First of all, the third person camera makes it difficult to move well in this game. Somehow the camera has a terrible balance of NOT showing you the peripheral much, and certainly you see very little behind. So when you are moving sideways, you can't see how that is moving you straight into your teammates line of fire.
And they are zoomed in, so they saw even less from side to side, and shot you right in the back of the head.
But they shot you, so it was their fault, right?
It's your fault, because you were moving side to side in a narrow hall way, when the only enemy was down range.
So this guide assumes you are playing on intense difficulty or above, and friendly fire is real problem.
It also assumes you are playing with 2 other humans. If you are playing with bots, good luck. They intentionally move into your line of fire.
This guide should make you better than a bot.
Narrow Hallway
So much of this game is in a narrow hallway.
First off, because of the serious problems with the camera, and view, you are more or less restricted to limited movement, in particularly in a narrow hallway.
Formations are your best answer here.
Another serious limitation of the game in that there is no VOIP or chat, means it is really hard to coordinate with your team mates.
So you basically need to pick a side and stick with it.
Then adjust when your team mate moves in front of you.
But the best formation for a hall way is 2 in front, 1 behind. The one behind is responsible for checking and covering the back. Help out down the middle of the front, if possible, but make sure xenos don't pop out behind.
The 2 in front stick to the walls and kill the waves of xenos.
When a big bug gets through the onslaught, jump straight back and try to reform the formation
I know, a lot of games have taught you to move back and forth, in a random fashion, so that the other human players can't shoot your head as often.
And that playstyle got you through the first 2 difficulties of AFE.
But you need to unlearn that now.
Jigging will just get you shot by your teammates.
Open Area
OK, you need to defend an open area.
Most of the time, there is a nice hall way you can duck into and avoid being attacked from all sides.
In that case, you fall back to the previous section, and all 3 are facing forward.
But if you are stuck in a large open area, like the end of the extraction mission, you are basically sticking with the same formation, left center and right.
Try and fight the urge to run and kill each wave as they come from different directions. Watch your side, keep an eye on your team mates (health bars are a good way when looking downrange) to see if they need your help. If they do need your help, try and cover it from your position. The point I am trying to make, is that be aware of areas, sections; try to avoid moving into other team mates areas.
Certain classes really need to take certain roles in the formation.
all great at front line
Medic, great at covering the rear and healing the front line damage dealers.
Technician, I personally tend to take the rear guard position mostly. Drop your turret out front to help there, and fall back to cover the team.
Recon, really depends on how you have it kitted. My recon playstyle does not do well on the front line, but I can certainly hold that position if I have to.
There are a number of missions where you need to find something while killing waves of xenos: extraction is a great example of that. There are 3 terminals you need to get to in the middle of a nasty onslaught. If we had VOIP in game, or discord, this would be easy, you would just yell out, I got it, and the other 2 would move to adjust.
So it is my experience, that the best player on the team does this, and the other 2 hold down the line.
The point I am making here, is just try to be aware of what is going on. If no one is going to the objective, and your team mates have been walking in front of you all game, maybe you are the one who needs to go get the objective. Or if someone else got the first 2 objectives before you even knew what was happening, just sit tight and try to cover them, they will get the third one.
The main take away is that movement is Aliens Fireteam elite is different enough from other games that you really need to give it some thought.
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2972143905
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