Hello and welcome to another achievement guide written by myself, I have completed this game on the Xbox already, but decided to replay it on the PC to get all the achievements here.
This time we're taking a look at Borderlands, published by 2K Games (same ones as Bioshock and UT3) - so should be a goodun'.
Anyway, moving swiftly on to the numbers and DLC etc. Ofcourse, these numbers are across all guides - but this is my personal view on the achievements and their difficulty.
Achievement Difficulty - 5-8/10
Completion Time - 60-70 Hours(Single), 50-60 Hours(Co-Op)
Achievements - 50
DLC Achievements - 30
Zombie Island DLC - 5
Underdome - 5
Secret Amory DLC - 10
Claptrap's New Robot Revolution DLC - 10So let's get on with the guide and get another perfect game.
Questing Achievements
We now take a look at the achievements that you can get questing and just doing the correct stuff.
Paid in FyrestoneComplete 5 missions in the Arid Badlands.
This achievement you can't actually miss, you'll end up doing a minimum of 5 missions anyway.
Made in FyrestoneComplete all missions in the Arid Badlands.
You need to complete all the missions within the first area, there are 44 quests that are given to you. Clap-trap quests also count, Bounty-Board quests as well.
Paid in New HavenComplete 5 missions in the Rust Commons.
You can't miss this achievement either, you'll do a minimum of 5 quests anyway.
Made in New HavenComplete all missions in the Rust Commons.
You need to complete all missions in the Commons, this includes all Clap-trap quests, NPC quests etc.
Discovering Achievements
We'll start with the location achievements, you'll get this naturally overtime and these cannot be missed.
Discovered Skag GullyDiscover Skag Gully.
Story Related, you can't miss this.
Discovered Sledge's Safe HouseDiscover Sledge's Safe House.
Story Related, you can't miss this.
Discovered Headstone MineDiscover Headstone Mine.
Story Related, you can't miss this.
Discovered Trash CoastDiscover Trash Coast.
Story Related, you can't miss this.
Discovered The ScrapyardDiscover The Scrapyard.
Story Related, you can't miss this.
Discovered Krom's CanyonDiscover Krom's Canyon.
Story Related, you can't miss this.
Discovered Crimson Lance EnclaveDiscover Crimson Lance Enclave.
Story Related, you can't miss this.
Discovered Eridian PromontoryDiscover Eridian Promontory.
Story Related, you can't miss this.
Level-Up Achievements
Now for the level up achievements, these cannot be missed, obviously. However, I have read that it can be quite difficult to achieve this in one playthrough, so once you have finished, simply start a new game with your high level character and away you go.
Ding! NewbieEarn level 5.
Ding! NoviceEarn level 10.
Ding! ExpertEarn level 20.
Ding! HardcoreEarn level 30.
Ding! SleeplessEarn level 40.
Ding! ChampionEarn level 50.
So once you reach these, thats another set of achievements to add to the list.
Kill X Enemies Achievements
For these achievements, you need to kill a certain number of enemies with certain weapons.
Face MelterKill 25 enemies with corrosive weapons.
You will naturally find a weapon that has the corrosive ability, this may be a gun or a grenade. Simply equip it and kill 25 enemies with it.
1.21 GigawattsKill 25 enemies with shock weapons.
Same as above, as soon you find a weapon with the shock ability, equip it and kill 25 enemies.
PyroKill 25 enemies with incendiary weapons.
Same as above, as soon you find a weapon with the incendiary ability, equip it and kill 25 enemies.
Master ExploderKill 25 enemies with explosive weapons.
Use the rockets on the vehicle to get this achievement.
The next few achievements you'll have to make seperate players for and get them each to level 5, the four classes are:
Truly OutrageousKill an enemy with the Siren's action skill.
Once you reach level 5, you unlock a skill point and you're then able to start putting skill points in the tree. You first unlock the action skill. I use a Xbox 360 controller, so press the LB button to activate the skill - get one kill and this'll unlock.
Careful, He BitesKill 15 enemies with the Hunter's action skill.
As above, except you must kill 15 enemies.
Reckless AbandonKill 15 enemies with the Beserker's action skill.
As above, except you must kill 15 enemies.
Down in Front!Kill 15 enemies with the Soldier's action skill.
As above, except you must kill 15 enemies.
The next few achievements are 'secret' ones, however, they're quite easy to unlock - simply kill the enemy or do the task - they are all story related and so they cannot be missed.
Wanted: SledgeKill Sledge.
This guy is a melee character, he really wants to get in your face and smash you to bits. Keep your distance from him and snipe his head, easy. If there are two of you, one of you can be the bait.
Wanted: KromKilled Krom.
This was horrible, I realised now that I was a few levels too low. He mow's you down with his turret, so you really don't want to fight him close and personal. I waited until he stopped firing, took a few shots at him from behind some cover and continued that way.
Wanted: FlyntKilled Flynt.
This fight starts out with the guy surrounded by a lot of friends. I suggest you wipe them out first and then start fighting him. Keep safe, you should be ok.
Destroyed the HiveKilled the Rakk Hive.
Easy easy, aim for its eyes to get critical hits.
Destroyed The DestroyerKilled the Vault Boss.
You can's miss this either, keep your distance as to avoid the tentacle. Aim for his eyes, easy.
Get A Little Blood on the TiresKill 25 enemies by ramming them with any vehicle
Through natural progression of the main story, once you've done the Catch-A-Ride in Fyrestone quest, you'll have access to vehicle's. Simply run over 25 little rat things and job done.
Rootinest, Tootinest, ShootinestKill 5 Rakk in under 10 seconds
I got this achievement in Skag Gully. They travel in packs of 5 or so, wait for them to attack you and they're pretty easy to shoot down. You can also get this achievement during the Rakk Hive fight, but you should have it by then.
Co-Op Achievements
These achievements can be done in Co-Op, but can also be done in offline split screen.
Can't We Get BEYOND Thunderdome?Win an arena match
You can do this online or via split screen. Just win an arena match at a designated location, there is one near the start in Fyrestone.
Duel-iciousWin a duel against another player
Simply win a duel and you got it.
Group LF HealerRescue a groupmate from death in a co-op game
Either online Co-Op or splitscreen, when a comrade falls an is near death, run to them and hold X (Xbox 360 Controller) to revive them.
There's No "I" In "Team"Complete 15 missions in co-op
You can do this online or via splitscreen, just progress naturally to unlock this.
DuelinatorWin a duel without taking damage
Again, online or splitscreen. Just have one guy idle and the other win.
United We StandDefeated the Rakk Hive, the Vault Boss, Sledge, Krom, or Flynt in a co-op game
You need to defeat either one of these bosses either in Co-Op or split screen to unlock.
And They'll Tell Two FriendsPlay in a co-op game with either an employee of Gearbox or someone who has this achievement
This is a viral achievement that MUST BE DONE ONLINE. You need to play with another player who has the achievement already. Nothing that a quick message to the Steam forum will sort.
Misc. Achievements
As with every game, there are achievements that just simply make you smile..Borderlands is no different.
My Brother is an Italian PlumberKill an enemy by stomping on its head
This can be achieved very early on, simply weaken an enemy and then jump on its head - easier to do it with those mole things (Oh how I loath them..).
Speedy McSpeedertonRace around the Ludicrous Speedway in under 31 seconds
As you progress through the story, you'll eventually reach Dahl Headlands. Once there, find a place called Skagzilla and just to the left is a race track. If you're in Co-Op, you can both get the achievement. Complete the track in under 31 seconds.
Pandora-dog MillionaireEarn $1,000,000
This'll come over time, just be patient and keep collecting money from fallen foe's. You can view your progress in the challenges menu.
FenceSell 50 guns to a shop
You'll get this through natural progression as well, just sell stuff that you don't need and find and you'll get it. I hear med kits count as well, but I personally didn't see those. Progress can be tracked in the challenges menu.
Weapon AficionadoReach proficiency level 10 with any weapon type
You'll get this achievement over time, just make sure that when you or your partner kill enemies, that the weapon you have out is the one that you want to get more proficient in.
There are some who call me...TimEquip a class mod for your character
You can get this achievement early on as well, before you leave Fyrestone infact. You are required to bring Dr.Zed an object and in turn, he'll reward you with a class mod. Simply equip it in the inventory.
Fully LoadedRescue enough Claptraps to earn 42 inventory slots
There are various locations throughout where you must rescue Claptraps. I found a guide written online by Fizzmatrix showing the locations - I do not own this guide, so all credit is to be directed towards him - the guide is here[] .
12 Days of PandoraMastered the technology of Pandora
This is reference to the 12 days of Christmas, you must get a certain number of kills with each weapon - more specifically.
12 Assault Rifle kills
11 Pistol kills
10 Shotgun kills
9 SMG kills
8 Sniper Rifle kills
7 Melee kills
6 Critical Hit kills
5 Explosive kills
4 Shock kills
3 Incendiary kills
2 Corrosive kills
1 Grenade killThis challenge can be tracked in the challenge list.
You're on a boat!I bet you never thought you'd be here.
As you come upon the Treachers Landing, you need to immediately open up your map. Look on the far right hand side and you'll see a lone dock, go to that dock and hop on the boat and you'll get the achievement.
You call this archaeology?Apply an elemental artifact
Apparently, these drop randomly from enemies when you kill them, but you also get them from doing quests later on in the story, simply equip it and you'll get the achievement.
DLC : Zombie Island
First of all the DLC is Zombie Island, a personal win for me really as I love zombies!!1111
All of these achievements are mission based and so you shouldn't have much problem in unlocking all of these. One achievement may take you some time to do, but hopefully not to much.
House of the NedComplete 'House of the Ned'
This achievement is story related and you cannot miss it.
Jakobs FodderCompleted the 'Jakobs Fodder' mission
Story related and you cannot miss it.
Night of the Living NedKilled Ned...sort of]
Story related, you cannot miss this.
Ned's Undead, BabyKilled Ned. Again.
Story related, you cannot miss this.
Braaaaaaaaaaaaains!Completed the 'House of the Ned' Mission
This achievement will take the longest to complete, although, I recommend playing on multiplayer because then the sum of all of the players collected brains count. There is no point in collecting them now, you should collect them once you've activated the quest as they don't count before. To activate this quest, you need to return a wooden leg to TK Zombie (yes thats right, a zombie). To find his leg, you need to head to the south west of the map in Hallows End and the leg will be sat on a porch for you, enter the building with the leg and you'll find old zombie chops inside. He will then give you 5 different missions, just tiered of one.
Collect 10 Brains
Collect 25 Brains
Collect 50 Brains
Collect 100 Brains
Collect 250 BrainsTo get brains, you must headshot the zombie - either blow their face off with a sniper rifle or smash a shotgun shell in it. You must complete this quest in the tiers it says, so once you have found 10, you must return to trigger the next one.
DLC : Underdome
Another quirky little DLC, shouldn't be too hard to get all of these.
Small TournamentComplete the Prove Yourself mission
This is the first quest that you get, you need to complete all 5 rounds to get this. Each round lasts anywhere between 20 and 50 minutes.
The GullyReach the end of the larger challenge in The Gully coliseum
You need to complete the mega challenge for a specific area. This challenge consists of 20 rounds which are split into 5 waves. Each arena takes roughly 2-3 hours to complete.
Hell-BurbiaReach the end of the larger challenge in the Hell-Burbia coliseum
This achievement can be earned by following 'The Gully'.
The Angelic RuinsReach the end of the larger challenge in The Angelic Ruins coliseum
Again, see 'The Gully' achievement.
Big TournamentReach the end of each of the 3 larger challenges with one character
This achievement is going to be the longest one to do, you must complete all the other three arena's so it'll take some time. You must also complete them with the same character to unlock the achievement, happy hunting.
DLC : Secret Armory
With the last 2 DLC's they have been fairly short and not that rewarding (5 achievements), this DLC is the first with 10 achievements to unlock!
Making a MonsterBuild the New Car: Monster
You get this achievement for completing the 'Grease Monkey' quest in TK's junk yard. You will start this quest and be given it from Scooter after you complete his other quest, 'Boost the Monster'. You must find three parts scattered around.
The exhaust pipe is found attached to a car thats crashed into a pole, near Zed.
The supercharger is found almost in the dead center of the map behind a small shack.
The nitrous oxide tank can be found near Marcus' place.
Sneaky Little BuggersKill each of the loot midgets
Loot midgets are strong little annoying buggers that try and kill you by jumping out and scaring you half to death. They come in five varieties and can be found in multiple locations, however, below is where you will find each of the core ones.
Mini Steve: Go to Lockdown Palace and check our normal red weapon chests.
Dumpster Diver: In the area where you kill Motorhead, check the dumpsters.
Crimson Shorty: Found just before the Armory in one of the Crimson Lance Chests.
Truxican Wrestler: Found in one of the lockers at the beginning of Lockdown Palace.
Meat Popsicle: Found either in the midget village or in the lowest portion of T-Bone Junction, you'll find him in a fridge.
Athena, OutRescue Athena
Athena is locked up in prison and you need to defeat a guy called Mr. Shank. This guy is a melee fighter and its recommended bursting his shield down with a shock weapon, then firing him up. Once he's dead, pick up the PTD and then make your way to Athena's cell (you'll have to fight). You then hand the PTD over to Athena and she hands the achievement to you.
Depot DemolitionDestroy the Lance Depot
Your ultimate goal here is to kill General Knoxx and blow up the armory, the code to the armory is Blue, Yellow, Cyan, Orange . He has a team of medics that like to heal him and they do so very quickly, make sure you focus these when they are around. I have read that there are a lot of glitches in this DLC with the armory shutting, so if this is the case, make sure the following conditions are met.
Don't quite out of the game when you're in the elevator shaft, watch the credits first.
Don't have the quests "Super Marcus Sweep" or "It's Like Christmas" in your quest log.
VincibleKill Crawmerax the Invincible
This is a mighty crab, very difficult to do, especially on single player let alone multiplayer. He is level 64 and his minions will attack you too, the key to defeating him is "sharing the load", so try not to have one teammate too focused by him as he'll kill you in like one hit. Destroy the 6 purple spots on his body to bring him down for some very nice loot!
Speed KillsDestroy a Lancer while in a Racer
Racers are the vehicle that you can drive around in the normal game whilst Lancers are exclusive to this DLC, they are like tanks to be honest. The easiest way to get this achievement is to grab a race and head to 'The Ridgeway', once there head down the ramp and at the bottom you'll see a Lancer, fire some rockets at it and be careful if it attacks you back, once destroyed you have another achievement.
Ding! OverleveledReach Level 51
You should get this achievement early on in the DLC, if you've followed the guide above, you should be on playthrough 2, so you will be high level anyway. I would recommend getting to the start of the DLC at around level 52 or 53, becuase the DLC is quite hard.
Ding! Overleveled to 11Reach Level 61
You can't get no higher than this, the total experience points that you need is 5,985,083. YThe exp that you earn from the main campaign is added to this as well as the experience from the DLC. If you're struggling I can suggest a method that I've tried, gang up and keep killing Crawmerax's minions, they give shed loads of experience points.
CompletionistComplete all missions in Secret Armory
I've sorted the missions into their locations in the DLC, there are a load that you can complete just by doing the story, happy hunting - please note that in the playthrough of your DLC, you must complete all quests to get the achievement.
T-Bone Junction
Scooter? But I Don't Even Know Her.
Boost the Monster
You've Got Moxxi: Roadblock
Bridging the Gap
Code Breaker: Analysis
Greasemonkey Big Crimson Brother is Watching (Bounty Board)
Power Leech
Difter Lifter
Road Rage
You. Will. Die
Circle of Duty: New Recruit
Mop Up
Wanted: Dead!
Core Collection
Local Trouble
Super-Marcus Sweep
The ♥♥♥♥♥ is Payback
The ♥♥♥♥♥ is Payback Part 2
It's Like Christmas!
Knoxxed Out The Crimson Tollway
You've Got Moxxi: Moxxi's Red Light Deep Fathoms
Armory Assault Moxxi's Red Light
Prison Break: Road Warrior
Stain Removal
Thrown for a Loop The Ridgeway
Prison Break: Over the Wall
Code Breaker: Time is Bullets Sunken Sea
Prison Break: Try Not to Get Shanked
Athena Set Up Us the Bomb Pond Shack
Purple Juice!
Little People, Big Experiements Lockdown Palace
Claptrap Resue: Lockdown Palace Circle of Duty
Circle of Duty: Cadet
Circle of Duty: Private
Circle of Duty: Corporal
Circle of Duty: Sergeant
Circle of Duty: Medal of Duty Road's End
Lost Lewts Crimson Armory
Loot Larceny
Sucker born every minutePaid for a worthless tour of the world's largest bullet
This achievement can be firs tobtained whilst you're doing the 'Code Breaker: Time is Bullets' mission. You need to travel to the Sunken Sea, near the Vehicle Station and a Shop. You need to enter the village which has a sign 'Worlds Largest Bullet', once you go under the sign, head straight to the shack in front of you and once the tour begins, you'll earn the achievement, you need alot of cash to do it though.... 8 million.
DLC : Claptrap's New Robot Revolution
The second of the 10 achievement DLC's.
TouristFind all 6 Claptrap Statues
There are 6 statues, as the achievement says, that yo need to find in the new area.
Sanders Gorge: This is near a few vending machines just as you enter the area.
Tartarus Station: You'll find it along the path.
Dividing Faults: As soon as you enter this location, the statue is immediately in front of you.
Hyperion Dump: Once you've collected the clap-components for Tannis, it will be right in front of you, near some speakers.
Scorched Snake Canyon: Once you've entered this location, make an immediate left and go down a small set of stairs and take a quick left and you'll find it.
Wayward Pass: Once you've defeated the Knoxx-trap again, the status will be located outside.
Muerte la robo-luciónKill the INAC
This is the final boss in the DLC, you need to kill him to get this achievement.
The CollectorComplete a crazy request for Tannis
This achievement is very similar to the one in the Zombie Island DLC., you have to collect a number of components to complete this. So here are the numbers for each part.
42 Components
75 Components
100 Components
150 Components
The LubricatorFind 25 oil cans
Oil cans can be found from the clap-traps that you kill, they dont drop all the time ,but frequently enough.
Bobble-TrapCollect 15 claptrap bobbleheads
You get these for killing the claptraps.
It's so realistic!Collect 5 3D glasses
Just the same as before.
What a party!Collect 3 panties, 5 fish in a bag and15 pizzas
Exactly the same as the previous achievements.
Now time for the secret achievements now.....
Knoxx-TrapKnoxx is at rest...finally
This comes through natural story progression through the DLC, this does not unlock after you meet Knoxx the first time, but after you see him the second.
Ned-TrapKilled Ned...again and again and again
Just the same as above, you'll get it the second time you fight him.
Steele-TrapThe Commandant is dead-trap
Just as above.. kill the Commandant a second time.
Closing Remarks
Borderlands is an excellent game to play with friends or by yourself. The game notices instantly when you're playing with a friend and increases the difficulty, which it should - this simulates that you're basically playing alone which is a really good feature.
The game is long and you definitely find yourself plenty to do, one major drawback that I found with the game and even more annoying with friends is how quickly the enemies respawn. I can understand if you travel to a new area and then back that they should be there, but for example, right at the beginning - once you talk to Zed and leave the compound, to your right are some Bandits, I killed them and went back to Zed, just as I was leaving to go out again, they were already attacking me, far to quick for my liking.
I can't really comment on the graphics as I still don't know how I feel about them, they're sharp but still a little weird as they're not how normal graphics are. It would be interesting to play this game with normal graphics, but I feel that would take away the very nature of the game, I think it was designed that way for a reason.
Anyway, the 80 achievements is definitely challenging and you've got your work cut out for you, no idea how long I spent on this, but it was countless hours, I know that much. Happy hunting!
*Note - The pictures used to describe the achievements are from the Global Steam Achievements Page.
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