Wiki link:
Obviously, this doc will cover a lot of what exists in the game, so if you’re opening this prior to discovering majority of the game’s content and want to avoid spoilers, feel free to not keep reading, or continue reading at your own discretion.
If you have any further questions that aren’t explained in this doc or would like to make suggestions, contact me on Discord at “isawaala”
Please feel free to contest my opinions. Elaboration on something either helps me learn how to better explain it OR will help me learn something that I didn’t know which makes this document better for others. Do not hesitate to disagree.
20MTD discord link:
Last updated: January/16/2024 (1.1?)
Notes Regarding Most Recent (1.1) Patch
reload + summon based character is funny because now RNG matters even less, you will almost always have a good option and that is just funny.
Basic Game Information
Game progression
The goal of a standard 20MTD run is to survive for 20 minutes. The game offers multiple difficulty levels that are referred to as Darkness, which offer unique difficulty modifiers. Upon successfully surviving Darkness 0, you unlock Darkness 1, which you can survive to unlock darkness 2, etc, all the way up to D15, which is the final difficulty level. These difficulty modifiers are stacking, so the modifiers of all previous Darkness levels are active as you climb Darkness. Upon clearing a run, the associated character and weapon that you cleared it with will receive a little icon above or below them, indicating that X is the highest level of darkness that you’ve completed with them.
FAQ (tell Me If You Have Questions That Can Be Added Here)
Q: How do the bounce and pierce effects interact with one another?
A: Bullets will prioritize going through the number of pierce that you have, and then will activate your bounce. So if you have 2 pierce and 3 bounce, your bullets pierce twice and then target 3 enemies via bounce (if your bullet stays alive that long). Remember that bounce doesn’t cause bullets to bounce back towards you, they just target the nearest enemy.
Q: Are batgun bullets summons?
A: No, bats are not summons. Part of their damage scaling comes from summon damage along with bullet damage, and part of its fire rate scaling comes from summon attack speed along with regular fire rate, but the bats are not considered summons themselves.
Notice that bats do not pulse upon taking Pulsing Summons.
Q: Does gaining a soul heart count as healing?
A: No.
Q: How does dodge work?
A: Dodge is simply a % chance to not take damage from an attack. Exceeding the default cap of 60% or extended cap of 75% (via runes) doesn’t do anything. Upgrades that involve subtracting from your total dodge amount are flat/additive.
Dodge also works.. successively? I don’t know if that’s the right word, but basically, if you have 40% dodge in total, and dodge does NOT proc on a hit, your dodge value then becomes your original value * 2, so your 40% becomes an 80% chance for dodge to proc on the next damage application, and will reset back to your original value once a dodge is successful. This successiveness exceeds whatever dodge cap may exist, so if you have 50% or more dodge, your dodges are guaranteed to proc every other damage application, since a failed dodge will put you at 100%, and then reset back to whatever your original value was, once your dodge is successful.
Q: How are debuffs calculated?
A: Debuffs apply to your base values before buffs do, so let’s say you have 20 bullet damage at base, and a +10% bullet damage upgrade, and a -20% bullet damage upgrade. Your bullet damage will be calculated as such:
Bullet Damage = [(20 - 20%) + 10%] = [(16)+10%] = 17.6
Bullet Damage = (base bullet damage - debuff) + buff
Runes are the permanent upgrades of 20MTD and are purchased using souls, which are the currency of the game. Souls are earned from successful and failed runs.
From top to bottom, souls are earned based on: time survived, enemies killed, and your level by the time the run is over.
credit to Zorplink on the 20mtd discord server.
Here is a brief explanation of how rune progression works in case the image isn’t enough: you start the game with the entire first row of both the sword and shield path unlocked, once you collectively own 5 ranks worth of upgrades, whether it be all on the same upgrade, which would max it out, or you split it up inside of the row, you will unlock the next row, and so on.
It’s pretty important that you are constantly shifting runes around based on what build you’re trying to do, for ex: if you want to do a summon build, you’d prioritize selecting summon-based runes (obviously).
Sword Path (runes)
Rank 1: Mysticism isn’t good, you will always want to use either power or alacrity.
Rank 5: Elemental barrage mostly feels effective early game and then it’s not really noticeable if you’re doing an elemental/fire rate build. Close combat is a bit generally better than aftershock but they’re both decent, use what you want. I typically prefer close combat.
Rank 10: Glass cannon is just by far the best rune here. Gun glyph is very ineffective and wild magic isn’t good because elemental builds are going to be proccing elements extremely fast anyways.
Rank 15: Never use dedication. Ever. Cadence is typically going to be the best rune here, especially for non fire rate builds. Ethereal is going to be very consistent for ele/fire rate builds but energized + tome of lightning is effectively infinite ammo, likely you aren’t going to be reloading at all, so ethereal doesn’t do anything. Basically ethereal has gotten weaker and cadence is way more generally applicable
Note: Cadence’s bullet can be pocketed to increase your base bullet damage stat, this will buff things like curse, magic scythe, Hina clone, etc,.
Shield Path (runes)
Rank 1: Tenacity isn’t good but Vigilance and Courage are good, use what you want.
Rank 5: Seismic ward is one of the few runes I recommend actively avoiding because it can sometimes push enemies in places you want to go, and I find it generally detrimental. Momentum is very strong since you are constantly picking up XP, +35% move speed is nothing to scoff at. Agility is kind of in a weird spot because starting out with 10% dodge chance is cool and all, but if you want to use dodge then you can just take momentum + the upgrade that allows dodge to scale with move speed. That way you have a rune that is actually doing something for the entire run, unlike Agility which will likely result in overcapping dodge.
Rank 10: Blessing is typically the most valuable; 1 temporary eHP via shield that regens is good. The only reason not to go Blessing is if you plan on not taking shield at all, to slightly better optimize your upgrade paths. Healing is pretty not great, and Premonition is good if you really want to take dodge I guess. If you’re certain you’re going to take dodge tree then Premonition > Blessing, otherwise Blessing > Premonition.
Rank 15: Body and soul is alright if you really want to use stuff relating to soul hearts I guess but imo it’s typically worse than either growth or wind shield. Wind shield is mostly great because projectiles are typically the most dangerous thing in the game, nothing else really poses as great of a threat to you. Growth is just absurdly good. Occasional healing just for leveling up and 20% extra xp gain is no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ joke.
please do not religiously follow the “best weapon:” listing per char as it’s just a rough rating. For more details, please refer to the weapon breakdown further below the character breakdown.
Most versatile character in the game, she feels pretty weak for new players, but once you understand the game well enough, you’ll realize that she can do literally any build in the game and she bypasses almost all RNG in the game (not that RNG is ever really a problem anyways)
Best weapons: Everything, Shana does it all.
Character upgrades: Specialize > Quick Learner > Halo
Getting quick learner first is generally what you hope for, but a good early specialize can be insanely powerful as well. Halo is worthless.
Overall: Very strong and extremely versatile.
Arguably the gun character of the game. High HP makes her a very safe pick and her character upgrades allow her to scale pretty much all relevant bullet stats absurdly high. Typically played on reload builds but she can do a lot.
Best weapons: Shotgun is the braindead option since you can just hold LMB once your reload rate is scaled up, but crossbow + splinter + soothing warmth will technically proc soothing warmth a bit more often, which means more healing which means more scaling from Bulk Up. Sword is also a very strong choice since that’s just really good in general.
Character upgrades: Berserk > Bulk Up > Strong Will (more like weak will haha)
Overall: very strong and easy to use.
The “best” character in the game. Pyromaniac turns her into an absolute beast, ethereal in combination with pyromaniac gives her the best non-evolution based screen clear in the entire game and its not even close.
Best weapons: SMG ≧ everything (as in she can use everything super well)
Character upgrades: Pyromaniac > Pyro Affinity > Lasting Flame
Overall: Very strong. Without pyromaniac, she is just solid but with pyromaniac she breaks the game.
Pretty okay summon-based character, has some pretty high frontloaded DPS with her clone, but unfortunately, that relies heavily on Enhanced Shadow and maxed lens. Nowadays she’s mostly played for her movement and unique synergy with Knives.
Note: her clone benefits from magic lens, increasing both the size and damage of its attacks. Prioritize the final lens upgrade if you want to actively use the clone.
Best weapon: GL if you want to use her clone, otherwise Salvo Knife
Character upgrades: Depends on how you’re playing her. If knife then pray for manuever
Overall: Fun and unique but typically weak outside of Salvo Knife
Previously considered the best character in the game for quite some time. Tome of lightning honestly causes her to be a little less niche compared to other characters who can go elemental/fire rate, but she’s still good.
Best weapon: SMG is likely still her best weapon, but currently theorizing that shotgun (melee shot in particular) + tome of lightning + energized and burn offers the best ST dps for her specifically but this needs to be tested. SMG is still the most consistent, and batgun is a nice brain-off way to play her as well.
Character Upgrades: Electrical Fire ≥(?) Charged Up > Electro Affinity
Overall: Strong and consistent, but since 1.0 is a shadow of her former self relative to the rest of the cast.
The summon character. Lilith is her. Summons aren’t relatively as strong as they used to be but pulsing summons in combination with her spirits is pretty insane screen clear.
Best weapons: Batgun > Crossbow
Character Upgrades: Undead Army > Necromancer > Necrophile
Overall: If you want to maximize summon potential then you play her, end of story. No one comes close.
Extremely versatile fire-rate based character, if you want your screen full of bullets or you want to crash your game with magic bow then this is who you play. She does well with a lot of weapons and is also the best character for AFKing if that’s what you’re into.
Best weapons: Batgun > SMG > GL > (sword?)
Character upgrades: Make It Rain > Bullet Storm > Whirlwind
Overall: Solid, versatile, fun character
Yuki is one of the safest characters in the game, in that her butterflies move pretty slowly and have a somewhat large AoE, if your fire rate is high enough, you don’t even really need to kill things because you are just permanently CCing everything. Regardless, her damage is quite good ever since SMG’s base damage got doubled and hailshot got released.
Best weapon: SMG
Character Upgrades: Brittle (debatable, because of hailshot) > Pair up > Butterfly Dance
Overall: Very safe, consistent, not versatile
Queen of CC, luna is the best character in the game at grouping enemies up and wiping them out. Pretty much only playable on reload builds, but very good at clearing crowds and grouping up XP.
Best weapons: Shotgun > Knife(?) > Crossbow > Revolver
Character upgrades: Parallel Star > Cosmic Burst > Implosion
Overall: Very strong character, and only slightly more versatile than Yuki which is not much lol
Meh. Pretty low tier summon based character, her power isn’t anything special and her character upgrades unfortunately buff exclusively her power. Can be fun to mess around with but not good.
Best weapon: probably crossbow
Character Upgrades: Call of the Abyss > Frenzy > Smash
Overall: not great, super mediocre.
At first glance, Raven seems like she might be able to make curse as strong as it possibly can be, and while that is true, a vast portion of her strength doesn’t really come from curse itself, but burn. Her kit is surprisingly versatile and there are lots of ways to play her:
1. Meta route - GL Napalm evo + sight magic. Consistent strong usage of bullet damage moreso than just using curse now that burn turns into an on-hit via napalm and scales with bullet damage. You can try to get lucky with ritual but you just scale bullet damage and still get to benefit from elements. thank you joby for discovering this <333
2. Reload build on death scythe, simple, easy to use, and strong.
3. Splinter curse (the offmeta but really cool route) - take crossbow, rush ritual and splinter as early as possible, and as soon as you get ritual, you try to let as many enemies die to curse as possible, so you can attempt to scale your bullet damage. Splinter bullets don’t deal anywhere near enough damage to kill, but they will proc curse, so this will be the best way to get value out of ritual
Best weapon: GL (napalm evo) > xbow (for splinter + curse application) > sword?
Character Upgrades: Shadow Flame > Flock of Crows > Shadow Affinity
Overall: thank you Raven for making bullet damage good again. love you
Kind of in a weird spot, dasher is really really easy to clear with because currently, she spends about exactly half of the run being completely invulnerable in deer form, but also her actual damage output is hilariously low compared to the rest of the cast, plus she has CC in the worst way possible, knocking high HP enemies around and making it harder to kill them. Still easy to win with.
Best weapon: Salvo Knife > GL > Crossbow
Knife offering 50% extra MS on thousand knives is quite beneficial, the only reason to not go knives is if you really want to spec into scythe and utilize its bullet damage scaling on GL. Crossbow has the same bullet damage as knives + Wind Bolt evo gives you 25%. Crossbow also has funny splinter synergy so you get to do something stupid like splinter + quantum xbow if you really want. who gives a ♥♥♥♥ man it’s dasher like it literally does not matter please remove this character from the game she’s so stupid
Character upgrades: Nature’s Blessing > Deer Friend > Hail Bringer
Overall: in all honesty, a pretty bad character (specifically in terms of scaling and damage output) but VERY easy to play, and she clears everything with little difficulty.
please do not play her. i will ban you from the discord server if i find out you play her.
hoLY this character is.. something. Never did I think a day would come where somebody can rival Shana’s ability to just completely nullify RNG but that day has maybe come. The odds of you getting an upgrade even with only 4 options that you might find useless is so low, what an absurd character.
Best Weapon: Cyclone Sword (light blade) > Shotgun
Character upgrades: Fire Edge > Thousand Blades > Sword Mastery
The big brain strat is to take light blade in order to turn smite into an on-hit effect, and then get fire edge which lets the swords apply smite which is nice.
The big thing with this character is that RNG kinda doesn’t matter, she scales in so many different ways with so many things that if you have just a rough idea of other upgrades and whatnot, there is never ever a bad upgrade choice.
Just like Shana, revolver is a versatile, hard-hitting weapon that can do a lot. Its evolutions are a little underwhelming but it gets the job done.
Upgrades: typical bullet upgrades, nothing special but can do it all.
Characters: Diamond > Shana > Luna
Not much to say about this one, overall it’s not great but it’s not the worst evo here. Cadence is definitely worth using on revolver but cadence also means that 1/3rd of your bullets don’t benefit from this at all due to the infinite pierce. It’s also just not that great due to bounce being such a scarce stat.
Definitely the worst evo here. The most use I’ve seen out of Volley is getting +1 max ammo and then taking miniclip, then just playing a normal reload build. So now all of your shots have 3 more bullets. It’s cool I guess but pretty meh as far as evos go.
I consider Headshot to be the best evo here. None of revolvers evos are game changing in any way but this is definitely the largest average jump in damage you’ll get from any of these evos, especially since revolver typically cares about bullet damage in the first place.
One of the most consistent weapons in the game, extremely strong early game and late game (like almost all weapons.) Pretty much all of its evos are good, you can just pick whichever one you want.
Upgrades: bullet speed, bullet damage, reload rate, smite
Characters: Diamond > Luna > Spark > Abby
Melee Shot
Melee shot offers pretty good sustained AoE damage AND ST damage, especially if you take anger point (which currently stacks for some reason, abuse it.) Just go all in towards bullet upgrades, but ignore bounce. The low bullet speed and range means that pierce is the more effective option here, especially considering its wide spread. Melee shot also synergizes better with burn/ele stacking, due to the sheer number of projectiles. def the worst evo here
Focused Blast
Offers better ST damage that is a bit easier to use than melee shot due to increased range, on average I hit for about 1.2k per bullet when built decently which is pretty insane. Generally I’d say this evo is probably better than melee shot because melee shot’s extremely high spread and projectile count actually does make it a little bit harder to get full value out of in comparison to melee shot. Focused blast also kills enemies faster due to concentrated damage.
Dual Wield
Pretty hilarious crowd control because you make a funny circle around you, but it’s pretty bad compared to focused blast.
Very strong weapon, good synergy with lots of upgrades, pretty interesting evolutions. Note: fire rate increases charge rate.
Upgrades: all elements, bullet damage (does very well with splinter), fire rate, reload rate, smite. Crossbow does it all, usually outdoing revolver.
Characters: Diamond > Luna > Shana > raven i guess
Wind bolt
Pretty decent, I consider wind bolt to be just average strength. It enhances crossbow without being super wild. It feels better to use due to walk speed and scales with move speed which is an insanely good stat.
The charge rate increase is actually really high, the problem is just that charging doesn’t actually matter that much, still a much worse evo than wind and quantum.
Quantum Bolt (GOD)
this is dumber than dasher release. actual broken asf evo. so dumb.
Typically the go-to weapon for elemental builds due to mag size, and shooting twice per click.
Upgrades: All elements (freeze, burn, lightning), fire rate, projectile count, bullet speed
Characters: Pyromaniac Scarlett > Yuki > Scarlett > Spark > Abby
Flash Mag
Honestly, there are so many vfx on my screen in lightning runs that I can’t even tell you how good this is. It’s definitely strong enough to be worth using, and it guarantees a lot more energized value.
Hail Shot
SMG’s base damage buff from 4 to 8 opened up the possibility of bullet damage SMG builds being usable, and.. they’re just alright. Yuki + Brittle + Wither + almost every bullet damage upgrade + max projectiles + Assassin + Frostbite allowed me to kill the secret boss in 8 seconds. Overall probably the worst evolution here, but it gets points for allowing the ultra omega powerful (not really) bullet damage smg build.
Firey Payload
You already know how good burn is. This is likely the best SMG evo. Considering SMG’s AoE already shines, it gets better with fiery payload + burn is peak ST DPS, especially on someone like Scarlet.
Batgun is good as hell. I don’t even know what else to say. It is just a really good weapon. Works insanely well with splinter and practically plays itself.
Upgrades: bullet damage (mainly for splinter), fire rate, all elements, lens, projectile count
Characters: other than what’s listed below, abby has always been typically the best pick, but a lot of the cast can make it work
Hellfire Bats
Good as ♥♥♥♥. Can play ethereal pyromaniac Scarlet, or even just typical summon lilith with elements. Keep an eye on your FPS.
Shadow Bats
Also good as ♥♥♥♥. Very nice to use on Raven if you’re doing some epic girlboss bullet damage + summon build.
Vampiric Bats
Bad. +1 max hp doesn’t mean anything and healing doesn’t matter.
Flame Cannon
Used to be just worse SMG but now has elevated to being a much better ele wep.
Upgrades: all elements, bullet speed, fire rate, projectile count, ghost
Characters: Scarlett (god) > Spark > (Diamond? Tempted to try scaling bullet size and see how well that goes with flame cannon and it’s evolutions.
Meh, double burn damage is cool but managing ammo is a pretty unfun way to play and it just isn’t super effective. Also very punishing to reload with.
Not very good but versatile and easy to use I guess. FC’s AoE damage is already pretty good, killing every 3rd enemy is kind of a weird requirement but for it to only inflict one stack of burn is just bad. The vfx do look pretty though.
Meteor (GOD)
Strong. Very strong. The best evo here without a doubt. Meteor increases bullet lifetime by a TON so splinter with this evo is just a better version of combustion. Hands down the best way to play this wep. The only important thing is to not take bullet damage upgrades too early in preparation for this.
Grenade Launcher
GL is just such a bad weapon now, and its evos don’t do it any favors, unfortunately. It still kind of has the niche of being good on Hina for her clone, or maybe for curse usage, but other than that it’s just not really worth using.
Upgrades: bullet damage, projectile count (unless you’re going curse), bullet speed, (worth noting that pierce does make GL’s self-damage safer since the bullets are farther from you, but keep in mind that you will lose a LOT of damage and kill potential when enemies get hit by only the projectile and not the explosion.) I highly recommend against it for almost all scenarios
Characters: Abby > Diamond
Blast Shield
Pretty comfortable to use and allows for extremely reckless gameplay but not actually that effective. Can be useful in temple to deal with exploders and is also great for dealing with the large exploder waves in endless
Cluster Bomb
Pretty nice buff to overall DPS but nothing super special.
Def the best evo here, more AoE, and also free DoT. Worth noting that this also turns burn into a DoT if you haven’t already taken pyro mage + it’s a much more powerful iteration of burn than pyro mage, and it works with sight magic.
Magic Bow
At first glance it seems like it might be the go-to for reload builds but generally it’s just kinda outclassed by other weapons, which sucks.
Upgrades: typical bullet upgrades, but maybe don’t take bounce, since magic bow does have some base pierce and bounce loses a lot of value as a result.
Character: Abby (does too good of a job spreading arrows) > Diamond maybe
Arrow Caller
Pretty alright evo, the arrows now deal zero damage on hit, but they still apply on-hit effects. It’s not mentioned anywhere but I’m also certain they have reduced knockback. Not a super great evolution but fun to use and viable.
Thunder Caller
Typical decent ele evo good for ele builds, nothing special. Can actually be detrimental if you stack too much ammo regen on Abby or something because she’ll just never reload and call arrows back, so be careful.
Bomb Arrows
Pretty good evo, pretty consistent screen clear. One thing worth mentioning is that normally bullet speed is fine on bow but it’s a little detrimental with bomb arrows, similar to why pierce isn’t good on GL. eventually some enemies wil squeeze past your outer wall of arrows and you lose some DPS when they aren’t in range of the explosion.
Cyclone Sword
Plays kinda similarly to shotgun but has a lot more variety to it, can be played in multiple different ways. Overall, the reload rate style of gameplay is kind of a trap, in that playing around the spin instead of shooting is typically a bit worse. Luckily the spin procs on-hits so reload is consistent enough to be good.
Upgrades: typical bullet upgrades, weapon can be taken down the fire rate route, or the reload route. It’s fairly simple to use and experiment with
Best characters: pretty much everyone? It’s just such a versatile weapon, pick what you wanna do with it and have fun.
Death Sickle
Probably the worst evo here, but still really damn powerful. Works best for reload builds among all evos here.
Light Blade
Unsurprisingly very good for smite builds. It’s still very possible to reach extremely high levels of HP even with the soul heart nerf going live, so smite is still hella strong. IMO the best evo here, turning smite into an on-hit effect is no joke.
Wind Katana
move speed godstat… definitely the most generally applicable evo and very strong. Move speed is just good as hell nowadays.
Salvo Knife
Owner of the best evolution in the entire game. This thing is a beast. Post-evolution, it’s among the best screen clear in the game. Actually just absurdly strong.
Upgrades: typical bullet upgrades, hard carried by bounce, pierce, and bullet speed. Bullet damage increases your damage (wow!) and move speed lets you track targets faster.
Characters: Hina(dash counts as movement for tracking) = Shana (avoiding rng is good)
Wind Knife
Solid evo, move speed godstat yet again. Second best evo here.
Thousand Knives
Definitely the worst evo here. Design is great and it sounds really cool on paper but its effectiveness is just very low. Tracking that many enemies is very unrealistic. Pretty funny on Abby but salvo knife has comically low fire rate when not used normally via M1.
Trick Knife (GOD)
Best evolution in the entire game. Cadence already gives you infinite bounce since cadence bullets have infinite pierce, but kunoichi gives you infinite bounce on all other bullets because of infinitely stacking pierce so LOL have fun with this one.
Regarding cadence, its interaction with knives is quite odd. Basically, the game checks if you have cadence stored, and if you have it ready to proc on your next shot then it will apply to ALL knives fired as opposed to every third knife fired or something. The strat here is to begin your run by firing one knife at a time, and guaranteeing that you have cadence stored and ready to fire on your next shot, then, only firing in multiples of three. Salvo knife has a base ammo count of 12. Once you have cadence stored, you can now fire as soon as you have maxed out your lock on count, and continue to ONLY fire when you have locked on to the max number of enemies possible. Through this method, you can apply cadence to every single knife fired and basically have permanent uptime on cadence. This makes salvo knife, especially trick knife, VERY strong.
Watering Gun
(you unlock this weapon by killing a tree in Forest in standard mode, then completing your run.)
I generally considered this to be the worst weapon in the game and I still definitely dislike it but I have to admit that it is actually good as hell ON VERY SPECIFIC BUILDS, and I’ve never killed bosses faster. Unfortunately, it is exclusive to pyromaniac scarlet, but Spore allows for some seriously insane DPS
Upgrades: Summon/bullet damage (depending on evo), fire rate, projectile count, summons like scythe/ghost that can hit the spore (only if going summon route), split fire for abby
Characters: Scarlet > Abby > Lilith > Hina
Jet Stream
Probably the worst evo here but still decent, most usable on abby because it does shoot pretty damn fast/far, and its spread can get really high, making the weapon extremely safe to use extremely with freeze.
Magic Spray
Regarding the summon route, this evo is pretty good specifically against bosses because it lets you properly utilize spore against bosses. While spore’s ST damage can be pretty good, it specializes in AoE, and trash mobs often die so fast that applying on-hits doesn’t really matter so this evo is just for boss-killing on summon builds. The important on-hit is freeze/frostbite.
Power Spray
Insanely powerful evolution with pyromaniac scarlet. All you do is build bullet damage and pray for pyromaniac as early as possible. fusillade seems to be worth the bullet damage debuffs that it comes with because proccing spore more than twice as often is not something to take lightly.
Great upgrade especially for lower bullet damage weapons like SMG or Flame Cannon since the damage bonus is just flat +10.
Elemental builds will usually end up getting this naturally. It’s good.
Same deal as frost fire.
Kinda underwhelming effects for having so many prerequisite upgrades, but you might get this naturally on typical bulletbased weapons. Not worth going out of your way for otherwise.
Max ammo -5 instead of the max ammo -666 it used to be means that you can no longer just turn any weapon into a reload machine, however, miniclip is now significantly more usable on non-reload weapons
Most Abby builds might end up getting this naturally, but if you plan on not reloading or just want more elemental procs or something, this is solid. My personal favorite *kiss*
Used to be the worst synergy in the game because daggers and scythe scaled solely off of bullet damage, but this is a bit of a better option now that summons overall are less dependent on your bullet damage.
Decent synergy that allows for more curse procs, you will get this naturally on curse builds. Not really game-changing since you’ll take splinter anyways but it’s good nonetheless.
Mostly considered meh because it’s pretty overkill and requires you to invest in a bad tree. Fire rate is already easy to cap esp on pyromaniac scarlet.
Stacking +10% fire rate every 10 seconds is pretty good, but the key part of this upgrade is +1 pierce every second. Combined with trick knife, you effectively have infinite bounce, since all pierce is converted to bounce. By far the best upgrade in the entire game for any trick knife run.
An amazing synergy that allows for near invincibility on smite builds (because it definitely isn’t strong enough as is.) once you have stalwart shield. god i hate smite.
Another powerful synergy you will end up getting on smite builds. It’s just good, that’s it.
Remember that if an achievement does not specify D15, it does not need to be cleared on D15, and can be cleared on D0 or any darkness level.
The easiest way to do this is just choosing any 3HP character and taking tomes that lower max HP. Take upgrades like shield or dodge if you’re struggling to survive once you get to 1hp, and I’m pretty sure that soul hearts don't have any effect on this achievement, so go crazy with those.
Just like “On the edge,” holy shield does wonders here. Abby batgun is a great option for this achievement, remember to prioritize freeze, projectile count, and fire rate.
It is really as simple as just not shooting normally. Abby benefits greatly from fire rate and ethereal, AKA, not reloading. Keep in mind what upgrades you want (bullet speed, bounce) when attempting this achievement.
The easiest methods for this achievement are as follows:
1. Raven + GL’s Napalm evo + sight magic and elements.
2. Hastur + crossbow/splinter/elements, prioritize summons. Spears and scythe do wonders (the most consistent method among summon-inherent characters)
3. Hina + GL, prioritize lens, summon/bullet damage upgrades, and pray for early dragon and enhanced shadow from the first elite chest. (the least consistent method)
(NEW) pacifist is REALLY easy to achieve on literally anybody post-Dasher patch (0.9). Summons are so overtuned that it doesn’t really matter what char/wep combo you have anymore. You just kite the explodey enemies to rack up XP as quickly as you can as early as possible, and then you pray for literally any summon upgrade. Ideally, you’re hoping for scythe > spears, but ghost will do just fine as well. You can spec into elements + ghost on hit upgrade, or you just start taking soul heart upgrades with spear, and that’s it.
Just play lilith. Lilith skulls count as summons. That’s it. That’s the achievement. congratulations
If you wanna be really cool, you can play shana and specialize an upgrade that gives you a summon.
(just play lilith)
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- Bat Gat or How To Usually Win
- , 20 MTD
- Spark elemental SMG build
- Shana's iced out Shotgun
- Ghost Machine-gun