How To Play This Mysterious Levelpack
Step 1: Download the levelpack via this link
Step 2: Unzip the levelpack.
Step 3: Using your big brain, move the unzipped folder into the correct folder.
Step 4: If you are unable to do step 3, then your first puzzle is to figure out how to do step 3.
Step 5: Play the levelpack.
The First Level, And Refresher 1-6
Da Hub. Level 1: Baba Is You And MoreHere's how this is going to work. Before I give you any hints or solutions to a level, you'll be forced to suffer through my witty commentary. This should be a reasonable trade off for not being able to solve a level on your own. In addition, I will provide a difficulty rating between 1 and 10. Keep in mind, this difficulty rating is from a creator's view, so just assume it is flavour text.
Difficulty: 0
This is the first level. To get stuck on this level would imply that you have played through the entire game of Baba Is You and still weren't satisfied with the amount of levels, downloaded this levelpack correctly, and then got stuck on this level.
Hint: You seriously do not need a hint for this level. If you need a hint, perhaps refer to ANY other level other than this one that is within the main game.
Greater Hint: Okay fine, I suppose it is a tiny bit possible to get stuck. That's fine. For example, you don't really have a lot of room to move the text around, so the biggest challenge is actually making Flag Is Win. You might have to move some text to get a little extra space to move around.
Solution: I assume you are reading this for the fun of it. Anyways, move Baba Is You And Not W I N out of the way as much as possible and then make Flag Is Win using the available text.
Difficulty: 0
I promise that the levels will get more difficult than this. Enjoy the warm up while it lasts.
Hint: It might be a little gruelling, but you should be able to find an extra letter somewhere.
Greater Hint: I hope you aren't forgetting that text can be both vertical and horizontal.
Solution: Using the mighty power of letters, you should be able to forge both "Baba Is You" and "Flag Is Win" at the same time.
Difficulty: 0.3
Oooo, things are getting difficult now. A full 0.3 increase in difficulty.
Hint: Try moving the text with Baba using the directional buttons on your keyboard/controller.
Greater Hint: You are going to need to push the text into a convenient position so you can easily push that cup to where you need it.
Solution: Push the "Is" so it falls. Then push the "Push" so it falls. Then push the "Push" again so it falls. Then push the "Is" so it falls. Then push the "Is" again so it falls. Then push the "Cup" so it makes "Cup is Push." After that, all you have to do is push the cup to victory. Keep in mind, the cup only has to be near the flag, not on the flag.
Difficulty: 0.6
Twice as difficult as the last puzzle.
Hint: Something needs to be you and win at the same time.
Greater Hint: Pulling text is great and all, but at what point is it just an annoyance?
Ultimate Hint: You need to make "Keke Is You" and "Keke Is Win" at the same time.
Answer: Pull "Keke Is Win" all the way down. Then pull the "Is" and "Win" out. Move "Is" and "Win" somewhere out of the way but not on a wall. Next pull the "Keke" out so it is not near a wall or the edge of the level. Finally pull the "Is" out from "Text Is Push And Pull." Now all you have to do is arrange the text so you have the rules "Keke Is You" and "Keke Is Win."
Difficulty: 1.9
Actually pretty tricky but nothing you shouldn't be able to handle.
Hint: Something needs to be you and win at the same time.
Greater Hint: Pulling "text" is great and all, but at what point is it just an annoyance?
Ultimate Hint: Find a way to set it up so text is you and win at the same time.
Answer: Pull "Text Is Push And Pull" out of the way as much as you can and then pull "Keke Is Win" down as much as you can. Pull all the text from "Keke Is Win" so that none of it is near a wall or edge. Next, pull the "Text" out from "Text Is Push And Pull" and create the rule "Text Is Pull" using the text you have available. From there, you should be able to figure out how to make the rules "Text Is Win" and "Text Is You" at the same time. Keep in mind, text doesn't always have to be pull.
Difficulty: 0.4
Teleportation can allow for some crazy puzzle solutions. Fortunately, no crazy solutions are required to beat this level.
Hint: I recommend trial and error for this one.
Greater Hint: Don't forget that objects can become other objects.
Answer: Turn the husk into a flag. Make the flag teleport. Go through the flag's teleportation. Push "Win" onto belt. Make "Flag Is Win."
Difficulty: 2
This level is designed to teach you the importance of "Move" and "Sink." Surely, you already knew the importance.
Hint: Ask yourself how the heck are you going to make anything win in this level.
Greater Hint: I have an idea. What if "Sun" was sink?
Ultimate Hint: I have another idea. What if "Sun" was sink, and then "Keke" was move?
Answer: Make "Sun Is Sink." Make "Keke Is Move." Push the "Move" in "Keke Is Move" while keke is not near any walls or text. Make "Keke Is Push." Push keke under "Wall Is Stop." Push the "Push" in "Keke Is Push." Make "Keke Is Sink." Push "Wall Is Stop" onto keke and then make "Wall Is Win."
Difficulty: 0.5
This level is designed to teach you the importance of has. This level has no fancy solutions.
Hint: Perhaps you just need to read the rules more closely.
Greater Hint: Perhaps you just need to read the rules more closely.
Ultimate Hint: You are going to need those two "Baba's" by the way.
Answer: Push the box onto the skulls until you have a key. Push the key onto the gate. Push the "Baba's" through the belts. Make either "Skull Has Baba" or "Baba Has Baba." If you made "Skull Has Baba," you could try making "Baba Is Win." If you made "Baba Has Baba," just make "Flag Is Win."
Refresher 7-13
Refresher. Level 7: Lonely Text Is YouDifficulty: 4
Hard balls incoming. This level is about the importance of what being You really means.
Hint: Try not to start with how to win. Let's start with how are you going to make that bolt you.
Greater Hint: You Is You?
Ultimate Hint: That flag can help make the last hint a reality.
Answer: First, you need "Flag" to be you. Then, you need the flag to be you. Once only the flag is you, push the "You" out from "Flag Is You." Next, make "Bolt Is You." After that, you are going to have to move the bolt using many repeated button presses. Move the bolt so you can turn "Lonely Text Is You" into "Text Is You." Finally, try making "Flag Is Win."
Difficulty: 4
Another hard ball. This level is supposed to be about the importance of without, feeling and facing.
Hint: You won't get anywhere as long as baba can't look at walls.
Greater Hint: Is there a way to make baba turn into keke?
Ultimate Hint: Maybe if you had an extra "Baba" and an extra "Is"
Answer: After you have made the wall no longer stop, use the "Stop" to push the "Is" out from "Baba Facing Wall Is Empty." Then push the "Baba Facing Wall" out so you can access the "Baba." Make the rule "Baba Is You" before making "Baba Is Keke." From there, you should be able to get to the flag as long as you aren't facing any cliffs.
Difficulty: 4
Empty is such an interesting word.
Hint: Don't forget that empty is you. You can't push anything from places that isn't you.
Greater Hint: That river could use a little bit of removing if you know what I mean.
Ultimate Hint: Something needs to be more, and then something needs to be you.
Answer: Make "Rock Is More" until you have about a dozen rocks. Then make "Rock Is You." After that, all you have to do is cross the river.
Difficulty: 7
This is a level that might make you say "hm..."
Hint: It's almost the same solution as the last puzzle.
Greater Hint: You need as much room as possible, so don't be shy about moving all your rocks off into a corner somewhere.
Ultimate Hint: Once any object is you, you should have no problem finding a solution.
Answer: Make "Rock Is More" until you can make it no longer more. Move all the rocks to the right. Jiggle the rocks and text until you push the "Water" out from "Water Is Sink." Make "Water Is You." Make "All Is Win."
Difficulty: 1
This level introduces "Back" to you. Assuming you have never used "Back" before.
Hint: Look up the definition of "Idle" in your most available dictionary.
Greater Hint: Or you could try pressing spacebar.
Answer: Make "Lava Is More" and "Flag Is Win." Wait to make the lava retract so you can safely cross.
Difficulty: 1
This level is actually impossible. There is no possible solution.
Hint: Do you really need a hint? Perhaps read the rules more closely.
Greater Hint: Don't be shy with testing new mechanics.
Answer: Make sure you touch the flag before activating the rules.
Difficulty: 3
It's always above or below.
Hint: You need to find a rock that you can actually push to the water.
Greater Hint: Why is cliff not you, and how is baba you?
Ultimate Hint: If only there were a spot where you could both be above and below at the same time.
Answer: There is a spot. Change the rule "Baba Above Cliff Is You" to "Baba Below Cliff Is You." From there, just push the rock onto the water to get to the flag.
Difficulty: 5
And now, the difficulty spike has been activated.
Hint: Examine the situation, figure out what you need to do before doing anything.
Greater Hint: Put text where it needs to be in advance.
Ultimate Hint: Do you really need 4 babas to beat this level?
Answer: Start by moving left one time, and then kill off two of the babas. Move the "Win" to the right. Then move the "Flag" to the upper right corner. After that, you have to carefully move the babas around so the "Is" can be moved to create "Flag Is Win."
Difficulty: 2
You gotta love them paradoxes. Baba is Word becomes Baba Near Baba is Word, therefore Baba is no longer a word which means Baba Near Baba becomes Baba is Word which means Baba is Word becomes...
Hint: Find a way to remove any potential paradoxes.
Greater Hint: As long as you aren't creating paradoxes, you can still get close to text.
Ultimate Hint: Why is the ladder stop?
Answer: Push "On Rock Is Word" to the far left and then get rid of the rule "Rock Is Word." After that, just use the rock to push the naughty text out of the way so you can reach the flag.
Difficulty: 3
Hint: It's just Level 13 with an extra step.
Greater Hint: And it's a bit of a cheeky step.
Answer: Same as last solution, except you need to push the "Push" to remove the rule "Rock Is Word" and create the rule "Rock Is Push" at the same time.
Walk In The Park 1-8
Walk In The Park. Level 1: You Is YouDifficulty: 1
In other words, player is you. You, the player, are now an object in the level. This means something very interesting.
Hint: The player is a representation of YOU.
Greater Hint: You know, you, the one pushing buttons even while Baba isn't you.
Ultimate Hint: Player implies You.
Answer: Make "Player Is Win."
Difficulty: 2
I thought of this puzzle while taking a shower. You're welcome.
Hint: What needs to be win to win?
Greater Hint: Is that extra "Is" useful for anything?
Ultimate Hint: If only baba could be win and you at the same time.
Answer: Make "Baba Is Player." Then make "Baba On Flag Is Win" and "Baba Is You." Then make "Player Is Baba."
Difficulty: 3
Oh noes! And you forgot your map!
Hint: You are not just baba for this one, but you are also not just you for this one.
Greater Hint: This would be easier if grass weren't stop.
Ultimate Hint: That flag looks awfully sus. I think it might be baba in disguise.
Answer: Make "Flag Is Baba" and then get rid of the rule "Grass Is Stop." After that, you should have no problem making "Baba Is Win."
Difficulty: 4
When You IS Baba :0
Hint: The first part of the puzzle kind of reminds me of another memorable puzzle. I believe that puzzle was some sort of prison or something.
Greater Hint: Baba is floating for a reason.
Answer: Prison the rule "Hedge Is Stop." Make "Player Is Flag" using Baba, and then make "Baba Is Player" using Baba. Yes, I am using prison as a verb.
You know what I'd love to see as a new mechanic? I would love to see the text "Isn't" get added. It would pretty much be the combination of "Is" and "Not." Water Isn't Push, Flag Isn't Win, Baba Isn't Sad...
Difficulty: 4
Hint: Don't overthink it.
Greater Hint: Don't just leave me there like that. Give me something to be.
Ultimate Hint: Me needs to be a flag, but flag also needs to be win.
Answer: Make "Me Is Flag" and then make "Flag Is Win."
Difficulty: 7
Another mechanic I'd love to see is Baba is Diagonal (Or maybe Tilt for short). This would make Baba's movements diagonal :D
Hint: Don't just leave me there like that. Give me something to do!
Greater Hint: Me does not need to be flag for this puzzle.
Ultimate Hint: Flag Is Win And You.
Answer: Make "Me Is You." Push "Flag Is Win" all the way to the right without removing the rule. Push "Player" beside the "Win" in "Flag Is Win." Make "Flag Is Win and You."
Difficulty: 7
Is that too much to ask for?!?! Well, I mean, I already got my secret wish of a 3D text...
Hint: You can idle to see where your characters are.
Greater Hint: Think about where your characters all are when you are moving the rules around.
Ultimate Hint: You just need to get all that dumb text out of the hedge box.
Answer: Get Baba and Keke out of the hedge box but leave Player in. Make the rule "Keke Is You" outside of the hedge box using Player and Baba. Once you make that rule, you can easily get the text out of the hedge box using Player and Keke. Finally, you have to make the rule "Baba Is Win" and "Keke Is you." Or vise versa.
Difficulty: 3
Watch out for slenderme. I hear they are quite spooky.
Hint: Looks like someone is getting hungry.
Greater Hint: That's right, it's me, I'm hungry. I want to eat something.
Answer: Make "Me Eat All." Yeaaaah, that's all the effort I am gonna put into this answer. You're welcome.
Difficulty: 3
Aha! That wasn't even me's final form!
Hint: You might be feeling a little hungry this time.
Answer: Make "Baba Eat All." Don't forget about me.
Walk In The Park 9-14
Walk In The Park. Level 9: 0.01% Can* Solve ThisDifficulty: .999999
You might as well uninstall the game now. This level is impossible.
Hint: Start by pushing something annoying.
Greater Hint: Start by pushing stop.
Answer: Push the "Stop" onto the flag. Make "Flag Is You." Then make "Baba Is You" and "Flag Is Win."
Difficulty: 5
Well, it was gonna be a name, but uh, I decided not to last minute because said name still owes me something pretty important -u-
I am looking at you, Mr. Blub >.<
Hint: Recommendation, watch the entirety of ZooPhobia - "Bad Luck Jack"
Greater Hint: Something needs to be you and win at the same time.
Ultimate Hint: Something needs to bee you and win at the same time.
Answer: Make "Bubble Is Bee." Then set up the text so you can be both "Bee Is You" and "Bee Is Win" at the same time.
Difficulty: 6
Kinda like in Dr. Stone but you are already a statue to begin with.
Hint: Try building a box of statues.
Answer: That's actually all I got for you. Sorwwy :3
Difficulty: 4
I would say it was lucky too if I found a ton of 100$ bills laying around.
Hint: Grab all that sweet loot and dodge those pirates.
Greater Hint: Of course, you still need to create a win condition, so make sure those pirates don't steal your rules.
Answer: After you eat all the cash, make "Level Without Cash Is Win."
Difficulty: 6
You really shouldn't go around consuming all the cash you find.
Hint: Is there any other way you can get rid of that cash?
Answer: Make "Cash Is Level." Then make "Level Is Win."
Difficulty: 4
Ichthyophobia, the fear of fish... Damn, that would have been a cooler name for the level. Ah well.
Hint: While you may have ichthyophobia, you can still get pretty close to those fish.
Greater Hint: The movement is just awkward, you can totally move the text around.
Answer: The best answer I can give you is to focus on trying to get the "Win" text close to being out of the water.
Difficulty: 6
Nobody said that they were a good swimmer.
Hint: Maybe that "And" can be of some use.
Greater Hint: Ordering can be extremely important for you to succeed And Win. there Is not more to say about how Baba can achieve victory in this level.
Ultimate Hint: Make "Baba Is Float And Win."
Answer: Start by pushing the "And" to the left so it is above a fish. Next push the "Win" to the right of "And." Push "And Win" all the way to the right. Push "Float" so it is on the spot where "And" was for the first step, and then push "Float" so it creates "Float And Win." Do the same for "Is" and "Baba."
Difficullty: 8
At least you don't have ichthyophobia.
Hint: You need to create "Baba Is Win."
Greater Hint: You might be able to use "Baba Is You" to your advantage.
Ultimate Hint: You can push "Baba Is" using "Baba Is You."
Answer: First, push "Win" as far as you can to the left. This will require you to navigate through the evil fishies. Once "Win" is all the way to the left, you have to make "Baba Is You" vertical exactly three spaces from where the grass stops. Using the vertical "Baba Is You," push "Baba Is" down and push it to form "Baba Is Win."
Difficulty: 10
This is the true final form of this level. Defeat it and send it back to hell where it came from. The solution for this puzzle has not been added yet, but I assure you, there is a solution ^u^
Hint: The first step is to make "Baba Is You And Not Fall."
Greater Hint: The next step is to use those four pieces of text to guide baba through the peaceful water.
Difficulty: 9
Use at least 90% of your brain for this puzzle.
Hint: Easy access to "Baba Is Not You" would be nice.
Greater Hint: It might prove useful if you save a tree for later.
Ultimate Hint: Who needs to swim through the water if you can float over it. Of course, floating is only useful if you have a friend to stop you from floating out of the atmosphere.
Answer: Push two of the trees onto the water that is to the left of "Baba Is Not You." Then push "Push" onto the surviving water to the left of "Baba Is Not You." Make "Baba Is You." Make "Tree Is Player." Make "Player Is Float" and then set it up so you are floating over the flag when baba removes the rule "Player Is Float."
Fun And Games 1-8
Fun And Games. Level 1: Math Is ProblemDifficulty: 1
You think this is funny? You think this is a game?!
Hint: 7 multiplied by 5 subtracted by 13 equals?
Greater Hint: There should be a calculator located somewhere on your computer.
Answer: 7*5-13=35-13
Therefore, push the "2" in front of "Y Is" to make "Y Is 2" and then push another 2 in front of "Y Is 2" to make "Y Is 22."
Difficulty: 0.1
I am actually just gonna give you an answer instead of a hint this time.
Answer: IDLE
Difficulty: 3
Once you get enough stacks you can finish your quest. You know what they say. Quest complete, time to feed.
Hint: I uh, that flavour text might technically classify as a hint. Make sure you have all the stacks before doing anything.
Greater Hint: Of all of the things that are you, wouldn't it be more convenient if something else were you?
Answer: Using the belts, make "Flag Is You" and then go near baba.
Difficulty: 5
Back to the past, samurai jack.
Hint: Back remembers when you weren't moving.
Greater Hint: It might be easier to use "idle" instead of calculating exactly how much time you need.
Answer: Make "Me Is You" near the skulls so you can make it without me giving your rules a heart attack. Then scare the text with me a couple times to make sure the 'gates' are sad at the correct times. Then make "Idle Me Is Back." Use your idle to easily walk through the sad 'gates' and reach the flag.
Difficulty: 3
I hoped you loved that last math one, cause here's another one.
Hint: 7 multiplied by Y subtract 5 equals 48,225
Greater Hint: 7Y = 48,225 plus 5
Ultimate Hint: 7Y divided by 7 = 48,230 divided by 7
Answer: Therefore, Y = 6890
Difficulty: 2
The answer should come naturally.
Hint: Nothing a bit of force can't handle.
Greater Hint: Try sending the boys in groups.
Difficulty: 7
Hehehe, get it? That's the best joke you've heard all day and you know it.
Hint: You need to get the train where baba is.
Greater Hint: Is there a way you can make the train you and float at the same time?
Ultimate Hint: "Train Is You" "Train Is Float" "Baba Is You"
Answer: Make "Train Is You" and then make a vertical "Baba Is You" on the left most side of the water so the water is on the "You." Make "Train Is You" and "Train Is Float" by pushing the "Baba" in "Baba Is You" out of the way using "Train Is Float." Now make "Baba Is You" with the remaining text. Move the train across the water, and then make baba remove the rule "Train Is Float" so you can cross the floating water.
Difficulty: 7
It isn't not the wrong trousers.
Hint: What good's a pair of sleeping pants?
Greater Hint: You gotta get rid of those spikes.
Ultimate Hint: Try making baba wear the pants. That might make moving text around a little easier.
Answer: Use all of the nots to wake up the pants. Make the pants move all the nots it has available to baba. Using the nots as a pushing tool, give the pants "And" and "Spike" so you can make "Spike Is Not Spike." After that, make baba put on the pants. Now all you have to do is make "Baba And Pants Is You And Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Win." Make sure that you put in the nots first.
Fun And Games 9-13
Fun And Games. Level 9: Math Is FunDifficulty: 3
Yay! More math! Your favourite! :D
Hint: 9Y minus 32 equals 148
Greater Hint: 9Y equals 148 plus 32
Ultimate Hint: 9Y divided by 9 equals 180 divided by 9
Answer: Y equals 20.
Difficulty: Pretty tough under pressure.
Finally! Something that's fun and a game.
Hint: Purchase Undertale if you haven't already, and play through the entire game.
Greater Hint: “Red tiles are impassable. You cannot walk on them. Yellow tiles are electric. They will electrocute you. Green tiles are alarm tiles. If you step on them, you will have to fight a monster. Orange tiles are orange-scented. They will make you smell delicious. Blue tiles are water tiles. Swim through if you like, but, if you smell like oranges, the piranhas will bite you. Also, if a blue tile is next to a yellow tile, the water will also zap you. Purple tiles are slippery. You will slide to the next tile. However, the slippery soap smells like lemons, which piranhas do not like. Purple and blue are okay. Finally, pink tiles. They don't do anything. Step on them all you like. Understand?” ~Papyrus
Ultimate Hint?: “Okay, I guess I'll repeat myself… Red tiles are impassable. Yellow tiles are electric and dangerous. Blue tiles make you fight a monster. Green tiles are water tiles. Orange tiles are orange scented. If you step on orange, don't step on green. Brown tiles are… Wait. There are no brown tiles. Purple tiles smell like lemons. Why don't the yellow ones smell lemony? Um, wait, did I mix up green and blue? The blue ones are water ones. Pink tiles… I don't remember. Wait, those ones don't do anything. Okay, do you understand better now?” ~Papyrus
Answer: Up, right, right, right, down, right, right, down, right, right, right, right, right, right, up, up, right, right, down, down, right, right, up, right, right, up, right, down, down, right, right, right, up, up, up, down, down, down, right, right, right, up, up, right, right, right, up, then right.
Difficulty: 5
By now you've probably started to learn how to enjoy this music.
Hint: If only baba was you.
Greater Hint: You just need one extra push.
Answer: Push baba to the left of "Empty Is You" and then push "Empty Is You" as much as you can to the right. From there, you should be able to make "Baba Is You" by pushing the text.
Difficulty: 5
Fun fact: This was the first level I made using the editor. I was experimenting with hiding text and stacking text and... What do you mean you don't care because this level is trash?!
Hint: I know it's a lot, but you should double check the rules.
Greater Hint: Where do I even begin... While it is totally possible to win by touching the banana, it isn't the only way to win.
Answer: Make "Baba Is You And Sink" and then sink the lava with baba. Make "It Is You and Sink." Using it, make "Ladder Is Push" and then push the ladder onto the water near the bottom. Cross the water and then make "Banana Is Win." Cross the river and make "Fofo Is You." Now just make "Baba Is You and Sink." That should cause the banana to be on baba when baba becomes you.
Difficulty: 10
My time is now.
Hint: Just because you can't see me doesn't mean they aren't there. Just get me to wake baba up.
Greater Hint: You gotta make something win somehow.
Ultimate Hint: If you can put your invisible friend in just the right place, you should easily be able to win.
Answer: Make "Baba Is You" but don't get rid of "Me Is You." Maneuver me so baba can push "Me Is Not Win" onto me. From there, try and make "Not Me Is Win."
Dice 1-6
Dice. Level 1: ChallengeThis map is a bit unique since it is random what level you are gonna get. Don't forget that it is random, so you might have to undo a couple times to get the level you want. You might also have to return to map whenever you beat a level :p
Difficulty: 2.1
Why pants though?
Tip: You don't need all the babas to win.
Greater Tip: The level is extremely unpredictable, so you might have to undo quite a lot.
Difficulty: 2.6
It's right there!
Hint: If only you could use your idle... oh wait, you actually can't idle in this level? There has to be another way to idle then.
Greater Hint: Perhaps if Baba bumped into something for example.
Answer: Move baba left until you hit the wall, and then you should have no problem reaching the flag.
Difficulty: 3
Okay, nobody panic...
Hint: Okay panic! Forget about the keke's! There's still time to save the facility!
Greater Hint: You can't contain the ooze if you don't seal the doors! But regardless of the ooze, you do need to make a proper win condition.
Answer: Seal off as many doors as you can before trying to push the "Win" to the bottom left of the level. If you are unlucky and the ooze grows too fast, you might have to escape to an alternate universe by reversing time or even restarting the level. You need to make "Flag Is Win" using the text you are given, and then you need to book it to the flag.
Difficulty: 4
Under normal circumstances, this level is impossible.
Hint: You win some and you lose some.
Greater Hint: Even if there is a small chance, you should take it.
Answer: Push "Belt is Shift" out of the way and then make "Often Baba Is You And." Then make "Often Baba Is You and Win/Defeat." Keep undoing and making the rule until you win.
Difficulty: 7
But that's a risk I am willing to take.
Hint: You'd be better off without those flags.
Greater Hint: Careful, you still need some of that text. You can idle to destroy all the babas that are on top of each other if it is getting too laggy.
Ultimate Hint: You gotta make it win somehow.
Answer: Pass through the gate first and make "It Make Baba." Then make "Flag Is Sink" or "Seldom Flag Is Sink." Massacre the babas until there are no more flags and then carefully sacrifice the babas one by one until you are able to make "It Is Win."
Difficulty: 5
Their only chance of winning is to crush your entire team. That's why they don't care about the ball.
Hint: Play it safe. But not too safe.
Greater Hint: Try and get them to bring the ball to their side of the field.
Ultimate Hint: The opposition isn't very smart, so you will have no problem out running them.
Answer: This isn't truly an answer since we are dealing with a bit of randomness. Stay as far away from the keke's as possible until they forget about the ball. As soon as you can do it safely, snatch the ball away and run to the end zone.
Dice 2-12 (doubles)
Dice. Level II: Snake EyesFirst of all! To get to these levels, you have to roll doubles! It might take a bit of undoing and redoing, but hey, you just need to level up your luck stat to consistently get the numbers you want.
Difficulty: 5
Why did it have to be snakes?
Hint: You can get really close to them without exploding.
Greater Hint: You might just have to go for it instead of trying to time it perfectly.
Answer: Dodge all of the worms. Once you have dodged all of the worms, you just have to make "Skull Is Win." I recommend trying to push the "Is" first, and I don't recommend trying to bring "Skull" and "Is" at the same time. The worms can push text just as easily as you can.
Difficulty: 6
Baba Is Zoom.
Hint: This puzzle is a little too familiar...
Greater Hint: Try and get above or below the flag.
Ultimate Hint: Start by going right two times.
Answer: Press right two times, then press left, and then press up two times.
Difficulty: 7
I really wanted to figure out what the odds of all baba's not being you when you move at the very start of the level. But I gave up :p
Hint: The first thing you should do is push "Baba Is You" all the way down to the bottom.
Greater Hint: You might not be able to stop the fire from being defeat, but it doesn't always have to be defeat.
Answer: Make "Often And Often And Often And Often And Seldom And Often Fire And Flag Is Defeat." (Doesn't that sound obvious when you say it out loud? .u.) Go touch the flag with a baba. You can clump the babas into a more manageable ball by making it more likely for baba not to be you.
Difficulty: 5
The odds are pretty high actually.
Hint: Pushing the text is the hardest part of the level.
Greater Hint: But the solution is the same.
Ultimate Hint: "Often/Often Baba Is You and Win/Defeat"
Answer: The first thing you are going to want to do is make "Often/Often Baba Is You." To do that, you will have to push "Baba Is You" one to the right so you can easily push the text where it needs to be while you are riding the belt. Next, push "Often/Often Baba Is You" one to the left. Now you have to push the text while riding the belt to create "Often/Often Baba Is You And Win/Defeat." It might take you a few undos depending on how much you have prayed to Nuffle recently.
Difficulty: 9
It's kinda like that snake eyes level, but it's your fault if you can't win. Does that count as a hint? Ah whatever.
Hint: Once you step through that gate, that means you have fully prepared for when "It Is Move."
Greater Hint: You need to set it up so "Flag Is Sink" or "Flag Is Lava" before you pass through the gate. If you can, you should also set up some its to sink the lava.
Ultimate Hint: When in doubt, zig zag. No really, it will help you make "Idle Baba Make It."
Answer: The greater hint is step one to the solution. Once you make "It Is Move," press up and left until you are above the text "Idle" and then press down. Since you aren't making any more its, if you were smart about how you set up the its before passing through the gate, it should be possible to navigate through the deadly its. Keep in mind, if an it is facing you and you are facing the same it, you can move through the it unharmed.
Once you escape the its, go get rid of the rule "It Is Defeat." While it is tempting to make "Wall Is It," it will probably hurt you more than it helps. You can idle to make some its to get rid of the lava that's blocking the "Win." The best way to win is to make "It Is Win."
Difficulty: 8
There's nothing more dangerous than the fans. I can only provide hints for this one.
Hint: Try and get them to scatter into the sidelines.
Greater Hint: And try and get them to bring the ball to you.
How to get to the level HINT: You know how you had to keep on returning to the map because your cursor stayed on the level you were on?
How to get to the level ANSWER: After beating any of the DOUBLES levels, don't return to map. You need to roll the same doubles that you rolled previously. Move the cursor with the level as it is pushed onto the belts. The belts are paths, so you can move on them to get to this level.
Difficulty: 6
Hint: It is just Quick! Contain the Ooze! but a little more dramatic.
Greater Hint: If the ooze moves too quickly, don't be shy about undoing. I won't tell anyone ;3
Answer: Shut all the doors, and then push the "Win" to where it needs to be. Then push the "Flag" where it needs to be. After that, you gotta book it to the flag as fast as you can!
Roleplay 0-4
Roleplay. Level 0: Secret RoomSurprise! It's 3D time. This set of puzzles uses the hidden 3D text. It turns out there are a few neat things you can do in 3D.
How to get to level 00 HINT: You should try making a rule.
How to get to level 00 GREATER HINT: You are going to need as many pillars as you can get.
How to get to level 00 ANSWER: Make "Pillar Is Push" and then push the pillar blocking the entrance into the water that's blocking your way. Before you continue through that way, push the pillar that's in the little room with the water into the room you started in so you can push it just like how you pushed the first pillar. After that, you should be able to use the rest of the pillars to destroy any pesky water blocking your path.
Difficulty: 3
Nice view.
Hint: Doors only work when they exist. You can quote me on that.
Greater Hint: Check all the walls.
Answer: Hug the left wall until you find a key. Push the key onto the door that you found when you hugged the left wall. Hug the left wall until you find a key. Push the key onto the door that you found when you hugged the left wall. Hug the left wall until you find a key. Push the key onto the door that you found when you hugged the left wall. And then bam! You win.
Difficulty: 2.9
Again, nice view.
Hint: You might be looking the wrong way.
Greater Hint: "Win Is Flag" doesn't work.
Answer: Due to how baba is placed in the room, you have to make a vertical "Flag Is Win." If it is still difficult to understand, try making a "Win Is Flag" in different combinations until the flag becomes win.
Difficulty: 4
[funnyjoke]I've got nothing[/funnyjoke
Hint: Take your time and look around for anything you can use. You can also look at the level's rules by looking at your menu.
Greater Hint: You might have to go around the kekes to move the keys... They don't appreciate being disturbed.
Answer: Push the key onto the door to open it. Now go forward into that little back room and push that key all the way to the door that's to the left of the starting room. Loop around and push the key into the door to open it. Push the burger forward until you can push it back without disturbing any kekes. Loop around and push the burger into the crab. This will feed the crab, thus allowing you to pass through. You have to bring the second key with you, all the way to the final door. Open that door with the key and go through (The last door is way past the pumpkin). Once you are through, there should be a small hallway to the right which you can go through. Don't worry about bothering the mes. They don't mind. All you have to do now is go touch the flag to win.
Difficulty: 7
What a glorious name for a level.
Hint: 3D isn't the same thing as being you. Do a bit more testing.
Greater Hint: As long as something is still 3D, whatever object WAS 3D will still be the object you can move around using your controls. Even if that object becomes a different object somehow. (Is this not intentional game design? Yeah, probably, but I'll eat my socks if an April Fools object gets patched .u.')
Answer: Make "Baba Is Flag" using the "Baba" in "Baba Is 3D." You will still be able to move around as the flag even though it says "Baba Is 3D." Now make "Flag Is 3D" and then make "Flag Is Win" using any additional text you can find.
Difficulty: 6
That's the only part of the song I can remember.
Hint: You need to push the box into the lava. Also, the rules say that keke needs to be near the key to win.
Greater Hint: Have you tried pressing down lately?
Ultimate Hint: Those rooms aren't just for show. They are a great place to move boxes around.
Answer: Swap to keke by pressing down. Move keke into the blue hallway so keke is looking at the orange tiles. Swap to another character and move them to the white hallway so they are looking at the blue tiles. Swap to another character and move them to the green hallway so they are looking at the white tiles. Swap to another character and move them to the pink hallway so they are loooking at the green tiles. Now you should be able to use all of the characters to push the box through the hallway. Swap to keke and push the box into the lava to win.
Roleplay 5-8
Roleplay. Level 5: Second Person ViewDifficulty: 5
POV: You are flag and baba is you.
Hint: Secretly, pressing down is already locked due to that being how you swap characters. So you can't make baba touch the flag.
Greater Hint: Maybe the flag doesn't have to be win.
Ultimate Hint: Make "Baba Is Win."
Answer: Push the "Is" one forward in "Flag Is Win" and then push the "Is" one to the right. Now just push "Baba Is You And Locked" to the right until you win.
Difficulty: 6
Don't be alarmed, the level isn't auto, so you don't have to rush.
Hint: This level is nearly impossible if you don't know what you are doing. Make sure you've played the level "Quick! Contain The Ooze!" before you've played this one. The level can be found within the Dice levels.
Greater Hint: If the ooze is giving you problems, do consider restarting.
Answer: You have to close all but the two last doors near the win condition. Have a plan of how you are going to close the doors. Also, the closed doors might not look like they are closed, but I promise they are. Once you have closed the doors, push the "Win" all the way down to where it needs to be. I reccomend moving the "Flag" first since it is in an annoying spot. If the ooze is giving you a hard time, you might have to restart. Make "Flag Is Win" and then run back to the flag.
Difficulty: 2
Spookiness: 10
Hint: Don't let the spooky setting get to you. There is nobody actively pursuing you.
Greater Hint: The paths are mostly safe, and they lead to a lot of books that you need to collect.
Answer: There is a book where you start. There is a book near some pillars. There is a book at the end of the path. There is a book near a tower. There is a book at the opposite end of the path near the big building. There is a book near the big building. There is a book inside the big building.
That's 7 books in total.
Difficulty: 5
Single file please.
Hint: Refer to the level What's Gonna Work?
Greater Hint: The water is sink and you do have a lot of babas...
Answer: Make "Flag Is Win" and then push it off to the side. Sacrifice your babas until you can get across the water.
How to get to Level S HINT: If only baba wasn't 3D. Then you'd easily be able to get to the level.
How to get to Level S GREATER HINT: Baba On Track Is Not 3D And You And Select.
How to get to Level S ULTIMATE HINT: Have you been curious why baba moves twice sometimes? That's probably because baba is you and select at the same time. Therefore, you are moving once because of being you and once because you are selecting a path or a level. Interestingly, moving due to select can cause you to avoid pushing objects and ignore collision with objects that are stop. You move from being you first, and then you move from selecting. Use this to your advantage.
How to get to Level S ANSWER: Make "Baba On Track Is Not 3D And You And Select." Then push "Baba Is 3D" one to the right. After that, move through the wall and then move back. This should cause you to move inside of the "3D" in "Baba Is 3D." From there, move down and then move up so you remove the rule "Baba Is 3D." You should now be able to access the level.
Difficulty: 10!
Being you and 3D at the same time just does not work. If you are here for an answer, I only have hints for you this time. Sorry for the inconvenience :3
Hint: Overthink it. I recommend looking at the level from a bird's eye view whenever you need to see what you need to do next.
Greater Hint: You have to sink the tile with something that you might not have yet. Also, why is there the rule "Tile Near Tile Is Sink?" What could you possibly do with that information?!
Ultimate Hint: Can you set it up so baba becomes two things at once?
Unclear Paths 0-5
Unclear Paths. Level 0: Excuse Me...Just getting to the levels themselves is a puzzle...
Unlike the other levels, I will only give hints on how to reach the levels and solve them.
Difficulty: 3
Would be easier if the level was bigger.
Hint: You gotta scoop out the win.
Difficulty: 4
Has to what? What does the person have to do?!?!
Hint: On and above are two different things.
Greater Hint: You are going to need all the text you can get.
Ultimate Hint: Maybe something else can be you...
How to get to the level HINT: Baba isn't a level, so the cursor can't select them. However, there might just be something else the cursor can select.
How to get to the level GREATER HINT: You might need to make the rules work for you.
How to get to the level PICTURE HINT:
What the level looks like:
Difficulty: 4
Wait a second, those aren't real levels...
Hint: Forget about baba being you. Focus on the lava.
Greater Hint: Just exactly what is it you need to do to win. Also, get those lavas away from each other!!
Ultimate Hint: It would be easier if the cursor was on the flag before you make any rules.
How to get to the level HINT: You just gotta make the rules work for you.
What the level looks like:
Difficulty: 5
At least the game isn't exploding.
Hint: You need all the lines you can get to reach the flag.
Greater Hint: You have to untangle the rules for easy access to the flag, and so you can create an important rule that will allow you to win.
Ultimate Hint: That important rule being the floating of the flag.
Picture Hint:
How to get to the level HINT: What do you not need right now?
How to get to the level HUGE PICTURE HINT:
What the level looks like:
Difficulty: 5
For reasons unknown, the highway's construction was abandoned.
Hint: You need to clear a path.
Greater Hint: How does shift work when objects stack again?
Unclear Paths. Level 5: Surfing
How to get to the level HINT: What do you not need right now? And where?
How to get to the level HUGE PICTURE HINT:
What the level looks like:
Difficulty: 6
Quick! You don't want those cursors to drown in the lava!
Hint: The line is a path which the cursors can select using your directional buttons.
Greater Hint: When setting up where the lines need to be, make sure all the text is where it needs to be.
Unclear Paths 6-U
Unclear Paths. Level 6: Pathfinder Unclear Paths. Level 7: Save The Town Unclear Paths. Level Y: Lifeguard Unclear Paths. Level O: Person Above Unclear Paths. Level U: Destroy The TownHow to get to the level HINT: Do what you've done so far.
How to get to the level GREATER HINT: You might need to recycle a bit.
What the level looks like:
Difficulty: 7
The eye of the beholder.
Hint: Be careful about how many paths you eat. Too many eyes can make things tricky. But you do want to eat a healthy amount.
Greater Hint: The eyes are also you, so that means they can activate win conditions just the same.
How to get to the level HINT: Those lines aren't for building paths at this point...
How to get to the level PICTURE HINT:
What the level looks like:
Difficulty: 7.1
You shouldn't have let that ooze escape.
Hint: You only need six houses to save the town.
Greater Hint: Don't block off the ooze more than you have to.
How to get to the level HINT: You just need a little nudge.
How to get to the level PICTURE HINT:
What the level looks like:
Difficulty: 8
A little trickier this time.
Hint: You'll need all of the cursors and most of the text.
Greater Hint: How many extra cursors do you really need?
Ultimate Hint: Don't clump the lines together, ever.
How to get to the level HINT: You just need a little relocation.
How to get to the level BIG PICTURE HINT:
What the level looks like:
Difficulty: 7
Did you hear about the circus fire?
Hint: It's in the name.
Greater Hint: Those skulls are only defeat.
Difficulty to reach the level: 10
How to get to the level HINT: You need two babas, but only three lifts.
How to get to the level GREATER HINT: The solution requires the cursor to be you at some point.
What the level looks like:
Difficulty: 7
It was inTENTS.
Hint: The first thing you should do is improve your walls.
Levels In Da Hub 1-2
Da Hub. Level 1: Helping HandDifficulty: 3
You look happy to see me.
Hint: Refer to the level called "Push and Fall".
Greater Hint: You have to use all of the text you are given.
Answer IMAGE:
Difficulty: 5
Turns out, 'agreedt' is not a legal word in scrabble.
Hint: The text isn't useful just sitting around on the top layer.
Answer: For my convenience, this answer assumes you moved all of the text to the bottom room. Make a vertical "GATE" using the letters near the opening in the wall. Push it up and then push "Baba Is You" to create "GATE Is." Then make "GATE Is Open." Now just do the same thing for "TREE Is Win."
Difficulty: 10
Fun for the whole family.
Hints and answer to be added eventually.
There is a solution, buuuuut... I kinda forgot the solution .w.
Sooooo, yeeeaahhhh. Maybe you can find one first ^u^
Wrong Warp
Huh? That's odd...
It's probably nothing :D
Moving on...
The Z Level
Refresher. Level 0: The Z Level DanceDifficulty: 0
Just a fun dance.
Tip: I wonder if learning the dance would be useful somewhere else...
Wait, This Is The End Of The Guide?!?!
Yep :0
I leave the rest to you to figure out... for now.
With the levels you have left, you should be able to finish off the rest of the levels. Once you reach the end, you will also be done.
I had a lot of fun making these levels.
Now all that's left is to find out if they are any fun to solve :p
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