Main Menu
This is the main menu for the DCS World Ka-50 selected.
Instant Action- This option lets you start off flying in mid air with the aircraft.The missions are pre generated, and are in order from easy to hard. You also may select the season for each difficulty. Each mission is approximatley 30 min - 1 hour long.
Create Fast Mission- This option is alot like Instant Action, but instead of going straight into the fray, it lets you oultine parameters, then generates the mission how you like. It also gives you a chance to move or tweak anything once the mission is generated.
Training- Training missions for DCS, pretty self explanatory, I highly reccomend doing all of these missions, as DCS if a very, VERY, complicated game as it is nearly an exact simulation of flying a combat aircraft. This is especially important with the Ka-50, as flying a helicopter is much different then a plane (this is me assuming most people are accustomed to plane mechanics where the primary forces are applied at the front of the craft as opposed to the top)
Mission- Lets you select from any missions you have: Downloaded, saved or created
Campaign- Lets you play the premade campaigns. Theres actually quite a few of them, plus many many more on the DCS World user files section.
Multiplayer- Play with others. Stats are not tracked, clicking this will minimize the game and go to another screen.
Editor- Start creating a mission from a blank slate, lots of advanced functionality and features. Will let you literally replicate any military scenario accuatley and with ease.
Campaign Editor- Like the editor, but instead of creating single missions; this lets you link multiple missions together into a whole custom campaign. I reccomend you learn to use the Editor fluently before even looking at this.
Encyclopdia- List of every unit, sprite, object and anything else in DCS, along with stats, info and description.
Logbook- Profile for your SINGLE PLAYER profile. This profile and its stats are only affected by single player missions (including the editor). The pilot can die if you crash unless it is set to unvunrable. Your pilots stats, medals and achievents are shown here. This is not afffected at all in multiplayer. SO go crash there.
Options- Game options and stuff.
Exit- Self Explanitory
Starting The Helicopter
1- First, turn on the batteries using the battery switches.
2- Turn on the radio intercom using the intercom switch and the R-800 radio using switch on the wall panel.
3- Turn on the power switch to provide power to the transmission, hydraulics, and EKRAN systems [N + LALT + LCTRL + LSHIFT] and [N + LCTRL + LSHIFT].
4- Reset the Master Warning light by pressing "M"
5- Turn on the inertial navigation unit power switch to provide power to the INU .
6- Turn on the K-041 power switch on the Targeting Control panel to turn on the Targeting and Navigation System [D + LSHIFT]
7- Turn on the ABRIS power switch to turn on the ABRIS panel [0 + RSHIFT].
8- Turn on the stand-by ADI [N + RSHIFT]
9- Turn on the fire suppression system [Z + LCTRL + LSHIFT]
10-Turn on the fuel gauge [H + LCTRL + LSHIFT].
11- Set the APU shut-off valve switch to the open position [L + RCTRL + RSHIFT], [L + RALT + RCTRL + RSHIFT]
12- Turn on the forward and rear fuel tank boost pumps [A + LCTRL + LSHIFT], [D + LCTRL + LSHIFT]
13- Turn on the APU by pressing the start button [HOME].
14- Release the rotor brake [R + LSHIFT]
15- Close the cockpit door [C + RCTRL].
16- Open the left engine shut-off valve [J + RCTRL + RSHIFT] and [J + RALT + RCTRL + RSHIFT]
17- Turn on the left engine electronic governor [HOME + RCTRL], [HOME + RALT + RCTRL]
18- Turn the selector on the left panel to the Left Engine position [E]
19- Press the Start button [HOME]
20- Open the cut-off valve to the left engine [PAGE UP + RCTRL].
21- Confirm that the engine is spooling up to idle power in less than 60 seconds.
Now repeat this procedure for the right engine.
This is listed below.
22- Open the right engine shut-off valve [K + RCTRL + RSHIFT] and [K + RALT + RCTRL + RSHIFT]
23- Turn on the right engine electronic governor [END + RCTRL], [END + RALT + RCTRL]
24- Set the selector on the left panel to the Right Engine position [E]
25- Press the Start button [HOME]
26- Open the right engine cut-off valve [PAGE DOWN + RCTRL]
27- Confirm that the engine is spooling up to idle power in less than 60 seconds.
28- Shut down the APU [END]
29- Close the APU shut-off valve [L + RALT + RCTRL + RSHIFT], [L + RCTRL + RSHIFT].
30- Uncage the stand-by ADI by turning the knob counter-clockwise until it is depressed.
31- Lower the collective to its lowest position and set the engine RPM levers to the Automatic position ([PAGE-UP] twice).
32- Turn on the generators [Y + LCTRL + LSHIFT] and
34- Set the PVI mode switch to the Oper./Normal position ([V + RALT] by moving the switch left or right).
35- Power up the data link by turning on the power with the power switch [P + LCTRL + LSHIFT]
36- Turn on the data link with the data link enable switch .
37- Select the desired operating mode on the Data Link panel [M + LCTRL]
38- Set the ownship number as required .
39- Turn on the UV-26 infrared countermeasures system [C + LALT + LSHIFT], [C + LCTRL + LSHIFT] (Rear Panel)
40- Turn on the L-140 laser warning receiver [N + LCTRL] (Also on the rear panel).
21 Adjust HUD brightness as desired [H + RCTRL + RSHIFT], [H + RALT + RSHIFT].
22 Engage the bank, pitch, and yaw autopilot channels , [P + LSHIFT], [H + LSHIFT] and the ejection system (three switches) [E + RSHIFT + RCTRL + RALT], [E + RALT + RSHIFT], [R + RALT + RSHIFT], [T + RALT + RSHIFT].
23 Turn on the navigation lights [L + RALT], rotor tip lights [J + RALT], strobe light [J + RSHIFT] and formation lights [J + RCTRL].
Sorry no pretty picture with numbers like usual, I'm not as proficient with helicopters as I am with my planes, this guide is written from my notes i wrote down while doing tutorial.
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