from the ghost and can break line of sight as you move into the god spot.

Abandoned HouseDiffculty: *****

Godlight: Either the first hallway light (near kitchen) or the kitchen light

Abandoned House, despite being the first map, is actually one of the hardest maps in the game. If not the hardest. Further, temperature in this map is wonky and bleeds all around (basement cold temps bleed into the hallways and workshop) making identifying the ghost room even harder. Further, the exorcism on this map is one of the most tedious scavenger hunts. There is only one looping spot: the kitchen going into the fireplace/living room. Everywhere else is a death trap. There are also three cabinets: one upstairs, one in the living room, and one in the hallway near the workshop. When a haunt begins, run for the kitchen ASAP, or one of the cabinets. Or pray and die.

Cyclone StreetDifficulty: *

Godlight: the living room switch

Cyclone Street is one of the easiest maps in the game. The only thing that makes this map a little challenging is that ghost manifestation can bleed from the second floor and the living room. Other than that, it's straightforward, small, with two easy loops in the living room around the sofa, and around the kitchen counter. Ideal salt spot is in one of the loops. You can reserve the salt for when you need it by switching between loop spots. There are no godspots, and there are only two cabinets, one in the second floor near the stairs in the hallway, and one in the old hallway outside the old bedroom. Be careful when using the second floor cabinet; there is a bug where the ghost can see you enter it from the living room (part of the bleeding issue) so the ghost may kill you if it was in the living room when you got into the cabinet. God light is the living room.

HospitalDifficulty: ***

Godlight: none

The hospital is a relatively easy map. The main challenge is how big it is. It is by far the biggest map in terms of land area and requires the most walking. Other than that, it is easy and straight forward, with no bleeding, and one of the objectives is guaranteed a gun scavenger hunt. There are two loop spots and both are in the entrance lobby: around the two pillars in front of the concierge, and around the two pillars on the right side of the lobby. You can also run between both loop spots without much problem. Keeping the salt in one loop spot is handy.

KurosawaDifficulty: **

Godlight: Bathroom or Library

Kurosawa is an easy, small map with the best and easiest loop in the entire game. The loop is the garden area, where you can loop any ghost that isn't Fast all game long with no difficulty. You can loop it around the wooden balconies, or balcony running into the central garden easily, and salt can be placed in the center garden for use when needed. Keeping the light in the bathroom or little libary (the room under the attic) on helps with looping further to check ghost position. The only hard part of this map is the minipuzzle looking at the pictures to open the well. You can figure that out. There are no god spots, but you don't need them. Two cabinets - one at the entrance hall, and another in the dining room/kitchen.

DeadwoodDifficulty: **

Godlight: piano room

Deadwood is a small and relatively easy map, however it is complicated by two things. First, its exorcism set is always the same: the "classic" tasks of Photo, Silhouette, Candle, and then Scroll Burning. The photo is the hardest exorcism task, as it is the most dangerous, and to complicate things Deadwood "closes" off some routes randomly when you finish the Photo, Silhouette and Candle tasks. This can result in you getting caught in a bad dead end when you do the Photo. Other than that, Deadwood is easy. Salt is best placed near the entrance between the entry foyer and the piano room. You can loop around multiple spots, from foyer to pentagram room to piano room, to sickroom, to bedroom, etc. Overall easy map, just be careful of getting trapped in a dead end. There are two cabinets, one outside the kitchen and one in the hallway leading to the painting room.

Looping Part 2

FarmhouseDifficulty: ****

Godlight: Workshop

Farmhouse is a small map, and would be easy if it were not for the exorcism task. During the final phase of the exorcism, you have to lead the ghost to the battery, and it can spawn randomly anywhere at this point, which is what makes this map dangerous. Other than that, it is easy. There are two loop routes: main foyer going upstairs, down the workshop, and back to the foyer. And workshop, going to the rear corridor, and back to the workshop. There is one god spot: the rear corridor behind the workshop is outside the ghost's usual route. There is a cabinet in the corridor between the bathroom and the workshop. If the battery you need spawns in the godspot, this is a problem as you need to bait the ghost to run to you to the battery. Easiest way is to wait for it in the god spot, then when you see it in the main foyer, show yourself and bait it to chase you to the battery. If the battery spawns in the bathroom corridor or the second floor, you can cheese the exorcism by hiding in the cabinet and waiting for it kill itself as it will eventually pass by the battery.

BedlamDifficulty: *****

Godlight: First floor switch in front of Dr. Stewart Room

Bedlam is difficult mostly because it's huge. It's not uncommon to run out of time just finding the ghost room. It also has an annoying set of puzzles for its exorcism that include an instakill mechanic if you get it wrong. But once you master the puzzles, it becomes just another big map like Hospital, but with a huge godloop that is easy to run the ghost around, and several god spots like the Kitchen, the Execution Chamber Room, and the Basement cell. The God Loop route requires some further discussion.

There is a "god loop" which is going from the God Light in front of Dr. Stuart's Room, to the second floor from the Bodega, around to the stairs near Office F, down to the main lobby and back to God Light area. In addition, if you have the God Light on, you can gauge where the ghost is once you know where the ghost room is -- that way you know where it spawns. Bedlam has a pathing issue where the ghost is confused how to get to you if you stand in the God Light spot. it will go to you from either the Office F stairs or the Bodega stairs if you stnad there, depending on where it is. If you then move backwards towards the Bodega door entrance a bit, it will get confused and turn back and go the other way. You can keep it "loop-locked" and forever backtracking in this manner if you time it right. That's why the Godlight is crucial, it lets you know the ghost's position upstairs, and helps you with the timing of when to move back and forth between these spots to confuse the ghost. You will get it with practice. Once you master this trick and the exorcism puzzles, Bedlam becomes an easy-mode map.

There are two other looping spots: the kitchen, where you run around the kitchen table, and the room heading to the execution room, there is another door at the left of the room so you can loop around it here forever.

There's also two godspots, the secret room in Marie's quest by the kitchen, and the isolation cell in the basement beside the puzzle note.

Haunted SchoolDifficulty: ****

Godlight: none

Haunted School seems a bit hard but actually I might even downgrade it to Difficulty three because it's really not that hard. It has a lot of rooms but it's smaller than Hospital and finding the ghost room isn't particularly hard. What makes this map easy are the four cabinets near the stairwells which you can hop into midchase as they are at corners that break line of sight with the ghost. If you have a decent distance between you and the ghost, you can just turn around a corner and hop into the cabinet there and you are safe unless it's an Iblis. And if it's an Iblis you're just safe, period, as the entire place is one gigantic loop and you will never run into a deadend. You can loop around the hallways forever, or you can also loop in the practical arts classroom around the desks, both are safe loops. There is no God Spot that I've found yet, but you don't need one. The only tricky part is the exorcism, you can miss the spotlight spot and if you do the person who spilled blood for the ritual dies. But once youv'e done it once it shouldn't be a problem anymore.

Early Haunters

Lastly, just a word on Early Haunters.

Early Haunters are ghosts which haunt before your sanity falls below the 50% mark. Most ghosts will only start haunting once your sanity falls below around 50% or so (some ghosts won't haunt until it's even lower). Any ghost that haunts before sanity hits 50% is an early Haunter. There are only five Early Haunter ghosts:






And technically the Gul, if you piss it off ahead of time. But that is something you control so we don't need to talk about that.

The key in Early Haunts is not to panic, and take a look at the ghost and its movement speed while haunting. This tells you a lot and you can guess what the ghost is just from that.

The Thaye and Yokai are both Pattern B. Both are also pretty fast and deadly. The Thaye being the deadliest of them all. Thayes are also very aggressive and manifest a lot before haunting. So if it's a very active ghost and you get Spirit Box, just run out of the house and get a crucifix ASAP. If it's a Thaye and it haunts early while you are inside you are pretty much screwed.

Yokai is more survivable and confines its haunt to the Witching Hour. if you didn't check the pocket watch at the start of the game (and I know most people don't) you can mistake the Yokai's active behavior from 6-8 as a Thaye, and mistake its haunt as a Thaye's Early Haunt, but it won't move as fast so you have a better chance of escaping it. But it's still very deadly and you still have a good chance of dying. But the speed is key here; you will quickly learn to distinguish between Thaye speed and Yokai speed. Once you survive the haunt, go back to base to check the pocketwatch and that will determine if it was a Yokai or a Guipo.

The Guipo is a "fake" haunter so if it haunts early and catches you, you know for sure it's a Guipo when you don't die. The problem in fact is outrunning the Guipo during its early haunt, in which case you lose out on your clue. But it's better to be safe than sorry. The Guipo is in Pattern A, and is the only early Haunter in that pattern, so it's better to try to stay alive when the Guipo haunts, and just confirm Pattern A instead of risking it and running into it during its early haunt. Guipo are above average in speed and are about as fast as a Yokai, but will fib when they get to you. The Guipo is also less active than the Yokai before its "fake haunt" and tends to haunt "out of nowhere" so that is another tell.

The Revenant is like a Guipo in that it's early haunt tends to come out of nowhere, but it moves very slowly so it's easy to avoid. Both the Revenant and the Raiju are "slow" ghosts so if the early haunter is slow, it's one of these two. Once you survive the haunt, check for stains to see whether it's Pattern C or Pattern D, and you'll know if it's a Revenant or Raiju respectively.

No other ghosts are early haunters, so getting an early haunt actually makes guessing the ghost very easy. So all in all, unless you get a Thaye, early haunts are good! And are usually a quick and easy game.


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