Original Structure Deck: Tools of Destruction


Hello, I'm a casual player who loves YGO since I was a child and now I'd like to share my Deck with you.

With this Deck you'll prevent almost every threat before it touches the ground but even if your foe manage to play powerfull monsters stay assured you have all the tools to destroy them! Every monster in this deck is fearsome in both attack and defence and they do not care if they are destroyed because their only purpose is to annoy your enemy (and hell if they are annoying!).

Let's get into the build!


Main Deck

x3 Man-Eater Bug

x3 Needle Worm

x3 Dimensional Jar

x2 Gren Maju Da Eiza

x3 Marshmallon

x3 Warm Worm

x3 D.D. Warrior

x3 D.D. Warrior Lady

x3 D.D. Assailant

x2 Fencing Fire Ferret

x2 Black Hole

x2 Raigeki

x1 Harpie's Feather Duster

x1 Monster Reborn

x2 D.D.R. Different Dimension Reincarnation

x1 Pot of Extravagance

x1 Lightning Storm

x2 Dimensional Fissure

x2 Mystical Space Typhoon

x1 Runick Destruction

x1 Runick Smithing Storm

x1 Runick Golden Droplet

x3 Mirror Force

x3 Magic Cylinder

x3 Bottomless Trap Hole

x2 Sakuretsu Armor

x2 Void Trap Hole

x2 Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare

Extra Deck

Just fill with whatever you have or if you have better idea go for it. Essentially you will banish cards from the Extra Deck with Pot of Extravagance to feed Gren Maju.


With this Deck you will contemporary destroy your foe Deck while preparing a Plan B.

Every monster will make chaos on the field no matter the outcome of the battle, for example you can play both attack or defence with the D.D. monsters or be on your guard while preparing traps with the flip moster such as Man-Eater Bug.

Cards like Furret will deal damage when destroyed and sent to graveward so be sure to not use them when Dimensional Fissure is on the field.

Dimensional Jar will help you with feeding Gren Maju while taking care of dangerous card in the enemy graveyard.

Needle Worm and Warm Worm will halve your enemy Deck, reducing its options. If you have Dimensional Fissure on the field (wich is a very important card of this Deck) you'll get rid of 3 or 5 card directly without moving a finger. Imagine to do this with cards that activates when sent to the graveyard.

If you are in trouble Marshmallon can help you catch some breath since not only deals damage once flipped up but it cannot be destroyed in battle.

Runick cards lets you banish a lot of cards in exchange for your Battle Phase wich is an absolute deal since this Deck points on defence and you will not attack often (remeber to start your battle phase anyway since the card states "your next battle phase").

Trap Holes card are a master toof for Traptrix players (such me) and will prevent dangerous monsters from touching the field, specifically Traptrix Nightmare and Void Trap Hole will nullify the effects of the targeted monster making you able to destroy cards that can't normally be targeted by Spells/Traps (doesn't work always).

Last but not least: Gren Maju! It become stronger with every card you banished, 400 ATK/DEF per cards. Do the math.


Thank you for your kind attenction!

This is a reworked guide of one of my favorite Deck I built a while ago. I had much fun playing this in casual and Ranked Duels, many times it helped me win even against strong Decks.

If you have suggestion let me know and also I'm very courious to know if you used the Deck and if you had fun playing with it.

Last thing: when you duel be fast or be dead! Nobody likes to sit down and watch a guy play for 2h 43m (; unless you are a YGO anime... wich you are not.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3265310969					

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