Some Hints/Solutions


Most of the hints are meant to nudge you in the right direction, rather than directly tell you how to beat the level

This guide focuses on the areas not covered in the other guides, see them for early-mid game hints

I'll use quotes when I'm referring to text, and no quotes when referring to objects

Feel free to comment anything I should correct or add (especially if I mess up the quotes)

I'll work on the guide every couple of days

Volcanic Cavern

Level 1 - Mouse HoleYou can't get the key out of the corner with only Baba...

You might need to get the rock out of that hallway

The key swaps places with the first thing it touches, so you can't push the rock into it

But what if the key landed on the same spot as the rock?

Level 2 - TourBaba dies to lava, Keke dies to fire

If only you could be Baba and Keke at the same time

Spacebar to wait

Level 3 - Peril at Every Turn"Push" is used to push, not as part of a sentence

Level 4 - FireplaceWhat happens if Keke is skull?

Somehow you need to stop the ghost from moving "win"

I'm not really sure how to give this as a subtle hint, so the next spoiler is the solution

You need to push your Keke to the top, then change Keke to skull. Go below your skull, then wait for it to swap with you. Move downwards so that you swap with the skull, then it moves to swap with you. This keeps the skull in place, giving the other skull time to move win upwards.

Level 5 - Torn ApartGroup is a not a normal noun

Anything in group has the same properties...

If you can't use text to remove the lava, what can you use?

Level 6 - Vital IngredientsThis level would be a lot easier with more "is"s

Somehow you need to get the skull and the bat to open the doors

Maybe you could put the nouns in group at the same time as giving them properties?

But when you push them both past the belt, you can't use one of them because it's against the wall

If only they were on the same tile...

Level 7 - BackstageToday, Keke learns about the force of gravity

Oftentimes you should look at your endgoal first: how do you make "flag is win"?

Somehow you need to get Keke to push "is win" to the side

You can't push Keke to the right part of the level, but maybe if Keke fell down there...

You want to prevent Keke from falling too far though!

You'll need to make "Keke is you" eventually, but do you move "Baba is you" to the right?

You need to move "Baba is you" before Keke pushes "is win"

Level 8 - The Heist"On" is a huge help on this level

Why are there "flag"s if there are no flags?

Text is float, so it won't teleport

How do we get text into the bottom half of the level?

You can't change fire into a different noun, so what can you change?

Thankfully one of the "is"s is redundant...

Level 9 - Join the CrewHow can we defeat the bats?

Level 10 - AutomatonWe can't change any of the nouns to other nouns, so how do we control me and box?

Ice has flag, so you'll need to melt is somehow

You might want to get past the statues before they become defeat

You need to control an object and give it hot at the same time

Level 11 - Trick DoorYou need to open ghost with key

We can get ghost past the trick door, but how do we get ghost and key on the same space?

Is there a way to get past ghost after pushing it up to the wall?

You need to use every word in the first room

Level 12 - TrappedWalls defeat you if you face them, but not if you walk by their side

How do we get next to the wall in order to get to "flag"?

You have to shift the boxes around somehow

Try making "Baba is shift" at the same time as teleporting

Level 13 - TunnelYou need to use all of the words

If only you were immune to the skulls

This level reminds me of level 2 in this area

Level 14 - Broken ExpectationsLook at the rules carefully

You probably messed up the "Flag is win" earlier. You might need two words on the same space later...

Somehow you need "text" and "is" on the same space

Extra 1 - CoronationYou can't win with rock, so you have to win with text

You need to use "text is swap" to get on the same space

You need to change "text is swap" to "text is win" at the same time that a text lands on you

Try putting "swap" on the rock


Extra 1 - Metacognition"Word" is a neat new word

You need to open the door with key

Maybe the keys could be used as words?

Extra 2 - MultitoolRock is word

This level would be easier with a second rock

Extra 3 - BrokenYou can't push text, so you need to make a sentence using rock

What is a way you can break up "text is not push" other than pushing the text?

"Ice is tele" is of particular interest

Extra 4 - AlleyYou need to make "water is push" and "rock is push" at the same time to get to the right part of the level

In order to remove water, water needs to not be push

In order to win, you need to break both push sentences

In order to break the bottom push sentence, you might need to sink something

Extra 5 - Keke and the StarThe only way to win is if Keke is you

You need to avoid the skulls somehow

If only there were two "Baba"s...

Extra 6 - Visiting BabaTo get across the water, you need to use both the fungus and the rocks

Going to the water breaks up "fungus is push", so maybe you should try making that sentence somewhere else

You don't have room to make both "rock is push" and "fungus is push", so is there a different way to make both sentences?

Extra 7 - Automated DoorsWIP

A - Rocky PrisonI wonder waht "all" does?

What if you could control everything?

You gotta bust "win" out of those walls

Water is sink

B - SiegeYou need more rocks to cross the water

Baba is multiplying like rabbits

Sorry, bad joke, I know

You need to run faster than the belt

C - Elusive ConditionThanks KubeRoot for the solution

You want to stop spawning stars with the hand ASAP

"Hand is hand"

D - TreasuryHow many keys should you make?

You only need one rock

Maybe the rock can prevent the keys from entering certain spaces...

You can break "rock is push" after making enough keys

E - Looking for a HeartWhat a lovely level

You know what they say, love can get you past any door

Try "rock is all"

There is a way to get "is" back after making "rock is all"

F - Lava Flood"Flag is melt" is a bit too far to break in time

What stops lava from spreading?

G - EntropyYou gotta open the walls

You can use "rock has rock" to your advantage

You need the rocks to be on separate spaces in order to win

H - FloodgatesWall is push

You can make "star is more" for just one turn, so you have time to push stuff around

You can block the stars with text too

I - Lonely Sight"More" is your best friend on this level

"Baba on Baba" is your second best friend on this level

You need to get a rock, a love, and a flag on the same spot


Level 1 - ShuffleI wonder how lonely works...

Maybe you could do something to skull

Level 2 - Love at First SightJust a pair of lovebirds❤

Maybe they'll help you cross the rubble

And then you can KILL THEM

Hmm, I guess you can't kill both

If you can't reach flag, how else can you win?

Level 3 - SolitudeObviously "lonely key is open" is not going to help you

You need to push the rock down to get rid of the water

Maybe "lonely" could help you get past the rock

Level 4 - What is Baba?Cliff is not stop

Once "Baba is you", the level is easy

Try to use Baba to push "is"

Level 5 - ConnectorYou can't use "is" to get "sun" out of that room, but you can use something else...

Sun needs to be shut in order to open it

How do we make "Baba is you" at the same time as "Sun is shut"?

Try to use Baba to move around text

Level 6 - Floaty PlatformsYou need to build a bridge to reach door and key

You can break "rock is push" to get to the bottom part of the level

You can use text to push objects

Level 7 - Seeking AcceptanceYou will use the bird a lot in this level

You need to use all the text on this level

Flag is push

Try to get the bird to push you across to the other set of tiles

Level 8 - Tectonic Movements

Extra 1 - The Floatiest PlatformsWIP

Planned Sections



Some of the secret levels


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