Daily Tidy - CALENDAR. Quick Guide.

Daily Tidy - CALENDAR. Quick Guide.


INTROThis is a 'fast and cheap' guide. With focus on how-to.

And there may possibly be some special cases that don't quite fit into the method below.

But it's quick and simple, and will work for most.


TL;DRThe object is to find the simple repeating sequence for that Calendar.HOW:> Pick a Pair of identical stickers already placed on the Calendar. Doesn't matter which Pair.

> Count : how many days apart are the two stickers in the Pair?

>>>> If they are 10,11,12,13,14, or 15 days apart. Then that is your 'X'. And the extra sticker in the set must go either X days BEFORE or X days AFTER the Pair already on the calendar.

>>>> If they are 30,28,26,24,22 or 20 days apart. Then your 'X' is HALF of that. And the extra sticker in the set must go in the MIDDLE of the Pair already on the calendar.

> For the rest of the 'Pair' stickers:

The extra sticker must be placed : either BEFORE, or AFTER, or in the MIDDLE of, the two other stickers. Make sure they are X days apart. The same 'X' as above.

> For the 'Singles' stickers, i.e. the ones on the Calendar only ONCE at start:

The extra sticker must be placed X days BEFORE or X days AFTER the one already on the Calendar. The same 'X' as above.

REMEMBER ! That it's the same 'X' for ALL the sticker types on the calendar.

Note: If you're unsure if the extra sticker goes before or after, then just count the days.

The puzzle algorithm is made so that there is only ONE possible placement that will fit for each.


This method is set out with a bit more detail in the 3 SIMPLE STEPS, below.

It's not hard, you can do this :-)


Daily Tidy - CALENDAR. Quick Guide. image 20

This is a simple repeating-pattern puzzle. Solving logic : All identical stickers must be evenly placed, with the same 'X number of days apart'. There is only one 'X' for each calendar - the same one for all the stickers.

FIRST STEP: Use any sticker pair to find the 'X days apart' for your calendar



(1) Find two identical stickers already on the calendar (I'll call this a 'Pair').

(2) Count how many days there are between those two stickers.

For example: if one sticker is on 2 and the other on 15, = 13 days apart

(3) Your Pair will have either an A or a B pattern:

A : a Pair that is close together: has 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, or 15 days apart.

Then your 'X' is this number.

B : a Pair that is far apart: has 30, 28, 26, 24, 22, or 20 days apart.

Then your 'X' is half of this number.

Don't worry if you don't understand WHY yet. You'll see how it works out in the next STEPs below.

!!! : You have now found your 'X days apart' for your calendar :-)



- There will always be at least one Pair on the calendar at start.

- If there are multiple Pairs at start, then just choose one Pair. Doesn't matter which.



Step 1: Find the 'X' for this calendar.


This Calendar has 3 Pairs at start -

Fishes on 16 & 29, = 13 days apart. So X = 13. (Pattern A)

Pink shells on 14 & 27, = 13 days apart. So X =13. (Pattern A)

Houses on 4 & 30, = 26 days apart. So X = 26/2 = 13. (Pattern B)Solved step 1: You have now found that this calendar has a 13-day repeating pattern.

And as you can see, you get the same 'X' for all of the Pairs.

STEP 2 : Place The Extra Sticker - For 'Pairs'

Daily Tidy - CALENDAR. Quick Guide. image 49


! Remember the 'X' you found in Step 1 !

A : for Pairs that are close together:

- One extra sticker to place. Goes either before, OR after, the Pair already on the calendar.

- Count X days forward, OR X days backward from the Pair already on there.

- The puzzle is made so that there will only be ONE place on the calendar it can fit.

B : for Pairs that are far apart:

- One extra sticker to place. Goes in the MIDDLE of the Pair already on the calendar.

!!! : This way - all identical stickers are the same X days apart !


Note: If you are unsure if the extra sticker goes before or after the Pair already on there - then just count the days. There will be enough room on the calendar on one side only.



- At start, the calendar has three 'Pairs' - the fishes, the pink shells, and the houses.

- ! Remember ! that you've already found the X=13 repeating pattern for this Calendar.

- Now to place the extra stickers, for each of these 'Pairs' sets:

Fishes on 16 & 29. Only room on calendar before this Pair. Goes on 3.

Pink shells on 14 & 27. Only room on calendar before this Pair. Goes on 1.

Houses on 4 & 30. The last one fits in the middle. Goes on 17.Solved Step 2: All your Pairs type stickers placed. All of them X=13 days apart.

STEP 3 : Place The Last Sticker - For 'Singles'

Daily Tidy - CALENDAR. Quick Guide. image 70


- At start, some stickers are on the Calendar only ONCE (I'll call these 'Singles').

- And one extra sticker waiting to be placed, for each of the 'Singles'.

- ! Remember ! that it's still the same X days apart for these sticker sets. The same X that you found already in STEP 1.

- So for each extra sticker, count forwards X days, or backwards X days, from the Single already on the calendar.

- There will only be one place on the calendar it will fit. Either forwards OR backwards.

!!! : This way - all identical stickers are the same X days apart !


Note: If you are unsure if the extra sticker goes before or after the Single already on there - then just count the days. There will be enough room on the calendar on one side only.



- At start, the calendar has five Singles: lighthouse, seagull, grey shell, yellow shell, green seaweed.

- ! Remember ! that you've already found the X=13 for this Calendar.

- Now to place the extra stickers, for each of these 'Singles' sets:

Lighthouse on 8. There is only room on calendar counting forwards. Goes on 21.

Seagull on 22. There is only room on calendar counting backwards. Goes on 9.

Grey shell on 25. There is only room on calendar counting backwards. Goes on 12.

Yellow shell on 23. There is only room on calendar counting backwards. Goes on 10.

Green seaweed on 6. There is only room on calendar counting forwards. Goes on 19.Solved Step 3: All your Singles stickers placed. All of them X=13 days apart.

SOLVED :-) :-)

Daily Tidy - CALENDAR. Quick Guide. image 91
Daily Tidy - CALENDAR. Quick Guide. image 92

And here is our example Calendar - at start and as fully solved :



- Step 1: Found the 13-day repeating pattern for this Calendar.

- Step 2: All 'Pairs' type stickers placed on to the calendar.

- Step 3: All 'Singles' type stickers placed on the calendar

- All identical stickers placed 13 days apart.


See - it wasn't that hard, now was it.... ;-)


There are other Calendar guides that give more details, or are presented in different ways.

If you found this particular guide not quite suited to how your mind works, then try out one of the others (check out on this game's forum, Guides section, 'Maps or Levels' tab).

And remember that if you're totally stuck and need help - then you have to upload a screenshot of your starting Calendar. Because WE ALL GET DIFFERENT ONES.

Same theme, but different puzzles.


(*) A Special Case - Two On Same Day

Daily Tidy - CALENDAR. Quick Guide. image 109
Daily Tidy - CALENDAR. Quick Guide. image 110


Occasionally, you can get a variation of this puzzle type where you need to put 2 different sticker types on the same day.

It doesn't happen very often. But it's useful to know that it can happen.

And that it IS allowed to put 2 different stickers on the same day.



As you can see - this Calendar has a X=11 days pattern (see e.g. the ladybug 'Pair' on 2 & 13).

The special thing to note here, is the spider on 11, and the red squiggle on 22.

With the X=11 pattern of this calendar, it means that the extra spider must go on top of the squiggle on 22. And that the extra squiggle must go on top of the spider on 11.

This is how this Calendar looks - fully solved:


Have fun :-)


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3256132688					

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