Cheatmode for Magazines


Magazine list

When in-game, press F1 to bring up the console menu.

After that, you type Giveself "command" where "command" is the ID of item you want to spawn in game.

ID for all magazines added in A21

harvestingToolsSkillMagazine = Tools Digest (Harvesting tools)

repairToolsSkillMagazine = Handy Land (Repair tools)

salvageToolsSkillMagazine = Scrapping 4 Fun (Salvage tools)

knucklesSkillMagazine = Furious Fists (Knuckles)

bladesSkillMagazine = Knife Guy (Blades)

clubsSkillMagazine = Big Hitters (Clubs)

sledgehammersSkillMagazine = Get Hammered (Sledgehammers)

spearsSkillMagazine = Sharp Sticks (Spears)

bowsSkillMagazine = Bow Hunters (Bows)

handgunsSkillMagazine = Handgun Magazine (Handguns)

shotgunsSkillMagazine = Shotgun Weekly (Shotguns)

riflesSkillMagazine = Rifle World (Rifles)

machineGunsSkillMagazine = Tactical Warfare (Machine guns)

explosivesSkillMagazine = Explosive Magazine (Explosives)

roboticsSkillMagazine = Tech Planet (Robotics)

armorSkillMagazine = Armored Up (Armor)

medicalSkillMagazine = Medical Journal (Medicine)

foodSkillMagazine = Home Cooking Weekly (Food)

seedSkillMagazine = Southern Farming (Seeds)

electricianSkillMagazine = Wiring 101 (Electricity)

trapsSkillMagazine = Electrical Traps (Traps)

workstationSkillMagazine = Forge Ahead (Workstations)

vehiclesSkillMagazine = Vehicle Adventures (Vehicles)

Maybe in a future update i'll add levels what you unlock for each category.


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