The guide will assume you understand the rules and mechanics of the game along with various cards and card archetypes. If you need some pointers for how to play the game well, I recommend watching live streams or videos of Joshua Schmidt[] , Jesse Kotton[] , and Raymond Dai[] . If there is a card or archetype you do not know, I recommend doing an online search of the name.
The sections of this guide will be ordered by what you should prioritize first to last. (There are a couple of achievements I have excluded from this guide because you basically get them for playing the game.) For each section I will note what you can do if you want to play this game long term F2P (i.e. spend minimal or efficient resources to unlock the achievement) and what you can do if you only care about unlocking the achievement and do not care about playing the game long term F2P (i.e. spend resources to get the achievements as quickly as possible.) For some sections, the distinction between the two will be nonexistent.
To play this game long term F2P, I will mostly recommend cards that are just N/R rarity or SR/UR cards that you can get efficiently and just jam into a random deck. Nonetheless, since Master Duel makes it easier to acquire newly released cards and rewards having a strong deck, a resource efficient methodology may include using a meta deck. Though while what is meta and what cards are new changes over time, Master Duel tend to have a pattern for what kinds of cards or strategies are meta, so I may make an assumption and recommendation based on those patterns.
Achievement progress is made after a duel has concluded without you surrendering; your opponent, however, surrendering counts towards your progress. Therefore, never surrender in a duel unless you are willing to forgo all of the achievement progress you made in the duel. All achievement progress must be made during a Ranked/Event duel unless specified otherwise.
Burn It All
Deal a total of 100K or more damage with card effects in Ranked/Event Duels
This achievement is likely to take the longest since burn damage is not a prominent form of damage, and normally, a player's life points are only at 8000. So this achievement will likely take many duels. This achievement only applies to "card effects", so for instance, cards that half a player's life points or change who takes battle damage will not count towards this achievement.
If you are willing to spend resources and only want the achievements, Chain Burn is one of the most effective and efficient decks for this achievement (and other achievements). Nurse Burn can also work. Please feel free to use them during standard or event duels, though events normally have banlist that restrict decks whose primary strategy is burn.
If you want to spend resources efficiently, I recommend filling a deck with these cards of N/R rarity.
Fire Cracker
Poison of the Old Man
Satellarknight Alsahm
Tremendous Fire
Unlike Chain Burn and Nurse Burn, the points of such decks are not supposed to win: they are supposed to get you the damage progress you need to unlock the achievement. Also, I recommend only using these budget decks during event duels, so your rank (which affects how many gems you can get) is not affected, and given the event banlist, your opponent's decks are less likely to stomp you before you get decent amount of achievement progress.
Since Master Duel makes it easier to acquire newly released cards and rewards having a strong deck, another resource efficient alternative is to use meta decks that have small amounts of burn damage. Thanks to the TCG tournament ruleset, normally a few meta decks have a small package of burn inherent to a given meta deck archetype. Nonetheless, this route is usually very long so much so that the meta deck you are using is likely to get hit on the banlist before you can fulfill this achievement.
Come Forth...
Tribute Summon a total of 20 or more monsters in Ranked/Event Duels
If you are willing to spend resources, Floowandereeze is probably the fastest deck to fulfill this achievement. Alternatives include Monarchs and True Dracos/Kings, but those decks may fulfill the achievement more slowly.
If you want to save resources, I recommend using any N/R cards that have 5-6 stars to use as the tribute summon and cards that special summon monsters to be used as the tribute.
Garbage Lord
Caius the Shadow Monarch
Again, unlike Floowandereeze and True Dracos/King, the point of such a deck is to make achievement progress rather than win. Given that the achievement only requires 20, getting there with a resource efficient deck should not be too bad or drawn out in the lower ranks or event duels. Alternatively, when playing a meta deck, you might have an opportunity to tribute summon, but such an opportunity is exceedingly rare since most meta decks will not have a monster in the main deck that has above 4 stars.
Ultra Burst
Defeat your opponent by dealing more than 4000 damage at a time in a Ranked/Event Duel
Whether you can spend resources efficiently or not for this achievement depends on the current meta and what cards are being released during the time you try to achieve this achievement. Unlike some other sections, there are no slapdash N/R cards that can help achieve this achievement since the specifics of the achievement require a deck to have a strategy. If you are willing to spend resources, there are numerous decks that can achieve this such as Tenpai, Cyber Dragon, etc. Nonetheless, I recommend achieving this achievement in low ranks or event duels since, otherwise, your opponent may likely surrender before you can deal the damage needed to finish the duel and get your achievement.
Let's Duel!
Declare an attack on a monster 100 or more times in Ranked/Event Duels
Whether you can spend resources efficiently or not for this achievement depends on the current meta and what cards are being released during the time you try to achieve this achievement. There can be meta decks that made it hard or impossible for you to declare an attack on monster. Given how fast meta duels can go, at the higher ranks, you may even win a duel before you can go into the Battle Phase because of your deck or because your opponent surrenders.
Most likely, you are going to make the most progress for this achievement in the lower ranks or in event duels where your opponent is most likely going to have monsters that you can attack when you declare your Battle Phase. There is no slapdash resource efficient deck that can achieve this efficiently since getting to declare an attack on a monster requires a viable strategy to make sure your monsters can safely attack your opponent's monster which also requires your opponent to have a monster central strategy which they may not always have in the higher ranks: lower ranks and event duels make it more likely for them to have monsters (that have less protection). Nonetheless, as long as you keep playing, as long as you have a monster archetype deck, it is almost inevitable that you get this achievement (though it might make for a long time).
To Greater Heights
Reach the Platnium rank or higher in Standard
Both the resource efficient way and the resource inefficient way involve getting a meta deck. Nonetheless, assuming you know the ruleset and know the mechanics of the game, getting to Platnium, especially given the rank inflation since the achievement was introduced, can be done with almost any deck that has a viable strategy such as Chain Burn. Again, if you are struggling with how to play the game, I recommend watching live streams or videos from Joshua Schmidt[] , Jesse Kotton[] , and Raymond Dai[] .
Special Summon 50 or more monsters from the Graveyard in Ranked/Event Duels
Whether you can spend resources efficiently or not for this achievement depends on the current meta and what cards are being released during the time you try to achieve this achievement. Nonetheless, there are numerous decks that special summon monsters from the Graveyard multiple times such as Zombies.
Otherwise, the resource efficient cards are always
Monster Reborn
Call of the Haunted
Another alternative is to just play your meta/event decks, and overtime, you are likely to get this achievement since multiple meta decks summon monsters from the Graveyard, perhaps one or two times in a given duel, especially if the deck uses Monster Reborn.
Chain Blazer
Make a Chain of 5 or more effects (activated by either player) in a Ranked/Event Duel
Whether you can spend resources efficiently or not for this achievement depends on the current meta and what cards are being released during the time you try to achieve this achievement. Nonetheless, there are numerous decks that will lead to chain link 5 or higher such as Chain Burn.
Otherwise, the very cheap alternative is to have a deck full of quick play spells made of N/R rarity. Nonetheless, playing a game with a meta or fun deck will normally and eventually fulfill this achievement in due course.
Master Of Spells & Traps
Activate 100 or more Spell/Trap Cards in Ranked/Event Duels
Normally, this achievement can be easily achieved. Very few meta decks have no spells or traps. If you want to get this achievement as soon as possible, Chain Burn or Exodia should help. Nonetheless, as long as you keep playing, whether resource efficiently or not, it is almost inevitable that you get this achievement.
Master Of Special Summoning
Special Summon a totle of 50 or more monsters in Ranked/Event Duels
Normally, this achievement can be easily achieved. Very few meta decks have no special summoning whatsoever. As long as you keep playing with a remotely viable deck that involve monsters, it is inevitable that you get this achievement.
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