Faceroll your way to Darkness 15

Faceroll your way to Darkness 15

Have Fun Boys

Faceroll your way to Darkness 15 image 1

Build #1

Pick Diamond + Shotgun (Diamond gets big bonuses when she heals and loses hp) Focus on getting Reaper Rounds, Fusillade, the fire tree upgrade that lets you heal, and projectile speed upgrades. Speed makes your bullets travel faster, effectively increasing your reach.

If you can get frost tree upgrades, go for them. They are absolutely broken with any weapon.

Build #2

Pick Spark + SMG and max Lightning Tree + Projectiles + Frost tree.

Get the Overload synergy.

Build #3

Really any build that has frost in it. It just solos the game.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2819424602					

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