Something Eggstra hints

Something Eggstra hints

Day 1

Something Eggstra hints image 1

you'll just figure it out by the shape of egg shells:

Day 2

Something Eggstra hints image 4
Something Eggstra hints image 5
Something Eggstra hints image 6

okay, there we have three stars for the level.

1) sort eggs by the color of egg stands and then sort them by RaInBoW color:

2) sort egg plants by the height of theirs legs and then eggs by the height of egg paints like on the picture below:

3) sort eggs by the shape of egg plant and egg painting on the top and then sort egg plants by the number of curves of them:

Day 3

Something Eggstra hints image 12
Something Eggstra hints image 13

okay, at this point I broke a game a little.

on 3rd level, we need to fill egg tray here:

to do this, move all the products left or right to find eggs at this spots:

Day 4

Something Eggstra hints image 18
Something Eggstra hints image 19

in this day's challenge you need to sort eggs by two ways:

1) sort them by color to finish the waves:

2) sort them by the number of dots (1st column - 3 dots, 2nd column - 4 dots, e.t.c.):

Thanks For Watching)


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