100% Intel (collectibles/collectables) Guide - Full Campaign + DLC

100% Intel (collectibles/collectables) Guide - Full Campaign + DLC

Table Of Contents

There are 3 intels in every mission, UAS Endeavor included.

48 intels in total.

39 without Pathogen DLC.

Here's the list visible in [Esc] -> Inventory -> Intel tab:

UAS ENDEAVORLog 01: Tientsin Class Assault Ship (from "U.A.S. Endeavor" Plaque, 3rd spot in guide)

Log 02: United Americas Colonial Marines (from Battle Streamers, 2nd spot in guide)

Log 03: Field Fabrication (from Fulminium Alloy Powder, 1st spot in guide)

PRIORITY ONELog 01: Katanga Refinery (from Katanga Flight Recorder)

Log 02: XenomorphXX121 (from Dead Facehugger)

Log 03: The Outer Rim and Frontier (from Colonial Indenture Contract)

Log 04: Seegson Company (from "Eye on Seegson" Magazine)

Log 05: Synthetics (from Liquid Replenishment Latex)

Log 06: Working Joes (from Seegson Maintenance Jack)

Log 07: Dr. Tim Hoenikker (from Hoenikker's ID Badge)

Log 08: Cryogenic Pods (from Cargo Manifest)

Log 09: UD-9C Condor Dropship (from "Cracked Rooks" Squadron Cap)

GIANTS IN THE EARTHLog 01: Weyland-Yutani Corporation (from Empty Can of Aspen)

Log 02: Colonial Protection Act of 2187

Log 03: Sanriku Interface Craft (from Pilot's Cowboy Hat)

Log 04: CMISRS

Log 05: The Frontier War

Log 06: Security Synthetics (from Weyland-Yutani Ball Cap)

Log 07: Pala Station and Site Two (from Hoenikker's Signed NDA)

Log 08: Cynthia Rodriguez (from Rodriguez's ID Badge)

Log 09: "Mother" Systems (from Server Panel)

THE GIFT OF FIRELog 01: 40th Marine Expeditionary Unit

Log 02: Elizabeth Shaw and Charlie Holloway (from Issue of "Unexplained Universe")

Log 03: Pathogen (from Empty Pathogen Ampule)

Log 04: LV-895 Ruins (from Scientist's Notepad with Glyphs)

Log 05: Gateway Station

Log 06: Pathogen Mutants (from Dead "Popper")

Log 07: The Engineers (from Strange Helmet)

Log 08: Leon 895/Pathogen Stalker (from Severed "Stalker" Tentacle)

Log 09: Engineer Ship = Control Flute

THE ONLY WAY TO BE SURELog 01: Armat Battlefield Systems (from Armat Weapons Case)

Log 02: United Americas (from UA Centennial Poster)

Log 03: Xenomorph Spitter (from Salivary Gland from "Spitter")

Log 04: Xenomorph Burster (from Partially Dissolved Helmet)

Log 05: Hyperdyne Systems (from Hyperdyne Weapons Catalogue)

Log 06: Union of Progressive Peoples

Log 07: Xenomorph Praetorian (from Drone Shedding)

Log 08: Three World Empire

Log 09: Colonel Olivia Shipp (from Corporal Shipp's Dog Tags)

PROMISE OF A FLOWER - PATHOGEN DLCLog 01: Alphatech Hardware, Inc. (from Broken Alphatech Rifle)

Log 02: Xenomorph Crusher (from Crusher Head Plate)

Log 03: Engineer Monoliths (from Detached Metal Barb)

Log 04: Ruined Statues (from Cracked Statue Face)

Log 05: The Abattoir (from Fossilized Corpse)

Log 06: Mutated Xenomorphs (from Mutated Growth)

Log 07: Toxic Spores (from Spore Pod Bud)

Log 08: Mutant Brute (from Brute Spine)

Log 09: Mutant Queen (from Shed Chitin)

UAS Endeavor

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It's a single room. 3 intels. Cleverly hidden. Tripping hazard.

Fulminium Alloy PowderTo the right of armory entrance.

So exiting armory you'd turn left and hug the wall for about 20m. Be swinging left and right a lot if you've had too much to drink. Intel is behind a reel of black cable.

Battle StreamersAt the back of hangar.

So exiting armory, you'd turn left and walk past the back of dropship. Intel is on ground behind gas bottle/propane tank, and two slippery signs, next to a lift thingie and some boxes. The lift couldn't possibly lift your immense ****.

Guns. Yeah, let's go with guns.

"U.A.S. Endeavor" Plaque" In the command area.

So exiting armory, you'd turn right and WWWW up the stairs into room with Colonel Shipp and Corporal Savane. Entering this room, it's immediately to your left on the wall.


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Your first mission. Lots of xenos, easy and fast 15min mission.

Mission progression:

Rooms and corridors

Room with interaction - download refinery plans

Rooms and corridors - INTEL: Katanga Flight Recorder

Hoenikker's PDT, small encounter

Door cutting

Big room, ammo box, larger encounter

Long corridor

Holdout1 (1 crate) - Dynamo room - INTEL: Dead Facehugger

Room with small encounter and some working joe stations.

Big room with ammo box behind red pipe - INTEL: Colonial Indenture Contract

Offshoot corridor with console interactable - Download Refinery Logs

back in same big room with intel

Huge reactor room

Holdout2 (2 crates) - Elevator room, end of mission

Katanga Flight RecorderJust before Hoenikker's PDT

At the T-junction just before Hoenikker's PDT, at the spot where you see your first xeno, instead of going right towards the PDT, head left instead towards a dead end. Intel is on a tool..cart..table..thing.

Dead FacehuggerDynamo room with 1st big holdout.

Room is kinda U-shaped. It has one crate with a consumable. You enter at the right side of U, go up to the console and past it, then back down the stairs to the left side of U. Intel is behind some boxes and barrels, next to the door to Bashi Tower watercracking. Look what they did to the poor boye, all it wanted was hugs.

Colonial Indenture ContractIn the room you pass through, where the Esther AI greets you first. It's got two large tanks in the middle area and red pipes. There's an ammo box behind a red pipe. There's an elevated area on the left, and a larger descended area on the right.

In the descended area you'd hug the left side. There's a desk behind a fenced tank. The intel is on the desk.


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Your second mission. Even more xenos, nothing harsh. Bring toilet paper.

Mission progression:

Elevator, door, corridor

First octagonal room to the left - INTEL: "Eye on Seegson" Magazine

Second octagonal room to the left - Patch into network




Descending staircase - INTEL: Liquid Replenishment Latex

Long Corridor, small encounter, door cutting

Valve attachment room

Larger room with small encounter, red lights

Small room with interactable console (Unlock inner door/Door to server room) attached to Large room with ammo box (1st Monica/Elite Drone encounter) - INTEL: Seegson Maintenance Jack

Holdout2 - End of Mission

"Eye on Seegson" MagazineJust after start, first octagonal room to the left.

You enter the room, you look around. There's a chair next to the table you take a seat on, relax, grab your intel and unzip.

Liquid Replenishment LatexDescending staircase - alcove to the right.

After finishing the first holdout, there's a corridor, then a set of descending stairs. Intel is on a crate in the alcove to the right.

Seegson Maintenance JackLarge room - Mainframe

Walking past the console into the large room, turn left. WWWW for 10 meters. The intel is on a workbench between four working joe stations.


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Your third mission. Things are going to get moist. Bring boots... or go barefoot for even more fun. Might as well bring a whole swimsuit. You can even bring sunscreen factor 1000+. Bet that would stop even xeno acid.

Mission progression:

Elevator - INTEL: Hoenikker's ID Badge

Huge reactor room

Small intersecion - small encounter

Vertical descending staircase

Large room, waste processing, small encounter

Holdout1 - Large room with bridge in middle


Large room, U-shaped, small encounter

Large room, ammo box, small encounter, 4 working joes search for door code

Medium room, small encounter

Ascending stairs

Large room..corridor, Beltway - INTEL: Cargo Manifest

Huge hangar


Holdout2 - Huge hangar - final room - INTEL: "Cracked Rooks" Squadron Cap

Hoenikker's ID BadgeAround the back of starting elevator.

Behind the elevator you spawn in. May be a bit tricky to acquire if your mouse isn't working or if you're playing with a racing wheel. The intel is on the ground next to an industrial vacuum cleaner, on the right part of the Y-letter of "PERSONNEL ONLY" writing on the ground.

Cargo ManifestIn the large Beltway room after ascension from the watery area.

Entering the room, there's a beltway sign right in front of you. You can jump over it, or go around. Intel is on a.. metal.. thing. Probably a pump of some kind.

"Cracked Rooks" Squadron CapFinal hangar.

Entering the final hangar, hug the wall to your left. Intel is very close, 20 meters or so, on a green crate, next to a yellow barricade.


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2-1 is the only mission where you can get some nice fresh air in the final outdoor area. Also bring a poker face.

Mission progression:

Starting cave: INTEL: Empty Can of Aspen

Small cave - download data

Tunnels and caves - small encounter

Holdout 1 - Large cave


Large cave with brick pillar and a larger rock pillar formation - INTEL: Colonial Protecion Act of 2187

Small room with ammo box, enterable pit in middle

Large room - small encounter


Large outdoorsy area, ammo box and medkit, small encounter, extend bridge


Holdout 2 - Large outdoorsy area: INTEL: Pilot's Cowboy Hat

Empty Can of AspenStarting cave - in a tent.

Spawn in, walk across the bridge, take care of some bugs and note the tent on the right a bit further in. There's a forklift next to the tent. Intel is on a Wayland-Yutani crate in the tent.

Colonial Protecion Act of 2187Large cave with brick pillar and large rock pillar formation.

Entering the cave, hug the right wall up to a mobile power generator, a large crate box and two smaller boxes. Intel is on the right small box.

Pilot's Cowboy HatFinal area beyond bridge.

After crossing bridge, hug your left and walk past a forklift and some boxes. Intel is behind these boxes on a small round table. There's playing cards. One player had 2 and 3 of diamonds so he probably wasn't going to win without bluffing.


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2-2 is where synths get introduced. Very annoying. Use horizontal (left/right) cover. Ducking behind stuff doesn't work well.

Mission progression:

Start outdoorsy area

Big giant head room - INTEL: CMISRS

Small room - small encounter


Holdout 1 - Large elongated room

Tunnel, Large room, big giant head overhead, double small encounter

Ball room/corridor - INTEL: The Frontier War

Small room, small encounter, first synths, corridor

Large room, ammo box, synth vs xeno

Room with circle hole ceiling

Large room, small encounter

Holdout 2 - Final large room - INTEL: Weyland-Yutani Ball Cap

CMISRSFirst room after a small x-tunnel.

Get a-head and pay respects to the big giant head, possibly on your knees. At the base of head is some research equipment. Intel is on the right of two boxes, just right of the face. There's a yellow power cable in front of it. Take a selfie with the head.

The Frontier WarBall room.

After Holdout 1, there's a large room, and after doing two small encounters in that room you'll descend towards the small room with a large sphere in the middle. There's some equipment to the right, three boxes and a desk. Intel is on this boxlike desk with a seegson monitor and measurement tools.

Weyland-Yutani Ball CapHoldout 2 - final room.

Entering the final room, there's a statue holding a cup of BBQ sauce for you. Go up the stairs on the left and hug the right wall. Intel is on the ground next to a generator and a small floodlight. Look at the splattered synth on the ground. This is what happens when you have too much BBQ sauce.


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I wish synths crawled over walls like spiders and spat acid and insults. That'd make them fun.

Mission progression:

Start room

Large room, small encounter

descending tunnel

Medium room with synths, 2 suicide bombers come at you

Holdout 1 - Large room - INTEL: Hoenikker's Signed NDA


Large room with synths


Large room - minefield/turrets, small encounter

small room - ammo box, medkit

Large room - Working Joes - INTEL: Rodriguez's ID Badge

Corridor - minefield

Holdout 2 - Final room - INTEL: Server Panel

Hoenikker's Signed NDAFirst holdout room, cavern with a small elevated platform to the right with ammo, medkit and console.

Entering this room, you'll see red flag towards center left. Just hug the left wall and you'll end up at some supplies, cameras and crates. Intel is on a table cart. The ravine in front looks nice.

Rodriguez's ID BadgeWorking Joes room.

You're best off just killing them all, then return to previous room to refill ammo. Take the left stairs down, go through the pit and left stairs up. Intel is on a Weyland-Yutani box just after ascending from the working joe pit.

Server PanelFinal mission room. Collect power cores as quickly as you can and you'll do better than waiting around for death.

Intel is underneath the platform with closer/first server hub/pillar, on a cart of two boxes.


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Going through caves to find alien infrastructure, every Lara Croft/Indiana Jones dream.

Mission progression:

Starting room - INTEL: 40th Marine Expeditionary Unit

Corridor and tunnel

Large room, small encounter, synth interactable

Holdout 1 - large room with bridge in middle, scan

Large rectangular room with pillars - INTEL: Issue of "Unexplained Universe"

Descending tunnel, small room with ammo box

Large room with big giant head - INTEL: Empty Pathogen Ampule

Large room with alien tech, small encounter

Holdout 2 - Final room

40th Marine Expeditionary UnitStarting room, turn around.

Spawn in and turn 180° and you'll see a statue of a man. Go up to the statue and walk around like you're trying to confirm what you already suspect - that he is indeed smaller than you underneath his stone cloth. While doing so, you may find a laptop. This is intel - on the left side of statue base.

Issue of "Unexplained Universe"Large room just after Holdout 1.

Entering the room, you'd hug the right wall. Intel is in the second alcove to the right, on top of a generator. There's also two traffic cones. For all the car traffic.

Empty Pathogen AmpuleRoom with giant head.

This is probably where all the pathogen comes from - giant head nose boogers. Entering the room, walk past the giant head on right side up to a pillar. Intel is on the ground behind the pillar next to a small plastic case. The ground is fine gravel and there's light mist covering the surface.


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Giant space earring, here we come.

Mission progression:

Starting catwalk, corridor

Large room, small encounter

Large room, ammo box, small encounter

Small room - INTEL: Scientist's Notepad with Glyphs

Holdout 1 - Large room with instrumentality/console.

corridor, medium room, corridor

Large room with ammo box, scanner, console, 3x small encounters

Small room - INTEL: Gateway Station

Large room, small encounter - INTEL: Dead "Popper"

Holdout2 - Final room.

Scientist's Notepad with GlyphsSmall room with elevated area on the left.

Entering the room, hug left side, climb on the platform and approach pile of supplies. Intel is on a Weyland-Yutani box next to cameras, a neon lamp and folded tarps. A hidden cache can spawn too. You can go and walk around the fence if you have bad knees and can't climb.

Gateway StationSmall room with elevated platform on the right.

Just hug the right wall until short stairs. Up the stairs, right in front of you. Intel is on a cart desk next to folded tarps and a neon lamp. There's monitor on the desk, displaying, "Tokyo٠London٠San Franciso٠Sea Of Tranquility٠Thedus". Monitor has a metal probe plugged into it.

Dead "Popper"Large room just after previous intel.

Entering the room, take care of xenos and hug the left wall. Intel is on the ground. Discarded and dead like an amazon employee after a few months.


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This is where things really start looking like Halo with all the poppers.

Mission progression:

Starting room, corridor

Medium room with columns made of jars

Large room with zombies, small encounter


Large room with zombies, airlock with scan

Medium room with zombies

Medium room with sitting stations, small encounter - INTEL: Strange Helmet


Holdout1 - Large room with synth interactable - INTEL: Severed "Stalker" Tentacle

Medium round room with jars


Medium room with hologram and bridge in middle, small encounter

Medium room with zombies, small encounter

Large room with ammo box, synth corpses, 2x small encounters

corridor, medium room with hologram

Medium room - astrogation telescope - INTEL: Control Flute

Holdout 2 - Final room - capacitors

Strange HelmetMedium room with engineering stations to the right and a descent to the left.

Entering the room will spawn a bunch of poppers. The second engineering station to the right has intel laying on the seat.

Severed "Stalker" TentacleHoldout 1, room with synth corpses.

Just a corridor after previous intel, entering this room, you can see several mystical orbs on walls. There's synth corpses, one of which becomes interactible after Esther says stuff. Interacting starts holdout and you get to fight your first pathogen stalker. Down the stairs on the left there's a single engineering station with seats. Intel is behind this station on the ground, splattered, like Mom's spaghetti.

Control FluteAstrogation room (telescope).

Entering this dome-like room, there's sarcophagi and a giant telescope-like station elevated on a platform. Left and right sides of the platform have seats. Intel is on a console in front of the left seat.


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Time to zerg the hive with space marines.

Mission progression:

Starting room

Beltway, long room, turrets, small encounter

Large room, synths

Ascending stairs, corridor, ascending stairs, corridor

Holdout1 - Large room, synths

Ascending stairs, small room


- either: Corridor-> Small room - turrets - INTEL: Armat Weapons Case

- or: Ascending stairs -> corridor -> Large room - turrets - INTEL: Armat Weapons Case

previous small room, ascending stairs

Large room - turrets - INTEL: UA Centennial Poster

Long tunnel

Large room - warehouse

Small room - xeno hive - INTEL: Salivary Gland from "Spitter"

Descending stairs

Holdout 2 - Large room, holdout is split into two parts, mission end.

Armat Weapons CaseSecond turrets reload room.

There's two turrets and reloading them will trigger enemies to start pouring down the corridors. Jump over the left blockade and hug the right wall. Intel is in an alcove between both corridors next to a portable air tank, small boxes and other assorted items. There's ear protection and a small lamp on the boxes.

Alternatively, you may be sent to a different, larger room with 3 turrets instead of 2.

Take the right stairs down twice, then hug the right wall. Intel is on a tarp spread on ground. There's a flood light, gas tanks and other assorted supply items.

UA Centennial PosterThird turrets reload room.

Entering the room will immediately trigger a flood of xenos so take care of that and reloading turrets first. It's a warehouse/docking bay full of cranes, lifts and crates. Hug the left wall and you'll find a table. Intel is on this low table next to a blocky laptop and a small silver barrel of beer. All unmarked barrels obviously contain alcohol.

Salivary Gland from "Spitter"Room where xeno hive begins.

Soon as you enter the room you're greeted by a wall covered with xeno hive resin. Descend stairs to the left and hug the right wall. Intel is on the ground in front of a Deck 28 door. There's stale water on the ground. It probably tastes like feet if you're into that.


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Dashing through the bile, with a one-gun open spray, o'er the corpses we go, laughing all the way!

Empty casings ring, making hallways bright, what fun it is to spray and pray a lethal song tonight!

Mission progression:

Starting room

corridor, corridor - small encounter - INTEL: Partially Dissolved Helmet

Large room - ammo box, medkit - large encounter, weld door

corridor, huge reactor room


Descending stairwell - INTEL: Hyperdyne Weapons Catalogue

2x small rooms connected via short stairs, small encounter

Holdout 1 - Large room with catwalks - INTEL: Union of Progressive Peoples

corridor, descending staircase, weld door

Large room - catwalks, collect dogtags

Holdout 2 - end of mission

Partially Dissolved HelmetJust after starting room, end of long double-hallway.

Entering the first room/corridor, just WWWW to the very end, through the door, and hug the left wall until you find some crates in a dead end. Intel is upon a worn crate. You'll probably have to kill some xenos before reaching the intel.

Hyperdyne Weapons CatalogueDescending stairwell, (2/4 floor).

There's 4 floors on this stairwell. You start at the top, there's 2 floors in-between and then there's the bottom. Each floor takes 2x stairs to reach. Descending 1 floor, there's an empty alcove (sometimes cache spawn), and descending 1 more floor (to 1 above bottom level), you'll find Intel is on a worn crate in the alcove in front of a Deck 26 door.

Union of Progressive PeoplesLarge room where 1st holdout happens.

Entering the room, hug the right wall up the stairs and along catwalk. Intel is on a barrel. You can pick it up from the catwalk or from the stairs or from the platform below. There are three barrels on top of which are a lamp and a blocky laptop. There are a bunch of plastic boxes lying around as well as some folded tarps. The immediate area is kept neat by a tarp spread on ground.


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Time to get down and dirty with the queen. Winky face.

Mission progression:


Small room - small encounter

Large room - small encounter

Holdout 1 - Large room - INTEL: Drone Shedding

corridor, long corridor - small encounter, more corridor

Large room - ammo fox, aid kit - INTEL: Three World Empire

Aux elevator room

small room, many eggs

Descending staircase, corridor

Large room, small encounter - INTEL: Corporal Shipp's Dog Tags

corridor, cut door

Holdout 2 - Large room

a relaxing stroll

Drone Shedding1st holdout room.

The room doesn't immediately open up when you walk through the door. Gotta descend some stairs first. There's a whole bunch of eggs so careful walking. There's a console that Herrera mentions xenos have built a wall over. Ascend the stairs across the room. Intel is at the very top immediately to the right.

Three World EmpireLarge room that is slightly maze-like, first large room after first holdout.

Past ammo box and aid kit, just hug the left wall until you're there. Might get attacked by a drone or two along the way. Intel is on a worn crate next to an equally worn dumpster. The wall looks very spooky and xeno-sludge on ground looks fun to put in pockets.

Corporal Shipp's Dog TagsLarge room with watery ground.

Just hug the left wall and you'll come across a bunch of crates behind barricades. Intel is on a metal plate on a crate. Everything looks corroded and worn, coated faintly with algae. Ankle deep water all around, faint mist and an immense amount of eggs. Probably what happens if you spill your soup and don't clean up for a few years.


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This is your vacation. Look at the magnificent view. Get hiking.

Mission progression:

Landing site - INTEL: Broken Alphatech Rifle

outdoorsy small encounter, door


Large room, scan corpse - small encounter


Holdout1 - Large room, broken big giant head (holdout start later)

corridor, outdoorsy area, small encounter, recover demo charge

Holdout1 begins now.

Drop Zone Gamma, mid

Drop Zone Beta, left - INTEL: Crusher Head Plate

Drop Zone Alpha, right

corridor, medium room - small encounter, corridor

Holdout2, final room - INTEL: Detached Metal Barb

Broken Alphatech RifleAt spawn.

Load in and turn 90ish degrees to the right. Intel is by the crates besides the lander ship.

Crusher Head PlateDrop zone Beta is the leftmost one if you're looking at the door that you failed to blow. You can also reach it by going through middle zone, which is drop zone Gamma.

Entering the room, you'd walk completely straight ahead (dodging a single rock). Intel is next to the point where river bank meets stone. You can also hug the left wall and you'll come across intel all the same, or if you're coming from zone Gamma, hug the right side.

Detached Metal Barb2nd holdout, final room.

Walk down the stairs and hug the left side until you see a stone block. Intel is on the ground behind a tree behind this block.


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The weather outside isn't looking nice anymore so into the caves we go, ride the lightning!

Mission progression:

Outdoorsy start - small encounter


Large cave - INTEL: Cracked Statue Face

tunnel, glimpse of white xeno

Large cave

Small room, stone people - small encounter - INTEL: Fossilized Corpse

Large cave, ammo box, first aid - medium encounter


Medium cave, xenos fighting

tunnel, small encounter

Holdout1 - Large room


Pillar room, beginning of pathogen hive

Descending stairwell - small encounter

Large tunnel

Holdout2, final room - INTEL: Mutated Growth

Cracked Statue FaceFirst large cave.

Walk right up to a monolith Hoenikker gets excited about, then head left, away from objective. Hug the left wall. Intel is on the ground just past a rib-like stone arch-door.

Fossilized CorpseStone people room.

When you enter the room with stoners, just hug the right wall into the next room through broken arch door. Intel is probably just tired and taking a rest. You'll get distracted by a xeno attack.

Mutated GrowthHoldout 2 - final room.

Entering the room, just walk up to the pedestal, then past it to the door, turn right and walk along the wall. Intel is on the ground next to where the stone fence ends with a large block.


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Hope you like mushrooms because things are gonna get fungal! Bring some tea, you're gonna have a sip with the queen. If infection is supposed to make them even stronger and tougher, why is this queen vulnerable but other one wasn't?

Mission progression:

Starting cave

Large room, small encounter, tunnel

Large room - spore pods - INTEL: Spore Pod Bud

Holdout1 - Large room - INTEL: Brute Spine


Large room - spore pods

Large room - small encounter

tunnel, shadow of queen

Holdout2 - Final room, queen fight - INTEL: Shed Chitin

Spore Pod BudLarge room, spore pods.

A peculiar cavity filled with tunnels full of exploding spore pods. This cavity has three toxic barricades, but only one is always open. Once you're in the second part of the cavity past an open barricade, you should end up in a room with a stone archway (no fungal coverage) and a stone block/bench. Sit on this bench and look behind you. Intel is in this room, elevated by a few stairs.

Brute Spine1st holdout room, deploy signal repeater.

Walk up to the column at the center of the room and look slightly to the left. There's what looks like an alcove with a white xeno sitting on a throne. Intel is on the ground in that alcove.

Shed ChitinFinal room of the game - queen fight.

Walk behind the column to the other set of aid kits and ammo box. Intel is near, to the left.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3388349184					

More Aliens: Fireteam Elite guilds