The Citadelle Des Morts Easter egg is 3 Parts.
Unlocking & Upgrading the Swords
Unlocking the Elemental Incantations
Opening the Secret Room & Boss Fight
Unlock Pack-A-Punch
Follow the Star Symbols down to Pack-A-Punch.
Shoot the locks on the container
A Doppelghast will come out of the container.
When you kill the Doppelghast it will drop a red crystal
Pick it up and take it to the Red Energyball inside the container
This will give you the Pack-A-Punch Machine
Part 1 - Unlock & Upgrade The Swords
The First Part of this Easter egg requires the swords. You will need to unlock and Upgrade them before moving onto Part 2 - Unlock the Elemental Incantations
Step 1 - Talk To Krafft
Find the door behind Quick Revive in the Dungeon.
Interact with the door to open the hatch and talk to Krafft
Step 2 - Collect The Stamps
To start unlocking the swords, You will first need to get to round 10.
Once in round 10. a special zombie will spawn with a helmet on its head.
Once killed, the zombie will drop a stamp. Pick it up and take it to the Dining Hall with the Knights, Interact with it and it will change stances and offer you the sword.
you can only hold 1 Stamp at a time, so when one is dropped, take it to a knight so that you can unlock all the swords
Step 3 - Light/Lion Sword
Pick up the sword from the knight with the lion on its chest.
This will spawn Parasites.
when you kill one, the sword will start to glow.
Take the glowing sword to the Upper Village and melee the Door with a lion knocker on it. it will have glowing eyes.
Repeat killing the Parasite and hitting the door with a glowing sword 3 more times until there are 4 symbols on the door.
Once you have all 4 symbols on the door, interact with it and it will take you inside of a corridor with a pedestal at the end. Interact with it to place the sword inside.
Once inside, the 4 symbols will float out.
Look at the pedestal and it will display 1 of the 4 symbols.
Whichever symbol is on the pedestal. shoot the matching symbol that is floating around. repeat this for all the symbols. This will then Upgrade the sword.
Step 4 - Lightningt/Stag Sword
Pick up the sword from the knight with the Stag on its chest.
Next we need to pick up 3 lightning rods.
The first will require a gun with the deadwire ammo mod.
once you have deadwire on a weapon. head to the building with the attena on top in the Uppper Village.
Shoot the Fuse box with your deadwire weapon.
This will drop the first lightning rod.
The second lightning rod is rested on the boxes next to Deadshot Daiquiri.
The third lightning rod is dropped by an armoured zombie that spawns in the rounds.
Once you have all 3 lightning rods, head to the Hillside Ramparts and there will be a metal vase.
Place all 3 lightning rods inside. and melee it with the sword.
This will spawn a storm around the area.
stand around the vase and you will be struck by lightning, charging up the sword.
Melee the vase with the electrify sword and it will electrify the vase.
Repeat this 3 times and then interact to place the sword inside.
It will the charge it up and upgrade the sword.
Step 5 - Void/Raven Sword
Pick up the sword from the knight with the Raven armour.
Inside the Alchemical Lab, you will need to find a artefact of some sort. There are multiple different items and spots this can be in and will change every game.
if you need to check if you have it pull up the inventory and it show here.
Take the artefact to the Tavern Cellar near spawn. Find the circle mechanism on the wall, and place it inside.
Once this is done, symbols will begin to glow on the mechanism.
Place the sword inside to begin activation.
interact with the mechanism to allow you to spin the circles.
The symbols required change depending on the artefact you have. Use the bellow 2 images to match your artefact with the 2 symbols required.
Line the 2 symbols up with the arrow at the bottom of the mechanism & Submit.
When the symbols have been matched correctly, an orb will spawn from the mechanism.
This orb will follow you around, lead it to the portals on the floor.
.Once close enough the orb will get suck into the portal.
Once the portal moves more orbs will spawn and you will need to lead them to the next portal. these portals will all spawn inside the Tavern.
Once the final portal is complete, and orb will spawn out of it and make its way down to the mechanism.
Once it disappears, interact with the mechanism, and the sword will begin to upgrade.
Step 6 - Fire/Dragon Sword
Pick up the sword from the knight with the Dragon on its chest.
Interact with the dragon Statue in the Dining Hall Passage to place the sword inside.
Next is to move the fire from these cauldrons to the dragon statue. This will light you on fire and you will take damage from the flames. You will not regen health unless you get a melee kill on a zombie. Take the flame to the dragon and interact to place it inside.
The first cauldron is on the Hillside Rampart.
The second cauldron is in the Town Square.
The third cauldron is on the Nature Path.
Once all 3 cauldrons have been done, the dragon will breathe fire onto the sword and upgrade it.
Part 2 - Unlock The Elemental Incantations
This next Part is how to get the elemental incantations
Step 7 - Pegasus' Horseshoe Ritual & Electric Incantation
First head to the Hilltop area, inside the stables there will be horseshoe on top of the doorway.
Shoot it to knock it off and pick up Otto's Horseshoe.
Head over to the canon and shoot yourself out of it.
While in the air, you will get electrified.
Once you land, look up and spot the storm cloud that has spawned.
Head over to the cloud, and sitting under it will be the Pegasus' Horseshoe, Pick it up and it will spawn some zombies.
Next head to the Town Square, and you will see a yellow glowing symbol on the ground.
interact with it to start the ritual. simply kill some zombies nearby to charge it up. once done a chest on a pedestal will come out of the ground.
Once the chest is out of the ground, hit the box with the sword to open it and give you the Electric incantation.
Step 8 - Ra's Ankh Ritual & Fire Incantation
First Head up to the Hillside Ramparts, there will be 3 piles of wood that need to be burned, this can be done with the Molotov, Thermo grenade, or the fireblast from the fire sword.
The first pile of wood is above the room with elemental pop inside.
once the wood is on fire it will spit out some fireballs.
The second pile of wood is above the main gate.
The third pile of wood is behind the oil trap on the ramparts, above speed cola.
Once all 3 wood piles have been lit on fire. it wills spawn a Doppelghast.
Killing it will drop Ra's Ankh, pick it up and head down to the courtyard.
In the courtyard there will be a yellow symbol on the ground.
Place Ra's Ankh in the symbol and kill zombies to charge it up.
once done a chest on a pedestal will come out of the ground.
Once the chest is out of the ground, hit the box with the sword to open it and give you the Fire incantation.
Step 9 - Paladin's Brooch Ritual & Light Incantaion
First head to the dining hall, there you will see a glowing light above the new Vulture Aid Perk.
Shoot it and a beam of light will shine out.
Shoot the beam until the light beam coming out is solid.
once solid. Shoot the next glowing crystal that it is now in to change the angle until the next beam is solid again.
Repeating this will eventually lead the light beam to shine on a bust in the Alchemical Lab. on the bust is the Paladin's Brooch.
.Take the brooch to the main part of the dining hall and there will be a yellow symbol on the ground.
Insert the Paladin's Brooch to begin the ritual. kill some zombies to charge it up and when done a chest on a pedestal will come out of the ground.
Once the chest is out of the ground, hit the box with the sword to open it and give you the Light incantation.
Step 10 - Raven's Talon Ritual & Dark Incantation
First head to the Pack-A-Punch room, to the cave slide.
Take the cave slide down, As you are sliding there will be a raven on the right side sitting on a rock. shoot it to scare it out of the cave.
Once outside of the cave you will see a raven flying in the sky.
Shot it out of the sky and you will see the talon start to fall.
Once it has dropped. Pick up the raven claw and head down to the Undercroft.
In the Undercroft you will see another yellow symbol on the ground.
interact with it to place the Raven's Talon down and begin the ritual.
Kill some zombies to xharge it up and when done a chest on a pedestal will come out of the ground.
Once the chest is out of the ground, hit the box with the sword to open it and give you the Dark Incantation.
Part 3 - Opening The Secret Room
This is the final steps to start the boss fight.
Step 11 - Revealing & Solving The Code Wall
In the undercroft, on one of the walls you will see this area of bricks.
Melee it with Melee Machiatto to reveal the wall of symbols.
Next head into the tavern, here you will see some jugs with roman numerals on them 1-6.
interact with the jug to reveal a symbol. This will change each game so be sure to mark down what Roman numeral matches its symbol.
The order of the symbols is the order of the roman numerals.
Once you have noted down all the symbols and the order they go in, head back down to the code wall in the Undercroft.
Shoot the symbols on the wall in order. The wall will rotate images periodically. if you shoot the wrong one, simply shoot 6 and on the next rotation it will reset.
When done correctly the wall will glow red.
A red ball will come out of the wall and reveal a book to the left of the wall.
Step 12 - Book Pages
First head to the sitting rooms, here you will see torn pages from the book with red symbols on them. These pages can spawn within the inner room or the corridor around it.
Once you have all 4 pages, head back down to the Undercroft and place the pages in the book.
The Symbols match different traps around the map.
Do these in order from Top left, Bottom Left, Top Right, Bottom Right.
Go to the corresponding trap and activate it. Kill some zombies inside and it will disappear once it is charged up.
Once you've done a trap the symbol in the book will no longer glow.
Repeat this for all the symbols. until all the symbols in the book are no longer glowing.
Step 13 - Obtain The Mystic Orb
First head to the Undercroft Stairway.
Here you will see some symbols on the wall.
The symbols will change order every game.
To open the room, head to the Sword Statue of the first symbol. (in this case electric)
Hold the matching sword and use the matching incantation on the knight.
While the incantation effect is on the statue inspect the sword.
if done correctly the knight will salute.
And then begin to glow.
Repeat this process in order of the symbols from the Undercroft Stairway.
Once all 4 knights have been done, Shoot 4 beams out into the centre.
Once the Orb reaches the ground. you can pick up the next item we need, The Mystic Orb.
Step 14 - Charge The Mystic Orb
To charge the mystic orb 4 elemental challenges will need to be completed in any order.
Fire Elemental Challenge
This is one of the easiest.
First head to the courtyard. On the opposite side to the Chest there is a mechanism on the wall.
Place the Mystic Orb inside and begin the challenge. The orb will begin to glow red.
Simply get Fire elemental kills close to the ball to complete the challenge.
Once complete there will be a small red ball orbiting the Mystic Orb.
Light Elemental Challenge
Head into the dining hall, up the stairs there is another Mystic Ball Holder.
Place the Mystic Orb inside and begin the challenge. The orb will begin change to a 4 layered glowing Orb.
This will spawn some large green orbs withing the Dining Hall.
Simply Stand inside the Green Orb and it will cause an orb to float out and towards the Mystic Orb in the holder.
Once enough orbs have floated into the Mystic Orb. It will add a small yellow orb orbiting the Mystic Orb.
Dark Elemental Challenge
Head into the Undercroft, on the left of the glowing chest on the pedestal there is another Mystic Ball Holder.
Place the Mystic Orb inside and begin the challenge. The orb will begin to blow purple.
To complete this challenge, get void kills that cause zombies to be sucked into the void. This is easiest done with the Dark sword special skill.
Once enough void kills have been completed, the Mystic Orb will have a small purple ball orbiting it.
Electric Elemental Challenge
Head to the town square, the Mystic Orb holder is next to the archway on the left of the giant statue.
Place the Mystic Orb inside and begin the challenge, the orb will change to an orb of electricity.
To complete this challenge, get electric kills. once complete there will be a blue glowing ball orbiting the Mystic Orb.
Step 15 - Open The Secret Room
Now that the orb is fully charged, head to the Undercroft Stairway where the symbols were on the wall and place the charged Mystic Orb in the centre.
After a few seconds. The symbols will dissapear and the wall will start to shift, opening the room.
Interact with the cylinder on the table, to spawn a ghost and being some dialouge.
You can listen if you want, or just grab the Guardian Key from the table.
Head to the Town square with the large statue in the cenre.
At the front of the statue there is a place for the guardian key to go.
Place the guardian key inside and this will now allow you to start the boss fight.
Before beginning the boss fight it is recommended to have a Pack-A-Punch level 3 LMG or Assault Riffle as these will do the best damage to the boss.
A Ray gun will be good for clearing zombies inside the fight and some your Monkey Bombs & Mutant Injection will be useful for if the team or you get into some trouble
Step 16 - Boss Fight
Once the team votes to begin the boss fight, the Statue will leap off the platform and teleport everyone into a different room.
Phase One The first part of this fight is prety straight forward. Avoid The Guardian and shoot it in the back.
This will cause it to expose weak spots that do more damage.
Once the first phase is complete The Guardian will walk into the centre and become immune.
Phase TwoOnce The Guardian is immune, keep killing zombies and survive until it is ready to fight again.
The arena will shrink a little with lava coming in slightly closer to the centre.
During this phase the boss will leap at you and shoot fireballs now.
Keep shooting at The Guardian, finding the exposed weak spots or exposing new ones by breaking them open.
Once the second phase is complete The Guardian will walk into the centre and become immune again.
Phase ThreeOnce The Guardian is immune, keep killing zombies and survive until it is ready to fight again.
The arena will shrink again with lava coming in slightly closer to the centre.
During phase three, the chest on The Guardian will open up allowing you to do more damage.
Keep doing damage and wearing it down.
After you have killed The Guardian, he will explode.
This will cause an item to drop.
Once you pick it up this is the easter egg complete. it will give you a cut scene and allow you to continue the game if you want to.
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