a (incorrect and likely incomplete) guide to fallen (as of august 30th, 2024)

General Overview

so you want to crush peoples dreams? make big sword look like a joke? maybe even cause the enemy to cry out that your just an OP ****? good cause that'll just make fallen stronger. or maybe you just wanna hear how to crush her, which also fair she's kind of a ****.

starting off with the good, you have 15000 hp, but here's the schtick of her playstyle. she is a long range melee character who lives or dies by her ability to mix up or out range her opponents while dropping heavy supers in order to keep them suppressed and unable to fight back, but comes at a massive cost to her abilities to recover on screw ups. expect to whiff cancel a LOT.


so off the bat, you have 3 air options, as opposed to the standard 2, and gain super passively, this is notably increased when in combo, though not by a significant amount due to the existence of a certain move (likely incorrect, may just be higher super gain on hit than most characters). on top of this you have a hidden super state that can be trigger in two ways that boosts your specials and supers. uniquely she has a ridiculously low gravity value. this causes her some trouble getting stuck in the air if she has no air options left but also tends to make her knock back uniquely wonky in a good way. as moves that normally could be comboed though instead (with the proper DI) send her flying, free to recover. however.... this also causes some problems with her gaining a very, VERY slippery amount of momentum. this however is can be somewhat midigated though aerial drift, a mechanic in which changing your DI wheel will send you in a specific direction (when your NOT in hitstun)


Wingless FlightBig JumpTake Off

fallen has completely custom movement and is pretty much treated as eternally airborne.

an omni-directional walk that allows for you to override you momentum if your going too fast somehow.

pretty much the only move available only on the ground fallen corkscrews into the air in a manor similar to a controllable super jump, however her sword remains an active threat as it hits frame 5+9+13/16. meaning she can hit someone up to 3 times with this, but will hit cancel otherwise. works as a great super jump contester.

a 10 frame hovering hop that enables a unique stance that changes both your movement options and restricts you to only your giant swings, supers and locks away brace from your defenses. it also eats an air option and will negate the first two giant swings lunge air option cost (swing lunge cost reduction has been inconsistent, so may be a bug).

grand dash

a massive burst movement that frame 7-16/18 doubles as a dash variant of power trip. does NOT retain momentum once the dash is done.

wingless burst

a immediately slower burst of speed that can't be flipped, but maintains momentum and covers more total distance. this enables it to boost lunge range for moves that applies to.

Standard And Special Moves

Power Trip Actually/regular PunchCutChop/cleaveRiveBig SlashColossal Split/giant SliceImmense StabReferencing Pin

this is fallens grab and it has some REACH. she grabs a mother ****er and rushes to a wall to slam them into. uniquely this has some detection jank as there's a sweet spot between being to close to a wall that she'll bounce upward with the opponent in hand and ground slam them, or instead bounce off both the wall AND ground she was originally aiming for and go for the opposite wall. all the while she is rapidly dealing additional travel damage. tends to work on both airborn and grounded targets, short of hoping/dodging enemies

a crushing blow to the groin that quite frankly is her most disrespectful move in my opinion. slightly longer reach than her grab and coming out as a 4/14 move, this is fallens fastest and dirtiest trick in the book. this move has two variants based on if your in combo or not. if your in combo it's "actually regular punch" a low damage jab that can help your combo mix up game without sending your enemy flying. hitting it raw though? your going to wall slam someone if your not already at the opposite wall and deal a frankly absurd amount of damage. however this version CANNOT combo. you can use it as a set up for projectiles, but that's all it can be followed up by as you will be on the opposit side of the screen. though to be fair this does grant you the ability to gain some free super if your enemy has no way to clear such an absurd amount of distance

a simple advancing sword swing that hits 6-8/15 weak knockback and large combo damage fall off. this is going to be a trend by the by.

a simple, low knock back down/up swing that deals a little more damage than but only by minuscule amounts, same fall off problem as . comes out frame 7-8/18 and can actually hit a REALLY short range in front of you, meaning you can (if cornering someone) use these to combo with repeatedly. free meter is free meter!

a pseudo grab that comes out frame 7-8+15-16/30. resets opponent positioning to in front of you and reduces their current knockback momentum by about 30-40%. has a smaller hit box about the size of first and then a larger hit box closer to the size of second. great for super dash traps or combo continuance!

a frame 8-9/24 maneuverable frontal slash that if in the air will eat an air option in exchange for having a lunge. lunges are effectively free while grounded, even when being a ground to air lunge. high knockback and damage. will wall slam.

both are frame 7-8/24 up/ down slashes that are maneuverable similar to . however they will bounce opponents rather than hard slam them. once again high knock back and damage.

as a side note, your not directly at the edges of their hitboxes, meaning that using colossal split as a way to corner bounce someone is a viable option to continue comboing.

you ever been hit/ stabbed in the shins? cause buddy, that ♥♥♥♥♥ hurts,and GODS does this move reflect this! extreme damage and a hard call out tool for hyper armor rushes and blocks with a frame 13-15/33 set up and the only direct guard break tool in your arsenal, and a move that disrespects hard knockdown, while also inflicting it. cannot be comboed unless your opponent dodges the wrong way or just lays on the ground and lets it happen.

hello fangirl moment. fallen temporarily impales someone on her odachi (or great chokuto for us nerds) with a frame 9-13/36 and rapidly drains their health. uniquely this move also grants her 2.5 meter. however, this is a combo finisher. no mater what the opponents DI and it's multiplier are she will hard knockdown them.

possible bug?: recently i noticed that the health drain now grants meter unlike before making it possible to gain 3.2 bars if landed raw. i don't think this is intentional but i have no source to confirm.


Tidal WaveAngelic DecentTsunamiDivide By 8Kinda SadDespair

requires: 1 meter

a some what controllable water slash that fires a moderately fast homing projectile when close to the center of the dial and comes out frame 10/16. this cannot be fired directly above or below fallen. something about her losing her balance having it explode in her face...? regardless this projectile starts up slower the farther from the center of the dial you aim it, allowing a sort of timed pressure tool usage.

final side notes, this move is weird be cause it hit cancels even when it's only the projectile that hits. however these projectiles are kinda flimsy so they can often be batted away with multiple melee attacks (just don't waste the free cancels), causing some funny visual stupidity ( :D ) and disabling the hit box on the projectile.

requirements: 1 meter/ 30 frames

summons a pair of "angelic" wings that decay into block able scythes that will take a chunk out of your health if you're not careful. the feathers regrow when either you or your enemy start a combo. this very much a "fight me coward!" tool. there is an initial pulse wave to accompany this, but it's mostly a protection measure because this move stuns you for THIRTY FRAMES AND IS UNABLE TO BE METER CANCELED.

important side note. while the wings are invulnerable, when they become scythes permanently, they are now hitable and again, act like you free canceled even if you didn't.

requires: 3 meter

fallen briefly stops time and casts a massive water slash that can be aimed in a similar way to , coming out effectively frame 15/20 and sending fallen back a bit from the force of the recoil. amazing pressure tool, but easy to DI out of since it doesn't do it's damage all at once. also it won't be outright batted away but will bounce on melee hits and have one of it's hits reduced.

requires: 6 meter

fallen throws caution to the wind, coating her weapon in water magic and just goes absolutely ham on an opponent with a barrage of homing swings that effectively come out frame 7. HOWEVER, this move comes at an extreme risk as the opponent will ready before the final swing if they block, and this move comes with NO HYPER ARMOR meaning you could get ***** slapped in fallens semi-blind rage.

requires: 4 meter and roughly 38.5% of your current hp.

enter state in a 16 frame animation..... that's it. it looks cool though?

my advice? don't bother with this unless you are on your last chunk of hp. or you just wanna prove how much of a cocky ******* you are.

requires: 9 meter to cast, but only consumes 6 meter.

"and lo, when the clouds gathered above those that suffered greatest, she descended, a wicked smile wrought upon her face, and her words of endless suffering howled as the wind itself where screaming the wingless angels name."

fallen freezes time yet again and once she hits effectively frame 7/18 launches an absolutely torrential amount of water forth and enters state. pray to your gods that you can survive from this point forward.

effectively a super but cannot be bounced back for more room, you can only stall it. while DI out is effectively the same, tanking those hits aren't something you should do if you can avoid it. 3 of them are roughly the same as taking a normal to the face


BraceReckless ChargeDenial
Health Burst(hitstun) BurstChant

uh this section is a bit weird given that fallen has 3 "attacks" here.... and only really two defensive options. kinda three?

you cannot directly parry as fallen. the closest you get is , which gives increased damage resistance based on whether you guessed if it's a low or a high blow. meaning fallen CANNOT defend against most guard breaks directly. however if an opponent free cancels an attack and you defend, auto parry can go off. same with projectile parries.

a pulse guard that spends the first 8 frames with heavy damage reduction and then rushes forth taking full damage with hyper armor that can only be punched though with a grab or guard break. at frame 25 fallen will unleash a blast wave around her and leaves her stalled for roughly 10 frames. HOWEVER this is one of the few moves she has that effectively has free cancels, and doesn't consume air options, as well as rapidly gains aggression super due to how much ground it covers.

a short range frame 10/25 teleport strike that makes you briefly invulnerable frame 3 and spirals into a slightly weaker powertrip if it connects

so fallens defensive burst is really weird. basically you sack 3000 hp and a bit under a quarter of your burst gauge for a burst that can be used.... kinda whenever so long as it doesn't kill you.

you all know what this is, but something important to note is that Ariel drift is renabled FRAME 1, meaning if your smart you can I-frame though an attack and fall rapidly possibly getting you out of a tight bind

fallens "hustle" is not a hustle, but rather a bizarre twist to find out the water affinity angel found a way to cast blackhole. yes. BLACK HOLE.

at the cost of 4 meter and 50 (10 frames per turn, rather than being dynamically interruptable) frames of ing over the match, the sixth use will see fallen drag herself and the opponent to the center of the arena, and launch 3 despair waves into deep space RENDING OPEN A F***ING BLACK HOLE THAT WILL RAPIDLY COVER THE STAGE AND TEAR INTO YOUR HP LIKE A RABID WOLF PACK.

Despair State

Standard SwingsGiant SwingsReferencing PinImmense Stab
Tidal WaveAngelic DecentKinda SadDivide By 8DespairChant

state as far as i can tell slightly boosts passive meter gain but is ultimately meant as a way to boost the rest of fallens supers and specials and possibly one particular thing i will cover in the defensive category. a thing to note, if a is mentioned in this section there will be a couple of notable differences. they will be dark blue, they will have 0 hitstun, lack homing and deal roughly 80% of a normal s damage.

all sword swings throw a , with rive firing two

when used with a reset aiming wheel (right click it) all of these will now fire 2 blue s in their respective directions. great for holding back an opponent if they don't know how works.

now fires 5 or 6 s massively increasing damage

now fires an array of s above you, making this a very potent anti air, and despite the waves spawn locations appearance, they do hit if the initial stab connects without getting parried.

fires an extra wave at max velocity on the same aim angle no matter how the original projectile is delayed

nothing that i could see, may not have anything, may not be added yet.

adds a bit more omph to without a health cost. basicly the base wave is now cast as a tsunami wave, but importantly it LOSES ITS HOMING.

the final slash now unleashes a wave

completely overhauls the move. making it effectively a 9 frame raw 9k damage that needs you to land a time slowed slash to trigger. if you land it, fallen will immediately go into a frenzy unleashing a then teleporting around and firing 3 waves and then ing the enemy in place as the waves collide with them. if you got to this point to begin with, this is basically an IK without being an IK

increases the black holes tick rate boosting its damage by another 2k-ish

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3238348690					

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