Open Nvidia control panel and hit the add button.
Choose "cod.exe" to modify it in Nvidia control panel. If you don't know the location,
finding the file path can be done by right clicking COD, [properties], [installed files], and hitting [Browse...]
Settings you modify. Just do it, as there was no loss in quality when I tried, just stopped the stuttering.
- Monitor Technology: set to Gsync, or Gsync compatible
- Power management: set to Prefer maximum performance
- Preferred Refresh rate: set to HIGHEST AVAILABLE
- Texture filtering Anisotropic sample optimization: set to ON
- Texture filtering Quality: set to High Performance
- Texture filtering Trilinear optimization: set to ON
- Virtual reality pre-rendered frames: set to 2
Idk why, but just do it, especially if it means its part of the fix.
Make sure hardware acceleration is on on GRAPHICS SETTINGS for windows settings.
Add COD.exe to windows graphics settings and set it to High Performance.
Thats pretty much it. Now your stuttering should be fixed like mine was.
You can also set the cod process to high priority in task manager if it helps too. After I followed those steps I could finally play the game, and play at max settings again, and never encountered a fps stutter or massive fps drop.
Hope it helps and credit to the video creator "Gaming Problems Solved" as I would have just stopped playing the game forever if it werent for your video. Thank you.
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