Calendar stickers Daily Tidy - A Little to the Left

Calendar stickers Daily Tidy - A Little to the Left


Calendar stickers Daily Tidy - A Little to the Left image 1

It took me a while to get around this one, since I didn't solve the first calendar sticker puzzle by myself and I haven't seen anyone post about, so the full list in order (in case the photo won't load or smth):1 - Fishies

3 - Lighthouse

4 - egg

7 - seagull

8 - house

9 - apple

10 - slice of orange

15 - spoons

16 - fishies

18 - lighthouse

19 - egg

23 - house

24 - apple

25 - slice of orange

30 - spoons

31 - fishies

Basically you repeat the pattern of pre-placed stickers, hope this helps <3


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